Ingles A2 12.3

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12.3 - Are 󰉘󰈡󰉊 a󰈞 󰈡p󰉃󰈏󰈛is󰉃?

No 󰈠p󰈀󰈝󰈏󰈼h A󰈗󰈘ow󰈩󰇷!

1. Read the class expressions on page VIII

2. Speak English (Class expressions, dictionary,
synonyms, mimics, etc.)
3. If a student speaks unnecessary Spanish: The
class gets 1 negative point
4. If you end the week with 5 negative points: We
do a Quiz!
Idi󰈡󰈚󰈼 󰈢r e󰉕󰈦r󰈩󰈻󰈼󰈏on󰈻 󰈀󰇻󰈢ut 󰇾󰈹󰈩󰇵 ti󰈚󰈩:

Hang out (V):

Definition: When friends hang out it means they are relaxing and having fun together
Example: “I usually hang out with my friends at the mall”

Paint the town red (V):

Definition: Red symbolizes fun and excitement. Painting the town red means to have a fun-filled
night out.
Example: “Jack finished his exams today so he’s gone out to paint the town red”

Keep it low-key (V):

Definition: You keep it low-key when you plan a relaxing, quiet night at home with a small group of
Example: “Let’s keep it low-key on Friday. Let’s watch a movie with some friends”

- Communication: Talk about future plans to practice be going to

- Language: Practice “be going to” and “time expressions”
- Learning: Activate background knowledge
Ac󰉃i󰉐󰈀t󰇵 󰇼a󰇸k󰈇󰈹󰈡󰉊n󰇷
Definition: Activate background knowledge
involves practicing previous grammar or
Reason: It is used to explain and review better the
- Identify the grammar or vocabulary topic
- Remember the use, formulas or examples
(Check previous info on the book)
- Practice
Let’󰈻 󰈦ra󰇹󰉄󰈎c󰇵

1. Go to page 158
2. Think about the rules for “time expressions”
and “be going to” and complete activity 2 and 3
3. Work in pairs and compare your answers
Are you going to plan a birthday
party, a party for Halloween or
Com󰈚󰉉󰈞󰈏ca󰉃󰈎󰉐󰇵 mo󰈚󰈩󰈞t
Personalize - Be going to:

1. Brainstorm party ideas

2. Go on the word document and think about a party
3. Write 5 plans for the party using “be going to”. Think
about the music, the food, the activities, etc…
Ex. We’re going to invite Camilo to play his songs at the

Objective: Create the most interesting party for the

Self-assessment objective:
Create the most interesting party for the teacher
1. I need to study this
CRITERIA Mark from 1 - 5 again.
2. I need more practice.
Create complete and logical statements
3. I’m not sure.
using be going to
4. Very good
Create complete and logical statements 5. Excellent
using superlative adjectives

Expand on your information

Let’󰈻 󰇶󰈎s󰇹󰉊󰈼s:

Think about your plans for the next

month. Write 5 sentences using 5 of
the future time expressions

Ex. I’m going to drink a coffee with my

little brother
Future plans with be going to:
Work in pairs, watch the video and answer:

Question Answer
- Where are they going?
- Who’s going to this trip?
- Why are they going to this
Let’󰈻 󰈦ra󰇹󰉄󰈎c󰇵

1. Victims take turns to pick a number

2. Individually write a prediction including the
person and the verb using be going to
Ex. Lorena is going to visit her family on the
3. Share your answers
Com󰈚󰉉󰈞󰈏ca󰉃󰈎󰉐󰇵 mo󰈚󰈩󰈞t
Complete the chart using be going to and time expressions

In an hour: Tonight: On Saturday:

ex. I’m going to eat breakfast ex. I’m going to keep it low-key ex. I’m going to paint the town
and get into bed in an hour and watch a movie tonight red with my friends on Saturday
Next week Next month On your birthday

On Christmas On New Year’s eve Next year

Self-assessment objective:
CRITERIA Mark from 1 - 5 1. I need to study this
Use be going to correctly 2. I need more practice.
3. I’m not sure.
Use future time expressions correctly 4. Very good
5. Excellent

Expand on your ideas


- Communication: Talk about future plans to practice be going to

- Language: Practice “be going to” and “time expressions”
- Learning: Activate background knowledge

Platform work: 12.3

Class Preparation:

- Review the grammar topics from units 1 to 12

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