Chapter-3: Cim-Models & Architechture

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CIM is a technology evolved over a period of time and deals
with several applications to tie together activities like design,
planning and manufacturing.

There has to be seamless integration of data across these


This lack of integration can be attributed to a lack of

understanding of mappings of data among individual systems.

A CIM model is a methodology for expressing these mappings.

Several software models proposed to implement CIM.

Industrial enterprises throughout the world are undergoing a


Globalization of economy has thrown several challenges to the manufacturing


The products are now designed to meet the specific market needs. The
concept of maketo-stock is increasingly replaced by make-to-need.

Quick response to market needs is another important requirement today.

Enterprises are exploring new ways to manufacture products with better and
better quality at competitive prices.

Manufacturers are recognizing competitive advantages in service

differentiation to the customers. Environmental aspects and safety features
are factors of major concern of product designers and manufacturing

These are reflected in the current trend to reexamine the business processes
and the shift to the optimization of the business processes.

Industrial concepts like agile manufacturing, lean production, teamwork, and

collaborative product engineering, maximum use of communication facilities
like Internet, etc. are being adopted by the industries for this purpose.

Topics like elimination of waste and continuous improvement of products and

processes are to-day common in the agenda of manufacturing engineers.

The role of information systems and technology is very critical for implementing
these concepts.

Therefore the CIM architecture to day attempts to integrate business processes,

people, computers, and software through an infrastructure of enabling platforms.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is an ideal concept in which computer

based manufacturing applications communicate information to coordinate design,

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is an ideal concept in which computer

based manufacturing applications communicate information to coordinate design,
planning and manufacturing processes.

Traditional approaches to integration focus on either developing translations

between two systems or a single data file that acts as a database for all integrated

To understand each system’s data requirements, there is a need to model them using
a unified information model.

Manufacturing management today has to face several challenges, in order to

be competitive in the world market.

The manufacturing system has to be highly flexible. At the same time the
delivery schedules are to be strictly adhered to. The various problems that
manufacturing companies face are listed below:

Capacity management is often one of the tough problems. Manufacturing

jobs are complex which make scheduling to meet delivery dates a difficult

Sometimes a customer wants rescheduling which makes it necessary to

reschedule many other jobs.

For efficient manufacturing management it is necessary to track at various

order levels, component levels and assembly levels.

Tracking is also necessary to monitor material consumption, material flow

and cost.

It may be necessary to strike a balance between make to order and make to stock
depending upon the market conditions.

The approach to CIM model development is quite different from traditional

database approach. As in a traditional database environment, a CIM environment
involves many tools, which may be modeling the same entity.

The data in CIM could be grouped into three: life cycle related, domain related and
level of abstraction related. Within these categories, data integration or translation
may be well-defined.

Life cycle related applications include requirements definition, design process and
implementation procedures.

The domain related group includes detailed design, production planning and
control, manufacturing, inspection, assembly, testing, shipping, marketing, sales and
servicing and retirement of the product.

The design of the manufacturing facility and the development and implementation
of the corporate management structure from an entirely different group.

The need to integrate various shop floor and operation management related
activities into a system has led to the development of a number of software

These models have been developed by either joint international initiative like
ESPRIT or computer companies like IBM. Some of the models are briefly
described below:


(ii) NIST-AMRF Hierarchical Model
(iii) Siemens Model of CIM
(iv)CIM Model of Digital Equipment
(v)IBM Model of CIM .




• The CIMOSA Modeling Framework in which specific and generic

functions are clearly separated.

• The CIMOSA Integrating Infrastructure supporting execution of generic

functions and linking specific functions. It is effectively the
communication system, which interconnects all of the functions in the
CIM system.

CIMOSA defines four modeling views of the enterprise functions:

• The Function View describes work flows
• The Information View describes the Inputs and Outputs of Functions
• The Resource View describes the structure of resources (Humans,
machines, and control and information systems)
• The Organization View defines authorities and responsibilities An
enterprise consists of engineering and operation functions.

The CIM-OSA model provides a mechanism for preparing and structuring

the planning and control activities of these functions and for changing



The manufacturing operation can be described with the help of

requirements description language to draft the enterprise model and the
specification of the basic capabilities to define the compliant components.

With the available CIM-OSA reference architecture, user describes the basic
capabilities, which are needed for building the system.

The user also specifies a set of standard services to execute the task of the
enterprise using modules of the physical system.

With this information, the system selects the necessary modules from the
library of compliant components, which forms the basic building blocks for
configuring the physical manufacturing system.

The CIM-OSA model has a hierarchical structure to describe an enterprise,

and the intermediate and implementation levels to define sub-functions.


At National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, Germany), an Advanced
Manufacturing Research Facility (AMRF) was built and operated to work out the
hardware and software standards for computer controlled manufacturing system.

A hierarchical computer and sensor system is assumed to plan and control the
manufacturing operations. Like the other models, the NIST model greatly facilitates
the configuration of a control system for manufacturing.

The model consists of three columns, a management information system, a

control system and a design and planning system.

The design and process planning system prepares the manufacturing

documents. Information about an order is entered and global goals and
strategies are decided.

The order initiates the manufacturing, design and process planning


At each lower level the processing of the order is refined successively until a
set of primitive control instructions is generated to directly operate the
manufacturing equipment.

Each level of control obtains only that information which is pertinent for the
fulfillment of its assignment.

Every information needed for making the product like material selection,
determination of machining operations and sequences (process plan),
calculations of machining parameters, part scheduling, part routing etc., is

The management information system knows the order priorities, status of

manufacturing equipment, material availability, on-line processing status,
quality of products etc.

The sensors in the shop floor level collect status information about the
manufacturing process and send this information upwards to provide
feedback to all levels.

Components can be added and deleted with a minimum of effort and

disturbance to the activities on the shop floor. The central database contains
a complete state description of the factory at any given time, and thus the
system can respond immediately to any production change or disturbance.


The Siemens model of CIM comprises the main functions of planning, sales,
purchasing, production planning and control, computer aided design,
computer aided quality control and computer aided manufacture
interconnected by intensive information flow.

The requirements for a factory wide data processing system as envisaged in

this model are:
• What kind of data is generated?
• What kind of data is needed and where are they used?
• Who administers and maintains the data?
• Who is responsible for what data?
• What data are kept in common database?
• Where must data be obtained from and where must data be sent?

In order to be able to process the data in a comprehensive manufacturing

system, a hierarchical model of an enterprise is used.

Each hierarchical level has its own data processing requirements and there
exists a steady flow of instructions from the upper levels to the lower ones.

In order to control and synchronize parallel activities on each level, an

intensive horizontal data flow takes place.

Siemens model also incorporates a Computer Aided Organization (CAO),

which comprises accounting, personnel and finance.

The Siemens CIM concept is shown in Fig. with structured details of every
major module.

For each module, its sub modules are defined and their interconnections are

Various layouts of production systems and assembly stations are also


Siemens Concept of CIM



The IBM CIM architecture facilitates the integration of an enterprise’s
business processes and information requirements and introduction of
technologies and practices like downsizing, distributed processing, and
client-server implementation.

The investments made in the existing systems are preserved and leveraged
through provisions for sharing existing data and applications. Figure below
illustrates the main components of IBM CIM architecture.

This defines a level of common services for CIM solutions and enablers,
which assist in the integration of data and processes among applications,
including those on platforms in different geographical locations. Enablers are
of two types:

1.Systems Enabler: This simplifies integration by establishing an

infrastructure of common system services to store and manage data, send
and receive data, present data view to users and applications, and manage
workflow among applications.

(ii)Application enabler: The application enablers provide a broader range of

integration of services. They provide additional services for families of
applications that can be based on the services provided by the system
enablers at the enterprise level. This provides a high degree of independence
from computing platforms and applications in data sharing.
The IBM CIM Architecture


The IBM CIM architecture uses operational depositories and data stores to
manage an enterprise’s data.
This contains shared data elements, and data definitions recognized
throughout the enterprise.

Operational repositories provide access to shared data for users and

applications. They also enable the creation of enterprise-level information
store and provide knowledge for benchmarking and continuous
LEVELS OF INTEGRATION There are four levels of integration.

(i) Integration within application families: The objective of this level is to

optimize each application family within itself. This helps to promote a focused
approach to the implementation of a solution to a specific class of business
(ii) These are functionally organized around strategic business functions such as
engineering, R&D, production planning, manufacturing, etc. Figure shows the
structure of an application family. The application solutions integrated within
the family have a shared data model.



ii. Interoperability among application families: Interoperability among

application families: The objective of this level is to take advantage of
distributed computing, client-server technology and database management.

This reduces workload and improves efficiency in the use of multiple

application families.

It supports the automation of the most frequently used interaction between

application families. The application families assume client and server roles
as appropriate for the interaction between them.

The use of open communication mechanism at this level allows

heterogeneous systems to share the data. This level also supports data

Data modeling enables the users to store information about their data and
information about the relationship between the data.

This will help the enterprises to become more flexible and respond
dynamically to changing application requirements.

iii. Data and workflow integration: Integration of data and processes

enables automation of non-computer resources and application functions.

This is illustrated in Fig. Task control is extended to the complex business

processes based on process models.

At this level the system can assist users to efficiently accomplish their tasks
between application families.

Integration of data and workflow enables the co-ordination of business

processes in more than one family.

At this level users can share access to processes across the boundaries of
organizations, functions and disciplines, as well as information.

iv. Enterprise optimization anticipates that repository technology will have evolved
to the point where enterprise level data and process integration can be supported.

IM Models level of integration application families merge into a common pool of

function and resources

Enterprise Optimization

PRESENT SCENARIO The manufacturing industries have to deal with a

number of challenging issues to day. Some of them are:
i. Rising customer expectations: Customers demand more and more
customized products of higher functionality and quality and short delivery
ii. Globalization: Trade barriers between countries are fast disappearing. The
consequent globalization of the market introduces considerable challenges.
iii. Developments in technology: New technologies make processes and
products obsolete faster than ever.
iv. Access to information: The Internet has made it possible to access
information from any part of the world quickly. This provides both
opportunities as well as challenges. This also enables every one access to the
latest technology.
v. Environmental concerns: As more and more countries develop
industrially, there is more and more pressure on the environment and the
raw materials.
vi. Intense competition: The emerging scenario is that of intense competition
among manufacturing companies.
The manufacturing companies will have to therefore develop their strategies
for the future considering the above challenges.


For the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) CIM is the improvement of a
manufacturing processes with the aid of the computer and the integration of
the information processing of all enterprise activities.

The entire control system is divided into functional modules, which reflect
the business and the data.

CIM design starts with the analysis of all manufacturing activities and
identifies their functions and data flow.

This assists the layout of physical system leading to a functional model and a
physical model of a manufacturing system and its subsystems.

The information support technologies described are:

• The interface service to data sinks and data sources
• The data processing service
• The data storage and retrieval service
• The networking service for distributed systems.

Fig. given below shows a CIM model of DEC, which actually resembles the
Siemens model and has many identical features. A well-structured
information technology model supports the individual activities of this
model. The system integration is a strong effort within the framework of this
CIM model.

The scope of integration comprises

The business functions,
data structure,
hardware-software architecture and
information systems.

Business function integration: For this activity, the business functions are
defined and all computer programs are assembled to support them.

Combining the internal process functions and defining the data exchange
mainly achieve the integration.

Data structure integration: Successful system integration is achieved by

organizing all data in a defined physical database in which the logical
associations are well structured.

An attempt is made to set up distinct data structures for the various

applications and to define algorithms, which establish links between the data

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