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Engaged Learning Project

Names: Tiffany Morrow and Jared Fowler

Title of Project: Coahulla Creek COVID Culture

Subject(s): Math

Grade Level(s): 9-12


This is a statistics project designed for high school students. The students will be assuming the role of a data
analyst by collecting data from their peers using an online survey method of their choosing (Google Forms,
Survey Monkey, Instagram Story Polls, etc.). The students will be required to create their own two-question
survey. They will have the freedom to create any two questions that are ethical and will give them data; some
examples could include:

• What is your gender?

• What is your race?
• Do you wear a mask when going out in public?
• Have you contracted COVID?
• How long did you quarantine? 

The students will use the survey responses to create a bivariate/two-way table to display their statistical data.
The data they derive from their survey will be used to create a public service announcement on a platform of the
students’ choosing (poster on Canva, video using TikTok or Instagram, presentation using Google Slides, etc.)
to share their data with the rest of the student body, through the class website and on the school announcements.

Learner Description/Context:

The students involved in the project are high school students from North Georgia. The school is a Title 1 school
situated in northern Whitfield County. The students are from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds and their
ages vary between 14-18 years old. The students in this area are interested in social media and enjoy learning
how they can apply the content they learn. The project will take place in the classroom/common areas of the
school. The classes contain 20-30 students and technology is limited to an ActivBoard, personally owned
calculators and mobile devices, and Chromebooks.


Black 2%
Hispanic 34%
Multi-Racial 3%
White 60%
Engaged Learning Project
Time Frame:  

The time frame for this project will be 9 days. The students will work on the project for the whole class period
(50 minutes) each day. Students will have the option to work on the project at home if they feel they need
additional time. This project will take place after direct instruction has been given over the material.

Standards Assessed:

Georgia Standards of Excellence

MGSE9-12.S.ID.5 Summarize categorical data for two categories in two-way frequency tables. Interpret
relative frequencies in the context of the data (including joint, marginal, and conditional relative
frequencies). Recognize possible associations and trends in the data.

Student ISTE Standards:

1b. Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning

1c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to
demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. 

2b. Students engage in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using technology, including social
interactions online or when using networked devices. 

3a. Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for
their intellectual or creative pursuits. 

3c. Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create
collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions. 

3d. Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas
and theories, and pursuing answers and solutions. 

4a. Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating
innovative artifacts, or solving authentic problems. 

4d. Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance, and the capacity to work with open-ended

5a. Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis,
abstract models, and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions. 

5b. Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent
data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making. 

6a. Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their
creation or communication. 
Engaged Learning Project
6b. Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new

6c. Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital
objects such as visualizations, models, or simulations. 

6d. Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended

7a. Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures,
engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning. 

7c. Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to
work effectively toward a common goal. 

7d. Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to
investigate solutions. 

Learner Objectives:

Students will be able to:

• Explain associations in the data by analyzing data from their survey and describing what it means.
• Demonstrate their interpretation of relative frequencies by providing and explaining data from their
survey in the PSA.

The “hook” or Introduction:

The teacher will introduce the project by running a simulation game with the students about the spread of
viruses. The teacher will randomly choose six students to come to the front of the room. The students will be
numbered from 1 - 6. The teacher will explain the process of the game. The teacher will roll a large die. The first
number rolled will be patient zero (the person originally infected). Patient zero, now infected, will roll the die
again. If patient zero rolls his/her number, he/she must roll again. When patient zero rolls a number, other than
his/her number, he/she will walk to that individual and hand him/her the die. Patient one is now infected and
patient zero is now immune. Patient one will roll the die. If patient one rolls his/her number, he/she must roll
again. If patient one rolls the number of patient zero, the virus dies out because patient zero is immune. If
patient one rolls an unrolled number, the process continues until everyone is infected or the virus dies out due to
immunity. This project should be interesting to students due to its relevance in society over the past several
months. Students will be interested to see statistics associated with the virus which has played a major role in
their personal lives.
Engaged Learning Project

Day 1 - The teacher will arrange to have a data analyst speak to the class about their job responsibilities,
different digital tools available for conducting surveys, and advice on asking good questions to get usable data.
They will also discuss the different types of data that are being seen in news articles and on websites. 

Day 2 - The teacher will introduce the project (with the “hook”), create the partner groups, and model the
project procedures.

Day 3 - The students will develop their survey questions, create and distribute their surveys, and begin
analyzing the data from their surveys. The teacher will assess if students’ survey questions are ethical and will
allow the students to collect good data. 

Day 4 - The students will finish analyzing data from their surveys and will begin brainstorming with their
partner about their public service announcement. The teacher will assess if students' bivariate/two-way tables
are created correctly, based on the data the students collected. 

Day 5 - The students will create public service announcements.

Day 6 - The students will finish creating their public service announcements and begin writing their reflections
on the project. 

Day 7 - The students will finish writing their reflections on the project. 

Day 8 - The students will present their public service announcements to the class and will turn their reflections
into the teacher. The teacher will begin evaluating the students' public service announcements (will complete
evaluations after reading the students’ reflections).

Day 9 - Additional time can be given if not all public service announcements were presented on the previous
day. Also, students will be allowed to evaluate and discuss their experience with the project and their peers’ final

After the project is completed, all public service announcements will be uploaded onto the class website (by the
teacher) where students, teachers, parents, and community members will be invited to vote on their favorite.
The project which gets the most votes will be shared on the school’s social media websites and will be sent to
local news stations (to hopefully be aired on TV). 


The end-product produced by the students will be a public service announcement to share their statistical
findings with the class and school. The information will be used to inform the school of their peers' experiences
with COVID-19. This product will be meaningful to the students because it gives them a voice about something
real and recent from the world around them. Technology will be integrated in the form of digital surveys,
calculations on calculators or spreadsheets, and the creation of PSAs using digital tools. The product will be
evaluated by the teacher via a rubric, which will assess the students on the quality and accuracy of their product
and work.
Engaged Learning Project
Technology Use: 

Technology is a critical component of this project. The students will need access to a desktop computer,
Chromebook, or a mobile device to create their survey, take their peers’ surveys, collect and analyze data, create
their public service announcement, and write their reflection paper. The students will create their surveys using
online survey platforms such as Google Forms, Survey Monkey, Instagram Story Polls, etc. Students will use
Google Sheets to collect their survey data to form a bivariate/two-way table. Students will use Google Sheets or
calculators to analyze data and find frequencies/percentages from the bivariate/two-way table. The students will
use technology to create an original product, in the form of a public service announcement, using the
frequencies/percentages they calculated using their bivariate/two-way table. Students will be given options for
creating announcements; they can use a program such as Canva to create a poster, use TikTok or Instagram to
create a video (up to 60 seconds), or Google Slides to create a presentation. The students will use Google Docs
to write and submit their project reflection paper.

The technology used in this project supports the indicators of engaged learning in several different ways. The
technology used is addressing state mathematical and technology standards and is being incorporated into a
challenging project. The technology makes the project authentic by having students fill the roles of
professionals by participating in data collection, graphic design, and film. Student-directed learning is supported
through student-chosen and student-made surveys and PSAs. The multi-disciplinary indicator is supported by
technology by incorporating math (data analysis), writing (reflection), and art (PSA). Student roles of explorer,
teacher, and producer are supported through the use of technology, by having the students create a survey and an
informational PSA. Collaboration is met through the surveying of peers and displaying the PSAs on the school's
daily announcements.

References and Supporting Material:

YouTube Videos: 

• (play before the students develop their survey questions)

• (play after students finish creating and taking surveys)
• (play after students have created their bivariate/two-way tables, but before
they start analyzing their data)
Engaged Learning Project

0 points 25 points 50 points 75 points 100 points

Survey Survey was not Survey was Survey was
and created and created and created and
Survey performed using performed using performed using
Results technology. technology, but technology and
survey results survey results
were not were submitted.
Survey Survey data is Survey data is Survey data is Survey data is Survey data is
Data in not addressed in addressed in the addressed in the addressed in the addressed in the
the PSA the PSA. PSA, but with more PSA, but with 2 PSA, but with 1 PSA with no
than 2 errors in the errors in the data error in the data errors in the data
data analysis. analysis. analysis. analysis.
Creativity The PSA lacks The PSA lacks The PSA has a few The PSA is The PSA is
, creativity and is creativity but is original touches thoughtfully exceptionally
Organizat unorganized and acceptably but is unorganized creative, organized, creative and
ion, and messy. organized and neat. or messy. and neat. organized and
Neatness particularly neat.
Reflection Reflection is not Reflection is 1 Reflection is 1 Reflection is 2 Reflection is 2
completed OR paragraph in length paragraph in paragraphs in length paragraphs in
contains more and contains no length and and contains no length and
than 5 spelling more than 5 spelling contains no more than 5 spelling contains no
and/or and/or grammatical spelling and/or and/or grammatical spelling or
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical
errors. errors. errors.
Total Points:            /400

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