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Internalization (Key 5)

By Jose Miguel T. Platero

1. Rate yourself based on the following criteria for excellent lawyering (from highest
to lowest):

a. I am passionate about what I do.

I would rate myself as an 8 in this criterion considering that lawyering has been my
dream since I was in high school. Knowing what the law is, how to apply it, and
how use it to champion my client’s cause stirs joy in my heart and it makes me feel
even more motivated and determined to be more and do more.

b. I am serious about learning more about my field of law.

I would rate myself as an 8 as well in this criterion because learning more about
law fuels my passion about lawyering.

c. I can keep focus on my profession.

I would rate myself as 7 only in this criterion because sometimes it is hard to focus
on my profession considering that there are also other aspects of my life that I
need to focus on. Sometimes, the other aspects of my life such as being a brother, a
son, a friend and a father needs to take precedence first before lawyering. It is
important for me to have a balanced life and not only to focus all my energy in

d. I usually sacrifice beyond my duty as counsel.

I would rate myself as an 8 in this criterion because being a counsel requires a lot
of sacrifice – time, energy, sleep – in order to give the best pleading, argument, and
services to your client.

2. Self-rating: “I am an excellent lawyer”.

Please check your agreement or disagreement with this statement.

 True – It is true that I am an excellent lawyer. I always give my best in

everything that I do in relation to lawyering. I always ensure that I do
everything, even the simplest of things, excellently because this is what the
client, the court, the legal profession and the public expects of me as lawyer.
While it may be true that my best may not always be flawless, still, doing my
very best as a lawyer in all things I do exudes excellence.

 False
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Never

3. What are the things that prevent you from becoming a truly excellent lawyer? List
them down (e.g. distractions, stress, poor time management, lack of passion, etc).

4. In the area of excellence:

Are you interested to be mentored?

 Yes – Yes, I am willing to be mentored because, in the field of law, it is hard

to excel and be on top of your game if you do not learn from someone who
has the experience and the expertise to teach you the basics on how to
become an excellent lawyer. It would take a lifetime to master the art of
lawyering if you do not have someone who would teach and guide you
along the way.
 No

Are you interested to mentor another?

 Yes – Yes, I am interested in mentoring another lawyer. Mentoring will help

me to learn from my mentee as well. Also, passing on my knowledge,
wisdom and experience to another is a good legacy to leave behind.
 No

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