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By Jose Miguel T. Platero

1. What present and prevalent practices in the legal profession do you feel strongly
against? What are you doing about them?

I feel strongly against bribery in the legal profession. It is a common and prevalent
practice in the legal profession. Lawyers usually resort to bribing judges, justices,
or prosecutors in order to win their cases. To me, in championing your client’s
interests and causes in court, you must rely only on two things: (1) the merits of
your case and (2) your ability and skill as a lawyer in order to convince the judge,
justice or the prosecutor to rule in favor of your client. Extra-legal affairs such as
bribery is not something that a good and honest lawyer must do as this corrupts
our justice system. Instead of allowing justice and truth to prevail, money becomes
the primordial reason why decisions and resolutions are resolved in favor of one
party. This is the reason why I feel strongly against bribery in the legal profession.

2. How do you usually respond when you see a colleague commit or about to commit
an immoral act?

I call his attention to it. When I see a colleague commit or about to commit an
immoral act, regardless of whether he is a contemporary or my senior and whether
his actions will affect me or not, I will always call such colleague of mine’s
attention in order to remind him of our bounden duty to let justice and truth to
prevail and uphold our lawyer’s oath. I believe that calling one’s attention
regarding this matter is the most respectful way to let a lawyer know that he is
doing an unethical act.

3. List down the three things which prevent you from being courageous in the face
of unrighteousness or injustice in the profession.

a. Fear of the repercussions such as isolation and being excluded by colleagues

because of being too upright.
b. Fear of losing friends or colleagues.
c. Fear of being called a killjoy.
4. What do you think are the benefits of courageous lawyering? List them down.

a. You are being true and honest.

b. You have good conscience.
c. You have peace of mind.
d. You will have good and honest career.
e. You are fair and you rely on your own skills.

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