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By Jose Miguel T. Platero

1. To whom are you accountable in the practice of your legal


In the practice of my legal profession, I am accountable to (1) my

client, (2) the legal profession, (3) the court, and (4) the public
because as a lawyer, I have a duties and responsibilities to my client,
the legal profession, the court and the public.

Under the Code of Professional Responsibility, I am tasked to

represent my client with utmost zeal and excellence. I am duty bound
to uphold the dignity and integrity of the legal profession. Further, as
an officer of the court, I have the duty to maintain and uphold the
respect due to the court processes.

Because of these duties, I am accountable to my client, the legal

profession, the court and the public in my practice of my legal

2. I can see myself a year from now as a lawyer who always does his
best to be good and honest at all times.

3. The legal profession is a dignified profession which champions truth,

integrity and justice.

4. Yes, a support group is helpful for me because knowing that I am not

alone in my journey towards becoming a good and honest lawyer
encourages me to continue doing what I am doing. Support in
whatever one does acts as a fertilizer which enriches the soil and
nourishes the seed of one’s determination. Knowing that you are not
alone in this journey, that there are other people who undertakes the
same path as you gives you the necessary encouragement and boost
in morale to become even more committed and even better at what
you are currently doing. Hence, I believe that a support group for
lawyers will truly help me in my journey towards becoming a good
and honest lawyer.

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