American English File 2 Workbook (PDFDrive)

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American English File Workbook 2 Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig Paul Seligson UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 198 Madison avenue New ork, NY 10016 USA Great Clarendon Steet, Oxford oX2 60? UK Oxford University Press i a department of the University of Oxford, furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexica City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Ceech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Taly japan Poland Portgal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam ‘OxFoRD and oxFoRn ENGL are registered trademarks of Oxford University Press, © Oxford University Press 2008 Database right Oxford University Press (maker) No unauthorized photocopying. All rights reserved. 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Any websites referred to inthis publication are i the public domain And their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only, Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content Editorial Director Sally Yagan Publisher: Laura Pearson Managing Editor: Anna Teevan Project Editor: Maria A, Dalsenter Design Director: Robert Carangelo Project Leader: Bridget McGoldrick facturing Manager: Shanta Persaud, “Manufacturing Controller: ve Wong Isis: 978 0 19 4774345. WORKBOOK WITH MULTE HOM: ISBN: 978 0 19 477435 2 WORKBOOK (PACK COMPONENT) ISBN: 978 0 19474369 NULTL-ROM (ACK COMPONENT Printed in China wW9R7654321 Acknowledgments The authors would lke to thank all those at Oxford University Press ‘who have contributed their skill and ideas to producing this course And very special thanks from Clive to Mara Angeles and Luca and from Christina to Cristina forall thee help and encouragement, Cristina would also keto thank fer children Joaguin, Marco, and Kysia for thee constant inspiration, Additonal grammar exercises by: David McKeegan Designed by: Amanda Hockin Gover design by: Jaclyn Smith ‘The publisher and authors are grateful to those who have given permission to reproduce the following extracts and adaptation of copyright material p. 21 San Francisco Hotels, Castle Inn as shown on © 2004 AllRezcom, powered by ‘Nota Bena Co, Reproduced by permission of Sergey Artemow, Nota ena Cos pa “Divorced Portuguese men get online survival guide for houschold chores” 11 September 2003 a shown on wivw.quickstart.clarinet Reproduced by permission of Agence France-Presse; p. 39 extracts from Frommer's San Francisco 2004/0764538861 © Wiley Publishing, Inc. This material is used by Permission of Wiley Publishing, Inc, «subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 48 Information about Union Square as shown om ‘woe Reproduced by permission of p.63 “My ‘Schooldays: Daniela Nardini" by Leila Farrah as shown on ‘wveenews Reproduced by kind permission of Leila Farrah. ‘The publisher would lke to thank the following for ther kind permision fo reproduce copyright material: Alamy p. 40 (Brownstack/Dvayne Brown); Corbis pp. 17 (Neal Preston), 30 (sign/Richard Cummins) 35 (Tom Stewart: pp. 39 (Alain McLaughlin), 61 (Haruyoshi ‘amguch), 70 (Pat Doyle); Getty Images pp. 7 (Chris Windsor), 60 (Plush Studios, Photodise Red), 66 (Baton Wolman),74 (Ghislain and Marie David de Lossy, JupiterImages p. 43 (Workbook Stock); Panos .37 (pollution masks) Punchstock pp6 (Imageshop), 12 (Photodisc ‘green), 34 (Bananastock), 41 (Brand X Pictares), 53 (Rubber Ball, Productions), 88 (Photoséise Red), Rex Features pp. 20 (Image Source), 21 (travel Library), 37 (crosd/Keystone USA), 52 (Galen Rowell/Mountain Light), 63 (Jeremy Sutton Hibbert); Oxford University Press pp. 80 (croissant, aco shells, rice), 31 (te, shirt, bl jacket, ha, shoes Hemera}, 51; The Image Works p. 65 (Richard Trcland/AA World Travel/Topfoto}s Commissioned photography by: Mark Mason p. 31 (dress top suit, pants, jeans, socks, shorts) Iusrations by Jamel Aki p. 8: Paul Davie pp 4, 32,73; Phil Dsley pp. 13, 36,42, 44 (jobs), 84 Mark Duin pp. 25,44 (signs), 46, (sports) 37; Martha Gavin p. 15 (restaurants Gary Kaye pp 1, 14 7, 68 Freddie Levin pp. 22 (guide with group), 27,78 79; Ginna Magee pp-5 (choose), 4 (judo), 64 (towers, typewriter), 67; an ‘McCafferty pp. 26,28 (family), 7677; Els Nadler pronanciation symbols Nigel Paige p. 72; Colin Shelbourn pp. 5,15 (problemas), 2 233,46 (scenes), 47,64 (aspirin sandwich, movi, puzzle ctedit card, penicillin), 71; Colin Thompson pp. 9,22 (situations), 53,77 (woman ith slippers); Annabel Wright pp. 28 (deeam), 49 Picture research and illustrations commisioned by: Cathy Blackie, Terry Taylor Studio 2D ves mer . GE . (as ars you ete? © Biante ered poe “ 4D i te noatnroge . QRS: a (20) bes ctor 6B ete me fs Ay Ai the airport Pracrca Evcusn 12 Bd Aa department store Pracrica Encust 48 2D wipe pc veo o @yeereecpate « Qieaaie is Beer sate ate mente E Dae ae oo : 2D one caer eng 9 2 ataiarder s (MW Aithe conference hotel Praca Encusn 21 a Ai the pharmacy Pracrica Exctisn 57 2 ieee yo ee a ee 5 (2 ie pats pre tn » @pauee “ 2 inate ine yu » isalaearaa « (Des ty cant » QRSSeincan “ (Ad Restaurant problems Pancreat Encusn 30 (Dy A boat trip PracrcaL Excusn 66 QEeren Pe ee o 2 soniye 3 MD towaitsyur boar se set s agers 7 2 ie vores tints ty 3 Fae o am > ® (AX Lost in San Francisco 39 AX onthe phone Poacnea Eucus 75 2D Wits wee ™ 2D Hreatetined me * Today is the first day of the rest of your life, ‘Anonymous 1 GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER ‘Match the verbs and nouns. 1 be born do TV; the news a language course, the bus listen to two brothers, a big family JOO0#8 play 4 homework, your job 2 3 4 5 read [1 amagazine, the newspaper 6 speak [1 omvacation, to the beach 7 take = Cg the guitar, sports 8 watch [fh English, Spanish 9 @ Oi musicacd o 10 have jim La Paz, in Bolivia 2 GRAMMAR word order in questions a Put the word into the right place in the question, 1 Where you from ? are 2 Who you live with ? do 3 What type of TV programs do like? you 4 Did you to this school last year ? so 5 Are you to study at home tonight? going 6 What are you thinking ? about 7 Who you talk to at the party ? aid 8 Who do you usually e-mails to? send 1b Write questions. Be careful with the tenses. 1 Does you ter speak Korean (your sister / speak / Korean) 2 Where (you / live) 3 What ples a (music / your brother usually / listen to) ti ee a aie OE, (he / meet / them tomorrow) 5 Why a Ss (you / do your homework now) 6 Where) oss et (they / go on vacation last year) 7 How often ecco ay (you / go / movies) 8 Did (you / read the newspaper yesterday) ‘Student Book p.126 Grammar Bank 1A 3 VOCABULARY numbers, times, dates Continue the series. 1 nine, ten, eleven _, _twelve fifteen, sixteen, Fl forty, fifty, . ninety-eight, ninety-nine, , first, second, : tenth, eleventh, . ‘Thursday, Friday, pein morning, afternoon, ae = November, December, — 10 five after five, ten after five, 4 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE @ Write the opposite instructions. Instructions Opposites 1 Work on your own. Work in pairs. 2 Stand up. S__ down 3 Askthe question, A_the question. 4 Tum on your phone. T___ 9 ____ your phone. 5 Speak English D____ speak Spanish, b Order the words to make sentences. 1 a/ weekend / good / Have Have a good weekend. 2 page /it / Which / is 3 late / Sorry /T'm 4 name / do / spell / your / you / How 5 please / you / that / repeat / Could 6 pronounce / How / you / that / do 5 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, the aiphater Circle the letter with a different vowel so r 2s m[N | xX) @ cp) Pia) ssa D | ar | ean 'b Underline the stressed syllables in these words. 1 alphabet 6 tonight 2 birthday 7 airport 3 fourteen 8 brother 4 forty 9 instrument 5 Wednesday 10 university More Words to Learn ‘Write translations and try to remember the words Word. inslation (the) date now foreign languages nown Toran ‘lengwidguz 2 test_ now Seest L 7 copy /Can {have /a/1/ please traditional adjective [fran 2 unusual_ adjective fan'yusual! introduce verb ‘antra‘dus’ 8 does / mean / What /“phone” troduce verb [isd 2 ty verb |i : another determiner |io'nadar/ | © Look at the pictures and complete the instruction (ieee ail ational! verbs. ® lei Der. aot AaSjorks = 3, cone ees 6 co the a ‘Student Book p.144 Vocabulary Bank nd of ...2 (wat kamnd avi Can you answer these questions? a 0 Where are you from? Ey What do you do? (ED What languages do you speak? [Dy What are you going to do tomorrow? Ey What did you do last weekend? ELD Muttizom EXTLELD L- [Atrue friend is someone who is therefor you when he / she would prefer to be somewhere ese rn, American comic book writer 1 VOCABULARY family and adjectives ¢ Complete the text with the correct form of the a Complete the chart verbs in the box. bring notlike notse werk do say —— rot have not getup getalong live not get _have father r i a” uncle | ay mother ] | ina bank, and 2 brother-in-law = about 7:00 in t she's vey hard Zz | she often 3 b Complete the opposites. | ti esa talkative + quiet ls “ | sy 7 5 work ater diane | ee a es eae My father's une || aes gat the same time __ inbed hardworking + eee i (ELENID Student Book p.145 Vocabulary Bank [My brothe than me. He's really | into computers. He 7 2 job with a computer | 2 GRAMMAR simple present | company. We 8 same interests at all — a Write negative sentences. thes but | love them, j 1 [like Hong Kong. don't lke Hong Kong | poem really well, | 2 She works in the city, §—§ - | although we 1 exch other very often —he | 3 He has red hair, eee - io in tes 4 You look happy. fern emi 5. We usually go out for lunch. - wacky ELTTLDD Student Book p.126 Grammar Bank 1B 6 They have lunch at one. eh ae 3 PRONUNCIATION -s endings b Complete the questions with do or does. a Circle the verb with a different sound at the end. 1 When —do— the banks open and close? 2 thishus go downtown? Sez Buz 3 this store stay open late? 4 your sister work in that shoe store? works | lives eaves runs | knows | teaches | 5 Which supermarket you usually shop at? laughs | does dresses starts | rains | cooks 6 your parents like shopping there? elaxes inks | likes 'b Underline the stressed syllable. talkative 4 generous 7 quiet 2 family 5 nephew 8 daughter 3 unfriendly 6 serious. 9’ funny Practice saying the words in a and b. 4 READING ‘Read the article and mark the sentenc or F (false). 1 Twenty-five percent of American university students live with their parents. Few students share a house or apartment with other students, It's easy to decide who to share with. Sharing a home is always a good experience. ‘The questionnaire helps you decide who to share a home with. 6 Roommates who are similar are usually happy living together. these adjectives. 1 generous 2] 4 unhealthy 2 messy 5 hospitable 3 sociable 6 active T (true) b Match the sentences a-f in the questionnaire with More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words. Word Pronunciation | Translation single adjecrive | sina choose verb | itfuz exercise ver | 'eksorsauz prefer verb | /pri'for! each iy atleast {at list foresample _| ifar 1g'z1empli ona) date | (den Tm sure faim for! the opposite (of) | /8i 'apazat/ US io) Can you answer these questions? 4 Do you have a big family? ‘How many brothers and sisters do you have? Do you get along well with them? ‘What does your best friend do? ED What kind of person is he or she? ELD Muitizom LOR T the perfect roommate Seventy-five percent of university students in the US live away from home, and most of them live off campus. Many share a house or apartment with other students. But how do you know who to share with? it can be a difficult decision. Are you quiet, serious, shy, and hardworking? Or are you outgoing, fun-loving, and noisy? It's an important difference, and it can make sharing an apartment either a great experience or a nightmare. So next time youte trying to decide who to live with, take this questionnaire. And then ask your possible roommates to take it. If you give the same answers to four or more questions, then you'll be fine. tf more than three of your answers are different, then you need to find a new roommate! 2 leave my clothes on the floor. b exercise a ot « 4 I smoke, | enjoy cooking big dinners for people. | enjoy buying presents. £ Lenjoy meeting new people. oo00 ooono000 oooo0 EAD wwew.cup.comfet/americanenglshie/2 ‘A man paints with his brain, and not with his hands. ‘Michelangelo, aan painter and sculptor 1 VOCABULARY the body 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds Cosnplcts the crossword a Write the parts of the body in the chart. legs toes back woth arms nose heart hands knees head 2 E— y ar © oD =o i F F : a I teeth F 5 oD 7 b Practice saying the words. 3 GRAMMAR present continuous Clues across > 2 Your thinks, remembers and makes — 5 You use your —__ for smelling flowers. 7 You have two ~ they can be blue, green, brown, or gray. 8 Some women color their ___ red or pink. 9 Adults have 32 ___, babies don't have any. ‘Clues down J 1 You have ten ‘on your hands. You use them for touching things. 3 You open and close your ____ when you speak. You can smile with it 4 You have two at the ends of your legs. You can kick with them. 6 Most people have ‘on top of their heads, 10 You have one on each side of your head. Without them your sunglasses would fall off ELETIDD Student Book p.146 Vocabulary Bank 4 Read the museum guide's description of the painting on page 8. Write the verbs in the present continuous. | As you can see itis raining. (ain) in this picture, end | most ofthe people 2 (cam) umbrellas. The two children onthe right are the artist's daughters. They 9 (Pay) witha bal and their mother (the artists wife) «__ (watch) them dosely. On the left ofthe picture, @ young man and a woman (st at a cafe table. They 8__ (nat / tak), but think theyre happy together Inthe middle of the picure is a wornan, She 7___ (not / smile), and she doesn't have an umbrella, What © (she / do)? Maybe she ® (ovat) for her boyfiend. She (Qhink) "He's late, and 1 (ge) cold and wet” 4 VOCABULARY prepositions of place Look at the picture on page 8. Complete the sentences with these prepositions, behind iwthemiddle next to on the left the right und. 1 The woman jn the middle doesn't have an umbrella, The girls — 2 ___ are playing with a bal 3. The man and woman — 4 are drinking coffee. ‘They are siting __ a table umbrella. 5 ‘The woman the children is their mother. 6 The girls are standing — ‘each other. More Words to Learn ‘Write translations and try to remember the words. Word art gallery mown fart ‘gelarié = st_nown Porus/ b Complete the sentences with the simple present or Mt ors — . present continuous form of the verbs in the box. painting mown | ’pemtny - i 7 ee ee picture noun | paktfae = poster noun poostar! oO, Bees-, favorite adjective | 'fervrovy fA draw verb | fara (atthe) back | bak! (atthe) from | rants _ famous (for) Lfermos! 1 Don’t turn off the TV! Im watching it. 2 They — in Africa every summer. 3 Thave a test tomorrow, so I hard 4 Jack always _ the train to work 5A Where you aes, B To play tennis 6 1_____touse the computer now! Student Book p.126 Grammar Bank 1C sis (> Can you answer these questions? a {EF What are you doing now? Ed What dothes are you wearing? GF Bitreining {Ty When does it usually ran in your country? Gy What do you usually do in the evening? Mutizon wirw.oup.comy/elt/americanenglshfile/2 BUTT ee yeti la 1 GRAMMAR defining relative clauses @ Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences. 1 That's the theater Oo 2 Inced a cell phone 3 John’s the only person 4 Tlove the program 5 That train is the one {6 Hollywood is the place 7 The directors are the people 8 There's the cafe Doooooa 4 that also takes photos. b that goes t0 Boston, € that has the best coffee. 4 who can fix the printer. € who make the business decisions. F where we saw Haralet. where lots of movies are made. h that’s on after the news. b Complete the sentences with who, that, or where. 1 This isthe church where __ we got married. 2 She can’t find the key 3 The Louvre is the museum ‘opens this door. you can see the Mona Lisa. 4A painter is someone paints pictures 5 A dictionary has good examples is very useful. 6 A The bakery __ T usually buy bread is closed today. B Don't worry. I know a supermarket has really good bread, 7 Tm looking fora store (ELTD Student Book p.126 Grammar Bank 1D sells postcards. 2 VOCABULARY explaining words Complete the sentences for explaining words. 1 tall Its the opposite_ of shor 2 apple Itsak of fruit. 3 sleepy Its to tired. 4 boots They're shoes, but they cover your legs. 5 nervous Wsh. you fel when you have atest. 6 sweat Fore , you do this when you feel hot 7 dentist Wss. who takes care of your teeth, 8 hospital Isa phere you go when youre sick. w PRONUNCIATION using a dictionary @ Match the words to their pronunciation. 1 waiter Pwatar! water Pwertar! 2 kitchen katfont chicken tfiken/ 3 ninety nann'tin/ nineteen Fnamti 4 homework Phoomwark! housework Phavswark! 5 Austria do'streilya/ Australia ostria! 6 sandwiches 'senwitfis! sunglasses #'sanghesiz/ 7 Mexico 'meksikoo} Mexican /'meksikan/ b Underline the stressed syllable in the words in a, € Practice saying the words.

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