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Cruz 1

Life Skills Assignment 3

Professor: Hiram A. Paz

Business Law

Bethania Cruz

Florida National University

December 12, 2019

Cruz 2


TO: Hiram Paz

FROM: Bethania Cruz

DATE: 12/12/2019

RF: Class of Business Law, assignment life skills #1 by Bethania Cruz

Subject: Strange Things Church v FNU


Three months ago, being more specific, on September of 2019, FNU CEO sent to

the Pastor of Strange Thing Church. A letter, in which was written that FNU was pleading

$ 3,000,000.00 to the church. The pastor, after calling FNU CEO to confirm the

information, was told that he would receive a check in four or six weeks; he started to make

plans, and to hire people to make those plans possible, all of this thinking about the money

promised by FNU, all plans involved are for the purpose to expend the church.

Unfortunately, FNU’s finances started to drop, and the promised check could not be

provided to the church. The Pastor now is demanding to the justice that FNU makes the


Legal Conduct

If someone made a plan, expecting the $100 dollars that he/she would receive from

somebody else as a donation, and now the person who was expecting to receive the money

is saying that the other person who was expecting to donate, has to pay because he/she

promised it; of course the person expectation was to pay, was something that someone

promised that would do. As good human beings, we have always to try to accomplish
Cruz 3

promises. But, as said, in this example case, as in FNU’s case, something bigger than the

promise happened, the money could not be given, and if the suppose receiver made plans

before actually having the money in his/her name or power, was not a smart and safe


Decision Expected

I assume that Supreme would decide in FNU’s favor, the details showed about the

case between FNU and Strange Things Church just shows a conversation, that normal

people, as human being usually have to friends, everybody one day can promise a donation

that in the end cannot be possible.

I believe that Supreme would decide in FNU’s favor, by the fact of the decision

made in those real cases included on Life Skills Assignment #1; we have in those cases

similar juristic facts that would provide to the judges that the more correct and logical

decision would be in defender’s side, which is FNU.

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Ashcroft, J. D., Ashcroft, K. M., & Patterson, M. A. (2017). Law for business. Australia: Cengage


Life Skills Assignment #1


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