Lesson Plan in CLE 3

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Lesson Plan in CLE 3

By Francis Jude De La Cruz

1st quarter - Week 1

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson 80% of the students will be able to;
a. Define Bible,
b. Identify the Old Testament and the books in it,
c. Determine the 5 groups in the Old Testament.
d. Memorize the books in the Old Testament,
e. Recognize the importance of Bible.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Lesson 1: God Created Me and Cares for Me
Materials: Books, Laptop, Board, and chalk.
Strategies: Inquiry approach, discussion method, activity method
Reference: Following God 3, pages 2 – 9.

III. Learning Experiences:

a. Preparation: The students will arrange their seats properly and pick up pieces of
paper and cellophane.
 One student will lead the prayer.
b. Motivation: The students will answer the activity in the book by pair, page 6.
c. Discussion:
 The students will read Micah 7:8.
 The teacher will ask the following questions to the students;
o What is Bible?
o What are the two divisions of Bible?
o How many books are there in Old Testament?
 The teacher will ask some volunteers to answer the questions.
 The teacher will discuss what is Bible.
 The teacher will discuss the different books in the Old Testament and give
background information about it.

IV. Evaluation:
 The students will answer the questions in the book, pages 5, 7 - 9.
 The students will memorize the books in the Old Testament and will present it on the
next meeting.

V. Generalization:

 Students will write in the piece of paper the importance of Bible.

 The teacher will add more about the importance of the Bible.
Lesson Plan in CLE 3
By Francis Jude De La Cruz
1st quarter - Week 2

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson 80% of the students will be able to;
a. Identify the books in the New Testament,
b. Determine the 6 groups in the New Testament,
c. Memorize the books in the New Testament,
d. Distinguish that the Bible is God’s Message and Jesus died for our sins.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Lesson 2: God Saved Me
Materials: Books, Laptop, Board, and chalk.
Strategies: Inquiry approach, discussion method, activity method
Reference: Following God 3, pages 10 - 18

III. Learning Experiences:

a. Preparation: The students will arrange their seats properly and pick up pieces of
paper and cellophane.
 One student will lead the prayer.
b. Motivation: The students will answer the activity in the book by pair, page 15.
c. Discussion:
 The students will read John 3:17
 The teacher will ask students about the lesson last meeting.
 The teacher will discuss the New Testament.
 The teacher will discuss the books in the New Testament and the background of
each book.

IV. Evaluation:
 The students will answer the questions in the book, pages 14, 16 - 18.
 The students will memorize the books in the New Testament and will present it on the
next meeting.

V. Generalization:

 The teacher will ask question to the students;

 Why there’s a Bible?
 Why Jesus died for our sins?
 The teacher will ask some volunteers to answer the questions.
 The Teacher will add more about the Bible and why Jesus died on the cross.
Lesson Plan in CLE 3
By Francis Jude De La Cruz
1st quarter - Week 3

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson 80% of the students will be able to;
a. Determine that Jesus can save,
b. Identify the rewards of being God’s child,
c. Define prayer,
d. Understand that God can and wants to answer prayer,
e. Recognize the importance of prayer,
f. Appreciate that Jesus died to save us.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Lesson 3: I Can Call God My Father
Lesson 4: I Can Talk to God
Materials: Books, Laptop, Board, and chalk.
Strategies: Inquiry approach, discussion method, activity method
Reference: Following God 3, pages 20 – 25, and 26 – 33.

III. Learning Experiences:

a. Preparation: The students will arrange their seats properly and pick up pieces of
paper and cellophane.
 One student will lead the prayer.
b. Motivation: Show video about Jesus.
 Show video about the importance of Prayer.
c. Discussion:
Day 1
 The teacher will ask volunteers in the class on what they learn in the video.
 The students will read Galatians 4:7.
 The teacher will discuss the verse Galatians 4:7.
 The teacher will discuss that Jesus can save.
 The teacher will discuss the rewards of being God’s child.

Day 2

 The teacher will ask volunteers in the class on what they learn in the video.
 The students will read 1 John 5:15.
 The teacher will discuss what prayer is.
 The teacher will discuss that God can and wants to answer prayer.

IV. Evaluation:

Day 1
 The students will answer the questions in the book, pages 21 - 24.
Day 2
 The students will answer the questions in the book, pages 28 - 33.

V. Generalization:
 The teacher will ask questions;
 Why Jesus died on the cross?
 What is the importance of prayer?
 The teacher will ask volunteers to answer the questions.
 The teacher will add more information why Jesus died on the cross, and what is the
importance of prayer.
Lesson Plan in CLE 3
By Francis Jude De La Cruz
1st quarter - Week 4

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson 80% of the students will be able to;
a. Understand that people can please God,
b. Determine ways on how to please God,
c. Recognize that saying sorry to God is important when someone fail Him.
d. Discover that with God someone can do everything,
e. Recognize that God will help always.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Lesson 5: I Can Please God
Lesson 6: I Can Do All Things
Materials: Books, Laptop, Board, and chalk.
Strategies: Inquiry approach, discussion method, activity method
Reference: Following God 3, pages 34 – 40, and 41 – 45.

III. Learning Experiences:

a. Preparation: The students will arrange their seats properly and pick up pieces of
paper and cellophane.
 One student will lead the prayer.
b. Motivation: The students will be divided into two groups, each group will choose paper that is
paste on board about the things that can please God.
 The teacher will check if their choices are correct.
 The teacher will show a motivational video.
c. Discussion:
Day 1
 The students will read Colossians 3:12
 The teacher will discuss that we can please God.
 The teacher will use the activity output to discuss the ways on how to please God.
 The teacher will show video about apologizing in the Lord when someone fails.
 The teacher will ask volunteers to give their opinion about the video.
 The teacher will add more about the video.

Day 2

 The teacher will ask volunteers to give their opinion about the video.
 The students will read Philippians 4:13
 The teacher will discuss the video and connect to the discussion that with God
someone can do everything,
 The teacher will discuss that when someone needs help God will be their always.

IV. Evaluation:

Day 1
 The students will answer the questions in the book, pages 36 -40.
Day 2
 The students will answer the questions in the book, pages 42 -45.

V. Generalization:

 The Students will write in a piece of paper the things that they learn.
Lesson Plan in CLE 3
By Francis Jude De La Cruz
1st quarter - Week 5

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson 80% of the students will be able to;
a. Distinguish that someone can tell Jesus to Others,
b. Determine how to use the wordless book to share God’s salvation,
c. List people that they’re going to share God’s salvation.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Lesson 7: I Can Tell Others About Jesus
Materials: Books, Laptop, Board, and chalk.
Strategies: Inquiry approach, discussion method, activity method
Reference: Following God 3, pages 46 – 50.

III. Learning Experiences:

a. Preparation: The students will arrange their seats properly and pick up pieces of
paper and cellophane.
 One student will lead the prayer.
b. Motivation: The students will do the book activity page 48 -49.
c. Discussion:
 The students will read Matthew 24:14
 The teacher will ask question;
 Can we tell others about Jesus?
 The teacher will ask volunteers to answer the question.
 The teacher will discuss more about the question.
 The teacher will discuss on how to use the wordless book to share God’s word.

IV. Evaluation:
 The students will answer the questions in the book, pages 47 – 49.
 The students will list the people where they’re going to share God’s salvation.

V. Generalization:

 Some students will share in the class what they learn.

Project in CLE 3

 The students will make a wordless book.

 They can use any materials to make the wordless book.
 Rubrics will be given and discus to them where the grades will be base.
 The project will be pass before the final exam in CLE 3.

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