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Ultimate Fountain of Youth Protocol

April 27, 2021

The protocol presented here is a dream come true for the anti-aging crowd. We have the
knowledge and the technology to extend our lives, enough medicinal firepower to press
back against the hard edge of time. The tons of money poured into developing life-
extension treatments and technology will not replace health fundamentals. The most
credible life-extension methods and supplements have existed for decades, yet new
exciting technologies like hydrogen inhalation have been with us for only a decade.

On a Harvard Medical School site, we read this question: Is it possible that scientists will
one day be able to slow down the aging of our bodies?

And their answer: "You may be dubious, but yes, it is possible. I know it seems that every
living thing ages — the flowers in the garden, our pets, and us. Yet a Harvard Medical
School colleague who studies aging, genetics professor David Sinclair, tells me there are
certain cold-water fish that may never die natural deaths. They die from injury or being
consumed by a larger animal, but it’s not clear they die naturally. Some are hundreds of
years old and still frisky."

We can slow down the aging process without waiting for experimental drugs or injecting
the blood of young people, which is already popular among the rich. However, the
paradigm of life extension needs to be the same as health extension.

There are reams of obtuse medical studies and scientific papers that suggest that the
fountain of youth is something complicated that will be developed in the future. But if we
go back to the basics of health, we discover that we already have the tools we need, not in
five years, not in ten years, but right now, to extend health and longevity.

But nothing is easy today. The realities of our time are closing in on us, pressing us faster
into disease and premature death as toxic chemicals, heavy metals, plastics, vaccines,
pharmaceuticals, and increasing radiation exposures are pushing back against our health
and lifespans. Our health determines our lifespan, and a great part of that is determined
by how our bodies deal with the constant toxic exposures the vast majority of us face.

This is certainly true for city dwellers who are breathing in more toxic pollution. Urban air
pollution affects countries worldwide, leading to premature aging, a wide range of health
conditions, and early death. Multiple contaminations are everywhere. Mercury is a heavy
blanket of toxicity lying on the Earth, as is the radiation from all the atom bombs tested in
the atmosphere over 50 years ago.

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Believe it or not, recent studies tell us the nuclear fallout "is still out there and
disguising itself as a major nutrient." Tests recently showed radiocesium in 68 samples of
honey, at levels above 0.03 becquerels per kilogram. That is about 870,000 atoms of
radiocesium per tablespoon. According to authorities, everything is safe, so don’t worry,
but your body still has to deal with many converging toxic exposures.

Everything dangerous is deemed safe in our upside-down

world and everything safe is considered hazardous.

Before examining the principle medical agents (all natural) and devices, the prerequisite
of the ultimate fountain of youth protocol is to stop taking pharmaceuticals. Regular
doctors (slaves to the pharmaceutical paradigm) do not give their patients a chance for
health because they are too busy
administering pharmaceutical mitochondrial poisons. They go after the kids from
day one with the vaccines that have toxic chemicals and heavy metal in them. Their only
excuse, "The dose makes the poison," is a 400-year-old antiquated medical philosophy.

Radiologists expose their patients to much more radiation than comes from the
environment, so watch out and beware. If you want to live a long healthy life, stop
listening to and going to doctors and completely ignore the mainstream narrative about
everything. The elite are not into our health, for they believe wholeheartedly that there are
too many people on our planet. Why do you think they are so hellbent on ramming
dangerous COVID vaccines down everyone’s throat? They are into death, into life-
shortening practices. Out of necessity, any anti-aging protocol needs to deal with the
chronic free radical damage caused by radiation exposures of multiple types.

One of the secrets to recovery from disease (life-extension) is found in healing through the
fulfillment of nutritional law. Doctors, blinded by pharmaceutical terrorism, will never
admit that the first and most important place to treat cancer or any disease is in the
kitchen. There is no comparison between using drugs with side effects, even at low
dosage, and concentrated natural nutritional substances. Nutrition is life-serving,
whereas pharmaceuticals are not.

However, with today’s hostile toxicities, supplementation does not quite cover our needs.
For life extension and healing from disease, we need to use natural agents at high enough
dosages to make them into the best hard-hitting medicines that we can imagine. We need
to be aggressive with our fountain of youth protocol.

Almost all the unwelcome effects of aging, including metabolism slowdown, stiffness,
frailty, aches, and pains, are caused by toxic buildups and nutritional deficiencies,
especially deficiencies in the most basic nutrients like oxygen, carbon dioxide, sunlight,
bicarbonates, and magnesium. However, all roads to aging and premature death are
paved with free radical damage and chronic low-level inflammation, which build over

The best methodology for reversing aging is to combine therapies that reinforce each
other. Many aspects of a healthy life rely on each other, and not all of them have to do
with physical conditions in the body. Crush the spirit, and the body will follow. Stimulate
the mind, and your mood lightens. Exercise the body, and the mind will be sharper and
your body younger.

Regular aerobic exercise is a must-do for anyone committed to slowing the aging process.
Hundreds of studies show that exercise combats the loss of stamina, muscle strength,
balance, and bone density that increases with age.

Obviously, any good anti-aging program is simultaneously anti-cancer, anti-stroke, and
anti-heart disease, for all of these diseases shorten our lives. Anti-aging protocols are anti-
disease. When we push back the clock, we push back on our chronic diseases and the
inflammation that creeps up on us through the years. The real goal is to feel as good as
possible in the present and maintain as much energy, vitality, and functional ability as
possible throughout the entire aging process.

The Protocol In A Nutshell

The heart of the protocol is hydrogen inhalation, EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy),
bicarbonates, magnesium, iodine, selenium, sufficient sun exposure, full hydration,
superfoods, breathing retraining, and enhanced emotional vulnerability (tapping into the
full power of the heart). These eleven health therapies, when combined, will outperform
everything and anything one can dream up.

Other important additions like infrared therapy, medical marijuana, clay detox, and
chelation therapies, including glutathione and Dr. Boyd Haleys chelator NBMI, can be
included, as can essentials vitamins. However, in this presentation, we will focus on the
heart of the protocol, on the essential eleven, some of which are inexpensive.

Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium Bicarbonates

Research published recently in the

Clinical Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology found that
having balanced bicarbonate levels in
your body reduces chances of
early death. The study examined
data compiled in the Health, Aging,
and Body Composition Study for 2,287

Study author Dr. Kalani Raphael,

associate professor and nephrology and hypertension specialist at the University of Utah,
and colleagues investigated pH, carbon dioxide and bicarbonate in association with long-
term survival. According to the University of Utah, "Critically ill patients with severe acid-
base abnormalities have a very low likelihood of surviving their illness."

Dr. Raphael found that low levels of bicarbonate are linked to an increased risk for
premature death by 24 percent. "What we found was that generally healthy older people
with low levels of bicarbonate had a higher risk of death," Raphael said. The study’s
findings assist clinicians in better assessing patient’s risk of premature death by analyzing
their blood bicarbonate concentrations more closely, something doctors never do. What
he is saying is that the secret to health lies with sufficient bicarbonate levels. Older adults

with low levels of bicarbonate in their blood are putting themselves at risk of premature
death. Bicarbonate deficiencies increase as we age. Addressing those deficiencies with
the three types of bicarbonates ensures we live a healthier and longer life.

Bottom line. Bicarbonates are miracle medicines, and just because baking soda is dirt
cheap, do not overlook this in your anti-aging protocol. The practice of pH Medicine,
which gives us a handle on CO2 levels in the blood, and thus oxygen levels, is handled best
using bicarbonates.


Because magnesium deficiency causes all kinds of havoc

with our cell physiology and worsens as we age, appropriate
magnesium supplementation will help ensure you don’t age
so fast. When magnesium is deficient, things begin to die,
but when our body’s magnesium levels are topped off, our
body physiology tends to hum along like a racecar. Most
doctors do not want to acknowledge that magnesium
deficiency can lead directly to cancer, thus to a great
shortening of life. The same goes for diabetes and heart disease—magnesium deficiency
brings on these diseases.

Magnesium is a vital mineral whose lack leaves us open to not only radioactive damages
but also those from heavy metals and thousands of chemicals to which we are commonly
exposed. Without sufficient magnesium, the body accumulates toxins and acid residues,
degenerates rapidly, and ages prematurely.

Magnesium is the "lamp of life"—it operates at the core of physiology, offering us what
can only be called scientific miracles in medicine. All of life collapses around its loss. The
realization that magnesium is at the center of life in chlorophyll should help us place
magnesium in the temple where it deserves to be.

Light Deficiency as a Cause of Aging and Disease

We all know that too much sun can cause cancer; we cannot bake and burn ourselves to a
crisp without consequences. However, a lack of sunlight can also cause cancer. Vitamin D
deficiencies (lack of light) can lead to the development of prostate and breast cancer,
memory loss, and an increased risk for developing dementia and schizophrenia.

That’s the shortlist. Vitamin D deficiency and a lack of sun exposure take their toll in most
pathology in an insidious way, not only because of the lack of D, a crucial hormone (it is
not a vitamin) but because of a lack of several important aspects of sunlight.

Plants love to turn toward the light. They stretch for it, and so do we. Light, heat, color,
warmth, energy, electrons, electricity, electromagnetism all interact with the water in us,
bringing increased energy and ATP production. Light animates us because we are light.
We need light.

"It seems clear that light is the most important environmental input, after food,
in controlling bodily function," reported Dr. Richard J. Wurtman, a nutritionist at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Sometimes I get the impression my
dermatologist colleagues would be happiest if we lived in caves," continues Wurtman,
who recommends daily 20-minute walks at noon to get the sunlight we need.

Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy

You are looking at the ultimate anti-aging machines.

Hydrogen Medicine pushes against time. It is a wind that blows ICU patients away from
death’s door and reasonably healthy people back toward youth. Dr. Nick Delgado says,
"Mounting evidence suggests hydrogen therapy may be the fountain of youth we have
been searching for since the dawn of time. Hundreds of studies confirm it’s not only safe,
but it’s also highly effective for the treatment of numerous diseases, for enhancing energy
and sports performance, and for the promotion of optimal health and longevity."

To understand why Hydrogen helps with anti-aging, we first need to understand the
relationship between Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants. Hydrogen is the most effective
element that helps create a homeostatic balance between oxidative stress and
antioxidants. It is this relationship that has the anti-aging effect. Molecular Hydrogen is a
powerful antioxidant that helps defend cells and genes from damage and death caused by
harmful free radicals. In combination with its anti-inflammatory properties, these
properties help enhance longevity because aging is caused by tissue degeneration,
oxidative stress, and inflammation.

Hydrogen positively affects telomerase activity.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Food and Nutrition,Hydrogen

increases telomerase activity. Therefore, it shows great potential when it comes to anti-
aging benefits. Molecular Hydrogen is unique since it can act at the cellular level.
Hydrogen is qualified to cross the blood-brain barrier, enter the mitochondria, and "even
translocate to the nucleus under certain conditions," reports Dr. Brandon J Dixon
in Medical Gas Research. Because of its size, molecular hydrogen can do many things
larger molecules of known antioxidants can’t. Once in these ideal locations of the cell,
previous studies have shown that hydrogen exerts antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-
inflammatory, and cytoprotective properties beneficial to the cell.

Oxidative stress associated with ROS production has been well documented to underlie
the surge in pro-inflammatory molecules and mitochondrial DNA damage apparent in
disease, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, neurodegenerative disease,
and aging. Higher levels of Hydrogen have been shown to protect DNA against oxidative
damage by suppressing single-strand breakage of DNA caused by ROS, protect against

oxidative damage to RNA and proteins,[2] and enhance the anti-oxidizing activity of
ascorbic acid by threefold – a factor crucial in avoiding the pro-oxidant risk of
administering a high dose of ascorbic acid.

Breathing Retraining – Slow Breathing

Under clinical conditions, low oxygen and low

carbon dioxide generally occur together. A
therapeutic increase of carbon dioxide is an
effective means of improving the oxygenation of
the blood and tissues. We can accomplish this by
slowing the breath and using bicarbonates.

Carbon dioxide is one of the most important gases

for life. It is healthy and extremely necessary. CO2
is good, and without enough of it, we get sick. CO2,
the waste product of cell metabolism, is not waste
at all. Plants thrive on it, and our lives depend on

Dr. Konstantin Buteyko said, "CO2 is the main

source of nutrition for any living matter on Earth.
Plants obtain CO2 from the air and provide the main source of nourishment for animals,
while both plants and animals are nourishment for us.

Improper fast breathing (which is the norm today) causes oxygen deficiency because we
are ventilating too much CO2 creating CO2 deficiencies in the blood. This contracts the
blood vessels and changes the oxygen disassociation curve in a way that suffocates the
cell. Hypocapnia (lowered CO2) reduces oxygenation of all vital organs and tissues due to
vasoconstriction and the suppressed Bohr effect.

Oxygen is a Nutritional Drug

Oxygen therapy is as wonderful as it is because more oxygen translates into more cellular
energy, more healing energy, and more energy to help us feel relaxed and perform better
in life. Importantly enough, when ample oxygen rushes into oxygen deficient cells, oxygen
is no longer the limiting reagent for detoxification of cellular poisons that have been

Oxygen is invincible in its ability to give or take away life, which goes as much for cancer
cells as it does for healthy human cells. Oxygen can heal, and it can kill, so it is perfect for
infections of all types. Every ozone user knows this. One cannot stay physically present on
Earth forever, but with enough oxygen, eternal youth can be ours until our time is up.

The British Lung Foundation says, "Breathing in air with a higher concentration of oxygen
can be used to correct a low oxygen level in the blood. If you feel breathless and tired,
particularly when moving around, you may have low blood oxygen levels."

Oxygen is necessary for human life. Some people with breathing disorders cannot get
enough oxygen naturally. They may need supplemental oxygen or oxygen therapy. People
who receive oxygen therapy often see improved energy levels, improved sleep, and overall
better quality of life.

EWOT is a technique that offers much higher therapeutic results than expensive,
inconvenient hyperbaric chambers do. EWOT involves breathing high levels of oxygen
while exercising. The higher oxygen level in the lungs creates a greater head of pressure to
drive oxygen into the pulmonary capillaries. The exercise moves the circulation faster,
ensuring a greater oxygen carriage. Initially, the oxygen pressure in the veins rises as
more oxygen is getting through to the venous side. It is this oxygen that allows the
capillaries to repair their oxygen transfer mechanism.

Oxygen is all around us, but hardly anyone gets enough.
It is a paradox that few understand, but that is
why sodium bicarbonate is such a wonderful medicine.
It gives one instant access to more oxygen because the
bicarbonates/CO2 dilate the blood vessels and improve
the oxygen association curve (more O2 jumps on and off
red blood cells), ensuring more oxygen gets delivered.


According to Dr. Harold Foster, death rates in the USA for cancer are lower when blood
selenium levels are high. One important study found that high blood levels of selenium
are associated with a four- to fivefold decrease in the risk of prostate cancer. Scientists at
Stanford University studied 52 men who had prostate cancer and compared them to 96
men who didn’t.[3] One surprising finding was that blood levels of selenium generally
decreased with age. It is well known that the risk of prostate cancer increases dramatically
as one ages.

Lipid Replacement Therapy (LRT) can restore and help maintain mitochondrial
membrane function by replacing damaged mitochondrial membranes so the perfect form
of selenium would have selenium bonded to a lipid. This form was developed by a surgeon
in New York who used to inject it to treat cancer.


Before doctors got swept away by the pharmaceutical companies and their salespeople,
iodine was one of the most commonly prescribed medicines. Now in the age of antibiotic-
resistant infections, it is more important than ever to remember iodine because it kills
viruses, bacteria, and fungus cells that antibiotics no longer can.

Open Radiating Heart

I have already written that those with open and radiating

hearts stay young forever. The spiritual heart, when wide open,
represents a fountain of youth and a force that helps us resist
environmental insults, infections, and disease. There is nothing
like love and an unselfish disposition to sustain a person
through the decades.

Dr. Norman Shealy and Dr. Caroline Myss both believe that
love of others and being loved are key factors in improving the
immune system, adding to life expectancy, and creating overall
happiness. What does love have to do with stress-free living?
"Everything!" says Dr. Brenda Schaeffer.

[1] American Journal of Food and Nutrition Vol. 4, No. 6, 2016, pp 161-168. doi:

[2] M. Lee, Y. Kim, K. Ryoo, Y. Lee and E. Park, “Electrolyzed-reduced (Hydrogen Rich)
Water Protects against Oxidative Damage to DNA, RNA and Protein,” Appl Biochem
Biotechnol, pp. 135(2):133-44, 2006.

[3] The Journal of Urology {2001;166:2034-8}. December issue.

CoronaVirus Bundle
Learn Dr Sircus protocol including dosages, methods, side effects and contra-indications.
This bundle includes the special edition of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy,
Iodine and Sodium Bicarbonate eBooks.

get yours


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