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Role of choroid plexus in cerebrospinal fluid hydrodynamics

Article  in  Neuroscience · April 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.04.025


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3 authors, including:

Darko Orešković Milan Rados

Ruđer Bošković Institute University of Zagreb


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Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

DARKO OREŠKOVIĆ, a*y MILAN RADOŠ b AND capillaries and interstitial fluid. Ó 2017 IBRO. Published by
MARIJAN KLARICA b*y Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ruder Bošković Institute, Department of Molecular Biology,
Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Pharmacology and Croatian Institute for Key words: cerebrospinal fluid, choroid plexus, classical
Brain Research, School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Zagreb,
hypothesis of cerebrospinal fluid physiology, hydrocephalus,
Intracranial pressure, Bulat-Klarica-Orešković hypothesis.

Abstract—The classic hypothesis presents the cere- Contents

brospinal fluid (CSF) as the ‘‘third circulation,” which flows Introduction 00
from the brain ventricles through the entire CSF system to The choroid plexus 00
the cortical subarachnoid space to eventually be passively The role of the choroid plexus as a CSF pump 00
absorbed into the superior sagittal sinus through arachnoid Is the choroid plexus really a CSF pump? 00
granulations. The choroid plexus (CP) represents a key The choroid plexus and entry of water into CSF system 00
organ in the classic CSF physiology and a powerful biolog- The choroid plexus and perfusion of the CSF system 00
ical pump, which exclusively secretes CSF. Thereby, the CP The choroid plexus as
is considered to be responsible for CSF pressure regulation a generator of hydrocephalus development 00
and hydrocephalus development. This article thoroughly The role of the choroid plexus in the CSF homeostasis 00
analyzes the role of the CP in the CSF dynamics, presenting The choroid plexus and regulation of CSF volume 00
arguments in favor of the thesis that the CPs are neither bio- The choroid plexus and biochemical composition of the
logical pumps nor the main site of CSF secretion; that they CSF 00
do not participate in regulation of ICP/CSF pressure; are not The choroid plexus and CSF pressure 00
the reason for the existence of hydrostatic pressure gradient Conclusions 00
in the CSF system and that this gradient is not permanent Acknowledgments 00
(disappeared in the horizontal position); and that they do References 00
not generate imagined unidirectional CSF circulation,
hydrocephalus development and increased ICP/CSF pres-
sure. The classic hypothesis cannot provide an explanation
for these controversies but the recently formulated Bulat-K
larica-Orešković hypothesis can. According to this hypothe-
sis, CSF production and absorption (CSF exchange) are
constant and present everywhere in the CSF system, and
although the CSF is partially produced by the CP, it is mainly INTRODUCTION
formed as a consequence of water filtration between the
The hydrodynamics of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has so
far been almost exclusively explained using the classic
hypothesis of the CSF. According to this hypothesis, the
*Corresponding authors at: Ruder Bošković Institute, Department of CSF is actively produced inside the brain ventricles,
Molecular Biology, Bijenička 54, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia. Fax: +385- circulates unidirectionally within the entire CSF space
1-456-1-177 (D. Orešković). Department of Pharmacology and (from formation to absorption site) and is passively
Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine University absorbed into the venous blood on the brain surface
of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Šalata 11, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia. Fax:
+385-1-4596-942 (M. Klarica). and/or into the lymph via paraneural sheaths of nerves
E-mail addresses: (D. Orešković), (Fig. 1A; Brierly and Field, 1948; Cserr, 1971; Bradbury,
(M. Klarica). 1981; Davson et al., 1987; Johnston et al., 2005; Koh
Both these authors are corresponding authors and equally partic- et al., 2006; Pollay, 2010; Sakka et al., 2011; Brinke
ipate in presented work.
Abbreviations: AQP, aquaporin; BV, brain ventricle; CM, cisterna
et al., 2014; Hladky and Barrand, 2014). The CSF is
magna; CNS, central nervous system; CP, choroid plexus; CPC, represented as a river that flows slowly from its source
choroid plexus carcinomas; CPP, choroid plexus papillomas; CSF, to its mouth. In physiological conditions, the CSF flow is
cerebrospinal fluid; ICP, intracranial pressure; ISF, interstitial fluid; LV, steady, constant, pulsating and without barriers.
lateral ventricle; SAS, subarachnoid space.
0306-4522/Ó 2017 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

70 D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

Fig. 1. (A) The scheme of the cerebrospinal fluid system with location of the choroid plexuses, the CSF distribution, and arachnoid granulations.
CSF is represented by the light blue area and the direction of CSF circulation and the sites of CSF absorption are represented by red arrows. (B)
The scheme of the human brain ventricles with emphasized choroid plexuses in red color and CSF shown as the light blue area. (C) The choroid
plexus structure, with emphasized branched choroid plexus structure and the villi projecting into the brain ventricle. The plexus network is presented
with fenestrated capillaries and the bold blue arrows indicate the direction and active nature (secretion) of CSF formation.

Consequently, along with blood and lymph, the CSF CSF system belongs to the choroid plexuses (CPs). In
dynamics in mammals was presented as the ‘‘third circu- other words, CPs secrete the CSF in the brain ventricles
lation” (Cushing, 1914, 1925; Taketomo and Saito, 1965; (Fig. 1; Davson et al., 1987; Brown et al., 2004; Damkier
Milhorat, 1975). According to Cushing’s (1925) interpreta- et al., 2013; Lun et al., 2015; Spector et al., 2015). Since
tion (‘‘that at about the fifth week of embryonic life fluid the CSF formation is an active process (secretion), mod-
begins to percolate through the remaining fragment of erate changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) should not
the roof plate overlying the fourth ventricle; that it finds significantly change the CSF formation rate (Heisey
its way through leptomeningeal channels which are et al., 1962; Rubin et al., 1966; Cutler et al., 1968; Sklar
thereby formed in the mesenchyme; and finally, that it et al., 1980; Pollay et al., 1983).
escapes by way of persisting leptomeningeal communica- Consequently the CP is imagined as an organ which
tions, the villi, that project through the dura into its major represents a biological pump in the CSF system, i.e. as
venous synuses. All of which assuredly indicates the birth an organ responsible for ‘‘pressure of secretion”. A
of an actual circulation under the pressure of secretion.”), hundred years ago Weed (1914) assumed that the intra-
the site of CSF absorption, the direction of CSF circulation ventricular secretion of the CSF by the CP imparted the
and the energy that stimulates the circulation (pressure of energy required for fluid circulation from the ventricles,
secretion) are strictly defined. If ‘‘the third circulation” or out over the brain convexities, and back into the blood
CSF circulation is similar to blood circulation through the (Fig. 1). If it is considered that the CSF is passively
body, driven by the pumping action of the heart, it is nec- absorbed from the subarachnoid space into the venous
essary that an organ similar to the heart (biological pump sinuses due to a lower hydrostatic pressure in the sinuses
which constantly pumps blood in the same direction) than in the subarachnoid space (Weed, 1935; Brodbelt
exists in the CSF system. The working principle of each and Stoodley, 2007; Pollay, 2010), it seems that the con-
pump in a circulatory system, including the heart, is the ditions for CSF circulation exist. Therefore, the most
production of constant gradient of hydrostatic pressure important role in CSF physiology was given to the CP,
between the highest pressure value at the beginning and it is necessary to re-elaborate Weed’s assumption.
and the lowest pressure value at the end of the circula- Hence, it could be concluded that the relationship
tion. According to the classic hypothesis, this role in the between active CSF formation by the CSF pumps (CPs)
D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87 71

and passive CSF absorption is what creates the total CSF the CPs (CSF pumps) it should be formed against
volume. Namely, under physiological conditions, there increased CSF/ICP (Pollay et al., 1983; Davson et al.,
has to be a balance inside the CSF system between 1987). Pathological blockade of the normal CSF pathway
CSF secretion (Vf) by the CPs and absorption (Va) of should result in a CSF over-accumulation in front of the
the CSF by dural venous sinuses: block (Dandy, 1919). For example, in some hypertensive
Vf ¼ Va
hydrocephalus patients, the ICP/CSF pressure is so high
that it requires (urgent) neurosurgical intervention, i.e. the
Consequently, the rate of CSF formation (inside the opening of CSF system to save the patient’s life. Such eti-
brain ventricles) must be equal to the rate of CSF ology of hydrocephalus unquestionably presents the CP
absorption (into the venous sinuses). If they are not as a biological pump and shows how this pump could
equal, an imbalance in the CSF volume may arise, have an important role in the CSF system.
leading to a pathological condition. The same should be Therefore, the classically interpreted dynamics of CSF
valid for the rate of unidirectional circulation (QCSF). The depends on the active CSF formation (secretion), i.e. on
CSF secretion and absorption CSF take place at two the proper function of the CPs. Without the CPs as
separate and distant sites in the CSF system and, biological pumps, CSF formation, circulation and
therefore, the rate of unidirectional circulation (QCSF) passive absorption, as well as regulation of CSF
between the secretion and absorption site should be the pressure would not be possible. In other words,
same, so that Vf remains equal to Va; according to Weed’s assumptions (1914) and the
Vf ¼ QCSF ¼ Va classic hypothesis, the CP has a key position in the
physiology and pathophysiology of CSF. However,
Changes in the CSF secretion rate by the CPs should although the above-mentioned arguments seem
influence the rates of both the CSF flow and CSF reasonable and easily acceptable, there are numerous
absorption to maintain physiological CSF volume. It is, experimental and clinical data that cannot be explained
therefore, logical that CPs (CSF secretion) are the main by the classic hypothesis.
generators (pumps) of CSF circulation and the Bering has clearly shown in his experiments on dogs
regulators of the CSF volume inside the CSF space. (1962) that CPs are not the major sites of CSF
Since the CSF is secreted exclusively by the CPs formation, but suggested that they are CSF pumps.
(Spector et al., 2015), the CPs obviously play a crucial These pumps should act as unvalved pulse pumps,
role in the CSF dynamics, i.e. in its secretion, circulation using transfer of choroid arterial pulsation, imparting a
and absorption. Consequently, the rates of physiological to-and-fro motion to the CSF (Bering, 1955). Hence, the
CSF secretion, circulation and absorption directly depend CPs were shown as pistons which produce a force for
on the CPs’ metabolic function. CSF circulation, but not as secretory organs whose action
According to the presented dynamics of the CSF, the should be the driving force of CSF circulation. Using MRI
regulation of CSF/ICP is also in its essence defined by methods, Greitz (1993) did not mention CPs at all as a
function of CPs. This is clearly shown by Marmarou’s driving force of CSF circulation, but this role was intended
equation (1978), which connects the classical concept for pulsating flow produced by the alternative pressure
of CSF physiology and ICP: gradient. This gradient is a consequence of the systolic
ICP ¼ VfxRo þ Pv intracranial arteries’ expansion causing movement of
CSF from cranium into flexible spinal SAS. That way,
where Vf equals the rate of CSF secretion, Ro equals the the mentioned force during systole is responsible for
resistance to the CSF movement (circulation) inside the remodeling the brain by its piston action in a chimney-
CSF system, and Pv equals the pressure in dorsal like fashion (Greitz et al., 1992). However, in spite of such
sinuses and the resistance to the CSF absorption into proposed CSF movement, the net flow at the cervical
the dural sinuses (blood circulation). This means that the SAS could not be simultaneously identified (Greitz, 1993).
rate of CSF secretion is the main factor in ICP regulation Furthermore, using the generally accepted hypothesis
(increase of the CSF secretion rate directly results in an of CSF secretion, unidirectional circulation and absorption
increase of ICP). In addition, the CSF secretion will many clinical states cannot be explained (for example
generate higher ICP if there is higher resistance to CSF occurrence of unilateral hydrocephalus with patent CSF
circulation and absorption, caused by different pathologic pathways, the need for shunt or external drainage after
processes in CNS which affect CSF system (scars, plexectomy, occurrence of hydrocephalus with various
bleeding, tumors, edema, cysts and so on). Since the processes present inside the spinal canal or after spina
CSF formation and CSF circulation, according to this bifida repair with completely patent cranial CSF
classical concept, are the consequence of CP function, it pathways, development of external hydrocephalus,
is strongly suggested that the CPs as biological pumps development of normal or hypotensive pressure
should have a determining impact on the ICP. hydrocephalus, development of syringomyelia at
Furthermore, the circulation theory of the different positions inside the central canal, etc.), and the
hydrocephalus development was also based on the treatment methods used so far for the disorders
function of CPs. Namely, hydrocephalus is assumed to associated with CSF do not lead to further progress,
result from an imbalance between CSF secretion and showing relatively poor results. All of this indicates that
absorption, with a subsequent increase in the CSF it is necessary to reevaluate the current understanding
volume in the cranium and enlargement of the brain of the CSF physiology and pathophysiology.
ventricles. Since the CSF is continuously secreted by
72 D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

As a result of research attempts to overcome the and other fluids, and how the CSF volume and sub-
limitations of the classic hypothesis, a new Bulat-Oreško stances present inside it move.
vić-Klarica hypothesis of the CSF has recently been The aim of this paper is to give an explanation about
presented. According to it, CSF production and the CPs’ role in the CSF hydrodynamics based of
absorption (CSF exchange) are constant and present experimental and clinical results and systemic analysis
everywhere in the CSF system, partially originating from of published data. Taking into account the presented
the CP but mainly as a consequence of water filtration facts, we will also try to answer the following questions:
between the capillaries and interstitial fluid (Orešković 1) Do the CPs play a similar role in CSF circulation as
and Klarica, 2010, 2011; Bulat and Klarica, 2011; the heart does in blood circulation, representing an
Klarica and Orešković, 2014). The new hypothesis has energy source (biological pumps) that produces the
so far been strongly supported by independent experi- hydrostatic pressure gradients in the CSF system and
mental laboratories (Krishnamurthy et al., 2012, 2014; allow the unidirectional flow (circulation) of CSF? 2)
Igarashi et al., 2013; Yamada, 2014) and computer- Does the CSF move in all directions, depending on the
based models (Buishas et al., 2014; Linninger et al., anatomical and biophysical relationships, law of fluid
2016). According to this hypothesis, interstitial fluid (ISF) mechanics and systolic and diastolic pulsation of the
and CSF (99% of CSF volume is water) are generated CSF, as was suggested by the new hypothesis?
by water filtration across the arterial capillaries in the
entire central nervous system (CNS; brain and spinal cord
tissue), while plasma osmotic active substances are THE CHOROID PLEXUS
retained, generating osmotic counter-pressure inside the
capillaries, which is crucial in ISF/CSF water absorption The CP is a plexus positioned in the ventricles of the
into the venous microvessel network. Thus, according to brain, consisting of modified ependymal cells, which
this hypothesis the main regulators of CSF and interstitial produces the CSF (Fig. 1). By classic view, the CSF is
fluid volumes, which are connected and can be observed undoubtedly formed inside the cerebral ventricular
as a functional unit, are osmotic and hydrostatic forces at system and the CPs represent the main site of CSF
the vast capillary network of the brain and the spinal cord. production (Dandy and Blackfan, 1914; Dandy, 1919;
Fluid and substances are constantly exchanged Masserman, 1934; de Rougemont et al., 1960; Welch,
between the CSF system and the surrounding tissue, 1963; Rubin et al., 1966; Davson, 1967; Netsky and
depending on the osmotic and hydrostatic pressure Shuangshoti, 1970; Cserr, 1971; Welch, 1975; Milhorat,
gradients at capillary levels observed under different 1987; Spector and Johanson, 1989; Johanson et al.,
physiological and pathophysiological conditions within 2008; Spector et al., 2015). Some other extrachorioidal
these compartments. It should be emphasized that the sources of CSF were suggested, such as the ependyma
contact surface between the choroid plexus and the lining the ventricles (Pollay and Curl, 1967), the blood–
CSF is around 5000 times smaller than that between brain barrier, but in a very small extent, having no impor-
the brain capillary network and the brain interstitium. tance for the main postulates of the classic hypothesis
Therefore, CSF formation does not take place in one (Cserr, 1988; Abbott, 2004) and the subarachnoidal arte-
part of the CSF system (brain ventricles) and absorption rioles and veins, for which there was minimum evidence
in another (cortical SAS), and CPs participate only (Davson et al., 1987). As a result of these alternative
partially (according to the size of the contact surface sources, there would be no net active formation of the
area) in the exchange processes rather than being a CSF, and the term CSF secretion should be used only
biological pump and the dominant place of CSF secretion. for the process performed by the CP epithelial cells
This way regulated CSF volume is carried (Spector et al., 2015).
bidirectionally along all CSF spaces by the systolic- No one has done so much for acceptance of the CPs
diastolic to-and-fro displacement (Orešković and Klarica, are as the biological pumps and dominant sites of CSF
2014b). This kind of movement is different in spinal and formation, as Dandy in his crucial experiment (1919).
cranial space due to anatomical and biophysical charac- After he performed unilateral plexectomy and obstructed
teristics of the cranial (unchangeable volume; rigid cra- the foramina of Monro of both lateral ventricles in a dog,
nium) and spinal (changeable volume; dural sac) part. the ventricle containing the CP dilated and the ventricle
All other substances in CSF (1% of total CSF volume) without the CP collapsed (Fig. 2). The results obtained
are distributed in all directions throughout entire CSF sys- in this way clearly point to the CP as a place of active
tem, i.e. in direction of ‘‘circulation” (from ventricle to sub- and exclusive CSF formation. Namely, if the CSF was
arachnoid space-SAS) as well as in the opposite direction secreted inside the ventricle without the CP, then this
(from SAS into ventricles) (Orešković and Klarica, 2010, ventricle would not collapse, and if CP is not a biological
2014b; Bulat and Klarica, 2011). The distribution distance pump, the ventricle with the CP could not be dilated.
of any substances within the CSF space and ISF depends This experiment has had a crucial influence on
on the half-life of these substances in CSF/ISF. The sub- scientists over the past one hundred years and has
stance which is removed from the CSF/ISF more slowly, provided the main framework for thinking about CSF
would eventually reach larger distance. Thus, a new con- physiology. Furthermore, the experiment showed that
cept of the CSF physiology connects it with the physiology the lateral ventricle obviously could not dilate if CSF
of every other cranio-spinal fluid (blood, ISF, intracellular absorption took place in the ventricles. Consequently, if
fluid), implying which forces regulate the volumes of CSF CSF absorption did not take place in the ventricles, the
CSF should circulate from the CPs to the place of
D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87 73

cularized and branched structure consisting of numerous

villi, which project into the ventricles (the lateral, the third
and the fourth) of the brain (Fig. 1A, B). The CSF should
be formed in a two-step process. The first, the CSF is
formed from plasma ultrafiltrate, which passes through
the fenestrated endothelium of the CP capillaries, facili-
tated by hydrostatic pressure and the second, it passes
through the choroidal epithelium into the ventricle. The
second step is an active metabolic process that trans-
forms the ultrafiltrate into a secretion (Segal and Pollay,
1977; Pollay et al., 1985; Davson et al., 1987; Brown
et al., 2004; Johanson et al., 2008). The CSF secretion
depends on the unidirectional transport of ions by the
Na+/K+ pump, which generates an osmotic gradient
inducing the net water movement (Fig. 3). Water move-
ment through the CP epithelium is regulated by aquaporin
(AQP) channels (Fig. 3C). However, although the whole
active process of CSF secretion is still incomplete and
speculative, it was presented in many articles with mini-
mal differences (Pollay, 1977; Davson et al., 1987;
Fig. 2. The scheme of Dandy’s crucial experiment (1919) in a dog, Spector and Johanson, 1989; Lyons and Meyer, 1990;
where choroid plexectomy in the right lateral ventricle was performed Bergsneider, 2001; Brown et al., 2004; Brodbelt and
and the foramina of Monro of both lateral ventricles was obstructed. Stoodley, 2007; Johanson et al., 2008; Damkier et al.,
The left ventricle containing the choroid plexus is dilated and the right 2013; Spector et al., 2015). Aquaporins were discovered
ventricle without the choroid plexus collapsed. The light blue area
represents the CSF.
due to the observation that it is not possible that such a
great volume of water can pass so quickly through the cell
absorption outside of the ventricles. Hence, this crucial membrane in many physiological processes in the organ-
experiment formed a general picture of the classic ism if there are no cellular structures that allow this pas-
hypothesis, with CSF secretion, circulation and sage. And AQP do precisely that – they belong to a
absorption, and with the CPs as the most important family of membrane channel proteins that serve as selec-
organs. But here it is necessary to stress that the tive pores for water and prevent the passage of ions and
presented result was obtained in only a single dog and other solutes (Agre, 2006). Hence, without the existence
that unfortunately no one so far has reproduced this of AQP (water) channels, rapid water movement through
experiment (1919). Namely, no one has been able to the cells cannot be explained. Since the CSF consists of
confirm that the plexectomized and obstructed ventricle 99% of water (Orešković and Klarica, 2010), AQPs should
collapsed after the obstruction of the foramen of Monro, play a very important role in the CSF secretion and the
either in dogs (Hassin et al., 1937; Bering, 1962) or in rhe- structure of the CP as a secretory organ. Therefore, the
sus monkeys (Milhorat, 1969). On the contrary, the plex- presence of AQPs in the CP was also used as an impor-
ectomized and obstructed lateral ventricle became tant indicator that the CP should be the main site of CSF
markedly dilated if significant time elapsed between the secretion, i.e. that CP is a biological pump. Even although
time of obstruction and the time of death (Milhorat, there is reasonable suspicion that animal models cannot
1969). This also indicates that hydrocephalus can quickly determine if such transport is able to form the CSF vol-
develop inside ventricles with surgically removed CPs and ume (Brown et al., 2004), the rapid movement of water
that the CPs are not the main origin of the CSF (Milhorat, (practically sole content of the CSF) further indicates the
1969). A very similar result was also observed in humans importance of AQP channels. Anyhow, numerous experi-
(Radoš et al., 2014a). Although the classic hypothesis ments were performed in various animal species showing
has emerged from an unrepeatable experiment in only that the CP was the site where many substances enter
one animal and clinical data that cannot be explained in the CSF from the blood (Kanaka et al., 2001; Li et al.,
the traditional way (see later), nothing has diminished its 2002; Brown et al., 2004; Oshio et al., 2005; Johanson,
significance and the significance of Dandy’s experiment. 2008; Spector et al., 2015) and a place of one way traffic.
Except the experiment by Dandy (1919), substantial
contribution to the belief that the CP is a secretory organ
THE ROLE OF THE CHOROID PLEXUS AS A was obtained by experiments on animal CP itself (de
CSF PUMP Rougemont et al., 1960; Welch, 1963; Pollay et al.,
1972). de Rougemont et al. (1960) surgically accessed
Since the CP is presented as an unquestionable place of the brain ventricles in cats and using a glass pipette col-
CSF secretion (Spector et al., 2015), we will continue to lected and measured the newly formed CSF from the
focus on the role of the CP as a CSF pump. The CP rep- CP surface covered with Pantopaque oil. This experiment
resents a highly vascularized glomus supplied by anterior pointed to the role of the CP in the CSF secretion, but it is
and posterior sets of choroidal arteries with an extremely important to mention that its results are questionable not
rich venous network joining to form a single large main only because it was conducted under non-physiological
choroidal vein (Fig. 3A; Davson, 1967). It is a highly vas-
74 D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

Fig. 3. (A) Schematic representation of the choroid plexus supplied by choroidal artery (red color) and choroidal vein (blue color) with highly
developed vascularization. (B) Scheme of the choroidal villus covered by a single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells and fenestrated capillaries. (C) An
explanation of choroid plexus function in the CSF secretion in terms of Na+-K+ pump on the CSF-facing (apical) membrane. Transport of Na+, Cl,
and HCO 3 ions regulates the net osmotic gradient across the choroid plexus. Na
is pumped out of the choroid cells by the Na+/K+ pump and its
intracellular concentration is driven down. The Na+ gradient activated in this way on the plasma-facing membrane (basolateral membrane)
subsequently activates via Na+/Cl- cotransport the transport of Na+ into the cell. Cl- exchange takes place across the apical and basolateral
membranes. On this membrane, the influx of Cl- into the choroid cell is allowed by an active transport Cl-/HCO-3 pump and cotransport Na+/K+/2 Cl-
mechanism. On the apical side, the intracellular Cl- efflux takes place possibly by transport proteins and through channels. The regulation of
intracellular pH is performed by basolateral Na+/H+ antiport and Cl-/HCO-3 pumps. Cl- accumulation on the Cl-/HCO-3 exchanger on the basolateral
membrane is stimulated by intracellular HCO-3 produced by the hydration of carbon dioxide, which is catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase. Aquaporin-1
channels, which exist on the apical and basolateral membrane regulate the water movement across the choroid epithelia.

conditions, i.e. during direct exposure of the CP, but also The main criticism, besides the already mentioned,
because Pantopaque oil has been shown to cause acute directed to all these experiments is that they were
ventriculitis and inflammatory changes in the CPs. (Clark performed under non-physiological conditions. Namely,
et al., 1971). it is generally accepted that fluid exchange at the
In rabbits, Welch (1963) developed a new model for capillary level in living organisms is regulated by
CSF secretion measurement (micropuncture of the princi- Starling’s forces (oncotic and hydrostatic) operating
pal vein of the CP) assuming that water loss during CSF across the microvascular walls. The same should apply
secretion increased hemoglobin and hematocrit concen- to the CP.
trations in the venous blood. He compared hematocrit or According to this view, fluid exchange is determined
hemoglobin concentrations of choroidal venous and by surface area (S), and hydrostatic (DP) and oncotic
mixed arterial blood and calculated the CSF secretion rate (Dp) pressure gradients. At the capillary level, DP
by involving the parameter of blood flow rate (Welch, equals the difference between the pressure in the
1963, 1975). Based on a similar assumption, Pollay capillary (Pc) and that in the interstitium (Pt),
et al. (1972) perfused the sheep CP after rapid removal
DP ¼ Pc  Pt
of the brain by ligation of the anterior choroidal artery
and cannulation of the internal cerebral vein. They calcu- while Dp equals the oncotic pressure difference between
lated the CSF secretion based on hematocrit changes in the capillary and interstitial compartments
the inflowing and outflowing fluid and the rate of perfusion.
However, these methods have several important limita- Dp ¼ pc  pt
tions, and the hematocrit levels of aortic and choroidal Interstitial oncotic pressure and capillary hydrostatic
blood are probably not equal (Cserr, 1971). And finally, cause the fluid movement from the vascular to the
according to Spector et al. (2015) the direct evidence that interstitial compartment, while plasma oncotic pressure
the CSF was actively secreted by the CP was the exper- pulls the fluid into the vascular space. In addition, under
iment on cultured CP epithelial cells ‘‘in vitro” (Hakvoort physiological conditions the interstitial hydrostatic
et al., 1998). pressure in many tissues is similar to the atmospheric
D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87 75

pressure or slightly subatmospheric (negative), which while AQP-1 is expressed in the CP epithelium (Nielsen
causes the fluid movement into the interstitial space. et al., 1993; Dolman et al., 2005). Although AQP-4 was
However, if tissue hydration increases, the interstitial also partially observed in CPs (Speake et al., 2003), the
hydrostatic pressure becomes positive, which changes authors have suggested that AQP-1 is responsible for
the fluid movement into the opposite direction, i.e. into water transport across the CP epithelium during CSF
the vascular compartment. It is obvious that the fluid secretion. If water movement in the CPs is critical for
exchange depends on the fine-tuning of hydrostatic (DP) the CSF volume, AQP-1 rather than AQP-4, should be
and oncotic (Dp) pressure gradients, regardless of expected to play an important role in maintaining the
whether the substances enter or exit the capillaries. And CSF volume. For this reason, water flux from blood to
such gentle and fragile physiological balance is CSF of the third ventricle has been examined by MRI
suddenly exposed to rough experimental approach such technique (JJVCPE imaging) in highly sophisticated
as ‘‘ex vivo” experimental approach, artificial perfusion experiments in control mice and AQP-1 or AQP-4 knock-
of the CP blood stream, interaction between the CP and out mice (Igarashi et al., 2013). The results have clearly
aggressive oil, exposure of the CP to atmospheric demonstrated that water influx into CSF is controlled by
pressure, or culturing the CP epithelial cells ‘‘in vitro”. It AQP-4 (outside the CP), which is responsible for water
is rather naı̈ve to expect that the experimental results homeostasis of the pericapillary space, rather than by
obtained in this way will reflect the real CP exchange of AQP-1, which is located in the CP, i.e. the CP does not
substances in living organisms under physiological serve as a biological pump in the mouse. Consequently,
conditions. it cannot be expected to play a major role in CSF forma-
Ionic transport in organism is known to take place bi- tion, since no significant contribution of water/CSF by
directionally (in and out of the cell), but the current the CP was observed (no difference in AQP-1 knocked
technology is not able to determine which direction is out mice and control animals). The similar experiments
dominant. This is especially the case in the mentioned in mice were performed by ventriculo-cisternal perfusion
experiments, since they were designed to deliberately as a method for measurement of CSF formation (Oshio
collect new CSF by glass pipette from the CP surface et al., 2005). In these experiments CSF formation was
covered with oil, or by CP perfusion technique, without calculated in wild-type mice (control) and null AQP-1
intention (possibility) to simultaneously monitor the mice. In contrast to the experiment of Igarashi et al.
eventual return of substances into the CP blood stream. (2013), where the difference in entrance of CSF/water into
But anyhow, these experiments have had a key role in CSF system between wild-type and AQP-1 free mice had
accepting the CP as an active biological pump and the not been noticed, Oshio et al. (2005) have obtained a
main place of CSF formation. decrease in CSF formation of about 20% in AQP-1 free
mice. The most important difference between those two
experiments is the methodology. While Igarashi et al.
IS THE CHOROID PLEXUS REALLY A CSF (2013) used new, sophisticated, physiological method,
PUMP? Oshio et al. (2005) used venticulo-cisternal perfusion
The choroid plexus and entry of water into CSF method, which has been strongly criticized as indirect,
system unreliable and non-physiological; i.e. one cannot be cer-
tain what the true subject of measurement really was
To answer the question whether the CP is a pump, we (see later; Orešković and Klarica, 2014a,b). But even if
should pay full attention to water. Namely, as was these results are to be considered reliable, the question
mentioned, 99% of the CSF volume is water, and all arises what the observed 20% reduction in CSF formation
other substances account for only 1%. So, if we want to really means. It only means that the entrance (formation)
observe the CP as the biological pump that secreted all of CSF/water by CP (without AQP-1) is diminished as well
the CSF, the key question is how 99% of CSF volume as it is evident that the rest of CSF/water volume (domi-
(water) passes throughout the pump. Because of such a nant) still enters into the CSF system, obviously preva-
CSF composition, if the CPs are the main place of CSF lently by AQP-4, as shown in experiment of Igarashi
secretion they should also be the main place of water et al. (2013). Recently, using dynamic PET study by
entry into the CSF system. H152 O on volunteers and patients with idiopathic normal
However, the experiments that studied water transit pressure hydrocephalus, a very fast movement of water
from the blood to CSF did not recognize the CPs as the molecules from the arteries into the brain parenchyma
main point of water entry into the CSF system and ventricular CSF was shown, without proof that CP
(Orešković and Klarica, 2015; Orešković et al., 2016). is a dominant place of water entrance into the CSF sys-
The most illustrative example is a recent study by tem (Mase et al., 2016). In other words, mentioned exper-
Igarashi et al. (2013) in control and in AQP-1 or AQP-4 iments show that CP is not the main site of CSF/water
knocked out mice. As was mentioned, AQP enables the entry and that CSF/water enters CSF system from all sur-
water movement across biological membranes, which is rounding tissue. All of the above supports the Bulat-Klar
why it is very important in the CP transport system of ica-Orešković hypothesis of CSF physiology (see
water. In the mammalian CNS there are several AQP iso- Introduction).
forms, but only AQP-1 and AQP-4 are relevant for mam- A very similar result was obtained in humans before
mals in vivo. AQP-4 is the most widespread isoform, the discovery of AQPs, in a study that investigated the
uniquely restricted to the subpial and perivascular endfeet effect of bilateral choroid plexectomy on the appearance
of astrocytes (Huber et al., 2012; Igarashi et al., 2013)
76 D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

of water from blood in the CSF system (Bering, 1952). the basis of marker dilution in the outflow perfusate as a
After Bering surgically removed both ventricular CPs, factor for calculation. Therefore, the marker dilution in
contrary to his expectations, there was no difference in the CSF system is a crucial criterion for CSF secretion,
water exchange (D2O appearance) before and after chor- since it is assumed to be a consequence of the newly
oid plexectomy. The observed curves of water entrance secreted CSF, i.e. higher dilution rate is assumed to result
(D2O) were almost the same, which confirms that the in a higher CSF secretion rate. However, a thorough sci-
CPs play only a small part in the water exchange of the entific analysis by Orešković and Klarica (2010, 2014a,b)
CSF inside the cerebral ventricles. Namely, if the CP has clearly demonstrated that this criterion and presump-
was responsible for a greater volume of the water tions are not fulfilled in experimental conditions. This anal-
exchange, the postoperative appearance of D2O would ysis has shown that marker dilution inside the CSF
be much slower than preoperative. Hence, the results system is not a consequence of the newly secreted
were analogous both in humans and mice, i.e. no signifi- CSF, but of a number of other factors (Orešković and
cant contribution of the CPs to water influx into CSF sys- Klarica, 2014a,b). Furthermore, perfusion method, which
tem was observed. has not been adequately validated, can be used to calcu-
The overlapping curves in CSF after i.v. application of late the CSF secretion in an in vitro model and even in
H2O were also found in dogs within the CSF in the lateral dead animals, as well as in any perfused part of the
brain ventricles and cisterna magna (Klarica et al., 2013). CSF system (Orešković and Klarica, 2014a,b): for
This suggests that the mechanism of water entry from the instance in subarachnoid space where CPs do not exist
bloodstream into these compartments is the same. How- (Sato et al., 1972, 1975). Therefore, ventriculo-cisternal
ever, if the CP was the main place of CSF/water secretion perfusion generally accepted as prevalent scientific
these two curves should be considerably different, with method for the measurement secretion of CSF, is a
the highest 3H2O ventricular values at the site where the method that can neither confirm the existence of CSF
CP is positioned. Furthermore, oxygen enhancement in secretion nor adequately explain the CPs’ function. Its
ventricular and subarachnoidal (sulcal) CSF has recently many methodological errors have been demonstrated,
been found by spin eco MRI sequence in fifteen healthy requiring a re-evaluation of all the results obtained in this
volunteers. These results confirm the involvement of the way (Orešković et al., 2000; Orešković and Klarica, 2010,
cerebral vessels in CSF production (Mehemed et al., 2014a,b).
2014). The same study showed that after administration The view that the CP is not a biological pump is also
of oxygen CSF signal was significantly higher in both sul- supported by a series of feline experiments using
cal CSFs than in the ventricular CSF. These results clo- isolated brain ventricles (Orešković et al., 2001;
sely correspond with the experiments by Bering (1952), Orešković et al., 2002; Klarica et al., 2009). In these
who observed that the D2O appearance was faster in experiments the aqueduct of Sylvius was blocked by a
the cisterna magna than in the brain ventricles. The facts plastic cannula surrounded by acrylic glue in a watertight
that the water entry from the blood into the CSF system manner. The cannula was filled by artificial CSF and the
does not differ between control and plexectomized external orifice was adjusted to collect the CSF at physi-
patients and between control and AQP-1 knocked out ological CSF pressure (Fig. 4A). Thereby, the ventricles
mice, and that the appearance of 3H2O in a dog and (two lateral ones and the third) were separated from the
D2O and oxygen in human are not fastest in the ventricles rest of CSF system i.e. the CSF secretion site (CPs)
indicate that the CP does not behave as biological pump was isolated from the CSF absorption site (subarachnoid
for water (99% of CSF volume), it obviously cannot be space). If the CPs were indeed the CSF pumps and if
regarded a CSF pump. CSF was not absorbed inside the ventricles, then at phys-
iological CSF pressure, all CSF (secreted by CPs) should
The choroid plexus and perfusion of the CSF system eventually be collected through the plastic cannula in a
collection tube (Fig. 4A). However, in all experimental ani-
After Dandy’s experiment (1919; Fig. 2) in the beginning
mals, the CSF was found to pulsate at the external orifice
of 20th century, the next strongest impetus to explore
of the cannula, there was no net flow of the CSF volume
CSF physiology came in the 1960s with the emergence
(circulation), and no amount of CSF was collected in the
of the ventriculo-cisternal perfusion method, as a tool for
tube (Orešković et al., 2001, 2002). In the experiments
study of CSF formation and absorption (Heisey et al.,
where the ventricles were completely blocked by a can-
1962). The results obtained by the ventriculo-cisternal
nula and connected to CSF pressure measuring system
perfusion method have been used as important evidence
(Fig. 4B), there were no significant ICP differences
in favor of the classic hypothesis, and some perfusion
between the isolated brain ventricles and those in control
techniques have been used as direct evidence that CP
conditions, and during the three hours of obstruction the
is a biological pump of CSF (see The choroid plexus as
brain ventricles were not observed to dilate (Klarica
a CSF pump). While other methods have mostly been
et al., 2009). This result is very similar to earlier results
abandoned or used very rarely, ventriculo-cisternal perfu-
by Guleke (1930) and Hassin et al. (1937), who in 30 of
sion still represents the generally accepted method for the
38 and 12 of 15 dogs, respectively, found that the ventri-
study of CSF secretion (Orešković and Klarica, 2010,
cles did not dilate and that hydrocephalus did not develop
2014a,b). Although it does not directly measure the secre-
after the occlusion of the aqueduct of Sylvius. A similar
tion by CPs, it is believed that the calculated CSF secre-
case has also been reported by Radoš et al. in a human
tion rate originates mainly from the CPs. It is an indirect
patient (2014b). They have presented a female patient
method, since the CSF secretion rate is determined on
D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87 77

viously mentioned experiments where

CSF pressure in isolated ventricles
remained within physiological range
and where the ventricles failed to dilate
and the CSF did not escape are prac-
tically inexplicable in the light of the
presumption that the CPs represent
CSF pumps.
An additional confirmation that the
CP does not behave as a biological
pump was obtained in a feline model
of isolated brain ventricles when an
‘‘artificial CP”, i.e. a mechanical
pump, was introduced into the lateral
brain ventricle (Fig. 4C; Orešković
et al., 2002). The infusion rate by the
‘‘artificial CP” (‘‘CSF secretion”) was
adjusted to the expected rate of CSF
secretion (13 mL/min) suggested by
the classic hypothesis (Flexner and
Winters, 1932; Welch, 1963; Plum
Fig. 4. (A) A large pineal cyst with compressed quadrigeminal plate and near-obstruction
stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius at sagittal T1 slice on magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and Siesjö, 1975; Pollay, 1975,
exam. (B) Spinal region showing normal morphology of the spinal cord and normal volume of the 1977). Under physiological CSF pres-
spinal CSF at sagittal T2 slices. Presented findings were first detected on an MR exam 6 years sure, mock CSF was infused at a rate
ago, and were without significant changes during that period. Incidental findings of degenerative of 13 mL/min by the ‘‘artificial CP” into
changes of intervertebral disks in the cervical and lumbal region are also visible.
the cat brain ventricle (‘‘CSF secre-
tion”) and the same rate of outflow
fluid volume was obtained in a collect-
ing plastic tube. So, if the CPs in a liv-
ing organism actually secreted CSF
and behaved as a biological pump
then the collected CSF tube should
not be empty (Fig. 4A), but the results
should correspond to the results of the
experiments with the ‘‘artificial CP”
(Fig. 4C). In other words, if the CPs
really secreted CSF, the rate of CSF
secretion would certainly be measured
by the presented method.
All these experimental results in
animals and humans, as well as the
clinical findings in humans, show that
CPs behave neither as biological
pumps nor as the main site of CSF


Fig. 5. (A) A large pineal cyst with compressed quadrigeminal plate and near-obstruction stenosis
of the aqueduct of Sylvius at sagittal T1 slice on the magnetic resonance imaging exam. (B) Spinal
region showing normal morphology of spinal the cord and normal volume of the spinal CSF at HYDROCEPHALUS
sagittal T2 slice. DEVELOPMENT
In this chapter we will try to answer the
question whether the CPs cause
in whom the aqueduct of Sylvius was obstructed for at hydrocephalus development. The
least 5 years due to a large pineal cyst. In this case, classic hypothesis offers a satisfactory explanation of
despite complete absence of CSF movement through hydrocephalus development, and hydrocephalus
the aqueduct, lateral and third ventricles did not become development confirms the classical hypothesis, as
dilated (Fig. 5; Radoš et al., 2014b). Furthermore, no shown by Dandy, so it is difficult to separately discuss
hydrocephalus development was observed in a male these two concepts (Fig. 2; 1919). Therefore, this
patient with the stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius lasting explanation, with minor modifications, is still widely cited
for over a year (Fig. 6). These clinical results and the pre- by studies investigating hydrocephalus development.
78 D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

Fig. 6. Schematic representation the blockade of the aqueducts of Sylvius by plastic cannula in a cat. (A) Collection of the CSF from the brain
ventricles at physiological CSF pressure. (B) Measuring the CSF pressure in isolated brain ventricles. (C) Collection of the CSF from brain ventricles
at physiological CSF pressure during imitation of choroid plexus function by infusion of artificial CSF (13.00 mL/min).

Since the CSF is produced by the CPs pushing against achieved lasting improvement without the need for CSF
ICP (Pollay et al., 1983; Davson et al., 1987), hydro- shunts (Pople and Ettles, 1995). In the study by Griffith
cephalus or over-accumulation of the CSF is caused by and Jamjoom (1990) the shunting was required in almost
medical conditions that block its normal circulation or half of the patients one week to thirteen months after the
absorption (Rekate, 2008). CP coagulation. The best example is the case of hydro-
Let us briefly return to Dandy’s experiment (1919), cephalus with idiopathic CSF overproduction described
which very realistically showed that CP was essential for by Trevisi et al. (2014), in which dual shunting was
hydrocephalus development and offered a suggestion required in spite of bilateral endoscopic CP coagulation.
for hydrocephalus therapy. Namely, when the foramina All these cases demonstrate that the hydrocephalus
of Monro was obstructed, the ventricle with the CP, development can still occur even when the CPs are
because of its nature as a biological pump, dilated, while removed.
the contralateral ventricle without the CP, collapsed A recent publication, in which the cause of
(Fig. 2). From this observation, Dandy concluded the fol- hydrocephalus has been explained by CP hyperplasia,
lowing: ‘‘the only absolute proof that cerebrospinal fluid is also showed no better results (Hallaert et al., 2012). Out
formed from the choroid plexus. At the same time, it is of sixteen patients who underwent plexectomy or CP
proven that the ependyma lining the ventricles is not con- coagulation, only four achieved improvement, one had
cerned in the production of cerebrospinal fluid.” Since incomplete medical documentation, whereas eleven
Dandy was a neurosurgeon, for him it was logical to treat patients required the VP shunt re-installation.
hydrocephalus by choroid plexectomy. For years, plexec- But although the new endoscopic approaches to CPs
tomy was the most widespread type of infantile hydro- failed to provide satisfactory results, they nevertheless
cephalus treatment in the United States. However, over achieved some success (Griffith and Jamjoom, 1990;
decades it became clear that CP cauterization or bilateral Pople and Ettles, 1995; Hallaert et al., 2012). The ques-
extirpation invariably failed to benefit the patients. There- tion is whether this success could be attributed to the
fore, they were abandoned as a means of hydrocephalus CPs removal. Let us analyze a case report (Hallaert
treatment, and today it has only historical significance et al., 2012) in which successful endoscopic coagulation
(Milhorat, 1974, 1976). The problem with this treatment of hyperplastic CPs was performed to treat hydro-
is not only that the results obtained in a canine model cephalus, and the obtained result was presented as direct
were applied to humans, but also that the results them- evidence that the CP secreted CSF (Spector et al., 2015),
selves were not sufficiently tested. The inability of choroid i.e. that CP is a biological pump. The endoscopic coagu-
plexectomy to cure hydrocephalus is evidence enough lation of both lateral ventricles’ CPs was performed by an
that the CPs are not the main source of active CSF forma- occipital approach on a 3-year-old girl. Throughout the
tion and that CP is not a powerful biological pump. procedure, the ventricles were rinsed at body temperature
After choroid plexectomy was proved to be an with Ringer solution to prevent them from collapsing,
inadequate method for hydrocephalus treatment, remove the debris from the tissue and to control a small
endoscopic methods have emerged as a new treatment bleeding (Hallaert et al., 2012). After surgical treatment,
modality (Pople and Ettles, 1995; Wellons et al., 2002; the CSF was drained through the external ventricular
Enchev and Oi, 2008). Although they yielded somewhat catheter for 14 days. In accordance with the common
better results, the CP coagulation did not significantly neurosurgical practice, the patient was probably also trea-
reduce the ventricular size and only a third of patients ted with antibiotics, although this is not mentioned in the
D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87 79

article. Therefore, it is obvious that additional procedures not as successful when it comes to hydrocephalus treat-
used during treatment, other than coagulation of CPs, ment (Milhorat et al., 1976a; Jooma and Grant, 1983;
could have improved the patient’s condition. Namely, Ivan et al., 1986) making CSF shunt implantation often
recently it has been proposed that the increased osmolal- necessary (Raimondi and Gutierrez, 1975; Velasco-
ity of CSF led to ventricular dilatation and hydrocephalus Siles and Raimondi, 1982). For instance, 18 of 23 patients
development (Klarica et al., 1996, 2013; Krishnamurthy following surgical treatment required permanent shunting
et al., 2009, 2012, 2014). In such case, rinsing of ventri- (Lena et al., 1990). If hydrocephalus was caused by CSF
cles with Ringer solution, several days of drainage of over-secretion, it should disappear after the removal of
CSF and administration of antibiotics could be what the source of CSF over-secretion (the CP affected by
helped the patient. Since there is no information on the tumor). Since hydrocephalus can persist after plexectomy
patient’s CSF osmolality (Hallaert et al., 2012), it is not its development obviously cannot be explained in such a
possible to assume that the mentioned procedure simple way. Hence, the curative effect of plexectomy is
improved the patient’s condition, and this cannot be said not achieved by removing the over-secreting CP, but by
for the coagulation of the CPs itself. Anyhow, to take into removing the CP with the tumor as the main cause of
account a single successful case report (Hallaert et al., pathological change (see above) in the CSF system.
2012) of CP coagulation as evidence confirming the CP These results show that we still do not know enough
as the site of CSF secretion (Spector et al., 2015) is not about hydrocephalus development (Orešković and
scientifically justified, especially if we know that in other Klarica, 2011; Krishnamurthy et al., 2014; Klarica et al.,
eleven analyzed patients with hyperplastic CPs, plexec- 2015) and that the role of the CP in hydrocephalus pathol-
tomy or CP coagulation were unsuccessful in hydro- ogy is not so important because hydrocephalus can
cephalus treatment (see above). We could even claim develop in the same intensity with or without the CPs
that these 11 patients could serve as evidence of pre- (Milhorat, 1969, 1974; Radoš et al., 2014a), and the
cisely the opposite, that CP are not the site of CSF secre- removal of the CPs in hydrocephalic patients usually does
tion. Therefore, case report observations in humans not result in healing. Also a recent article (Orešković and
should not be quoted as direct evidence for any hypothe- Klarica, 2011) has shown that there are no exact scientific
ses. Only when hypotheses are based on experiments proofs for the circulatory hypothesis of hydrocephalus
should a case report be presented as a complement to (CP as a pump) and the classic hypothesis of CSF phys-
experimental results. We must always be aware that in iology, but just the opposite, that the existence of hydro-
the case of neurosurgical removal or coagulation of the cephalus is the proof that these hypotheses are
CPs (as the hydrocephalus treatment), the procedure groundless.
never includes only plexectomy, but also a number of
other clinical interventions. THE ROLE OF THE CHOROID PLEXUS IN THE
This can be observed even better when plexectomy is
used to treat hydrocephalus caused by CP tumors. CP
tumors are rare intraventricular neoplasms of CSF homeostasis is the property of the CSF system in
neuroectodermal origin, ranging from benign CP which the variables are regulated in such a way that
papillomas (CPP) to malignant CP carcinomas (CPC). internal conditions remain under physiological
They may be created by epithelial cells of the CP. It is conditions. According to the classic hypothesis, the CPs
believed that such pathology leads to increased CSF should have considerable importance in the CSF
secretion (over-secretion; Kahn and Lutros, 1952; homeostasis. Of all the variables that affect the
Milhorat et al., 1976b), probably associated with the homeostasis, we will analyze some aspects in which the
obstruction of CSF pathways, thus causing increased CP affects the CSF volume, biochemical composition of
ICP and hydrocephalus. CP tumors are large highly vas- CSF and CSF pressure. As was previously mentioned,
cularized structures, so hypertrophy of the choroid arter- we analyzed only the experimental results obtained in
ies is a common angiographic feature. The CP tumor is animals that were comparable to clinical results in
a site where the blood–brain barrier integrity is disrupted humans. Although the use of animal results requires
and the ventricular cavity freely exposed to the harmful caution, avoiding the use of animal results in explaining
substances. Namely, the substances from blood can human physiology is not quite scientifically correct.
freely enter the CSF, changing its physiological composi- Namely, no mammalian CSF physiology is considerably
tion, and together with tumor metabolism products, alter- different from human CSF physiology, and the greatest
ing the CSF homeostasis. Also, the growth of tumor alone part of the information related to human CSF physiology
could significantly influence ICP, perfusion of the brain has been obtained by experimental animal models.
and movement (pulsation) of the CSF, further affecting
the CSF homeostasis. The usual treatment procedure is The choroid plexus and regulation of CSF volume
total surgical excision of the CP with a tumor (plexec-
tomy), with or without adjuvant chemo and/or radiother- The CP as the generator of CSF formation/secretion
apy depending on the patient (Pencalet et al., 1998). (Davson et al., 1987; Brown et al., 2004; Spector et al.,
Plexextomy is performed to stop the CSF overproduction, 2015) and by its active nature as a biological pump should
resulting in normalization of ICP and ultimately in hydro- account for all of the CSF volume in the entire CSF sys-
cephalus withdrawal. Although surgical excisions are tem. However, CSF production is not a regulated or
often successful in terms of tumor treatment, they are self-regulated process, which means the CP is a not reg-
ulating or self-regulating organ. Despite decades of
80 D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

research, the physiological process of the regulation of over a year (Fig. 6). Namely, in the latter patient there
CSF secretion by the CPs is still unknown. In accordance was a considerably larger CSF volume behind the
with the classic view, the regulation of the CP function by obstruction than in the ventricles (approximately 10:1),
CSF pressure is not in physiological range (Heisey et al., which should be sustained only by one CP located in
1962; Rubin et al., 1966; Cutler et al., 1968; Sklar et al., the IV ventricle. Also, even more difficult is to offer a rea-
1980; Pollay et al., 1983) and the obtained results suggest sonable explanation in sharks. How can there exist the
that ICP should be considerably or chronically increased turnover of CSF and constant external volume of CSF
to decrease CSF secretion (Silverberg et al., 2002; when there is no open communication between internal
Damkier et al., 2013). Also, it has not been confirmed that and external CSF system, i.e. how can basic daily physi-
the autonomic nervous system regulates CSF secretion, ological function be maintained in external CSF without
reflecting the technical limitations associated with quanti- the presence of the CPs?
fying CSF secretion (Lindvall and Owman, 1981). Further- Furthermore, the CSF is formed in some lower
more, a cutback in CSF absorption would not result in a vertebrates that do not have the CPs in the ventricular
cutback in CSF secretion, as expected if constant physio- cavities (Kappers, 1958; Oppelt et al., 1964; Cserr,
logical CSF volume is to be retained. The CSF secretion 1971), as well as within the neural tube of fetal pigs
would, more or less, continue at the same rate regardless (Weed, 1917) and humans (Kappers, 1958) even before
of the CSF absorption. Additionally, one of the most the appearance of the CPs anlage (Bueno et al., 2014).
important evolutionary characteristics of organs is the Therefore, during the entire lifetime in some species, or
ability to modify their function in response to changes in only during embryonic/fetal development in others, the
the organism. The function of an organ depends on inter- CSF is normally produced although the CPs (as a main
nal and external factors (conditions that specifically affect place of CSF secretion) do not exist. A very similar case
the work of individual organs, sleeping, physical activity, has recently been reported in a patient with hydranen-
psychological state, coldness, heat etc). In each of these cephaly and macrocephaly (Fig. 7; Radoš et al., 2014b).
situations, organ activity is permanently altered and This study presented a thirty-year old female with an
adapted to new situations to maintain homeostasis. How- extremely large intracranial space and hydrocephalus
ever, the CP will continue to secrete the CSF at mainly filled with the CSF (the CSF occupied approxi-
unchanged physiological rate even if it resulted in mately 95% of the cranial cavity) and with only small
increased CSF pressure, hydrocephalus or a life- areas of sustained parenchyma. Since in this patient
threatening condition. It is difficult to imagine that evolu- there were no CPs inside the supratentorial region, and
tion would develop an organ that could by its primary she had free communication inside the CSF system, the
physiological function (secretion) pose a potential threat classic hypothesis cannot explain the development of so
to one’s life. This shows how difficult it is to support the large hydrocephalus and macrocephaly. It is also difficult
thesis that the CPs are the main regulators of the CSF to explain how such a large CSF volume can be renewed
volume. Anyhow, the CPs, which are located in the brain’s every day and how the CSF homeostasis can be main-
ventricles, should, according to the classic hypothesis, be tained for over 30 years in the absence of the CPs.
equally important for internal and external CSF volume, Equally difficult to explain is the clinical finding of CP cal-
although this does not seem to be the case in both ani- cification (Modic et al., 1980). Namely, although the calci-
mals and humans. fied CP was not histopathologically analyzed, calcification
Studies in some sharks, in which there is no is expected to diminish active CSF formation (secretion),
communication between internal and external CSF especially when we know which complex physiological
showed that in spite of the presence of the CP in processes take place in the CP during secretion
isolated brain ventricles, there was no ventricular (Fig. 3). However, the fact that the volume (turnover) of
dilatation in physiological conditions under stable and the CSF in the patent was not reduced (Modic et al.,
constant presence of the CSF in the subarachnoid 1980), certainly fails to speak in favor of the CP as the bio-
space (Kappers, 1958; Oppelt et al., 1964). Furthermore, logical pump and a regulator of constant CSF volume.
there is a report on a female patient, who despite an
obstruction of the aqueduct of Sylvius and complete The choroid plexus and biochemical composition of
absence of CSF movement through the aqueduct did the CSF
not develop hydrocephalus for over 5 years of follow up
(see Is the choroid plexus really CSF pump?) (Radoš As the main source of the CSF, the CPs should be
et al., 2014a). Today, a year later the obstruction still per- responsible for physiological composition of the CSF
sists and there are no signs of hydrocephalus develop- constituents (substances). Since the CSF is formed
ment (Fig. 5) and no clinical symptoms such as inside the brain ventricles (by CPs) and absorbed on the
headache, nausea, vomiting, ataxia, dementia, etc. In surface of the brain, its constituting elements should not
light of the presumption that the CPs represent the CSF differ significantly inside the CSF system. However,
pumps, the absence of hydrocephalus and other symp- there is no universal CSF in terms of fluid composition,
toms is inexplicable. It is hard to explain CSF homeosta- since it depends on the site from where it was taken.
sis and normal CSF volume with a constant CSF turnover The ventricular CSF is different from the lumbar CSF,
in front and behind the obstruction site in light of classic and fluid that is taken directly from the CP is quite
hypothesis in this patient (Fig. 5) as well as in the patient different from mixed ventricular CSF. Therefore, there is
with the stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius lasting for really not a single CSF, and the CSF composition
reflects the composition of the brain extracellular fluid
D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87 81

Fig. 7. (A): Almost complete malacia of the cerebral hemispheres and spared falx and meninges across the supratentorial space at a transversal T2
slice. (B) Preserved parts of the brain parenchyma in the right frontal lobe, mediobasal left temporal lobe, diencephalon, and brainstem at a coronal
T2 slice. (C) Visible remnants of the occipital lobe, diencephalon, brainstem and cerebellum at a sagittal T2 slice. All figures show marked thickening
of the neurocranial bones. Reproduced with permission of the publisher from Radoš et al. (2014a).

(Katzenelborgen, 1935; Bering, 1966; Davson, 1967; stances have concluded (2016): ‘‘Although the BBB is
Bulat and Klarica, 2011). It is also well known that con- vital for effective brain function, it is less clear that the
centration gradient for different substances exist along CPs are needed in the adult. Thus wile secretion by the
the CSF system (Garelis and Sourkes, 1973; Sjostrom CPs does account for most of the net fluid entry into the
et al., 1975; Ruckebusch and Sutra, 1984; Degrell and brain, a suitable arrangement of transporters at the BBB
Nagy, 1990; Orešković et al., 1995). In other words, the could easily produce a similar secretion”, which is incom-
biochemical composition of CSF is different depending patible with traditional view, but is completely in accor-
on the CSF site, and this difference is constant. It means dance with our hypothesis.
that the exchange of water and other substances between Hence, if the CSF composition depends on the site
CSF and the surrounding tissue (see; Is the choroid from which it was taken, if there is a concentration
plexus really a CSF pump?), takes part everywhere in gradient for different substances along the CSF system
the CSF system (Bulat and Klarica, 2011). It is well known and if the chemical composition of CSF is not altered
that CSF communicates freely with the brain extracellular with or without CPs, it is obvious that the CP cannot be
fluid and that substances can diffuse from the CSF into the exclusive and dominant place of CSF exchange and
the CNS under concentration gradient where they are the main source of biochemical composition of the CSF.
removed mainly by active transport into the capillaries
(Zmajević et al., 2002). Recently, so-called glymphatic
The choroid plexus and CSF pressure
pathways were proposed for substances distribution
through the CNS parenchyma (Iliff et al., 2012; Jessen After having listed all these arguments, further discussion
et al., 2015; Ratner et al., 2017). It was suggested that about the CP as biological pump seems almost
substance distribution is supported by arterial pulsations, unnecessary. However, since one of the important roles
and slow vasomotion together with respiration drove the of the CP should be the establishment of CSF
substances into the perivascular space, in the direction hydrostatic pressure gradient, necessary for the CSF
from arteries to the venous system. The reverse process, circulation, the effect of the CP on ICP/CSF pressure
from the spinal tissue into the spinal CSF, was also pre- should be analyzed. It is true that no study has
sented and some substances in the lumbar CSF were discussed the CP as a pump that creates hydrostatic
clearly shown to be derived mostly or exclusively from gradients, but since it is believed that in hypertensive
the spinal cord (Bulat, 1977; Bulat and Živković, 1978). hydrocephalus the CP can cause high ICP/CSF
Such substance exchange between the CNS and CSF pressure, it seems logical that it can also create
could explain why CSF composition depends on the place hydrostatic gradients. The unidirectional movement
of CSF collection and why a concentration gradient of (circulation) of the CSF cannot happen without the
substances could exist along the CSF system. Further- existence of hydrostatic pressure gradient with the
more, the chemical composition of the CSF collected from highest value at the site of CSF formation and the
the ventricles in dogs (Bering, 1966), the cisterna magna lowest at the site of CSF absorption. No flow, especially
in rhesus monkeys (Milhorat, 1969; Milhorat et al., 1971; not the CSF flow, can exist if without a difference in
Hammock and Milhorat, 1973;) and the lumbar CSF in hydrostatic pressure, which should be permanently
humans (Milhorat, 1976) was not altered after bilateral present. The key question is whether such hydrostatic
choroid plexectomy. Recently Hladky and Barrand in their pressure relationship exists in the CSF system and if it
extensive analysis of BBB and CP role in transport of sub- is a consequence of metabolic activity of CP.
82 D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

As was elaborated above, the CP should be the main space) (Fig. 8B). This all suggests that the CPs are not
regulator of ICP/CSF pressure, which is best manifested involved in ICP/CSF pressure regulation and that the
by the equation of Marmarou et al. (1978) (see Introduc- CSF pressure does not depend on the resistance to
tion). The ICP value will depend on the force of CSF CSF flow and resistance to CSF absorption, as was pro-
secretion by the CP and on the resistance to this force posed by Marmarou et al. (1978). Recently a new hypoth-
during CSF circulation and absorption. This means that esis based on experimental and clinical data explained
the physiological secretion of the CSF will generate higher the origin of such hydrostatic pressure gradient and regu-
CSF pressure on higher resistance to CSF circulation and lation of ICP/CSF pressure (Klarica et al., 2014). It states
absorption. that the CSF movement and composition of substance
Having shown which factors, according to the classic within the CSF are not affected by pressure gradients
hypothesis, affect the occurrence of CSF pressure, it is but that the CSF is carried bi-directionally along the
necessary to consider whether and what kind of CSF space affected by the laws of fluid mechanics and
hydrostatic pressure gradient exists in the CSF system. systolic-diastolic pulsations in the blood circulation. In
It was clearly shown that the ICP/CSF pressure short, the participation of the CPs in the CSF homeostasis
depends on the body position (Magnaes, 1976a,b; is not as important as it is shown in the literature.
Klarica et al., 2014). We will analyze the two most impor-
tant positions in which people spend most of their lifetime;
the horizontal and vertical position. The normal CSF pres- CONCLUSIONS
sure in the horizontal recumbent position is around 15 cm
H2O, with the same pressure values inside the spinal sub- The actual role of the CPs in CSF physiology has so far
arachnoid space and the cranium (Fig. 8A; P1, P2; P3) not been sufficiently explored. It could be said for
(Magnaes, 1976,b; Davson et al., 1987). Thus, in the hor- certain that the explanation of this role presented in the
izontal position there is no hydrostatic pressure gradient textbooks, atlases and review articles is still unclear and
that would be necessary for CSF circulation inside the mainly overemphasized. This article showed that the
CSF system. This means that the CSF could not be able CPs are not biological pumps and the main sites of CSF
to circulate when people are in this position (e.g. sleeping secretion; that do not participate in the regulation of
at night), that is for a third of their life. In the vertical posi- ICP/CSF pressure; that do not create hydrostatic
tion (standing or sitting; Fig. 8B, C) ICP/CSF pressure in pressure gradient in the CSF system and that this
the cranium is subatmospheric (negative; gradient is not permanent (disappeared in the horizontal
P3 = 10 cm H2O) (Bradly, 1970; Fox et al., 1973; position); and that they do not generate the imagined
Portnoy et al., 1973; McCullough and Fox, 1974; Welch, unidirectional CSF circulation, hydrocephalus
1980; Chapman et al., 1990; Poca et al., 2006; Klarica development and increased ICP/CSF pressure. We
et al., 2014), in the upper cervical region or in the foramen strongly believe that the CP is not of crucial importance
magnum it is similar to atmospheric (zero level; for a living organism since no health deterioration was
P2 = 0 cm H2O) and in the lumbar region it is supra- noticed in patients in whom they were removed (see
atmospheric (highly positive; P1 = +60 cm H2O) and cor- above). It is scientific fact that the CPs have active
responds to the distance between the cisterna magna metabolic nature and that they are highly vascularized
(CM) and the measuring site (Loman, 1934; organs immersed into CSF in the brain ventricles
Masserman, 1934; Loman et al., 1935; Von Storch (Damkier et al., 2013; Hladky and Barrand, 2014;
et al., 1937; O’Connell, 1943; Magnaes, 1976a,b). Hence, Spector et al., 2015), which supports the idea that their
while in the horizontal body position the hydrostatic pres- activity is not one-way traffic from the blood to the CSF
sure gradient is not present (Fig. 8A), in vertical body (Hassin, 1924; Di Chiro, 1964; Milhorat et al., 1970).
position it is present, but it has an opposite value to the Instead, the substance exchange takes place in both
expected gradients, which should allow the CSF circula- directions: into the CSF from the blood and out of the
tion (from the brain ventricles via CM to the lumbal CSF into the blood. If blood vessels are immersed into
space). Although it would be expected that the pressure the CSF (as is a case by blood vessels in CP), a fast
was the highest in the brain ventricles where the CPs and considerable substance exchange could be achieved
secrete the CSF, lower in the CM and finally the lowest between the blood and the CSF, thus maintaining the bio-
in the lumbar region, it is actually the highest in the lumbar chemical balance of the CSF, which should be important
region, lower in CM and the lowest in the brain’s ventricles for normal physiological CNS functioning. Also in Fig. 3A
(Fig. 8B). Obviously, no hydrostatic pressure gradient we can see that the CPs are supplied by both anterior
exists in the CSF system, which confirms the hypothesis and posterior sets of choroidal arteries and with extremely
of unidirectional circulation from the proposed site of rich venous network: choroidal arteries are responsible for
CSF formation (brain ventricles) along the CSF system delivering substances to the CP and the venous network
to the CSF absorption site at the brain surface. This also is responsible for removing these substances from the
means that the existing hydrostatic gradient in the CSF CP. This observation is consistent with the previously
system (Fig. 8B) has nothing to do with the CPs, because published data in hydrocephalic children, where it was
hydrostatic pressure is low and sub-atmospheric (nega- suggested that, at least in hydrocephalus, the CP has a
tive; Fig. 8B, C) at the place where CPs as biological considerable absorption role (Milhorat et al., 1970). Fur-
pump should secrete the CSF (ventricles) and is the high- thermore, it was shown by histopathological facts that
est at the opposite site, where there are no CPs (lumbar the CP under some pathological conditions certainly rep-
resents an organ of CSF absorption (Hassin, 1924).
D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87 83

Fig. 8. The scheme of CSF pressure measurement in different parts of the CSF system in different head and body positions. (A) CSF pressure in
the horizontal position of the head and body (right recumbent position) is equal at each recording point (lumbar subarachnoid space, cisterna
magna, intracranial space – lateral ventricle; P1 = P2 = P3), and its value corresponds to the distance between the medial interspinal line and the
parieto-cortical subarachnoid space (h). Thus, CSF pressure in that position can be calculated using the equation for hydrostatic pressure:
P = Pa + qgh, where P is CSF pressure, Pa is atmospheric pressure, q is density, and g is gravitational field acceleration. If the referent pressure
(Pa) is chosen to be zero, CSF pressure is qgh. (B) In the vertical (sitting) position CSF pressure in the cisterna magna (P2) is equal to
atmospheric pressure (Pa). In the lumbar subarachnoid space CSF pressure (P1) is positive (P1 = Pa + qgh1), and its value corresponds to the
distance (CSF hydrostatic column) (h1) between the recording point and the level of referent pressure (Pa). CSF pressure in the cranial CSF system
is subatmospheric (negative or less than atmospheric pressure), and its value corresponds to the distance (h3) between the level of referent
pressure (Pa) and the recording point inside the cranium. (C) Scheme of our hypothesis which explains the appearance of subatmospheric CSF
pressure in the cranial cavity in a vertical position, with unchanged intracranial fluid volume. The scheme of a plastic tube, filled with fluid and open at
the lower end, is presented on right side. Fluid pressure inside the plastic tube at the recording point is subatmospheric, and its value (cm H2O)
corresponds to the distance (h0 3) between the recording point and the open end (P’ = Pa  qgh0 3). Therefore, inside this kind of space
subatmospheric (negative) pressure appears without the fluid volume changes which is in accordance to the law of fluid mechanics. Consequently,
the CSF inside the cranium should also behave according to the same law (left side of the scheme). Thus, the negative value of the hydrostatic CSF
pressure in the cranial cavity does not depend on the shape of the volume, but only on the distance (h3) between the foramen magnum and the
measurement point (P3 = Pa  qgh3) (for details see Klarica et al., 2014).

The above-mentioned results and controversies to leave the traditional framework of thinking in CSF
connected with the CPs do not fit into the classic physiology behind.
hypothesis, but can be explained by the Bulat-Klarica-Or
ešković hypothesis of CSF physiology, which offers a
Acknowledgments—This work has been supported by the Min-
different perspective and explanations for the istry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia
mechanisms that are at work in CSF physiology and (Projects: 1. Serotonergic modulation of obesity: cross-talk
pathophysiology (see Introduction). In conclusion, we between regulatory molecules and pathways. No. IP-2014-09-
believe that if we want to achieve better results in the 7827; and 2. Pathophysiology of cerebrospinal fluid and intracra-
treatment of diseases related to the CSF it is important nial pressure. No. 108-1080231-0023).
84 D. Orešković et al. / Neuroscience 354 (2017) 69–87

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(Received 4 October 2016, Accepted 19 April 2017)

(Available online 27 April 2017)

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