Duval County: Florida's 7th Most Populous County With 4.6% of Florida's Population

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Duval County

Florida's 7th most populous county

with 4.6% of Florida's population

Population Real Gross Domestic Product

Real GDP
Census Population Duval County Florida (Thousands of Chained 2012 Dollars) Duval County Florida
1980 Census 571,003 9,746,961 2015 GDP 52,911,498 842,269,369
1990 Census 672,971 12,938,071 Percent of the State 6.3%
2000 Census 778,879 15,982,824 2016 GDP 54,385,257 870,963,202
2010 Census 864,263 18,801,332 Percent of the State 6.2%
2020 Census 995,567 21,538,187 2017 GDP 56,506,930 901,903,549
% change 2010-2020 15.2% 14.6% Percent of the State 6.3%
Age 2018 GDP 58,553,759 936,580,274
% Under 18 years of age 21.5% 19.5% Percent of the State 6.3%
2019 GDP 60,169,891 963,255,865
Race (alone) & Ethnicity Percent of the State 6.2%
% Not Hispanic-White 49.4% 51.5%
% Not Hispanic-Black or African American 28.8% 14.5%

% Not Hispanic-American Indian and Alaska Native 0.2% 0.2%

% Not Hispanic-Asian 4.9% 2.9% Housing
% Not Hispanic-Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific
Islander 0.1% 0.1% Housing Counts Duval County Florida
% Not Hispanic-Some Other Race 0.7% 0.6% Housing units, 2020 Census 435,033 9,865,350
% Not Hispanic-Two or More Races 4.6% 3.7% Occupied 399,759 8,529,067
% Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 11.3% 26.5% Vacant 35,274 1,336,283

Household Population per Occupied Housing Unit 2.43 2.47

Units Permitted
Estimates and Projections 1990 5,573 126,384
2020 Estimate 982,080 21,596,068 2000 5,801 155,269
Based on 2020 Estimate 2010 1,501 38,679
2025 1,043,160 23,138,553 2011 1,589 42,360
2030 1,092,238 24,419,127 2012 3,939 64,810
2035 1,131,522 25,461,863 2013 2,996 86,752
2040 1,164,144 26,356,415 2014 3,446 84,075
2045 1,192,525 27,149,835 2015 4,514 109,924
2020 Median Age 37.1 41.8 2016 5,751 116,240
2017 6,105 122,719
Population Characteristics 2018 7,200 144,427
Duval County Florida 2019 6,940 154,302
2020 9,134 164,074
Language spoken at home other than English
Persons aged 5 and over 14.6% 29.4% Density Duval County Florida
Place of birth Persons per square mile
Foreign born 11.1% 20.7% 2000 1,006.7 296.4
Veteran status 2010 1,133.9 350.6
Civilian population 18 and over 11.6% 8.6% 2020 1,305.4 401.4

Households and Family Households

Residence 1 Year Ago
Households Duval County Florida Persons aged 1 and over Duval County Florida
Total households, 2000 Census 303,747 6,338,075 Same house 81.0% 84.5%
Family households, 2000 Census 201,678 4,210,760 Different house in the U.S. 18.1% 14.4%
% with own children under 18 50.1% 42.3% Same county in Florida 12.7% 8.5%
Total households, 2010 Census 342,450 7,420,802 Different county in Florida 2.5% 3.1%
Family households, 2010 Census 218,254 4,835,475 Different county in another state 3.0% 2.8%
% with own children under 18 45.0% 40.0% Abroad 0.8% 1.1%
Average Household Size, 2010 Census 2.47 2.48
Average Family Size, 2010 Census 3.04 3.01

According to Census definitions, a household includes all of the people who occupy a housing unit. The occupants may be a single family, one person living alone, two or more families living together, or any other group of related or unrelated people who share living quarters. A family includes a householder and one or more other people living in the
same household who are related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption.
Census counts may be corrected for Census Count Question Resolution (CQR).
Duval County Page 2

Employment and Labor Force

Establishments Establishments
2020 preliminary Duval County Florida % of All Industries, 2020 preliminary Duval County Florida
All industries 31,839 763,477 All industries 31,839 763,477
Natural Resource & Mining 61 5,511 Natural Resource & Mining 0.2% 0.7%
Construction 3,582 77,530 Construction 11.3% 10.2%
Manufacturing 843 21,812 Manufacturing 2.6% 2.9%
Trade, Transportation and Utilities 6,214 145,824 Trade, Transportation and Utilities 19.5% 19.1%
Information 458 13,452 Information 1.4% 1.8%
Financial Activities 3,352 83,894 Financial Activities 10.5% 11.0%
Professional & Business Services 7,664 187,325 Professional & Business Services 24.1% 24.5%
Education & Health Services 3,736 87,735 Education & Health Services 11.7% 11.5%
Leisure and Hospitality 2,827 60,978 Leisure and Hospitality 8.9% 8.0%
Other Services 2,530 56,376 Other Services 7.9% 7.4%
Government 254 5,894 Government 0.8% 0.8%

Average Annual Employment Average Annual Wage

% of All Industries, 2020 preliminary Duval County Florida 2020 preliminary Duval County Florida
All industries 509,414 8,452,413 All industries $58,815 $55,845
Natural Resource & Mining 0.1% 0.8% Natural Resource & Mining $48,311 $37,711
Construction 6.6% 6.7% Construction $59,596 $55,884
Manufacturing 4.9% 4.5% Manufacturing $67,770 $66,740
Trade, Transportation and Utilities 22.3% 20.6% Trade, Transportation and Utilities $48,227 $49,378
Information 1.3% 1.5% Information $123,195 $93,327
Financial Activities 10.8% 6.9% Financial Activities $82,006 $84,238
Professional & Business Services 15.7% 16.1% Professional & Business Services $67,599 $68,201
Education & Health Services 16.2% 15.3% Education & Health Services $60,643 $55,093
Leisure and Hospitality 9.1% 11.9% Leisure and Hospitality $25,857 $45,092
Other Services 2.7% 3.0% Other Services $44,897 $41,146
Government 10.2% 12.5% Government $61,061 $58,795
Industries may not add to the total due to confidentiality and unclassified.

Labor Force as Percent of Population

Aged 18 and Older Duval County Florida Unemployment Rate Duval County Florida
1990 71.2% 64.5% 1990 5.4% 6.2%
2000 71.8% 64.2% 2000 3.4% 3.8%
2010 68.8% 61.8% 2010 11.4% 10.8%
2020 63.8% 58.8% 2020 6.8% 3.3%

Income and Financial Health

Personal Income ($000s) Duval County Florida Per Capita Personal Income Duval County Florida
1990 $13,242,614 $257,571,430 1990 $19,539 $19,763
2000 $23,232,390 $472,238,563 2000 $29,793 $29,428
2010 $31,791,205 $725,074,023 2010 $36,726 $38,475
2011 $33,175,237 $764,633,664 2011 $38,030 $40,131
% change 2010-11 4.4% 5.5% % change 2010-11 3.6% 4.3%
2012 $34,419,661 $793,428,830 2012 $39,108 $41,115
% change 2011-12 3.8% 3.8% % change 2011-12 2.8% 2.5%
2013 $34,533,665 $795,425,004 2013 $38,980 $40,696
% change 2012-13 0.3% 0.3% % change 2012-13 -0.3% -1.0%
2014 $36,158,211 $856,161,773 2014 $40,325 $43,140
% change 2013-14 4.7% 7.6% % change 2013-14 3.5% 6.0%
2015 $38,261,335 $914,928,403 2015 $42,019 $45,273
% change 2014-15 5.8% 6.9% % change 2014-15 4.2% 4.9%
2016 $39,368,242 $949,717,988 2016 $42,514 $46,073
% change 2015-16 2.9% 3.8% % change 2015-16 1.2% 1.8%
2017 $41,988,332 $1,016,818,999 2017 $44,767 $48,504
% change 2016-17 6.7% 7.1% % change 2016-17 5.3% 5.3%
2018 $44,036,635 $1,082,702,187 2018 $46,420 $50,964
% change 2017-18 4.9% 6.5% % change 2017-18 3.7% 5.1%
2019 $45,469,834 $1,125,984,012 2019 $47,475 $52,426
% change 2018-19 3.3% 4.0% % change 2018-19 2.3% 2.9%

Earnings by Place of Work ($000s) Median Income

1990 $12,083,094 $161,135,722 Median Household Income $55,807 $55,660
2000 $22,118,249 $308,751,767 Median Family Income $67,947 $67,414
2010 $29,888,954 $438,991,235
2011 $30,303,233 $450,502,115 Percent in Poverty, 2019
% change 2010-11 1.4% 2.6% All ages in poverty 13.5% 12.7%
2012 $31,567,611 $468,412,894 Under age 18 in poverty 19.5% 18.2%
% change 2011-12 4.2% 4.0% Related children age 5-17 in families in poverty 19.4% 16.9%
2013 $32,465,677 $482,900,406
% change 2012-13 2.8% 3.1% Personal Bankruptcy Filing Rate
2014 $33,876,864 $512,381,351 (per 1,000 population) Duval County Florida
% change 2013-14 4.3% 6.1% 12-Month Period Ending March 30, 2020 2.32 2.05
2015 $35,548,670 $544,423,234 12-Month Period Ending March 30, 2021 1.42 1.49
% change 2014-15 4.9% 6.3% State Rank 14 NA
2016 $36,954,849 $568,848,341 NonBusiness Chapter 7 & Chapter 13
% change 2015-16 4.0% 4.5%
2017 $39,511,949 $602,210,803
% change 2016-17 6.9% 5.9% Workers Aged 16 and Over Duval County Florida
2018 $42,064,827 $639,710,580 Place of Work in Florida
% change 2017-18 6.5% 6.2% Worked outside county of residence 6.4% 18.2%
2019 $43,952,678 $672,454,824 Travel Time to Work
% change 2018-19 4.5% 5.1% Mean travel time to work (minutes) 25.2 27.8
Duval County Page 3

Reported Government Revenues and Expenditures*

Revenue 2018-19 Duval County Expenditures 2018-19 Duval County

Total - All Revenue Account Codes Total - All Expenditure Account Codes
($000s) $5,481,737.5 ($000s) $5,203,245.06
Per Capita $ $5,926.84 Per Capita $ $5,625.74
% of Total 100.0% % of Total 100.0%
Taxes General Government Services**
($000s) $1,070,092.8 ($000s) $1,425,917.11
Per Capita $ $1,156.98 Per Capita $ $1,541.70
% of Total 19.5% % of Total 27.4%
Public Safety
Permits, Fee, and Special Assessments ($000s) $81,908.8 ($000s) $738,959.48
Per Capita $ $88.56 Per Capita $ $798.96
% of Total 1.5% % of Total 14.2%
Intergovernmental Revenues Physical Environment
($000s) $516,818.4 ($000s) $1,732,814.18
Per Capita $ $558.78 Per Capita $ $1,873.52
% of Total 9.4% % of Total 33.3%
Charges for Services Transportation
($000s) $2,417,643.4 ($000s) $475,765.42
Per Capita $ $2,613.95 Per Capita $ $514.40
% of Total 44.1% % of Total 9.1%
Judgments, Fines, and Forfeits Economic Environment
($000s) $7,857.8 ($000s) $58,209.60
Per Capita $ $8.50 Per Capita $ $62.94
% of Total 0.1% % of Total 1.1%
Miscellaneous Revenues Human Services
($000s) $679,693.9 ($000s) $125,882.23
Per Capita $ $734.88 Per Capita $ $136.10
% of Total 12.4% % of Total 2.4%
Other Sources Culture / Recreation
($000s) $707,722.4 ($000s) $187,495.68
Per Capita $ $765.19 Per Capita $ $202.72
% of Total 12.9% % of Total 3.6%
Other Uses and Non-Operating
($000s) $425,962.45
Per Capita $ $460.55
* Represents the consolidated City of Jacksonville. % of Total 8.2%
Court-Related Expenditures
** (Not Court-Related) ($000s) $32,238.91
Per Capita $ $34.86
% of Total 0.6%

Quality of Life Health Insurance Status

Crime Duval County Florida Percent Insured by Age Group Duval County Florida
Crime rate, 2020
(index crimes per 100,000 population) 3,508.1 2,152.3 Under 65 years 85.7% 83.6%
Admissions to prison FY 2019-20 1,098 21,276 Under 19 years 93.5% 92.4%
Admissions to prison per 100,000 18 to 64 years 82.8% 80.6%
population FY 2019-20 111.8 98.5

State Infrastructure State and Local Taxation

Transportation Duval County Florida 2020 Ad Valorem Millage Rates Duval County
State Highway County-Wide Not County-Wide*
Centerline Miles 486.6 12,135.8 County 12.3088
Lane Miles 2,120.9 45,111.7 School 5.9050
State Bridges Municipal 0.3910
Number 613 7,079 Special Districts 0.2607
*MSTU included in Not County-Wide "County" category
State Facilities
Buildings/Facilities (min. 300 Square Feet) Education
Number 146 9,426 Public Education Schools Duval County
Square Footage 1,560,001 65,539,144 Traditional Setting (2020-21) School District Florida
Total (state total includes special districts) 191 3,744
Conservation Land (land acres only) Elementary 110 1,883
State-Owned (includes partially-owned) 27,670 5,478,547 Middle 26 573
% of Total Conservation Land (CL) 34.1% 51.8% Senior High 33 715
% of Total Area Land 5.7% 16.0% Combination 22 573
% of Florida State-Owned CL 0.5%
Educational attainment
State-Managed 29,584 5,627,174 Persons aged 25 and older Duval County Florida
% of Total Conservation Land (CL) 36.5% 53.2% % HS graduate or higher 89.8% 88.2%
% of Total Area Land 6.1% 16.4% % bachelor's degree or higher 30.0% 29.9%
% of Florida State-Managed CL 0.5%

Prepared by:
Florida Legislature
Office of Economic and Demographic Research
111 W. Madison Street, Suite 574
Tallahassee, FL 32399-6588
(850) 487-1402 http://edr.state.fl.us August 2021

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