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9/3/2021 Adjectives for impact | Adjective1.


Adjectives for impact

Impact adjectives are listed in this post. Each word below can often be found in front of the noun impact in the same sentence. This reference page can help answer
the question what are some adjectives commonly used for describing IMPACT.

academic, actual, added, additional, adverse, adversely, aesthetic, affective, aggregate, amazing, anticipated, apparent, appreciable, asteroid, average, behavioral,
beneficial, best, better, big, bigger, biggest, biological, broad, broader, brutal, budgetary, catastrophic, causal, certain, changing, clear, clinical, cognitive, collective,
combined, commercial, competitive, complex, concrete, consequent, considerable, consistent, continued, continuing, corresponding, corrosive, critical, crucial,
cultural, cumulative, current, damaging, deadly, debilitating, decisive, deep, deeper, definite

delayed, deleterious, demographic, demonstrable, desired, destabilizing, destructive, detrimental, devastating, developmental, different, differential, direct, disastrous,
discernable, discernible, discriminatory, disparate, disproportionate, disruptive, distinct, distributional, domestic, double, dramatic, drastic, dual, dynamic, early,
ecological, economic, educational, effective, emotional, enduring, enormous, enough, environmental, equal, eternal, ethical, european, eventual, exact, expected,
explosive, extensive, external, extraordinary, fatal, favorable, final, financial, first, fiscal, forceful, formative, full, functional

fundamental, further, future, general, global, good, great, greater, greatest, hard, harmful, harsh, heavy, high, higher, highest, historical, huge, human, ideological,
immeasurable, immediate, immense, important, increasing, incredible, incremental, indelible, independent, indirect, individual, inevitable, inflationary, initial,
insignificant, instant, institutional, intellectual, intended, international, jarring, joint, key, large, larger, largest, lasting, least, legal, less, lesser, level, lifelong, likely,
limited, line, lingering, little, local

longterm, low, lower, macroeconomic, main, major, marginal, marked, massive, maximum, meaningful, measurable, mechanical, medical, mental, meteor, military,
minimal, minimum, minor, mixed, moderate, modest, monetary, monumental, moral, more, most, motivational, much, musical, mutual, national, negative, negatively,
negligible, net, new, notable, noticeable, obvious, ongoing, only, operational, opposite, organizational, original, other, overall, overwhelming, own, particular,
permanent, personal, persuasive, pervasive, physical, physiological, political

positive, possible, potential, powerful, practical, precise, predictable, prejudicial, primary, probable, profound, prognostic, projected, pronounced, psychological,
psychosocial, public, quantitative, racial, radical, range, ranging, reaching, real, recent, reduced, regional, regulatory, related, relative, relevant, religious, remarkable,
residual, resultant, resulting, revolutionary, rhetorical, run, same, scale, scientific, second, secondary, seismic, sensory, serious, severe, sharp, sheer, significant,
similar, single, slight, slightest, small, smaller, social, societal

socioeconomic, solid, special, specific, spiritual, strategic, striking, strong, stronger, strongest, structural, stunning, subsequent, substantial, substantive, subtle, such,
sudden, sufficient, sustainable, sustained, symbolic, systemic, tangible, technological, term, terrible, terrific, therapeutic, total, tragic, transformational, transformative,
traumatic, tremendous, true, ultimate, undeniable, unexpected, unfavorable, unintended, unique, vast, violent, visceral, visible, visual, vital, weak, western, wide,
wider, widespread, worldwide

Hope this word list had the adjective used with impact you were looking for. Additional describing words / adjectives that describe / adjectives of various nouns can be
found in the other pages on this website.
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