ICH SAH Aneurism

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  FOCUS Neurosurg Focus 43 (5):E13, 2017

Management of raised intracranial pressure in

aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: time for a
Naif M. Alotaibi, MD,1–3 Justin Z. Wang, MD,2 Christopher R. Pasarikovski, MD,2
Daipayan Guha, MD,1,2 Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD,4 Muhammad Mamdani, PharmD, MPH, MA,5
Gustavo Saposnik, MD, MSc,6,7 Tom A. Schweizer, PhD,1,2,6 and R. Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD1,2,6
Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, and 2Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery,
St Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 3Department of Neurosurgery, National Neuroscience Institute,
King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 4Department of Neurology and Critical Care, Robert Wood Johnson University
Hospital, New Brunswick, New Jersey; and 5Li Ka Shing Centre for Healthcare Analytics Research and Training, Institute for
Clinical Evaluative Sciences; 6Neuroscience Research Program, Keenan Research Centre of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge
Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital; and 7Stroke Outcomes and Decision Neuroscience Research Unit, St. Michael’s Hospital,
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) is a well-recognized phenomenon in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH)
that has been demonstrated to lead to poor outcomes. Despite significant advances in clinical research into aSAH, there
are no consensus guidelines devoted specifically to the management of elevated ICP in the setting of aSAH. To treat
high ICP in aSAH, most centers extrapolate their treatment algorithms from studies and published guidelines for trau-
matic brain injury. Herein, the authors review the current management strategies for treating raised ICP within the aSAH
population, emphasize key differences from the traumatic brain injury population, and highlight potential directions for
future research in this controversial topic.
KEY WORDS  aneurysm; subarachnoid hemorrhage; aSAH; intracranial pressure; ICP; management

eurocritical care of patients with aneurysmal between the 2 entities.1,18 Herein, we review the current
subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) requires col- management strategies to treat raised ICP in the aSAH
laborative efforts from multiple disciplines that population, highlight key differences from the TBI popu-
treat and manage the consequences of both the primary lation, and identify high-yield areas for future study in this
hemorrhage and the secondary brain injury that may oc- controversial topic.
cur following rupture.2,66 Elevated intracranial pressure
(ICP) has been recognized as a consequence of aSAH that Raised ICP in aSAH
may contribute to a patient’s clinical decline. Despite sig-
nificant advances in aSAH clinical research, there are no Prevalence and Etiologies
consensus guidelines devoted specifically to the manage- Elevated ICP (as defined in TBI as > 20 mm Hg) is
ment of elevated ICP in the setting of aSAH. Most cen- common in aSAH and can occur in an acute (within 24
ters therefore extrapolate their treatment algorithms from hours), subacute (up to 7–10 days), and delayed (after 10
studies and published guidelines for traumatic brain injury days) fashion following hemorrhage.35,50 In addition, el-
(TBI), a strategy that may produce suboptimal outcomes evated ICP may worsen other aSAH-related complica-
as it fails to consider the differences in pathophysiology tions and overall prognosis.50 The extended time of risk

ABBREVIATIONS  aSAH = aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage; CPP cerebral perfusion pressure; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; DCI = delayed cerebral ischemia; EVD
external ventricular drain; ICH = intracerebral hemorrhage; ICP = intracranial pressure; IVH = intraventricular hemorrhage; RCT = randomized controlled trial; TBI = trau-
matic brain injury.
SUBMITTED  June 27, 2017.  ACCEPTED  July 31, 2017.
INCLUDE WHEN CITING  DOI: 10.3171/2017.7.FOCUS17426.

©AANS, 2017 Neurosurg Focus  Volume 43 • November 2017 1

N. M. Alotaibi et al.

and multifactorial contributors associated with elevated include subdural hematoma (5%), massive cerebral infarc-
ICP following aSAH make it unique when compared with tion secondary to vasospasm (2%–3%), and extracranial
other causative pathologies associated with intracranial causes such as raised intrathoracic pressure from neuro-
hypertension such as TBI or ischemic stroke. genic pulmonary edema, central fever, severe hyponatre-
It has been estimated that more than 50% of aSAH pa- mia, or overcorrection of hypernatremia.47,58,70,72
tients will have an ICP > 20 mm Hg at some point dur-
ing their hospital stay.34 This percentage is even higher Monitoring Strategies
among aSAH patients who present in poor clinical status Patients with good neurological status who are respon-
(60%–70%).34 Although these numbers are still commonly sive to instruction are usually monitored through serial
quoted and have been reported in previous reviews,50,51 it clinical examinations. Since the majority of patients with
should be noted that they were initially obtained from a aSAH either present with hydrocephalus or develop it at
retrospective case series of aSAH patients who underwent some point during their hospital stay, external ventricular
craniotomy following aneurysm rupture.34 In this series of drains (EVDs) are most commonly used both to monitor
433 patients, all aSAH patients underwent postoperative and manage elevated ICP via CSF drainage if needed.18 It
ICP monitoring but only 33% were monitored preopera- is for the latter reason that parenchymal pressure monitors
tively. A recent prospective study, however, showed simi- are rarely used in aSAH as they do not allow therapeu-
larly high rates of elevated ICP following aSAH. Zoerle et tic CSF drainage.66 EVDs can also assist in determining
al.74 recorded episodes of ICP > 20 mm Hg lasting at least if there is a need for permanent CSF diversion such as
5 minutes and the mean ICP value during every 12-hour via insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.27 The main
interval in 116 patients with aSAH. More than 80% of pa- disadvantage of using EVDs for ICP monitoring is that
tients had at least one episode of elevated ICP, and 36% of ICP values are unreliable when the EVD is open and CSF
those patients had a mean ICP > 20 mm Hg during their is being continuously drained. EVDs must be closed for
hospital stay. several minutes to accurately assess the true ICP value.61
The most common cause of elevated ICP in aSAH is The use of other invasive monitoring, such as micro-
hydrocephalus—either communicating hydrocephalus, dialysis, tissue oxygenation probes, and radioactive trac-
due to impaired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) absorption ers, to predict secondary ischemia/hypoxia in aSAH has
from arachnoid villi/granulations as a result of blood in not yet gained broad clinical acceptance, and the current
the subarachnoid space, or obstructive hydrocephalus, due evidence is insufficient to support its routine use.66 Simi-
to direct blockage of CSF pathways via intraventricular
larly, noninvasive methods of ICP monitoring, including
hemorrhage (IVH), which is seen in up to 50% of aSAH
near-infrared spectroscopy, optic nerve sheath diameter
cases.50 The second most common cause is intracerebral
monitoring, pulsatility index on transcranial Doppler ul-
hemorrhage (ICH), which occurs in approximately 30%
trasonography, and electroencephalogram power spec-
of patients.22 ICH and IVH are most frequently seen after
initial rupture, but they can occur during rebleeding or as trum analysis, are evolving technologies that have tremen-
intra- or postoperative complications during aneurysm se- dous potential but currently remain in the experimental
curing procedures. phase.11,73
Another common cause of raised ICP in aSAH is glob- In 2014, researchers and clinical experts from the
al cerebral edema, which is diagnosed on CT scans based Neurocritical Care Society and the European Society
on effacement of the hemispheric sulci and basal cisterns, of Intensive Care Medicine organized the International
with loss of hemispheric gray-white matter differentia- Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference on Multimodal-
tion.13 It can be seen on initial CT scans after aneurysm ity Monitoring.32 Results of the meeting provided several
rupture in 8% of patients but may also be found in delayed important recommendations (e.g., continuous monitoring
fashion in 10%–12% of patients.13 The pathophysiology for ICP in poor-grade aSAH patients) based on a rigorous
of global cerebral edema is complex and the postulated systematic review, in an effort to unify ICP monitoring
mechanisms involved include intracranial circulatory ar- strategies among high-volume tertiary centers.
rest and sudden increase in ICP.53
Severe refractory vasospasm is not uncommon fol- Impact of Raised ICP on aSAH Outcomes
lowing aSAH and may require aggressive treatment with Despite the variation between studies of the type of ICP
intraarterial vasodilator therapy using nicardipine, papav- monitoring used and the precise cut-off values for elevated
erine, milrinone, verapamil, or a combination of those.21 ICP, patients with high ICP during their hospital course
High ICP in aSAH can occur following vasodilator ther- following aSAH have consistently trended toward higher
apy, especially with papaverine.16 The mechanism of this mortality rates and worse functional outcomes.34,51,74 El-
complication is not well understood, but a sudden increase evated ICP and its etiologies (ICH, IVH, global edema,
in cerebral blood volume secondary to vasodilation is and so on) have all been found to be independent predic-
probably the cause.16 A multicenter randomized study tors of death.13,53,62,71 While this association has been iden-
(ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01996436) is currently tified in large retrospective series, the impact of high ICP
being conducted to compare different intraarterial agents, on aSAH outcomes has not yet been evaluated in large
which is expected to provide a higher level of evidence prospective multicenter series. However, a recent system-
on the effect of these medications on ICP in the aSAH atic review that examined 26 studies focusing on elevated
population. ICP and aSAH outcomes also concluded that higher ICP
Other less common causes of elevated ICP in aSAH following aSAH was associated with a higher mortality

2 Neurosurg Focus  Volume 43 • November 2017

Management of high ICP in aSAH

TABLE 1. Recommendations from the Brain Trauma Foundation for TBI-associated raised ICP and the limitations and implications of
applying them to aSAH patients
Recommendation* Limitations/Considerations in aSAH Patients
“Bifrontal DC is not recommended to improve outcomes in severe Diffuse injury/edema (without mass lesions) occurs in less than 10% of aSAH
TBI patients with diffuse injury (without mass lesions)” patients and is not a common indication for DC in aSAH13,29
“Mannitol is effective for control of raised ICP at doses of 0.25 to Mannitol can lead to serious hypotension and hypovolemia that is against the
1 g/kg body weight” recommendation of aSAH guidelines.52,67 Hypertonic saline could be superior to
mannitol since most aSAH patients are hyponatremic
“An EVD system zeroed at the midbrain with continuous drainage Continuous drainage has been shown to be associated with worse adverse events
of CSF may be considered to lower ICP burden more effec- in aSAH57
tively than intermittent use”
“High-dose barbiturate administration is recommended to control High-dose barbiturate will interfere with neurological monitoring for DCI20
elevated ICP refractory to maximum standard medical and
surgical treatment”
“The use of steroids is not recommended for improving outcome Recent studies have linked corticosteroids in SAH patients with favorable out-
or reducing ICP” comes,17,23,28,37 but it has not been evaluated for aSAH patients with raised ICP
DC = decompressive craniectomy.
*  From Carney et al: Guidelines for the management of severe traumatic brain injury, fourth edition. Neurosurgery 80:6–15, 2017.

rate.15 Interestingly, this review also found that specific tion of CSF diversion, and the techniques for EVD wean-
ICP parameters, such as the waveform amplitude, were ing, were not explored in this study and remain the target
more predictive of functional outcome than the absolute of future investigation.
ICP value. Unfortunately, due to the heterogeneity in the
available literature, the authors could not perform a meta- Hyperosmolar Agents
analysis to provide this finding with statistical support. The use of osmotically active agents, such as mannitol
and hypertonic saline, to manage elevated ICP is com-
Management of Raised ICP in aSAH mon practice in the setting of trauma and aSAH. Hyper-
General Principles osmolar agents create a gradient across the blood-brain
There are no specific guidelines from the American barrier, causing a shift in fluid from the interstitial and
Heart Association14 or the Neurocritical Care Society20 intracellular space into the bloodstream.68 This decreases
dedicated to the management of high ICP in patients with the overall fluid volume within the brain and, through the
aSAH. Most reviews and recommendations are based on principles of the Monro-Kellie hypothesis, results in a de-
TBI guidelines by the Brain Trauma Foundation, which crease in ICP.
recommend ICP monitoring in those with Glasgow Coma Important differences between mannitol and hyper-
Scale scores ≤ 8 to maintain ICP < 22 mm Hg and cere- tonic saline exist. Mannitol is a strong diuretic that can
bral perfusion pressure (CPP) between 60–70 mm Hg.10 cause intravascular volume contraction and alter blood
Applying the same management algorithm to aSAH has rheology.68 Hypertonic saline has minimal diuretic effect
gained traction without any strong supporting evidence of and can increase blood pressure and serum sodium. In the
efficacy. Table 1 presents some of the current Brain Trau- setting of aSAH, parameters such as fluid balance, blood
ma Foundation recommendations for elevated ICP and pressure, serum sodium, and serum osmolality must be
several theoretical limitations to consider when applying managed carefully to prevent secondary injury and reduce
them to aSAH. the risk of vasospasm/DCI.18 Furthermore, current guide-
The initial management of aSAH is highly dependent lines recommend euvolemia and hypertensive therapy in
on initial neuroimaging.20 If signs of acute hydrocephalus the setting of DCI.14
are present, urgent EVD insertion is a potentially life-sav- The optimal hyperosmolar agent to lower raised ICP
ing procedure. The clinical response to EVDs in patients in aSAH is contentious. A recent publication surveyed
with initially poor neurological status has been shown members of the Neurocritical Care Society and found
to be a good predictor of outcome.60 However, the ideal that while 90% of members used hyperosmolar agents for
rate and duration of CSF drainage following EVD inser- refractory elevated ICP, 55% preferred hypertonic saline
tion is controversial. A recent randomized controlled trial to mannitol.31 Our recent systematic review59 on hyperos-
(RCT) compared continuous CSF drainage to intermittent molar agents in aSAH revealed 2 randomized studies ex-
drainage in 60 patients following aSAH. The investigators amining the effect of hypertonic saline on ICP in aSAH.
found that the overall rate of complications (EVD block- Huang and Yang39 found no difference between mannitol
age, infection, CSF leak, hemorrhage) was higher in the and hypertonic saline in controlling refractory raised ICP
continuous drainage group, but there were no significant ≥ 20 mm Hg. Hypertonic saline decreased ICP by a mean
differences in ICP control, rates of delayed cerebral ische- of 9.9 mm Hg (p < 0.01). The population was composed of
mia (DCI), or functional outcomes.57 The optimal dura- poor-grade patients. A second study by Bentsen et al.5 in

Neurosurg Focus  Volume 43 • November 2017 3

N. M. Alotaibi et al.

2006 was a single-blind RCT comparing hypertonic sa- TBI due their relatively high rate of adverse events, which
line to normal saline. The patients were hemodynamically include prolonged sedation, metabolic derangements, res-
stable, with ICP between 10 and 20 mm Hg. The study piratory suppression, and cardiovascular events.20 Barbi-
was not conducted on patients with refractory raised ICP, turate coma alone has never been evaluated in a dedicated
as it would be unethical to give normal saline in this sce- cohort for elevated ICP associated with aSAH. Most cen-
nario. The authors found that hypertonic saline decreased ters have reported their experience with a mixed patient
ICP by 3 mm Hg (p = 0.04) compared with normal saline. sample of many intracranial pathologies.19,43 The main
There is no consensus within the literature with respect drawback of inducing a barbiturate coma in aSAH pa-
to hypertonic saline dose concentration, volume of infu- tients is the loss of the neurological status for DCI moni-
sion, or timing of repeat dosing. The most commonly re- toring. Symptomatic DCI will be difficult to recognize
ported hypertonic saline concentrations were between 3% even during neurological wake-up because the effects of
and 23.5%. Both concentrations appeared effective at de- high-dose barbiturates tend to persist after their cessation
creasing ICP. Most centers used serum sodium of 155–160 due to their long biological half-life.55 Therefore, using
and serum osmolality of 320 mEq as the upper limit for short-acting paralytic agents in combination with seda-
safe repeat dosing.59 tion could be superior to inducing a full barbiturate coma
in aSAH patients. Table 2 shows the studies that were
Hypothermia and Barbiturate Coma conducted for hypothermia and barbiturates in aSAH pa-
Experimental animal studies have shown that mild tients and demonstrates the heterogeneity among studies
hypothermia may reduce cerebral swelling secondary to in terms of patient selection, outcome measures, and indi-
aSAH and improve outcomes, although this effect failed cations for treatment.
to translate to clinical studies in humans.51 Hypothermia
during aneurysm surgery as a method for neuroprotection Decompressive Craniectomy
did not improve patient outcomes in the Intraoperative Decompressive craniectomy is frequently used as a
Hypothermia for Aneurysm Surgery Trial (also known life-saving surgical technique for elevated ICP or mass ef-
as IHAST), which included 1001 patients.69 Furthermore, fect secondary to ischemic infarction or TBI.36 Multiple
a large single-center, observational study of 100 aSAH studies have found that decompressive craniectomy is very
patients with raised ICP and/or refractory vasospasm effective in reducing ICP and increasing CPP.7 However,
showed an adverse event rate of 93% following the use the effects of decompressive craniectomy on functional
of mild hypothermia,66 which could explain why targeted outcomes are still controversial.45 In the aSAH popula-
hypothermia has not been adopted for clinical practice in tion, decompressive craniectomy is usually performed to
aSAH. Although cerebral metabolism and cerebral blood treat poor-grade patients with associated ICH or cerebral
flow are often thought to be coupled and to change in a infarction and significant mass effect, although these indi-
linear fashion, studies have shown that this relationship cations are highly variable and are not well studied in the
may in fact be uncoupled during hypothermia, whereby literature.51 Our recent meta-analysis1 of previous studies
there may be a disproportionate decrease in cerebral blood examining decompressive craniectomy in patients with
flow relative to cerebral metabolism. In addition, carbon poor-grade aSAH showed high pooled event rates of poor
dioxide production is decreased in hypothermia. This con- outcomes (60%) (defined as severe disability, vegetative
tributes, in part, to the effect of decreased ICP, but it also state, or death) and mortality (29%) among craniectomy
may cause cerebral hypoperfusion and increase the affin- patients; these are not different from the natural history
ity of hemoglobin for oxygen, thereby further hindering reported for poor-grade patients.6,8 This raises concerns
the delivery of oxygen to brain tissue. On the other hand, about the current practice and indications for decompres-
fever, which is common after aSAH, is an independent sive craniectomy in aSAH.
predictor of poor outcome.18 Higher temperatures induce Our meta-analysis results must be carefully interpreted
an acute-phase reaction that leads to an increased cerebral since the quality of evidence is based on observational
metabolic distress (e.g., release of excitatory amino acids studies and considered “low-quality” as per the Grading
such as glutamate, creation of free radicals, and elevated of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Eval-
lactate/pyruvate ratio).48,54,65 Therefore, it appears there uation (GRADE) system for grading clinical evidence.30
must be a middle ground whereby the adverse effects of Furthermore, we were unable to conclude if decompres-
both temperature extremes can be balanced. sive craniectomy is superior to medical management for
The role of hypothermia in poor-grade aSAH was nev- high ICP because a control group was absent in most stud-
er evaluated in “pre-hospital arrival” settings or “within ies. RCTs are the gold standard in this setting, and there is
the acute period after ictus.” This has been shown to be no doubt that carrying out an RCT of decompressive cra-
beneficial for post–cardiac arrest patients,38,64 and given niectomy in poor-grade aSAH presents challenges greater
the similarity between poor-grade aSAH and cardiac ar- than the already known limitations of doing such trials in
rest patients in terms of pathophysiology for early brain the overall aSAH population. These new challenges will
injury (e.g., global transient circulatory arrest, hypoxic be related to the heterogeneity of high ICP in aSAH—i.e.,
ischemic mechanisms), early or ultra-early hypothermia is the timing, pathology, and severity/cutoff values of high
still a potential treatment to be investigated for poor-grade ICP and other factors that may influence imbalances be-
patients.26 tween baseline characteristics, which include clinical her-
Barbiturates are usually one of the last interventions niation signs, ICH volume, and degree of midline shift.
to be considered for treating refractory elevated ICP in Furthermore, the body of evidence on all preoperative

4 Neurosurg Focus  Volume 43 • November 2017

Management of high ICP in aSAH

TABLE 2. Studies with more than 10 patients that were conducted for hypothermia and barbiturates in aSAH
No. of Outcome
Authors & Year Country Patients Score Study Design Primary Indication Measures
  Hindman et al., 1999 United States 52 WFNS I–IIIRandomized trial (pilot) Neuroprotection during aneurysm surgery NIHSS
  Kimme et al., 2004 Sweden 266 H&H I–V Prospective Neuroprotection during aneurysm surgery Adverse events
  Todd et al., 2005 United States 1001 WFNS I–IIIRandomized trial Neuroprotection during aneurysm surgery GOS, mRS,
Barthel In-
dex, NIHSS
  Chouhan et al., 2006 India 47 WFNS I–V Randomized trial (pilot) Neuroprotection during aneurysm surgery GOS
  Anei et al., 2010 Japan 19 WFNS IV–V Retrospective Neuroprotection for poor-grade aSAH mRS
Hypothermia & barbi-
  Keller et al., 2005 Switzerland 23 H&H I–V Prospective Refractory vasospasm GOS
  Seule et al., 2009 Switzerland 100 H&H III–V Prospective Raised ICP &/or refractory vasospasm GOS, adverse
  Finfer et al., 1999 Australia 11 NA Retrospective Refractory vasospasm GOS
  Dereeper et al., 2002 Belgium 21 WFNS IV Retrospective Raised ICP GOS
  Heo et al., 2003 Korea 18 GCS 4–8 Prospective Refractory vasospasm GCS, GOS
GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; GOS = Glasgow Outcome Scale; H&H = Hunt and Hess; mRS = modified Rankin Scale; NA = not available; NIHSS = National Institutes
of Health Stroke Scale; WFNS = World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.

management options for high ICP in aSAH is limited, and Some of the complexity of designing studies for in-
several important questions need to be answered prior to tracranial hypertension arise from the ethical obligation
conducting RCT for decompressive craniectomy in poor- to not withhold potentially beneficial treatment from pa-
grade aSAH. tients. For example, it would be unethical to use a pla-
cebo control group for patients with refractory intracra-
Discussion nial hypertension. Therefore, in some instances, efforts to
resolve the uncertainties in the management of elevated
Intracranial hypertension is a well-recognized phe- ICP in aSAH may benefit from the utilization of formal
nomenon in aSAH that has been demonstrated to lead to
consensus methods. That is, using a group of experts in
poor outcomes.18 In fact, elevated ICP is known to be a
significant contributor to secondary brain injury follow- the field to determine agreement or disagreement on vari-
ing aneurysm rupture and is an independent predictor of ous practices. Consensus methods have been shown to be
poor functional outcome and increased mortality.51,74 In beneficial in instances where published data are scarce
addition, surgical securing of ruptured aneurysms has and where a wider and more heterogeneous range of in-
been shown to be more complicated when cerebral ede- formation must be taken into consideration.41 In the past,
ma is present.4 However, elevated ICP has also long been consensus methods have been used to resolve a number of
thought to play a role in the arrest of the hemorrhage such critical medical issues, including intraocular lens implan-
that lowering the ICP may contribute to a greater risk of tation, coronary artery bypass surgery, and breast cancer
rebleeding.56 There is the notion that a “sweet spot” exists treatment.25 They are still currently used when there is a
within a certain range of ICP values that will decrease lack of published data and/or there are contradictory stud-
the risk of secondary brain injury and lead to improved ies which obfuscate proper interpretation of the available
outcomes. Several studies on ICP monitoring in TBI have data. In 2016, the World Health Organization used a 3-day
shown that increased monitoring and subsequent control consensus conference involving experts from around the
of elevated ICP leads to better outcomes.9,46 These same world to develop a set of new classification guidelines on
principles have been translated to patients with aSAH de- central nervous system tumors that was a dramatic change
spite significant differences in the pathophysiology of the from its 2007 counterpart.49 Similarly, the management
conditions and without the same type of supporting evi- of aSAH, particularly its complications, which include el-
dence. The relative paucity of well-designed, large-scale evated ICP, can benefit from the same type of consensus
randomized trials evaluating the optimal management of method, whereby the effectiveness of various modalities
elevated ICP following aSAH has led to a lack of consen- that decrease ICP can be systematically evaluated by a
sus to guide clinical management, even for strategies that number of different individuals through either the Delphi
have been shown be potentially beneficial such as hyper- process, the nominal group technique, or the aforemen-
osmolar therapy and decompressive craniectomy.51 tioned consensus development conference.41

Neurosurg Focus  Volume 43 • November 2017 5

N. M. Alotaibi et al.

Our review highlights many unanswered questions subarachnoid hemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-
for the management of high ICP in aSAH, which require analysis. J Neurosurg [epub ahead of print January 6, 2017.
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Author Contributions
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65. Seule MA, Muroi C, Mink S, Yonekawa Y, Keller E: Thera- Wang, Pasarikovski. Analysis and interpretation of data: all
peutic hypothermia in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid authors. Drafting the article: Alotaibi, Wang, Pasarikovski, Guha.
hemorrhage, refractory intracranial hypertension, or cerebral Critically revising the article: all authors. Reviewed submitted
vasospasm. Neurosurgery 64:86–93, 2009 version of manuscript: all authors. Approved the final version of
66. Springborg JB, Frederiksen HJ, Eskesen V, Olsen NV: Trends the manuscript on behalf of all authors: Alotaibi. Study supervi-
in monitoring patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haem- sion: Alotaibi, Macdonald.
orrhage. Br J Anaesth 94:259–270, 2005
67. Strandvik GF: Hypertonic saline in critical care: a review of Correspondence
the literature and guidelines for use in hypotensive states and Naif M. Alotaibi, Division of Neurosurgery, University of Toron-
raised intracranial pressure. Anaesthesia 64:990–1003, 2009 to, 399 Bathurst St., WW 4-427, Toronto, ON M5T 2S8, Canada.
68. Thongrong C, Kong N, Govindarajan B, Allen D, Mendel E, email: naif.alotaibi@mail.utoronto.ca.

8 Neurosurg Focus  Volume 43 • November 2017

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