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Running head: critique nursing research

NUR3305 Nursing Research

Continuous Assessment-Third year First Semester

(critique article on nurses’ knowledge and practice regurdind instestinal stoma)

Name of the Instructor:Dr S.S.P Warnakulasuriya

Student name:H.B.G.D Chathurika

Student number:4159/9C

Date of submission:31/01/2021
Running head: critique nursing research

Content page

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Writing style .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Author ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Report title .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Problem of research...................................................................................................................................... 4
Logical consistency........................................................................................................................................ 4
Literature review........................................................................................................................................... 4
Theoretical frame work................................................................................................................................. 4
Aims/objectives/research question/hypotheses .......................................................................................... 5
Sample........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Ethical consideration..................................................................................................................................... 6
Operational definition................................................................................................................................... 6
Methodology................................................................................................................................................. 6
Data analysis and result ................................................................................................................................ 7
Discussion...................................................................................................................................................... 7
references ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Refences of this article .................................................................................................................................. 8

Running head: critique nursing research


Critieque means, systematic ,un biased ,careful examination of all aspect of a study to judge the

merits limitation ,meaning and significance based on previous research experiance and knowledge

of topic. (patidar, n.d.)

As patient ‘s need become more complex and health care system become more varied,nurses use

evidence-based care by incoperating their own nursing research with their proffessinal

experience.and preferences.nurses may conduct their own research, use research in their everyday

practice and teach others using existing research. (UNCW, 2016)

This article examine nurses knowledge and practice regurding care of children with intestinal


Researchers first mentioned what is intestinal stoma very clearly. what kind of reason affect the

instestinal stoma,stoma variety and nurses role clearly mention pre operative,post operative care.

Specially author mention nurses role regurding patient anxiety relive and how to child improve

quality of life with colostomy.

and there are 10 references used for introduction.

Finally aim successfully mention as improve nurses’ knowledge and practice regurding care of

children with instestinal stoma according to given guide line.

Running head: critique nursing research

Writing style

No gramattically mistakes in this article. Each sub topic clearly is well laid out and

well written article.the research was written in Arabic language.but translate to English language

for the readers.


There are two authors in pediatric nursing department,faculty of nursing,Mansoura

University,Egypt but their position and qualification not mention.if they have been mention their

qualification this article would be more trust to readers.

Report title

Report tiltle should be between 10 to 15 words long.(according to gudide line).this title include

13 words.Report title clearly mention to readers.


Nurses’ role regurding pediatric intestinal stoma surgery and clearly mention. research purpose

as improve nurses knowledge and practice.reserch problem clearly mentioned.quasi experimental

research design was used on 35 nurses caring children with intestinal stomas who working at in -

patient pediatric surgery department and pediatric surgery ICU at Mansoura university children

hospital. each nurses categorized as age , eduction, job experience,training course. stuctured

interviewing questionnaire and observation check list sheets used for data collection.according to

result before and after programme implementation good improvement.researcher immediate post

Running head: critique nursing research

operative care and after 3 month of programme evaluation done.this article using bar chart to

comparission progress of the research. researcher consider whether nurse think their patient’s

complication ,how to manage their colostomy at home.

Problem of research

Researcher problem categorize as child relieve psychological condition and prevention possible

complication,skin irritation,elimination problems,pre and post operative problems etc. so they

included about of them.

Logical consistency

Each steps naturally flow in this article clearly.first mention obtain concent then data collection

method over six months and nurses were categorize sub unit and pre /immediate post and three

month after post clearly mention in the method section.

Literature review

There are five key step search for relevant literature evaluate sources.identify themes,debete and

gaps,outline the structure,write your literature review (, n.d.)

This article use twenty five references and twenty three references use within ten is mainly

used primary source.well written littriture has very strength to article.Theoretical frame


Running head: critique nursing research

Relationship between the characteristics of the studied nurses and their total knowledge about the

intestinal stoma and its care in children before, immediate post and after 3 months of program table four clearly mentioned.

Each table give knowledge about research article

Aims/objectives/research question/hypotheses

Do they reflected in lituriture review.aim of this article improve nurses’ knowledge and practice

regurding intestinal stoma care the relationship between hupothesis and aim of the article.there are

two hypothesis on this article.researcher clearly mention aim and hypothesis of this research


quasi experimental research design was used on thirty five nurses caring children with intestinal

stomas who working at in -patient pediatric surgery department and pediatric surgery ICU at

Mansoura university children hospital. each nurses categorized as age , eduction, job

experience,training course. stuctured interviewing questionnaire and observation check list sheets

used for data collection.according to result before and after programme implementation over six

month data collection.small sample size present in the study was inadequate generalize result of

the study.

Running head: critique nursing research

Ethical consideration

Researcher mention that they obtained oral consent of each nurses after participation aim of study

and confendiality of data.i think more better if researcher get written consent each nurses.resercher

not mention each patient name .it is good for their dignity.

‘’An official permission letter was obtained from the director of Mansoura University

Children's Hospital.’’mention the method section.resercher first get official is more


Operational definition

Researcher always define definition.very clearly .first of all at introduction” what is

stoma”mentioned.types of stomas causes and complication of stoma clearly mention using



A quasi experimental study design mentioned. convenience sample of (35) nurses caring of

children with intestinal stomas and work at the above mentioned study settings regardless of their

age, qualification or years of experience were included in the study.clearly mentionedI: Structured

interviewing questionnaire sheet (pre and post format) andObservation checklist sheet as data

collection tool.those are clerly explanation in this article.and usually use this method in sri lanka

.so researcher not found in new onereliability and validity not mention in this study.

Running head: critique nursing research

Data analysis and result

Data analysis using Statistical Package for Social is appropriate in this study.clearly

mention progress of study using bar collection clearly mention using tables.readers can

get clear idea about using table and bar chart.thirty five nurses only participated if .more accurate

result increase number of nurses. significant finding mention less than 0.05 each table.


There are fifteen finding linked with literiture review.” Subih and Neil (2016)” and Swearingen,

(2013) in discussion section..etc.the current study showed that the majority of nurses had

knowledge related to the intestinal stoma and its care in children pre and post operatively

immediate post and after three months of program two of hypothesis was identified and

accepted. In this article practice and skills positive improvement shown.


All the references reasearcher used well

researcher attempted to critically evaluate a research article according to given guide line.this

paper has many strength and some weakness of not mention authors qualification ,oral consent of

each participant,less participant for gathering data.good validating instrument use finally this effort

researcher very good understanding about the research good knowledge given to the

this article to the readers regurding intestinal stoma.

Running head: critique nursing research

Refences of this article

• Patidar dr Jayesh(

• UNCW 2016 september


Running head: critique nursing research

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