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From sharing dazzling content on a Twitter feed to devising a brilliant paid advertising campaign
on Facebook, a specialist agency can drive audience engagement and significantly raise your
digital profile.
Written By: Indrashish Adhikary
27 July 2021 // 5 min

They provide social media services to businesses who may not have the expertise or resources
in-house to effectively manage their professional presence online. They will connect, engage and
interact. Plan, prepare and promote. Let us show some of the services that they provide.

1) Increase Website Traffic

Social media brings more people to your website. New people, different people, eager-
to-be-engaged people. Without these fresh recruits, your inbound traffic can be limited
to the strength of your SEO and to those who already know your brand. Each of your
social media profiles creates another path back to your website. Every piece of
compelling content you post creates another opportunity to be found online.
2) Strategy Planning
Having a solid strategy for social media is vital for any brand. Many smaller brands start
to use social media without giving a lot of thought to their goals or reasons for choosing
a particular network.
Creating content strategies for brands ensures that your clients have a plan set out and a
good idea of what’s going to work for them. If you decide to create content strategies for
your clients, you might spend time researching their audience and social keywords, as
well as testing and analyzing different networks and types of content.
You should be able to present your client with a detailed plan, including elements such
as an editorial calendar, they can follow to achieve their goals. Of course, you might also
go further and help them to carry out their strategy.

3) Improved Customer Reach

A Global Web Index study shows that approximately 60 percent of online users utilize
social media platforms for product research. Furthermore, 40 percent of
consumers depend on recommendations from social media influencers when looking for
brands. With a robust social media marketing strategy, you can boost your brand
awareness and position your company in front of the right customers.

4) Complete Brand Control

Social media marketing packages are tailored to your specific needs and financial
capacity. It means you have complete control over your branding, budget, and social
media content marketing strategy. Learning how to use social media for marketing
enables you to create and maintain an image that appeals to your target audience and
ensures your B2B social media marketing game is always on point.

5) Boost Conversion Rates

As your social media profiles start to bloom, the number of potential customers you
reach shoots up and your business begins to flourish. More traffic means more leads.
More leads mean conversions. Everything you share from videos, blogs, images to
comments, offers and special events, is another route to customers old and new. And it’s
a two-way process.

6) Content Creation
Many of your clients will be looking for content they can use on social media. Although
there are types of content they can use across multiple channels, some need to be
designed specifically for social media use. For example, there are certain dimensions to
be met for images on different networks, rules, and best practices to take into account.
And of course, various types of text formatting to consider. The character limit on
Twitter may have been doubled, but it still requires careful consideration to craft a tweet
that works. Social media content needs to be engaging and encourage sharing to help
brands spread their message.

7) Research and Analysis

Offering research and valuable insight about your clients’ brands is key to gaining their
business. First and foremost, they want to know about their audience and customers:
their interests, behavior, and who they are. Secondly, you want to include a
comprehensive look at competitors, of what and how they are doing on social media.
This will help your clients spot their strengths and weaknesses which they can apply to
their strategy. Then you want to show them the influencers they should be working with
and other helpful information about their industry. There are several insights brands are
keen to know both before and during running social media campaigns to help them
gauge their success. A social listening tool can track their campaigns as well as help
them identify the hot topics, hashtags, and most valuable areas of discussion. Salesforce
marketing cloud suggests offering a relevant audit service too. This gives a client an idea
of how relevant they are to their market and community.

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