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Maggie Bice

Betsy Crites

EED 3400

October 10, 2020

First Day Introduction Speech

First Thing

● Welcome students at the door

● Greet with goodie bag and hello (all educated themed treats in bag)

● Tell students to find their name cards on their assigned desk and that we will be

personalizing those in a little bit

● Instruct the students to follow what has been written on the screen, this will happen each

morning when they come in so they know what to do

● Take attendance


Hello and good morning class!

Welcome to your first day of fourth grade. My name is Ms. Bice (it rhymes with nice, which is an

easy way to remember it I hope). You may also call me Ms. B. I probably won’t be as eager to

respond to “hey you over there”. I will try to have all of your names memorized by the end of the

week. So hopefully you all can memorize mine by then!

When I am not at this wonderful place called school I am usually either at home curled up with

my dogs, out to eat Mexican food with my friends, or by the lake. I grew up in Lima, Ohio with

my parents and two dogs. I graduated from college at Wright State University- lake campus with

my bachelors degree in elementary education, so I would be able to teach you young beautiful

people today. I hope that I can incorporate my creative side in as many of our class activities as

possible. Music is a big part of my life, so we will be learning some of our lessons through
singing along while I play ukulele. I am a busy body, so if we have the opportunity to learn with

hands-on activities we will take it!

I hope to create an environment for you to all feel welcomed in. We are a class unit, no one gets

left behind. We will treat each other with respect. Respect is a big focal point for me, it is

something that is earned and can be taken away very quickly. The fastest way to lose my

respect is through bullying. Bullying will NOT be tolerated. Period. Life is already tough enough,

we need to support each other. Not only will we be learning the fourth grade criteria in Ms.

Bice’s classroom, but we will all walk out of here at the end of the year as better human beings.

If you come in through that door with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, you all will

have nothing to worry about. I am so excited to be your teacher this year. Now let’s go over

what you all have been waiting for the class rules and schedule, because I know some of you

are very concerned about what time lunch and recess is.


● Go over the proper ways to enter and exit the classroom

● Classroom jobs will be posted on the bulletin board and changed at the beginning of

each week

● Hand out rules

● Point out that the classroom rules are displayed on the wall because they aren’t going to

change any time soon

● Go over disciplinary procedures

● Introduce classroom reward system (earn X amount of tokens and then you're able to

turn those in for a large reward)

● Establish the agenda writing and take-home folder in order to be aware of what is do and

what is going on in the classroom


● Show them where the daily, 2 hour, and 3 hour delay schedule are posted on the wall

● When the allotted bathroom and drink breaks are


● Ask if there are any further questions they have about me or the classroom

● Start with taking beginning of the year tests to see where each child is at academically

and compare these results at the end of the year

● Begin teaching material

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