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Early Symbolic Systems

for Communication
in Southeast Europe

Volume 1
Compiled and edited by

Lolita Nil(olova

BAR International Series 113 9





lntroduction -Household vs. Household unit. In the case ofsmall, autonomous household units, a limited
C luster Concepts number of structures with similar domestic pattems is expected
to be repeated numerous times throughout a settlement (Stanish
1t has generally been difficult for archaeologists to define exactly 1989: 11). The presence ofa general consistency in the organi-
what comprises a household in archaeological tenns. The reason zation and contents of individual architectural units in a
it is impossible to construct a narrow definition ofthe household cornmunity, irrespective of location and apparent class diffe-
that is valid cross-culturally is the diversity in residential rences, denotes the presence of strict residential pattems
pattems, kinship structure, and domestic functions (Bender (Stanish 1989: 11 ).
1967; Wilk and Rathje 1982; Stanish 1989: 8). The available
ethnographic models are unfortunately quite inadequate. Tbe Housebold Cluster Concept
Ethnographers make normative statements that may be detailed
and of value to the archaeologist, but, while they may quantify Tbe basic unit of production and reproduction within early
types of household within the settlement they rarely describe farming communities is the household. The household is
the expression ofthis variation in terms ofstructures. Societies archaeologically visible as the househo/d cluster. A household
do not ha ve a norm for structures, but a graded series appropriate cluster is an archaeological unit of analysis that is represented
for corresponding social and functional configurations (David by all the features associated with the domestic activities ofthe
1971: 111). occupants. It will generally " ...consist ofthe house and all the
The distinction between householdand househo/d cluster surrounding storage pits, burials, middens, and features than
should be stressed at the outset. While a household consists of can be reliable associated with that same household" (Fiarmery
a group of people who interact and perform certain activities 1976: 5; Kent 1984). These features are units of a household
within a residence, a household cluster consists of its archaeolo- cluster because they are found directly adjacent to houses and
gical remains. The household concept discussed in Jongsma reflect the oature of activities performed by its occupants. Each
and Greenfield 2001 b permits a definition ofthe household as feature can be associated with a particular house, and its
those people who live together and who share in basic domestic occupants. Each ofthese features will be discussed separately
economic behaviour. The household is visible archaeologically below.
(Deetz 1982: 724). The most obvious material indicator ofthe The indjvidual household cluster conforms closely to the
minimal domestic unit is the spatial segregation of individual nuclear activity area of hunter-gatherer communities (Yellen
structures that house each co-residential group. Tbe individual t 977; Bartram et al. 1991: 95). The nuclear activity area is
co-residential units are by deftnition architecturally separated. most frequently occupied by a nuclear farnily unit, although
Each housebold should be composed ofone to several physical other household configurations were observed to be present
structures with identifiable kitchen area, storage and food (e.g., unmarried adolescents ofthe same sex, widowed adults,
preparation and so on. These segregated architectural groups etc.). Visitors are accommodated just outside the hut or just
should ha ve the material correlates ofall recoverable domestic inside the windbreak near the prirnary hearth (Bartram et al.
activities, such as hearths, storage, sleeping areas, food prepa- 1991 : 93).
ration, and so on. The pattem should repeat itself in each of The concept ofthe household cluster has proved useful
these architecturally deftned groupings (Stanish 1989: ll). for organizing and comparing archaeological data on early
The key procedure in defining the minimal co-residential farming villages. For example, a typical household cluster in
unit in any archaeological context is to isolate repetitive archi- an early Mesoamerican farming village might consist of one
tectural and artifactual pattems among a structure or groups of house, two to six large storage pits, one to three graves, and
structures. What we seek to defme is the smallest architectural various additional features, separated from the nearest con-
and artifactual assemblage repeated over a settlement that temporary cluster by an open area of20-40 m (Fiartnery 1976:
represents the minimal cooperative and co-residential economic 25). Each ofthese types offeatures is briefly discussed below.

Tbe House between households- such as variation in subsistence, division

oflabour, craft activity, social status and so on (Fiannery 1976:
The house is an institution, not just a structure, created for a 16).
complex set ofpurposes. Because building a house is a cultural lt is dangerous to assume, without investigation of the
phenomenon, its form and organization are greatly influenced architectural uníts and their associated fmds, that a "house"
by the cultural milieu to which it belongs. Very early in recorded can be equated with a "housebold". It is necessary to seek
time the house becarne more than shelter for primitive roan, features associated with the household. These include provisions
and almost from the beginning "function" was much more than made for the long-term residence of the household (e.g. the
a physical or utilitarian concept. If provision of shelter is the addition of parts of houses, the use of longer-lasting materials
passive function of the house, then its positive purpose is the in house construction), and the maintenance ofhouses and their
creation of an environment best suited to the way of life of a intemal features by repairs (Tringham 1984: 13). There is often
people- in other words, a social unit ofspace (Rapoport 1969: a close (but not perfect) fit between households (as behaviour)
46). and bouses (asan architectural unit visible archaeologically)
The house is the centre of a bousehold activity area. in sedentary food-pr oducing societies . David used an
otherwise known as the household cluster. The bouse is a ethnographic example of a Fulani vilJage in North Carneroon
representation ofthe actions, beliefs and social organization of to demonstrate the relatívely close fit between households and
the people living in the bouse. In order to understand people, it their buildings (David 1971: 130-131 ). l<Iarner ( 1979) shows
is necessary to study bow they lived. This is possible by a similar relationsbíp for Kurdish villages. lo many societies,
analysing the form, size, and distribution ofhouses. the house is coterminous with the household cluster. There is
Tbe house, in its most general sense, can be defined as little beyond the physical boundaries of the house that can be
sorne sort of dwelling and the space that surrounds it. The clearly defined as part ofthe household cluster. In the absence
surrounding space is related to the activities in the dwelling. of activity areas beyond houses, the bouse becomes the basic
The house is the central part ofthe household cluster. The house unit of analysis for investigating tbe household cluster.
or dwelling area must be identified before the rest ofthe cluster
can be defined. Ovens and Heartbs
Houses within household clusters may bave a different
but overlapping range of functions. Most involve sleeping or Ovens can be distinguished from bearths by the range of
resting. For example, Bushmen buts are used primariJy for associated activities - food preparation, material culture (e.g.
sleeping (Kent 1989). Other hunter-gatherer societies also ceramic) production, and heating. Hearths are generalJy used
utilize the space for storage. For example, the huts ofthe Kua for cooking and beating. Ovens, which have basically the sarne
(Africa) were used for both sleeping and storage during the funcrion, are generally associated with sedentary societies
both rainy season and the cool dry season. But almost no because oftheir more permanent nature. Generally communities
daytime activities were conducted within them (Bartrarn et al. that are mobile will not take the time and effort required to
1991: 95-96). In agricultural societies, a more complete range construct an oven. Ovens and hearths can be located in both
of activities takes place within houses (Kramer 1979). This is household and communal activity areas. Tbey will be used at
true archaeologically, as well. For example, Flannery (1976: different times and with different intensities. For example, each
27) hypothesized, based on the refuse and debris accumuLation tribal group ofthe Njemps and Tugen (Westem Kenya) have a
found in Early Formative houses in Mexico, that a wide range preference for a particular hearth position within the huts
of activities occurred within the house structure (such as sewingl (Hodder 1977: 253). Conversely, in Kua carnps, tires were
basketry, tool modification and cooking/food consumption, in sirnply kindled on the ground in front of dwellings with no
addition to the sleeping and storage). speciaJ containment basins or structures.
In the same ve in, Hill ( 1968) found that a range of Físher and Strickland examined the potential for
activities took places in the large roorns at the Broken K Pueblo reconstructing the location of dwelJings at campsites through
site. The presence of frre pits in large rooms implied that the analysis ofthe distribution of fireplaces and camp refuse at
activitíes performed in them required heat, light or both. Bins the bunter-gatherer site of the Efe in Zaire. The location of
were also found in the large rooms indicating that com or other dwellings at Efe camps greatJy influences the placement of tires,
food materials were ground in sucb rooms. The large rooms trash heaps and other discarded materials, and indeed the
also contained the expected evidence ofmanufacturing or craft locations where people perform campsite activities (Fisher and
activities. One ofthese activities was the manufacture of chert StrickJand 1991 : 216). There are two types of hearths in Kua
implements. Certain stages in the process of ponery-making carnps. Eacb Kua household bad a primary bearth positioned
may also bave been carried out in these rooms. Out of a total of in front of the concave windbreak, roughly centred between
42 worked shards found on the floors of rooms, only four were tbe two ends of it. The conununaJ hearths in the centre of the
found in the small rooms, and none in the special rooms. The circle of windbreaks were typically the largest in the camp.
rest carne from the Iarge rooms. Bone tools, and ornamental These were the hearths used for cooking moming and evening
items were also found in these large rooms (Hill 1968: 112, meals, and they were usually the only ones used to provide
128). night-time illumination and heat. For these reasons, the
ln addition to having served as a shelter for its occupants, conununal hearths grew in size at a much faster rate than did
a house can serve the archaeologist as a unit for analysís if it the hearths associated with individual dwellings, and were
can be isolated from its surrounding debris, intrusive features, cleaned out more frequently (Bartrarn et al. 1991: 97). This
and the like. Variation between houses within a village can be distinction between large and smalJ bearths was important in
one of the best sources of information about the variation the identification of communal versus individual bearths and

in the detennination of dwelling location. 1989).

Ovens tend to be associated with permanent structures in Midden/ refuse areas can be found within or near
sedentary societies. They can be used for a variety of purposes, dwellings. Those associated within or in close proximity to
such as cooking food, heating structures, frring ceramics, etc. individual dwellings enable them to be identified as part ofthe
More time and labour is invested in their construction because household cluster. For example, trash heaps occur at all Efe
oftheir more pennanent labour. They tend to be used over longer (NE Zaire) campsites. They accumulate at the perimeter ofthe
periods of time (Kramer 1979). camp, usually adjacent to the back and sides of the huts. In
addition, people sometimes create a trash heap within the central
Burials open area - usually around the base of a tree. Trash heaps start
as pi les of vegetation cut when clearing the camp area, and
Burials associated with household clusters enable the continue to grow during the life of the camp as the residents
reconstruction of socio-economic organisation (Flannery 1976). discard food refuse, cold ashes from fireplaces , broken
lt is possible to reconstruct social differences between indivi- implements, and other debris. T he quantity of discarded
duals within the household and community based upon materials and the size oftrash heaps are directly related to the
associated funerary objects. The spatial association of burials length of camp occupation (Fisher 1987; Fisher and Stríckland
with dwellings suggests that the buried individuals were 1989).
probably occupants of the nearest house. The location of a burial T here is an ongoing debate asto whether or not middens
near a household (i.e. within the household cluster) allows the should be included within the household cluster. Flannery (1976:
archaeologist to associate the burials with individual households 30) states that middens should not be included in the household
(Flannery 1976: 29; also see Nikolova 2001). cluster unit of analysis because they are nota diagnostic feature
of most individual housebolds. Kuijt ( 1989) conversely believes
Storage Areas that middens constitute a fundamental part of the household
cluster and should be analysed as part ofthe household cluster
Sorne type of storage area is generally found within the unit. The basic disagreement between Flannery and Kuijt is
household cluster. lt can be in the fonn of a·pit, platfonn, or their relative ability to associate middens with specific dwellings
separate structure, or separate area within the dwelling. Storage to fonn a household cluster in their respective sites.
areas are usually filled with sorne kind of perishable food, which Refuse deposits are frequently mistaken for activity areas.
would otherwise be at risk if left exposed (Kent 1989). It is irnportant that archaeologists (and ethnoarchaeologists)
Storage pits are generally associated with sedentary develop the means to identify refuse deposits, and understand
villages that practice farming and need storage room for surplus their fonnation (cf. Kuijt 1989: 216; Deal 1985 ~ Hayden and
food, such as grains. Storage pits tend to be of various shapes Cannon 1982).
and sizes, although they tend to be somewhat standardized
within cultures. For example, bell-shaped storage pits are Conclusions
ubiquitous in European lron Age and Medieval sites (e.g.
Reynolds 1979; Bewley 1994). The association between storage The household cluster concept is useful because it provides a
pits and houses is so tight that Flannery (1976: 28-9) predicts context in which pits, burials, house remains, and other features
that where concentrations of storage pits occurred, a careful can be understood not simply as isolated cultural features, but
search would probably turn up a house within lO m to one side as manifestations of a specific segment of society. Much work
or the other. needs to be done to clarify the nature ofhouseholds and to test
An alternative to the storage pit exists in more mobile the validity ofthe household cluster concept at different sites
African hunter-gatherer communities. Storage pits were not dug. and over severa! regions. It is a productive means oforganizing
Instead, storage platfonns were frequently built at dry season data for studying a unit of society on an analytic leve! between
camps. The platforms provided a surface on which food, that ofthe house or the activity area and that ofthe community
cooking utensils, bedding, and sundry household items were (Fiannery 1976: 25).
stored. They also provided gratifying shade in the heat of the In order to accurately study the household cluster in
day. In the latter role, they were often the focus of midday archaeological terms, it is necessaryto outline, as above, exactly
activity. They were frequently located near the windbreaks or what a household cluster entails. lt is the study ofthe household
huts to facilitate easy retrieval ofthe personal belongings stored cluster in its entirety that allows the archaeologist to understand
there (Bartram et al. 1991 : 96). These storage platfonns are the socio-economic behaviours ofpast cultures. For example,
archaeologically very visible in the record, and are identified it is possible to understand the economic stature of the
as being part of the household cluster for hunter-gatherer household by analysing a kitchen area (heartb, ovens, utensils,
communities of Africa. refuse). As well, it may be possible to accurately interpret
methods of food procurement and disposal by analysing the
Middens storage and midden areas ofhousehold clusters. lfit is possible
to clearly separate out each household cluster within a village
The richest area (in tenns of quantity and variety of artifact or settlement, it may become possible to determine how the
content) of a community or household cluster is the refuse/ village functioned both socially and economically.
midden area. The artifactual contents of middens represent a It is important is to be able to differentiate between the
mixture ofmost household activities. lnvestigating individual household cluster and the rest of the village. But in order to
middens can increase our understanding of the household's identify household clusters, we must first be able to identify
subsistence diet, as well as other aspects ofbehaviour (e.g. Kuijt the house. This is a task that has only recently been undertaken
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