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4FYE1: Big history


School of Arts and Sciences

Effect of Contaminated Water at Mansfield Residences


A Service Learning Project

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement of the Course
4FYE1: Big History


Presented to:

Welfredo Mamaril

Presented by:

Rheena Mae Musni


4FYE1: Big history

Project Name:

Teacher’s Note: You can be creative but please, substance should be


Description of the BH Service Learning Project:

Water is the one of our most important natural resources. Water is used in
many different ways like, domestic, industrial supply, transportation, recreation.
Water is important in each people. Without water we won’t survive. Water has a
profound influence on human health. In very beginning a minimum amount of water
is required for consumption on a daily basis for survival and therefore access to
some form of water is essential for life. Water has much broader influences on
health and well-being and issues such as the quantity and quality of the water
supplied are important on determining the health of individuals and whole

The first priority must be to provide access for the whole population to some
form of improved water supply. However, access may be restricted by low coverage,
poor continuity, insufficient quantity, poor quality and excessive cost relative to the
ability and willingness to pay. Thus, in terms of drinking-water, all these issues must
be addressed if public health is to improve. Water quality aspects, whilst important,
are not the sole determinant of health impacts.

Teacher’s Note: Put Introduction, Background of the Study, Significance

of the Study, and Definition of Key Terms

4FYE1: Big history

Statement of the Problem of the BH Service Learning Project

1. How does Mansfield Residences water quality compare to the other city?
2. What are the causes and effect of the contaminated water?

Objectives of the BH Service Learning Project

1. To protect human health from the possible effect of the contaminated water.
2. To ensure the protection of every human through proper drinking water.
3. To describe how improvements in water supplies will led to improvements in
health and a reduction in possible negative effect on every human.

4FYE1: Big history


The type of research method used by the researcher is qualitative research,

the goal of this research is to interview some specific questions to the citizen here in

Mansfield Residences. This study might be helpful to all people. The whole

community or whole world can benefit in this study.

Teacher’s Note: Include all the used methodology for Data Gathering and Data


Scope and Limitations:

My study entitled “Effect of Contaminated Water at Mansfield Residences” aims to

know how contaminated water can affect a negative result to our health. To know on

how they manage and protect their health.

Teacher’s Note: What is the main focus of the study? What is not included in

the study?

4FYE1: Big history


This project assigned by the Professor Welfredo Mamaril last July 26, 2018. On that

day he assigned us whole B-121 for making this project. He said that the deadline of

this project is August 7, 2018.

Teacher’s Note: Make it like the timeline provided in the Big History Project

Sharing of the Project:


Paste the Link Address or URL for the Social Media post

Teacher’s Note: How was the engagement about the issue, especially the

members of the chosen community?

4FYE1: Big history

Integration of Big History Concepts in the Service Learning:

Teacher’s Note: This is the body of the study. This will show how valid your

claims are in your study. In doing the findings, please integrate big history

concepts that are necessary in discussing the environmental map. Write with


4FYE1: Big history


Teacher’s Note: This is a more personal understanding of the depth of the

problem and the recommendations you would like to present.

4FYE1: Big history

Summary and Conclusions

Teacher’s Note: Summarize your study. Show the important findings and

conclude it.



Documentation Pictures:

Signed Consent Letters:

Interview Questions:

4FYE1: Big history

Teacher’s Note: MINIMUM of 5 pages (front page and appendix excluded).

Please observe intellectual honesty. Deadline: August 3 (Friday) CLASS TIME


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