ARC 1402 - Week 5 and 6 Formative Assessment 4

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Far Eastern University

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Basic Residential Spaces

Student’s output: Conceptual drawings/sketches with design concept and design philosophy on A4 size paper in
PDF/JPEG file format.
Submission deadline: For MOL & AOL, Saturday of Week 5 until 11:59 PM; For TAL, Saturday of Week 6 until
11:59 PM

1. For this assessment, please refer to Week 5 & 6 Module.
2. Choose two (2) basic residential spaces.
3. Based on your selection, make conceptual drawings/sketches (in floor plans) of how you want these spaces
to look like. In other words, make your ideal versions of these spaces. Consider the following:
a. Size of the space/room (provide overall dimension/s)
b. Shape
c. Furnitures and/or fixtures and their layout
d. Color scheme
e. Circulation
f. Other applicable standards and/or considerations
4. Complement your drawings by integrating/providing your design concept and design philosophy.
5. Use one page A4 size paper per residential space, in either landscape or portrait format. No
margins/borders required. A sample layout is provided below but you may tweak it according to your
preference as long as the required contents are included.
6. When done, submit your file through Canvas, or through other faculty-approved submission portal.

Sample layout:

(Put your design concept + design philosophy here)

Your output will be graded based on the standard rubrics for this course which can be found in Week 1 folder

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