6 - Contemporary Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - 2019

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Volume 62, Number 2, 271–281

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Management of
Polycystic Ovarian
The Ronald O. Perelman and Claudia Cohen Center for
Reproductive Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York,
New York

Abstract: PCOS remains one of the most intriguing polycystic-appearing ovarian morphol-
endocrine disorders that physicians encounter even though ogy. Although it has now been over
it was first described over 80 years ago. Although the
diagnostic criteria, nomenclature, and ideal therapeutic 80 years since Stein and Leventhal1 first
strategies are areas of active and ongoing debate, there is described this clinical syndrome and it is
no doubt that we have made tremendous progress in one of the most common endocrinopa-
improving the quality of life and reproductive outcomes of thies encountered by gynecologists, its
women who suffer from this wide-ranging disorder. pathophysiology is still not completely
Key words: PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome,
management, fertility understood and it has no universally
accepted definition.

Diagnosis of PCOS
Introduction Three expert groups have proposed separate
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a criteria for the diagnosis of PCOS. The
heterogeneous and enigmatic disorder earliest proposed criteria were by the NIH
that is typically characterized by the in 1990 which required the presence of
presence of a combination of ovulatory oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea and clinical
dysfunction, hyperandrogenism, and or laboratory evidence of hyperan-
drogenism.2 These criteria were extended
Correspondence: Nigel Pereira, MD, Weill Cornell Med-
ical College, The Ronald O. Perelman and Claudia Cohen further in the most widely used diagnostic
Center for Reproductive Medicine, 1305 York Avenue, 6th criteria, the Rotterdam Consensus Criteria,3
Floor, New York, NY. E-mail: nip9060@med.cornell.edu which requires 2 of 3 features: oligom-
L.D.Z. and R.S. contributed equally. enorrhea or amenorrhea, clinical or labora-
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose. tory evidence of hyperandrogenism, and


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272 Zimmerman et al

polycystic-appearing ovaries on ultrasound hyperandrogenism, menstrual disorders,

(defined as > 12 follicles between 2 and 9 metabolic dysfunction, and infertility. The
mm in diameter in at least one ovary or an most common presenting feature of hyper-
ovarian volume > 10 cm3). Finally, the androgenism is hirsutism. Hirsutism is
2006 Androgen Excess Society requires the identified by the presence of excess terminal
presence of hyperandrogenism and ovarian hairs that grow > 5 mm in length in a male-
dysfunction, which can either be oligome- like pattern of distribution over the body
norrhea or polycystic-appearing ovaries or (upper lip, chin, midsternum, upper and
both.4 lower abdomen, upper and lower back,
Notably, in 2012 an NIH consensus and buttocks). It can be clinically quanti-
panel recommended that the 2003 Rotter- fied using the Ferriman and Gallwey,10 or
dam criteria be adapted but with the a modified Ferriman and Gallwey score
caveat that different phenotypes be utilized which takes into consideration the patient’s
(Phenotype A-D) that are based on which ethnic background.11,12 In addition to
of the criteria qualify the patient for the hirsutism, other manifestations of hyper-
diagnosis of PCOS.5 Furthermore, they androgenism in women with PCOS may be
suggested that “the name ‘PCOS’ is a acne or, to a lesser degree, androgenic
distraction and an impediment to prog- alopecia.13 Although there is little utility
ress” and that a new name assignment is in obtaining circulating androgen levels in
warranted for the syndrome that would patients who are overtly hirsute, there is a
capture its complexity and impact on value of measuring biochemical androgen
metabolism, endocrinology, and reproduc- levels in many cases. A total testosterone
tion. Indeed, numerous experts and con- level and free testosterone level should be
sensus groups are working on reorganizing assessed, and DHEA-S and androstene-
and restructuring the syndrome to devise a dione levels can be considered as well,14
nomenclature and classification that better though care must be taken to interpret
fits the spectrum of the disease. Previous these values appropriately.
suggestions have included hyperandrogen- Menstrual disorders are commonly de-
ic chronic anovulation,6 metabolic repro- scribed as irregular, infrequent, or scant
ductive syndrome,7 and more recently as or absent menstrual bleeding that often is
polyfollicular ovarian syndrome with met- an extension of postmenarche menstrual
abolic features or polyfollicular syndrome irregularity that never normalized. How-
with metabolic dysfunction and/or hyper- ever, in some women the menstrual man-
androgenic manifestations.8 ifestations may present in adulthood as
As there are competing diagnostic criteria well. Notably, the presence of regular
for defining PCOS, the incidence of the menstrual cycles does not exclude PCOS
disease will vary depending on the criteria as cycles may become regular as women
being used. With the widely used and most with PCOS age in some cases.15 With
expansive and inclusive Rotterdam criteria, both menstrual dysfunction and hyper-
the prevalence ranges from 5% to 20% of androgenism, the severity of symptoms
the population.9 Using the 1990 NIH cri- directly correlates with the degree of
teria, the prevalence is reported to be 5% to insulin resistance.16,17 Infertility ensues
10% and with using the Androgen Excess primarily because of anovulation or
Society the prevalence is 10% to 15%.9 oligo-ovulation.
The classical ovarian morphology
(Fig. 1) detected on transvaginal ultra-
Evaluation of PCOS sonography is that of an increased num-
Patients with PCOS may clinically present ber of antral follicles or an increased
with a variety of symptoms including ovarian volume as delineated by the

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Contemporary Management of PCOS 273

FIGURE 1. Transvaginal ultrasonography highlighting classic polycystic ovarian morphology.

Rotterdam consensus conference as be obtained and a careful body inspection

stated above. It should be emphasized performed to detect the presence of acne,
though that polycystic-appearing mor- hirsutism, central obesity, alopecia, clito-
phology alone should not be regarded as romegaly, and acanthosis nigricans. Pelvic
indicative of PCOS as it is frequently examination may reveal ovarian enlarge-
found in otherwise normal young women ment. Transvaginal pelvic ultrasonography
in the general population. is important in the evaluation of women
A clinical suspicion of PCOS should be with suspected PCOS as polycystic-appear-
raised in any woman who presents with ing ovaries are a component of most
signs or symptoms of hirsutism or oligome- diagnostic criteria. All women should be
norrhea. The subsequent assessment will screened for metabolic syndrome which is
attempt to diagnose the condition based on defined as: elevated blood pressure ≥ 130/
the established diagnostic criteria and iden- 85 mm Hg, increased waist circumference
tification of the specific phenotype as differ- ≥ 35 inches, elevated fasting glucose ≥ 100
ence phenotypes are associated with mg/dL, decreased HDL less than or equal
varying degrees of metabolic or other types to 50 mg/dL, and elevated triglyceride level
of dysfunction. The differential diagnosis ≥ 150 mg/dL.19
of PCOS must include other causes of The initial laboratory biochemical
androgen excess and ovulatory dysfunction evaluation in women or adolescents who
such as thyroid disease, prolactin disorders, present with symptoms concerning for
nonclassical forms of congenital adrenal PCOS should include a serum total tes-
hyperplasia, exogenous androgens, andro- tosterone, sex hormone binding globulin
gen-secreting tumors, genetic defects (SHBG), and free testosterone. Free tes-
of insulin action, Cushing syndrome, and tosterone is more sensitive than total
primary hypothalamic and primary ovarian testosterone for detection of hyperandro-
dysfunction.18 genism; however, it is only more reliable if
In the evaluation of a patient with calculated from total testosterone and
suspected PCOS, a detailed history should SHBG (as opposed to measuring free
be obtained with emphasis on the onset and testosterone directly by equilibrium dial-
duration of symptoms of menstrual dys- ysis). There are no established androgen
function and androgen excess, and medi- level cutoffs that would suggest an andro-
cation history. As part of the physical gen-secreting tumor.20 As PCOS is a
examination, a waist circumference should diagnosis of exclusion, a laboratory

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274 Zimmerman et al

work-up for other causes of hyperandro- patients.23 As such, women with a diag-
genemia and non-androgenic causes of nosis of PCOS should be screened for
anovulation is warranted. Obtaining a impaired glucose tolerance and type 2
serum hCG, FSH, LH, prolactin, and diabetes with a fasting glucose level fol-
TSH are appropriate as an initial step, lowed by a 2-hour oral glucose tolerance
as well as an early morning follicular test after administration of a 75 g glucose
phase 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) load. Women with PCOS should also
to rule out nonclassical congenital be screened for dyslipidemia because of
adrenal hyperplasia because of 21- the increased risk of metabolic syndrome
hydroxylase deficiency in appropriately and its subsequent cardiovascular risk.
selected patients (for example, in at-risk Rescreening for features of the metabolic
populations such as Ashkenazi Jews). syndrome and cardiovascular risk should
A truly elevated 17-OHP should be be done periodically as there is a nearly
followed-up with an ACTH stimulation 20% risk of developing impaired glucose
test.21 Rare disorders such as Cushing tolerance yearly in patients with PCOS.24
syndrome or acromegaly can be consid- In addition to long-term consequences
ered in the appropriate clinical context. of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome,
A slightly elevated LH to FSH ratio is diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in
common in PCOS because of increased women with PCOS, there are several
LH concentrations and low-normal FSH more conditions for which these women
concentrations.22 The increase in serum are at risk. As patients with PCOS are
LH is a consequence of an abnormal LH typically obese, conditions associated
secretory mechanism in which there is an with obesity and anovulation have a
increase in LH pulse frequency and am- higher prevalence in this population
plitude in patients who are anovulatory. such as endometrial cancer, endometrial
The decreased in FSH is because of a hyperplasia, obstructive sleep apnea,
concurrent increase in GnRH pulse fre- nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and
quency and negative feedback effects of mood disturbances including anxiety and
elevated estrogen levels derived from pe- depression.25 Obesity and hirsutism
ripheral aromatization and from in- have also been associated with a reduced
creased inhibin B levels. Abnormal quality of life.26
thyroid function may alter testosterone
levels by altering SHBG levels and ele-
vated prolactin may be caused by a Nonpharmacologic Therapies
prolactinoma. DHEA-S is another useful The association between PCOS and in-
biochemical marker as when it is elevated sulin resistance, and thus risk of develop-
it suggests an androgen-secreting tumor ing metabolic syndrome and type II
most likely originating from the adrenal diabetes, has been clearly established.
gland. Although elevated AMH levels No prospective studies thus far have
have been associated with PCOS, there documented a clear link between PCOS
are no cutoff values that are currently and cardiovascular events, though some
established that would aid in the diagnosis studies with premenopausal women have
of PCOS. suggested a relation between increasing
Insulin resistance and an abnormal level of oligomenorrhea and independent
compensatory hyperinsulinemia are key cardiovascular risk factors, such as in-
features of the pathophysiology of PCOS creased prevalence of subclinical athero-
and these features result in an increased sclerosis compared to controls.27–29 It is
risk of impaired glucose tolerance still unclear how and why women with
and type 2 diabetes mellitus in these PCOS do not seem to exhibit a higher

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Contemporary Management of PCOS 275

incidence of myocardial infarctions de- FDA-approved topical pharmacologic

spite the increased prevalence of abnor- agent, Eflornithine, an inhibitor of the
mal vasculature. enzyme ornithine decarboxylase, used 2
Though reproductive and metabolic times daily in combination with laser
implications may seem to have two dis- therapy has been shown to be superior
parate focuses, the general principle of to laser alone in the treatment of
therapy in PCOS is to optimize health hirsutism.36 The treatment of acne centers
first, before commencing treatment for primarily around pharmacologic inter-
infertility. Nonpharmacologic lifestyle ventions aimed at decreasing circulating
changes have been shown to attenuate androgens in addition to topical treat-
some of the metabolic perils associated ments by dermatologists.
with PCOS and can additionally lead to a
sense of better physical well-being in these
women.30 An increase in exercise com- Surgical Interventions
bined with dietary changes, particularly Although most treatments for fertility
caloric restriction, has consistently been related to anovulation or oligo-ovulation
shown to reduce the risk of developing in women with PCOS focus on pharma-
type II diabetes equal to or better than cologic intervention, surgical interven-
pharmacologic agents.31 Up to 80% of tions have been attempted as an
women with PCOS are overweight or alternative to restore ovulatory cycles.
obese. In this population, even modest Ovarian wedge resection was the earliest
weight loss—as little as 5% body weight surgical intervention proposed, first de-
change—has been associated with en- scribed by Stein and Cohen in 1935.37
hancements in overall health including Although many studies showed this
improved glucose and lipid levels. In the technique to be successful in terms of
obese PCOS population, weight loss itself, ovulation induction, wedge resection is
regardless of modality—be it medication, associated with significant adhesion for-
gastric bypass, or diet and exercise—has mation which itself is fraught with poten-
been associated with improved pregnancy tial fertility implications. As a surgical
rates as well as decreased hirsutism.32–35 alternative, laparoscopic ovarian drilling
Although much of the focus on therapy (LOD) was first described by Gjönnaess38
for women with PCOS appropriately in 1984 and has been widely used since
centers on enhancing metabolic manage- that time. LOD typically employs mo-
ment and fertility treatments, cosmetic nopolar or bipolar electrocautery, or la-
medical issues may profoundly impact ser, to effectively drill an undefined
the quality of life and psychological number of holes into the ovarian
well-being of women with PCOS and in cortex.39,40 This surgical procedure is
fact are the most common reason for currently recommended only as a sec-
women presenting for medical care. ond-line therapy in clomiphene-resistant
Hirsutism and acne are the most common women with anovulatory infertility.18
physical manifestations of hyperandro- A Cochrane review of 25 randomized
genism. Although there is no clear controlled trials found that LOD was
first-line treatment for hirsutism, lifestyle equivalent to other pharmacologic ovula-
interventions to improve this condition tion induction therapies in terms of
primarily center around mechanical live birth rate, long-term cost, and quality
hair removal including shaving, plucking, of life, however notably resulted in
waxing, electrolysis, and laser vaporiza- a lower rate of multiple pregnancy.41
tion; depilatory creams are also Despite the improvement in risk of multi-
often utilized. The combination of an ple pregnancy, this procedure is not

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276 Zimmerman et al

recommended first line given the under- can be combined for synergistic effect with
lying surgical risks in addition to risk of one another because of different mecha-
periovarian adhesion formation. nisms of action and combined with OCPs. If
not being used simultaneously with OCPs,
patients must be counseled on the need for
Pharmacologic Therapies effective contraception during use as they
Pharmacologic therapies are routinely have been shown to be teratogenic.42,43
utilized alongside nonpharmacologic in-
terventions to manage the overall health PROGESTINS
of women with PCOS. The specific inter- Because of chronic oligo-ovulation or an-
ventions and medications employed to ovulation, women with PCOS are at in-
manage this condition will differ among creased risk for endometrial hyperplasia
patients based on their individual charac- and thus endometrial carcinoma. To min-
teristics and goals of treatment. Pharma- imize this risk, regular administration of
cologic treatments may be divided into progestins are recommended in patients
treatment for counteracting hyperandro- not actively attempting to become preg-
genism, managing endometrial effects nant. No one regimen has been deemed
of ovulatory dysfunction, improving superior to others, but options for manage-
metabolic status, and treatment of ment include cyclic or continuous oral
infertility via ovulation induction. progestins, progestin-containing intrauter-
ine devices, and injectable progestins such
COMBINED ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES as depot medroxyprogesterone acetate.18
Unless otherwise contraindicated, combi-
nation low-dose oral contraceptive pills METFORMIN
(OCPs) are regarded as first line therapy For metabolic management of this dis-
in women with PCOS who are not ac- ease, first line therapy is lifestyle inter-
tively attempting to become pregnant. ventions including weight loss along with
OCPs increase circulating levels of sex diet changes and exercise as discussed
hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and previously. In women with evidence of
decrease ovarian androgen secretion, glucose intolerance, elevated insulin lev-
leading to decreased levels of circulating els, or strong family history of diabetes,
androgens. They also suppress luteinizing medical management with insulin sensi-
hormone secretion from the pituitary, and tizers, most commonly metformin, is
additionally may stabilize the endome- often dually warranted. In addition to its
trium to minimize the risk of endometrial metabolic impact on improved insulin
hyperplasia.14,18 sensitivity and glucose tolerance, metfor-
min also decreases circulating androgen
ANTIANDROGENS levels. Furthermore, metformin has
Specific antiandrogens are often employed been suggested to improve ovulatory
to target androgenic hirsutism, acne, and function.44 A meta-analysis in 2004 found
alopecia. Spironolactone, an androgen re- that metformin was better than placebo
ceptor blocker and inhibitor of androgen for menstrual cycle regulation in non-
biosynthesis, is the preferred first-line treat- infertile PCOS patients, as well as better
ment specifically for hirsutism. Flutamide, than placebo for ovulation induction in
another androgen receptor blocker, and the infertile PCOS population.45 How-
finasteride, a 5α-reductase inhibitor are ever, this same study revealed that preg-
alternative treatments for hirsutism, with nancy rates were not improved using
finasteride also often used to treat for metformin. Further studies revealed infe-
androgenic alopecia. These antiandrogens riority of metformin when compared

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Contemporary Management of PCOS 277

directly to other oral ovulation inductions births is a complication (Fig. 2).46 In the
such as clomiphene citrate and letrozole practical administration of clomiphene
in terms of ovulation, pregnancy rates, citrate, the starting dose is typically 50
and live birth rates in women with mg for 5 days in the early follicular phase,
PCOS.39,46 Given these findings, metfor- with a stair step approach for lack of
min is not recommended alone as a first response up to a dose of 150 mg. Patient
line drug for fertility treatment, but is weight must be considered when consid-
used in this population largely for its ering a starting dose.
metabolic benefits. In addition, combina-
tion therapy of metformin plus clomi- LETROZOLE
phene may be considered in women who Letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, is also
are resistant to clomiphene alone, though known to be effective for ovulation in
there remains insufficient evidence of an women with PCOS. This medication is
increase in live birth rates in this setting.46 administered similarly to clomiphene, for
5 days in the early follicular phase, start-
CLOMIPHENE CITRATE ing with a dose of 2.5 mg and increasing in
For women with PCOS seeking ovulation a stepwise manner as needed for lack
induction for pregnancy, the most widely of response to a maximum dose of 7.5
used first-line therapy has traditionally mg. A large follow-up study to PPCOS I,
been the oral antiestrogenic agent clomi- the PPCOS II trial, compared clomiphene
phene citrate. Clomiphene is a selective citrate directly to letrozole in the infertile
estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), PCOS population, and reported an in-
blocking estradiol receptors in the hypo- creased live birth rate and ovulation rate
thalamus and inducing a change in in this population (Fig. 3).47,48 It is worth
GnRH pulse frequency, leading to an noting however that the mean BMI in this
increased release of FSH from the ante- study was above 35 kg/m2, and thus the
rior pituitary and subsequent follicular current recommendation for the utiliza-
development.39 The original multicenter tion of letrozole as a first-line treatment
pregnancy in polycystic ovary syndrome over clomiphene should apply to the
(PPCOS I) trial showed a clear benefit obese PCOS population. Further studies
of clomiphene compared to metformin are needed to elicit if there is a benefit of
alone in achieving live birth, however also one oral agent over another in the non-
confirmed that a higher risk of multiple obese PCOS population. In addition,

FIGURE 2. Comparison of live birth rates with clomiphene citrate alone, metformin alone or
clomiphene citrate with metformin reported in the PPCOS I trial. PPCOS indicates pregnancy in
polycystic ovary syndrome.

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278 Zimmerman et al

FIGURE 3. Comparison of live birth rates with clomiphene citrate or letrozole reported in the
PPCOS II trial. PPCOS indicates pregnancy in polycystic ovary syndrome.

there has more recently been suggestion fertilization (IVF). Although the under-
that perhaps a combination of letrozole lying etiology of polyfollicular ovaries
and clomiphene may act synergistically to and thus inherent risk of OHSS exists,
improve ovulation rates in women with there are strategies that we can employ
PCOS49; however, sample size in a recent during treatment to minimize the inci-
study was limited and more studies are dence of this disease state.
needed to examine this finding and The risk of OHSS can be attenuated by
whether this correlates with enhanced live gentle stimulation with gonadotropins
birth rates. along with close monitoring of estradiol
levels in addition to transvaginal ultra-
GONADOTROPINS sound throughout stimulation. The em-
In patients resistant to oral ovulation ployment of a low-dose sliding scale hCG
induction agents or after failures of ther- trigger, or use of a GnRH agonist, namely
apy, injectable gonadotropin therapy may Leuprolide, either alone or in combina-
be used as second-line treatment. Gona- tion with hCG as part of a dual trigger
dotropin therapy has been associated with can significantly attenuate this risk and
a clear increased risk of multiple preg- should always be considered.50,51
nancy, as well as an increased risk of In women with PCOS undergoing IVF,
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome there is evidence suggesting that live birth
(OHSS), a risk amplified in the PCOS rates may be higher and the risk of OHSS
population. OHSS is generally an iatro- lower when frozen, rather than fresh,
genic condition except in rare cases, and is embryo transfer is performed. A multi-
a serious and potentially life-threatening center trial of over 1500 infertile women
condition involving increased capillary with PCOS undergoing day three embryo
permeability, third spacing of fluid with transfer of up to two embryos revealed a
resultant ascites, pulmonary edema, renal higher rate of live birth, along with a
failure, risk of venous thromboembolism, lower risk of OHSS and lower frequency
as well as obstetric complications of miscarriage in these patients compared
including increased risk of spontaneous with women who underwent fresh embryo
abortion.50 This disease state generally transfer immediately following IVF
occurs as the result of controlled ovarian stimulation.52 This is proposed to be
hyperstimulation with gonadotropins for because of the interval “rest” period
either ovulation induction or in vitro allowing the hyperstimulated ovary to

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Contemporary Management of PCOS 279

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