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Gitam University:

An Exercise In Brand Building &

Public Engagement

22 Feet Tribal • 20.05.2020

Identifying Our Big Challenges
In Marketing & Business

Driving Brand Message

● Pillars Of Brand Values & Beliefs
● Recognizing Current Opportunities
Overview ● Creating A Unique Show & Tell

Arriving At The Solution

How It Works, What It Does For Us, Unique
Identifying Our Big Challenges

Marketing Challenges Business Challenges

● Improve brand perception, ● Drive awareness, drive
create positive chatter top-of-mind recall

● Improve engagement and ● Build inclusion in

make space for meaningful consideration set
Driving Brand Message
(Pillars Of Brand Values & Beliefs)

Doing Well By Deep Knowledge &

Doing Good Research Commitment
● Need to occupy a unique ● Build academic credibility
slice in the goodness pie and trustworthiness

● Real, meaningful, ● Establish research

substantive action that credentials
makes a difference
Driving Brand Message
(Pillars Of Brand Values & Beliefs)

Innovation & Constant Societal Impact &

Evolution Cultural Relevance
● Demonstrate ability to ● Not just be spectators to
adapt and problem solve what’s going on but
respond in an impactful
● Create depth and RTB for
claiming the innovation
Driving Brand Message
(Recognizing Current Opportunities)

The COVID-19 Crisis The Fake News Crisis

● Need to have a POV on ● Trending topic
2020’s biggest issue
● Close to knowledge,
● Global pandemic with research and learning
many far reaching category -- can allow us to
implications -- let’s draw a big contrast against
determine which aspect we inauthenticity and bring
want to tackle our authenticity to the fore
Driving Brand Message
(Recognizing Current Opportunities)

COVID-19 X Fake News Fake News X COVID-19

X Gitam University
● Negative impact amplified
in pandemic -- rumours & ● Use university’s faculty,
misinformation creating students, other resources,
chaos knowledge base, passion
● Preventing progress on for research, interest in
ground, leading to harmful societal progress to fight
individual action, swaying for the truth against
public in wrong direction falsehoods
Driving Brand Message
(Recognizing Current Opportunities)

Fake News X COVID-19 Strategic News Channel

X Gitam University + Fact Checker Tie-up
● Let’s showcase the ● Credibility ruboff from
relevance of our belief tying up with news channel,
‘Doing well Comes From newspaper or news
Doing Good’, put the personality, along with a
principle into work and fact checker service. For
gain more credibility reach and amplification.
Driving Brand Message
(Creating A Unique Show & Tell Experience)

WhatsApp University WhatsApp Groups

● A term coined to describe ● Fake news forwards need
one of the biggest platform to be fought in the same
for spread of fake news WhatsApp groups they’re
through clickbaity content being forwarded in
forwards by relatively (neighbours, family, friends,
unevolved media colleagues / peers, hobby
consumers who never or interest groups)
question source
Driving Brand Message
(Creating A Unique Show & Tell Experience)

Fight Fire With Fire Create Volunteer Army

● Combat virality of fake news ● Reach out to mature digital
through equally entertaining, consumers and recruit them
clickbaity but researched real
● Equip those who question
news counter forwards
WhatsApp forwards to present
● Use people, not tech -- get a case against misinformation
greater reach than fact-check to those who blindly believe
bots & sites which assume and forward unreliable
audience sophistication information
Arriving At The
A rapid response, people powered hotline on WhatsApp
enabled by GITAM UNIVERSITY (in close association with
a trusted news source and a fact check service
partnership) to counter unresearched, unverified
rumours being passed around as real news in
Gitam University Vs
Whatsapp University*
(Lead The Fight Against Fake News)
How This Works:
(Consumer Journey)
Recruit X receives a dubious forwarded text on a WhatsApp group. Recruit x
sends that to us.

We respond with a researched, fact-checked text in a clickbaity format for
Recruit X to populate on that WhatsApp group.

Recruit X sends back this entertaining response on the WhatsApp group (and
on other groups if they like it) thereby stopping the spread of fake news.
Step No.1
(Recruit X
Step No.1
(Recruit X
Forward To
Step No.2
and Sends A
Response In
Step No.3
(Recruit X
Back In
Step No.3
(Recruit X
Back In
How This Works:
(In The Backend)
Use existing network Introduce more moderators
Hotline moderator sifts through
(students, teachers, to handle additional demand
forwards to identify
employees, admin) to as more forwards pour in.
non-controversial, non-political
jumpstart activation. Take initiative beyond the
that can be countered with
(Use As PR Piece) COVID space.
quick research.


[Initializing] [Recruiting] [Operationalizing] [Amplifying] [Scaling]

Get more recruits in the Hotline moderator sends Use news media, owned
fight by highlighting the those forwards to 22Feet channels and PR to highlight
hotline where forwards can content team that the initiative and recruit
be sent. Use news media researches then develops a more people and benefit
tie-up to spotlight initiative. clickbaity response to be from network effects.
forwarded back.
Additional Promotion Ideas
Anchor Reads Fake News
If we tie-up with a local news channel, we could have the fake news read out as
the headlines of the day. Then the anchor could break character talk about how
these are all rumours disguised as news that they’ve received on WhatsApp --
then segue into the hotline number, asking everyone to join the fight against
fake news with Gitam University.

Fake Newspapers
We could give out fake newspapers along with real newspapers with newspaper
names such as -- The Misinformation Age, The Unverified Chronicle, etc. Here
we can seed in the fake news doing the rounds and talk about how Gitam
University is stepping in to fight this phenomenon, urging people to join as well.
Additional Promotion Ideas

Finish With A Lesson

Gitam University could create a small learning module on how to be a
responsible digital media consumer. This could be translated into the vernacular
languages and forwarded in the same WhatsApp groups to promote more
responsible social media behaviour.
● Adds RTB and depth to our
brand message of pushing for
positive societal impact
What Does This ● Building on authenticity and
Whole Initiative credibility

Do For Us? ● Widen reach, increase name

recognition and get more
earned media
● Low cost, high impact activation

● Modular and scalable -- works

What Are The short-term, mid-term or

Unique Features long-term

Of This Initiative? ● Cultural resonance + high

situational awareness --->
conversation creator
Thank You!

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