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Brian Yeremias L Tobing (21090120140169)
Denis Paskal (21090120120023)
Muhammad Irfan (21090120120033)
Muhammad Rajiv (21090120140161)
Rifky Akbar Dwikirsa (21090120140071)


1. A) Construct a TPC curve from the following data:
Mean draft (m) 1 2 3 4 5

TPC (tonnes) 3.10 4.32 5.05 5.50 5.73

B) From this curve find the TPC at drafts of 1.5 m and 2.1 m.

C) f this ship floats at 2.2 m mean draft and then discharges 45 tonnes of ballast, find the
new mean draft.


a) Grafik TPC curve

b) From the curve

TPC at 1.5 m draft = 3.769 tonnes

TPC at 2.1 m draft = 4.42 tonnes

c) TPC at 2.2 m draft = 4.5 tonnes

Discharged ballast = 45 tonnes

Decrease in draft =


= 10 cm

Decrease in draft = 0.1 m

Original draft = 2.2 m

New mean draft = 2.2 m - 0.1 m = 2.1 m

2. (a) From the following information construct a TPC curve:

Mean draft (m) 1 2 3 4 5
Area of water-plane (sq m) 336 567 680 743 777
(b) From this curve find the TPC's at mean drafts of 2.5 m and 4.5 m.
(c) If, while floating at a draft of 3.8 m, the ship discharges 380 tonnes of cargo and loads
375 tonnes of bunkers, 5 tonnes of stores, and 125 tonnes of fresh water, find the new
mean draft.
Answer :
a. TPC = WPA

Mean draft (m) 1 2 3 4 5

TPC (tonnes) 3,44 5,8 6,97 7,6 7,96

(TPC Curve )

b. TPC at 2,5 m mean draft = 6,46 tonnes

TPC at 4,5 m mean draft = 7,8 tonnes

c. TPC at 3,8 m mean draft = 7,5 tonnes

Loads bunkers 375 tonnes
Stores 5 tonnes
Fresh waters 125 tonnes
Total 505 tonnes
Discharged cargo 380 tonnes
Net loaded 125 tonnes
Increase in draft = W

= 16,6 cm
= 0,16 m
New mean draft = 3,96 m

5. The following information is taken from a ship's displacement scale:

Displacement (tonnes) 335 1022 1949 2929 3852 4841
Mean draft (m) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
(a) Construct the displacement curve for this ship and from it find the draft when the
displacement is 2650 tonnes.
(b) If this ship arrived in port with a mean draft of 3.5 m, discharged her cargo, loaded
200 tonnes of bunkers, and completed with a mean draft of 2 m, find how much cargo
she discharged.
(c) Assuming that the ship's light draft is 1 m, find the deadweight when the ship is
floating in salt water at a mean draft of 1.75 m.

a. Displacement at 3,5 m draft 4841 tonnes

Bunkers +200 tonnes _+
New Displacement 5041 tonnes
Displacement at 2 m draft 1949 tonnes -
Cargo discharged 3092 tonnes

a. Displacement at 1,75 m draft 1480 tonnes

Displacement at 1 m draft 335 tonnes -
DWT 1155 tonnes

b. Displacement at 3,5 m draft 4841 tonnes

Bunkers +200 tonnes _+
New Displacement 5041 tonnes
Displacement at 2 m draft 1949 tonnes -
Cargo discharged 3092 tonnes

6. (a) From the following information construct a displacement curve:

Displacement (tonnes) 320 880 1420 2070 2800 3680
Draft (m) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
(b) If this ship's light draft is 1.1 m, and the load draft 3.5 m, find the deadweight.
(c) If the vessel had on board 300 tonnes of cargo, 200 tonnes of ballast, and 60 tonnes of
fresh water and stores, what would be the salt water mean draft.

(a) Displacement Curve
(b) Load Draft 3.5 Dispalcement 3680 tonnes
Light Draft 1.1 Displacement 450 tonnes
Deadweight = 3230
(c) Light displacement 450 tonnes
Board +300 tonnes
Ballast +200 tonnes
Fresh water and stores +60 tonnes
New displacement 1010 tonnes
Draft = 1.625

7. (a) Construct a displacement curve from the following data:

Draft (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Displacement (tonnes) 335 767 1270 1800 2400 3100
(b) The ship commenced loading at 3 m mean draft and, when work ceased for the day,
the mean draft was 4.2 m. During the day 85 tonnes of salt water ballast had been
pumped out. Find how much cargo had been loaded.
(c) If the ship's light draft was 2 m find the mean draft after she had taken in 870 tonnes
of water ballast and 500 tonnes of bunkers.
(d) Find the TPC at 3 m mean draft.

Answer :
(a). Displacement curve
b. Displacement at 3m 1270
Water ballast pumped out 85_
Displacement at 4.2m 1920
Cargo Loaded 735

c. Light Draft 2 Displacement 767

Water Ballast 870
Bunkers 500
New Displacement 2137
Draft = 4.56

d. At 3 m draft the displacement is 1270 tonnes

At 2 m draft the displacement is 767 tonnes
Difference to change the draft 1 m 503 tonnes
Difference to change the draft 1 cm 503 tonnes
TPC = 5.03

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