Corner Detection Using Color Density Gradient: Sun Da Huang Jianhua Tang Xianglong

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Corner Detection Using Color Density

Sun Da1 Huang Jianhua1 Tang XiangLong1
School of Computer Science and Technology,
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin China

Abstract smoothing the image; as a result, the cor-

ner is rounded and the position of the
A novel corner detection approach corner will be shifted with detection scale
which is based on clustering the pixels by increasing. Furthermore, the ‘mean color’
density gradient is proposed. Moving may distort the original color information,
along the density gradient, the pixels will and then affect the detection results [3].
arrive at their object center, and at corner
neighborhood, the density gradients all
point away in any direction. Hence, two In this paper, a novel detector which
eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix are all finds the corners in density gradient field
positive and significant in density gradi- is present. In the density gradient field of
ent field. The proposed method is invari- image, the density gradients point away
ant to the detection scale, and it can be from the edge along the direction perpen-
applied for all type images. dicular to the edge, and around a corner,
the density gradients are all point away in
Keywords: Corner detection; Density all directions. Therefore, the corners are
gradient; Color corner source points in the density gradient field,
and the Hessian matrix of the density has
two significant positive eigenvalues at
1. Introduction corners. As the edges are preserved while
density estimation, the corners located in
Corner is one of important low-level the density gradient filed are invariant to
image features, and it is widely applied in the detection scale. And the density esti-
image analysis, alignment and retrieval. mation is uniform for all type images, so
On image plane, the corners are some the new detector can be fit for color im-
steady point, at which the intensity age.
changes greatly in any direction. There-
fore, most methods use the intensity gra-
2. Density based corner detector
dient to describe the intensity variance,
and find the corners in the gradient field. A digital image can be represented as a
In the intensity gradient based methods, two-dimensional lattice of the feature
Harris corner detector [1] is the most vectors, and the feature vector dimension
popular one which uses the second mo- d c = 1 for gray-level image, d c = 3 for
ment matrix to capture the local structure
of the corner, and it has been extended to color image, and d c > 3 for multispectral
scale and affine invariant detector by se- image [4]. With joining the image plane
lecting the scale parameters [2]. While and feature space, the pixels are just some
estimating the intensity or color gradient sample points distributed in a spatial-
in large scale, the mean filter is used to feature space with dimension d c + 2 . At

Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2008)

Published by Atlantis Press
© the authors
pixel m(x, y, c), the density and density neighborhood.
gradient on image plane is estimated by ⎡ ∂Dx ∂Dx ⎤
C ⎛ x − xi , y − yi ⎞ ⎛ c − ci ⎞ ⎢ ∂x ∂y ⎥
D(m) = ∑K ⎜ ⎟ K ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (1) M = ⎢ ⎥ (4)
hs h f ⎝ hs ⎠ ⎝ hf ⎠
⎢ ∂Dy ∂Dy ⎥
∇ s D(m) = ( Dx , Dy ) (2) ⎢ ⎥
⎣ ∂x ∂y ⎦
where, K(x) is the kernel function, C is Three cases need to be considered:
normalized constant, ( xi , yi , ci ) is the (1) If the neighborhood is on one side of
pixel in the estimator window w, hs is spa- edge, the pixels belong to same class, and
tial bandwidth in image plane and h f is then they moving in the same direction.
Therefore, the eigenvalues of M are nega-
feature bandwidth in feature space. tive or small.
In the clustering based image segmenta- (2) If the neighborhood is on the edge, the
tion technique, the pixels in the same ob- pixels are all moving away perpendicular
ject region will be put into one class, and to the edge. Therefore, one eigenvalue of
the edges are just the decision boundary M is positive, and the other is small.
used to classify the pixels. The density (3) If the neighborhood is on a corner, the
gradient is one of important clustering pixels are moving away in all directions.
information, and the pixels can arrive at
nearest mode along their density gradient Therefore, the eigenvalues of the ma-
[4]. On opposite sides of edge, the pixels trix M are all positive and significant. Be-
belong to different classes, so that the cause, M have two positive eigenvalues,
density gradient perpendicular to the edge that is equal to Det ( M ) > 0 and
and points away. Furthermore, around a
corner, the density gradients point away Tr ( M ) > 0 . Harris proposed a measure
in all directions, as Fig. 1 (a) shows. function:
R = Det ( M ) − kTr ( M ) 2 (5)
where, k is a coefficient and usually
k = 0.04 . The response R is great posi-
tive, i.f.f., λ1 , λ2 are all significant.
Det ( M ) must be positive while R is posi-
(a) (b) tive, and the Tr ( M ) = Dxx + Dyy is just
Fig.1. (a) Density gradients of the pixels the divergence in the density gradient
around a corner. (b) The corner response field. So, at corner, the divergence and R
at in density gradient field of (a). are all positive, and like Harris corner de-
tector, R is taken as the corner response,
As the pixels are moving along density which is local maximum at corner.
gradient while clustering, the motion tra-
jectory of the pixels can be described by In summary, the process of corner detec-
first order differential equations: tion is
⎧ dx ∂Dx ∂Dx (1) Estimate the density gradient at each
⎪ dt = Dx = ∂x x + ∂y y image point.
⎪ (2) Compute the divergence and corner
⎨ (3)
⎪ dy = D = ∂Dy x + ∂Dy y response at each point.
⎪⎩ dt y
∂x ∂y (3) Label the corners at the points with
The coefficient matrix M can describe positive divergence and local positive
the distribution of density gradients in a maximum corner response.

Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2008)

Published by Atlantis Press
© the authors
Fig.2 shows the 100 corners detected by that the edges are preserved while density
the density gradient based detector gradient estimation. But the intensity gra-
(DGBD). If only estimate a special dient is estimated by smoothing the inten-
color’s density at every image point using sity function of the image, and the corner
Eq.(1), and then the color’s corners can point in intensity gradient field will
be located by the new detector. As Fig.3 change with the smoothing scale increas-
show only the corners with the color of ing, as Fig.4 (b) shows.
the building are found by DGBD.

(a) (b)
Fig.4. (a) The corner points located in
density gradient based detector. (b) Cor-
ners located by intensity gradient based
detector. For two detectors, ‘+’ is with the
detection scale σ = 1, and ‘o’ is with the
detection scale σ = 4.
Fig.2 The corners detected by the DGBD
in color image. In new corner detection method, the
density gradient is used to take place of
the intensity gradient while compute the
Harris corner response. Because Harris
corners are invariant to the rotation
change, the scale stability of density
gradient based method is compared
with that of the intensity gradient based
method. In [18] Schmid uses the re-
peatability as the criterion to evaluate
Fig.3 The corners with the color of the the interest point detectors and it is
building detected by DGBD. widely adapted to evaluate the new de-
tectors. The repeatability score defined
3. Evaluation by Schmid [18] is the ratio between the
number of correspondence points and
In large detection scale, the noised and the smaller number of points detected in
textures will be filter out, and the impor- one of the images. The set of corre-
tant objected information are enhanced. spondence points Ri (ε ) and the new re-
Therefore, we are more concerned about
the corners detection in large scale. The peatability ri (ε ) is defined as (6) and (7):
density gradient based detector can pre- Ri (ε ) = {( x1 , xi ) | dist ( H1i x1 , xi ) < ε } (6)
serve the corner position while density
Ri (ε )
estimation scale increasing, as Fig.2 (a) ri (ε ) = (7)
shows, because the density estimation is min(n1 , ni )
realized by smoothing in the joint spatial- where, H1i is the homograph between im-
feature space, and Darin [4] illuminated ages I1 and Ii. ε is the max distance of two

Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2008)

Published by Atlantis Press
© the authors
correspond points, n1, ni are the number of Conference, Manchester, pp 147-151.
the points in each image. The boat images 1988
from Mikolajaczyk’s [2] evaluation se- [2] K.Mikolajczyk, C.Schmid, Scale &
quences( Affine Invariant Interest Point Detec-
/research/affine/index.html) are used. For tors. International Journal of Com-
each detector, the gradients are estimated puter Vision, 60(1):63-86, 2004.
in scales σ = 1 and 4 on image plane, and [3] Mark A. Ruzon, Carlo Tomasi. Edge,
the feature scale parameter of the density Junction, and Corner Detection Using
gradient estimation is hf = 128. On each Color Distributions. IEEE Transac-
image, 200 corner points are found, and tions on Pattern Analysis and ma-
the repeatability of the detectors are chine intelligence, 23(11): 1281-
shown in Fig. 5. In small detection scale 1295,2001
(σ = 1), the stability of two detectors are [4] D. Comaniciu, P. Meer, Mean Shift:
similar, but in large detection scale (σ = A Robust Approach Toward Feature
4), the scale stability of density gradient Space Analysis. IEEE Transactions
based method is distinctly better than that on Pattern Analysis and machine in-
of intensity gradient based method. telligence, 24(5):603-609, 2002

4. Conclusions

The corners detected in the density gradi-

ent field are invariant to the detection
scale. Therefore the new detector can en-
hance the large scale large scale corners,
and the stability is better than the inten-
sity gradient detector. Additionally, the
new method is also fit for color image.
IGBD (s = 1)
IGBD (s = 4)
DGBD (s = 1)
80 DGBD (s = 4)
repeatability %




1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
image scale change

Fig.5. Repeatability of the intensity gradi-

ent based detector (IGBD) and density
gradient based detector (DGBD) with re-
spect to image scale changes.

5. References

[1] C. Harris , M. Stephens, A Combined

Corner and Edge Detector. Proceed-
ings of The Fourth Alvey Vision

Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2008)

Published by Atlantis Press
© the authors

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