Paraben - A Silent Killer

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Paraben – A Silent 

Paraben – the controversy

Paraben - A Silent Killer

Increasing concern for the safety of ingredients in cosmetics has brought some
widely used cosmeticpreservatives by the family name ‘paraben’ to center stage.
Paraben preservatives are listed under multiple names and are used to preserve the
majority of cosmetics on the market today, not only to prevent the growth of bacteria
and fungi but also to promote the abnormally long shelf-life of products. As with
chemically preserved foods, paraben preserved cosmetics ensure that
thecosmetic manufacturer can produce the product en masse and take comfort in a
multi-year shelf life. Paraben preservatives have recently come into question with
new studies that link the daily exposure of paraben preservatives to breast cancer
and endocrine-disruption issues.
Parabens – what exactly are they?
Parabens are synthetic preservatives that have been in use since the 1920s as “broad-
band” preservatives (anti-bacterial and anti-fungal) which means that they work
within a formula to prevent the growth of multiple possible contaminants such as
bacteria, yeast, mold and fungi. They can be found in approximately 75-90 percent of
cosmetics such as make-up, lotion, deodorants and shampoos. According to A
Consumers Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, water is the
only cosmetic ingredient used more frequently than paraben preservatives.
Paraben is the family name for the following permutations of the ingredients found
on a common product ingredient label:
Benzyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid (p-hydroxybenzoic acid)
Methyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid (p-hydroxybenzoic acid)
Ethyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid (p-hydroxybenzoic acid)
Propyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid (p-hydroxybenzoic acid)
Butyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid (p-hydroxybenzoic acid)
Parahydroxybenzoic acid (p-hydroxybenzoic acid)
Parahydroxybenzoate (p-hydroxybenzoate)

Parabens and Breast Cancer

Though paraben preservatives only account for a very small percentage of a
product’s actual formula they are quite potent. A study published in the Journal of
Applied Toxicology in 2004 expressed concern regarding the use of paraben
preservatives. In the UK, researchers found traces of it in 19 out of 20 women with
breast tumors. Though the studies did not determine if the ingredient was the cause
of the breast tumors, it did establish that pervasive use of this synthetic ingredient is

Paraben preservatives have also been identified as endocrine disruptors. The

endocrine system is instrumental in regulating the body’s hormones. Paraben
preservatives are believed to mimic the female hormone estrogen when introduced
into the body. According to recent research, more than 60 percent of topically
applied chemicals via cosmetics, lotions, etc. are absorbed by the skin and dispersed
throughout the body by the bloodstream. Once absorbed into the body, paraben
preservatives mimic the hormone estrogen and can disrupt the body’s normal
hormonal balance. In the Archives of Toxicology (2002), Dr. S. Oishi of the
Department of Toxicology, Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public
Health, Japan, reported that exposure of newborn male mammals to butylparaben
“adversely affects the secretion of testosterone and the function of the male
reproductive system.”

This artificial provocation and inflation of estrogen in the endocrine system has been
linked to breast cancer in some women as well as the abnormal hormonal
development of children including the hormonal “feminization of boys” which may
influence the suspected link in decreasing testosterone levels and sperm count in the
male reproductive system. It has also been hypothesized to contribute to the early
maturation of girls at increasingly younger ages.

Paraben – do all cosmetic companies use them?

Not all cosmetic companies use paraben preservatives and many are phasing out
their use now that enough questions have been raised about their overall long term
safety. New cosmetic companies, more focused on offering natural and organic
products, have made their “no paraben” policy a platform issue. This means there
are a wide variety of paraben-free products which are mostly now available for
With the increasing popularity of the natural and organic body care market more
companies are jumping on the proverbial “natural” band wagon. With this additional
commercial interest and the lack of FDA regulation around the word “natural” one
must never rely solely on a company’s marketing and advertising claims and always
read the ingredient label to confirm that an ingredient is truly not being used in the

Alternative Preservative Systems

There are good reasons why paraben preservatives are the
defacto cosmeticpreservative. They are cheap and effective. However, safer and
more natural alternatives are available. With formulas that contain certain organic
(living) ingredients and/or water as an ingredient, a more aggressive non-paraben
preservative must be used to ensure the stability of the formula. In general, the next
best option is a synthetic preservative called Phenoxyethanol which has a synthetic
chemical composition inspired by a natural anti-bacterial/anti-microbial chemical
found in the sage plant. It’s easier to use a natural preservative in formulas that are
basically inert (like most powder mineral cosmetics) or have an oil base and no water
(like lipstick or liners). In products such as these, a plant extract or essential oil with
anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties such as grapefruit seed extract, grape
seed extract or tocopherol (vitamin E) is used as an effective preservative system. In
any case, the manufacturer should perform proper stability testing to ensure that the
product’s preservative system lasts.
More comprehensive studies are needed to conclusively determine the true scope of
the damaging effects of prolonged exposure to paraben preservatives by way of
the cosmetic ingredients we use every day. A serious effort to reassess the safety of
these products must be undertaken by a non-biased group of researchers. To date,
among the studies that have been done world-wide, paraben preservatives have been
linked to breast cancer and have been labelled as a possible endocrine disruptor that
might have specific damaging consequences for young children and those with
ongoing exposure. Luckily, we have more options than ever before and can take
ourselves out of the equation entirely by educating ourselves and opting for products
that use different preservative systems and fewer questionable ingredients in
P.S. Thank you Janice for giving me the lead which enabled me to share with so
many people.
Lipstick Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there is a female you care anything about, share this with her. I did!!!!!

I am also sharing this with the males on my email list, because they need to tell the
females THEY care about as well!

Recently a brand called "Red Earth" decreased their prices from $67 to $9.90. It
contained lead. Lead is a chemical which causes cancer.

The Brands which contain lead are: 

4. Y.S.L 
7. RED EARTH (Lip Gloss) 
8. CHANEL (Lip Conditioner) 

The higher the lead content, the greater the chance of causing cancer. 

After doing a test on lipsticks, it was found that the Y.S.L. lipstick contained the most
amount of lead. 

Watch out for those lipsticks which are supposed to stay longer. If your lipstick stays
longer, it is because of the higher content of lead.

Here is the test you can do yourself: 

1. Put some lipstick on your hand. 

2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.
3. If the lipstick color changes to black then you know the lipstick contains lead.

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