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Implement stack and its operations using list and list functions.

Also incorporate minimum two

exceptions while implementing stack.

def push(stack,x):
    if int(x) in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]:
      print("Task cannot be an integer!")
  except ValueError:
    print("Item pushed successfully!")
def pop(stack):
    return stack.pop()
  except IndexError:
    print("Stack is empty!")
def isempty(stack):
  if len(stack) == 0:
    return True
    return False
def size(stack):
  return len(stack)
def top(stack):
    return stack[0]
  except IndexError:
    print("Stack is empty!")
def disp(stack):
  if not isempty(stack):
    return stack
    print("Stack is empty!")

stack = [] #Stack contains a list of to-do tasks
option = 1
while option in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
  print("\n\n1.Enter a task(Push)\n2.Mark task as completed(Pop)\n3.Check if all tasks are 
  option = int(input())
  if option == 1:
    print("\nEnter task: ")
    item = input()
  elif option == 2:
    print("\nPopped task: ",pop(stack))
  elif option == 3:
e opt o 3:
    if isempty(stack):
      print("\nStack is empty!")
      print("\nStack is not empty")
  elif option == 4:
    print("\nThe no of tasks(size) is ",size(stack))
  elif option == 5:
    print("\nThe first task in the stack-",top(stack))
  elif option == 6:
    print("\nInvalid option!")

1.Enter a task(Push)

2.Mark task as completed(Pop)

3.Check if all tasks are completed(isEmpty)

4.Display the no of tasks remaining(Size)

5.Display the last task(Top)

6.Display all tasks

Enter your choice:

Stack is not empty

1.Enter a task(Push)

2.Mark task as completed(Pop)

3.Check if all tasks are completed(isEmpty)

4.Display the no of tasks remaining(Size)

5.Display the last task(Top)

6.Display all tasks

Enter your choice:

Popped task: Complete Python Program

1.Enter a task(Push)

2.Mark task as completed(Pop)

3.Check if all tasks are completed(isEmpty)

4.Display the no of tasks remaining(Size)

5.Display the last task(Top)

6.Display all tasks

Enter your choice:

Tasks- []

1.Enter a task(Push)

2.Mark task as completed(Pop)

3.Check if all tasks are completed(isEmpty)

4.Display the no of tasks remaining(Size)

5.Display the last task(Top)

6.Display all tasks

Enter your choice:

Enter your choice:

Stack is empty!

1.Enter a task(Push)

2.Mark task as completed(Pop)

3.Check if all tasks are completed(isEmpty)

4.Display the no of tasks remaining(Size)

5.Display the last task(Top)

6.Display all tasks

Enter your choice:

Invalid option!

check 2m 39s completed at 7:31 PM

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