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Book Title: Teacher Effectiveness

Submitted to: HEART

Submitted by: Mr. Jehanzeb Khan
Mr. Ijaz ullah khan
Mr. Namdar Khan

Higher Education Academy of Research and Training, Hayatabad, Peshawar

Title of the book: Teacher Effectiveness
Author’s name: Dr. Sunita Goel
Published By:
S. B. Nnaga
P. H. Publishing Corporation
4435-36/7, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,
New Delhi-110002
Phone: 011-23274050
Year of Publication: 2015
Pages: 1-198
Price: 695/-
ISBN: 978-93-313-2573-0
Author’s credentials: Dr. Sunita Goel presently working as Assistant Professor in GGS college
of Education, Gidderbaha District Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab. She has completed her Bachelor’s
Degree in (1995), Post-graduation in Economics (1998) and Hindi (2001), B.Ed. (1996), M.Ed.
(1999) from different Universities in Uttar Pradesh and Ph.D. (2012) form Punjab. Her research
interests are teacher effectiveness, mental health, job satisfaction, personality, stress and
adjustment. Moreover she attended various national and international seminars and conferences
and published articles in various journals.
After nearly a century of research, scholars are still unable to concretely define the personal and
professional characteristics that predict effective teachers. This book contributes to the research
base by using a unique dataset that allows the estimation of unbiased effects of teacher
characteristics and preparation program on student gains. These estimates provide new evidence
that, with quality data, teacher characteristics can predict student gains.
This book covers a wide range of topics from teacher demand, teacher and principal
characteristics, general conditions in schools, principals’ and teachers’ perceptions of school
climate and problems in their schools, teacher compensation, district hiring and retention
practices, to basic characteristics of the student population. This book includes information about
teacher job satisfaction. Teachers reported their agreement with the statement: “I am generally
satisfied with being a teacher at this school.” In this book, “Satisfied” teachers are those who
responded “strongly agree” or “somewhat agree.” “Dissatisfied” teachers are those who
responded “somewhat disagree” or “strongly disagree.”
Almost anyone can become a teacher, but it takes a special person to be a great teacher. To
inspire not just a great student, but a great person, a teacher must rise above the crowd and make
a lasting impression. So what does a student remember for years to come? Which characteristics
make a great teacher?
A great teacher is sensitive to their students’ needs. Why should a student be excited about
learning when their teacher is not excited about teaching? No teacher can be great without loving
what they do. To excite and inspire a student requires excitement and a passion for the material
itself. Creativity is key to captivating a student. So often when someone reflects on their
education, they remember a particular moment in the classroom that stayed with them. They
remember when a teacher turned the table of elements into a rap or used an episode of The Real
World to illustrate an invaluable life lesson. A great teacher must be dedicated to their students,
with an unwavering commitment to their education and well-being. It’s easy to be enthusiastic
about teaching when things are going well but teaching isn’t always easy.
When it comes to teaching, many people associate strictness with unpopularity. On the other
hand, some adults look back on their education and remember their strictest teachers as some of
their best. How can this be? The truth is there are ways to enforce rules without being too strict.
While it’s important to establish trust and communication with students, it’s also important to
bring structure and organization to the classroom. Having fair expectations of students ensures
they learn how to prioritize, manage their time and listen attentively. A great teacher imposes
rules and makes demands of their students, but in a way that is not intimidating. Having structure
in the classroom does not have to include being overly strict, and over time students appreciate
the value of discipline.
One of the truest marks of a great teacher is the ability to bring out the best in students. A great
teacher recognizes their students’ potential to become great people, and they inspire them to be
just that.

The emotional atmosphere in a classroom setting is important to the experiences of all students.
That atmosphere is affected by the emotional stability of the teacher. A teacher with personal
mental health problems can have a detrimental effect upon all of those students who are
associated with him or her. There are a variety of courses and contributing factors of mental
health problems. Certain signs and symptoms, at times, can be identified that relate to emotional
difficulties. It is important that measures be identified to help teachers with emotional problems.
This is not always an easy task, yet it is necessary if the teaching-learning environment is to be
of a positive nature. School administrators, teacher preparation programs, teaching peers, and
self-analysis all should play a role in identifying one's teaching. This is a task that no one person
or agency can accomplish alone. Though often felt to be an uncomfortable issue with which to
deal, all educators must become increasingly aware of the problem and be willing to work
toward greater emotional health of all teachers.

In the past, we have had, at best, an unclear sense of how our teachers were performing and their
impact on student learning. After just one or two observations, often lasting fewer than 80
in all, most teachers received some sort of satisfactory rating—as did 94+ percent of their peers.1
Afterward, we had no better idea of teacher quality, how to best develop teachers’ talents, or how
to address ineffectiveness to support students’ academic needs.

School networks, and schools of education across the country are rethinking the way they
measure teacher effectiveness, and using that information to improve teacher practice and
student outcomes. As part of that effort, these systems are adopting new educator evaluations
that include multiple measures, including teacher observation, student performance, student
perceptions, community involvement, and other factors that foster the conditions students need to
achieve at high levels. Researchers are using these measures not only to differentiate between
multiple levels of teacher effectiveness, but also as a tool to inform important decisions about
teacher professional development, retention, dismissal, and pay, all of which are aimed at
increasing overall teacher effectiveness and improving student outcomes. The best way to make
these changes and others, however, is neither easy nor obvious.

According to the statistical analysis the relationship of the teacher effectiveness with job
satisfaction with personality and job satisfaction with personality are positively correlated it
means that the teacher effectiveness on job satisfaction with personality and job satisfaction are
intercorrelated. While with mental health, job satisfaction with personality with teacher
effectiveness are negatively correlated according to the given collected data. So the teacher
effectiveness, with job satisfaction, with personality with mental health are significant.

Effective teacher is one who consistently achieve his goals that are related either directly or
indirectly to students learning.
Teacher effectiveness means that those teachers have attend the needed competence in their roles
and functions such as the preparations and planning for teaching, class room management, and
knowledge of subject matter, teacher characteristics and their interpersonal relations. Also these
teachers excel in their other personality characteristics.
They are said to be effective teachers. Teacher effectiveness includes characteristics of a teacher,
his personality, attitudes etc.
The government and the community should endeavor to create condition that will help
motivation inspire teacher on constructive and creative lines.
Teacher should have the freedom to innovate and to advise appropriate methods of
communications and activities relevant to the needs, capabilities and concerns of the community.
Job satisfaction positively correlated with teacher effectiveness.
Having low personality, mental health are not effective teachers.
The effectiveness of the teacher is directly linked with his psychological and financial, social
professional, physical and environmental status. The satisfaction of a teacher is essential for the
betterment of effectiveness.
The government can improve the effectiveness of a teacher to fulfill his basic needs.
Book strength:
Concise and easy to understand.
The theme of the book is clear.
Enough statistical data to convey the fact and figures of the issue concerned.
Book weaknesses:
Paper quality is not good.
Sometime redundancy is observed.

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