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ANTONIO, Danielle Millen P.

BSA – 1

In the darkness, light awaits to be seen. These are the words that I have been constantly reminding
myself with. At this time of crisis, we must look beyond the walls of our safe places. Like the ever cliché and
ear irking lines “easy to say, hard to do”, it is indeed a struggle to look pass ourselves, our personal needs and
wants for the benefit of the mass. That is where the national government is having a hard time with and that is
where the people belonging in the upper class are trying to surpass. Fact check: everyone is struggling and
having a hard time. Apart from the invisible enemies we have outside the premises of our homes, there are
enemies attacking within one’s core, like the enemies outside: it is not seen nor heard but felt. Why am I saying
these? Because I, myself, is currently battling with the enemies I have within me. I have seen how a single word
can stab anyone a thousand times, growing relationships and attachments with other people makes it a hundred
and thousand times painful. March 25, 2020, I have experienced the first and probably one of the worse
downfall in this gambling life of mine. I was left by the person I entrusted myself with, my first ever gamble, I
failed, for reasons that up to now, I am having a hard time to comprehend. One thing that I’ve seen in the battles
that the world is facing right now, and the enemies we have within us: It is conquerable.
Upon seeing that all are conquerable, how can I justify that claim if I have only lived for 19 years so far
and the struggles I have are unqualified to be compared to those people who are older than me, more
experienced, more weaved than me? I believe that all of us are constantly finding the peace in the varied storms
we face on an everyday basis, like a warrior, the weights of the challenges are insignificant, what is of value is
the way you surpass it. With that being said, despite the incomparability of my experiences, I am writing this a
few days after March 25, because this is the day that I finally have the heart to write about my realizations, I am
still on my journey to surpass the battle within me but I can claim that today, I am conquering myself.
Apart from that, this time of darkness have made me look beyond the borders of my home and see the
lives of other people, those who are struggling as they continuously fought, and that is everyone. During this
Pandemic, our social classes are not of value because the enemy does not have the capability to choose whom to
infect, with that being said, the target can be anyone, it can be the poorest of the poor and/or the “goldest”
among the gold. This is the time to offer a hand to everyone despite the differences, this is also the time to
appreciate the people who are so willing to risk their own lives to save another.
This is the time that all of us should gather the courage and bravery to face the struggles within us as we
fought the invisible enemies outside the walls of our homes. We should take this opportunity to be united in our
prayers, to be a responsible individual and citizen of our country, to obey the rules, as we all go vigilant and
take prophylactic measures for us to remain safe. This is the time to start forming fences and act as one, we
should all conquer this phase together, we should march hand and hand with our prayers as our defences and
our vigilance as the offenses. Take the blindfolds off because in the darkness, light awaits to be seen!
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory
which shall be revealed in us” – ROMANS 8:18

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