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Personality Disorders d.

The pattern is stable and long duration,

and its onset can be traced at least to
 When personality traits become
adolescence or early adulthood
inflexible & maladaptive & significantly
e. The enduring pattern is not better
interfere with how a person functions in
explained as a manifestation or
society or cause the person emotional
consequence of another mental
General Characteristics: f. The enduring pattern is not attributable
to the physiological effects of a
 Ego intact but maybe defective; may substance (ex. A drug abuse, a
not control impulse of ID. medications) or another medical
 Superego underdeveloped condition (ex. Head trauma)
 Lack of insight & denial of maladaptive
 Inflexible & defensive behavior a. Cluster A (MAD) Odd or Eccentric –
 Poor stress tolerance and judgement 1. Paranoid
 Remain in mainstream in society, 2. Schizoid
despite occupational or social problems 3. Schizotypal
 In contact with reality, but has difficulty b. Cluster B (BAD) Dramatic, Emotional,
dealing with it Erratic
 Lack of self-responsibility 1. Anti-social psychopath, sociopath,
2. Borderline: maladaptive
a. An enduring pattern of inner experience 3. Histrionic: egocentric &
and behavior that deviates markedly 4. Narcissistic personality disorder
from the expectations of the c. Cluster C (SAD) Anxious or Fearful
individual’s culture. This pattern is 1. Avoidant
manifested in two (or more) of the 2. Dependent &
following areas: 3. OCD Personality Disorder
1. Cognition (ex. Ways of perceiving and
interpreting self, other people, and CLUSTER A (MAD) Odd or Eccentric
events) 1. Paranoid PD (649)
2. Affectivity (ex. The range, intensity, - Pervasive mistrust, suspicious,
lability and appropriateness of distrustful, unforgiving, jealous,
emotional response) short tempered, aloof, withdrawn,
3. Interpersonal functioning hypervigilance
4. Impulse control Projection – blaming other people,
b. The enduring pattern is inflexible and or events for their own difficulties
pervasive across a broad range of 2. Schizoid PD (652)
personal and social situations - Pervasive detachement from social
c. The enduring pattern leads to clinically relationships & a restricted range of
significant distress or impairment in emotional expression in
social, occupational, or other important interpersonal settings
- No leisure/pleasurable activities criticism and needs the constant
because they rarely experience attention
CLUSTER C (SAD) Anxious or Fearful
3. Schizotypal PD (655)
- Pervasive pattern of social & 1. Avoidant PD (672)
interpersonal deficits marked by a - Social discomfort & reticence, low
discomfort with and reduced self-esteem and hypersensitivity to
capacity for close relationships as negative evaluation
well as by cognitive or perceptual 2. Dependent PD (675)
distortions & behavioral - Excessive need to be taken care of,
eccentricities. which leads to submissive & clinging
to people behavior, cannot fxn
CLUSTER B (BAD) Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic
alone with fear of separation and
1. Anti-social psychopath sociopath (659) abandonment
- Pervasive pattern of disregard for - Motto “Any relationship better than
and violation of rights of other and none at all”
with central characteristics of deceit
Other Related Disorders:
and manipulation
- “lawless” – violator of human right a. Depressive PD
irresponsible and manipulative with - Pervasive pattern of depressive
impaired conscience cognitions and behaviors in various
2. Borderline PD (663) contexts (occurs equally in men and
- Pervasive pattern of unstable women)
interpersonal relationships, self- b. Passive – aggressive PD
image, and affect as well as marked - Negative attitude and a pervasive
impulsivity pattern of resistance to demands
- With unstable, intense relationships for adequate social and
and erratic change in emotion, occupational performance
labile mood, irritability, impaired
judgement, lack of insight Methods: TX PD
3. Histrionic: Egocentric (667) 1. Cognitive and Behavioral Techniques
- Center of attention; hysterical, 2. Psychoactive drugs
excessive emotionality and 3. Psychotherapy
dramatic attention-seeking 4. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
- Seductive, proactive flirtatious; uses
body to gain attention, approval
and ambition
4. Narcissistic PD (669)
- Patterns of grandiosity (fantasy or
behavior), need for admiration
- Self-love & self- importance, self-
esteem is almost fragile and
vulnerable, hypersensitive to

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