Latest Trends-Progressive Web Applications

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Do you want to build a successful and viable web solution?

Implement the most recent trends in

web development for 2021 to increase engagement and grow your business.

The modern world is steadily developing, and new web technologies emerge every day. These
new trends offer a lot of opportunities to entrepreneurs who want to engage more users and stay
competitive in the market.

In this article, we want to share the top 9 latest trends in web application development in 2021
that you should know about. By implementing some of them, you will be able to create modern
web solutions, be it a SaaS app, online marketplace, or a minimum viable product that later will
be turned into a fully-featured application.

1. Progressive web applications

Among the top trends in web development, we should mention the PWA technology. A PWA is
an application that works as a website with an almost full native mobile app experience. It runs
independently of the browser and interacts with the customer as a native application.

Let’s look into the pros of PWA development in more detail and see what positive changes they
bring to both users and business owners:

 Reduced development and support costs;

 Quicker launch to the market;
 Easier distribution;
 Smooth installation;
 Saving device power and storage;
 Seamless maintenance and updating.

Are you curious about this latest website development technology? Then check our thorough
article to learn about progressive web application development costs.

Why should you care about progressive web apps?

According to Ericsson’s research, global mobile data traffic is projected to become 4.5x larger
and reach a monthly amount of 226 EB in 2026. It means that people will start using their mobile
devices more to satisfy different needs. Moreover, by 2026, 5G networks will carry 54% of total
mobile data traffic that will provide faster and more responsive mobile services.

Although this technology is comparatively new, PWA development is not rocket science. At the
same time, it allows businesses to stay competitive in the modern market. That is why all the
web apps Codica team builds are progressive by default.

For example, here is an activity booking marketplace built by our team.

One of the important aspects of building a PWA is creating a UX/UI design that emphasizes user
experience. Progressive web apps should be as close as possible to native apps in their look and
feel, and it is important to create intuitive UX and visually-appealing UI design.

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