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To The Honorable Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Dr. Helena Z. Benitez, to

our University President Dr. Francisco B. Benitez, to our Vice President for Academic
Affairs Dr. Vivien Talisayon, to our Chief Finance Officer Sir Alfredo B. Reyes and to
all our deans, faculty, parents and guests:

A pleasant afternoon. Tomorrow is our graduation day and in behalf of the

graduating class of 2011, I thank all of you for coming here to join us in our

And to you fellow candidates, praise God…..we’ve made it!

While I was preparing this speech, I realize the word “Graduation” is

ambiguous. It implies both conclusion and commencement.

As conclusion, graduation simply means the end of our college education.

Doing our home works, cramming for exams, defending our thesis, joining one
activity after another…..they’re all over now. This is the moment we’ve all been
waiting for. So, aren’t we supposed to be jumping with joy? Yet somehow, there
is a little something tugging at the very core of our hearts; because deep down
within, we graduates know that we will surely miss our school, the Philippine
Women’s University, and of course, all of you - our beloved officers, deans and
professors, and even our dear friends and classmates.

On the other hand, as commencement, graduation means the beginning of a

brand new chapter in our life’s journey. Yes, the winding road ahead may be
daunting as there are bigger humps to hurdle, wider oceans to cross, higher
mountains to climb, and a whole newer horizon to conquer. Nevertheless, with our
PWU education, with the love of our parents, with the support of our friends, and
the guidance of God, we will definitely overcome these challenges; and I am more
than confident we will eventually win the battle…again!

But be it conclusion or commencement, it doesn’t matter. On our graduation

day, what will truly count now, is for each one of us, graduates, to finally gain the
right perspective. Will we continue to exist for our own personal agenda, or will we
now begin to live for our Faith, our country, and our fellowmen? We have arrived
at a crossroad; but all of us have a choice to make the right decision.

I therefore pray, that long after this ceremony has ended, and my speech
has been done with; you will remember even just two lines from the poem of
Missionary Studd and I quote - “Only one life - ’twill soon be past; only what’s
done for God will last.”

Congratulations to us, candidates; and to our Lord God Almighty be all the
honor and glory!!! I thank you.

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