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Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

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Influence of rainy season and land use on drinking water quality in a karst T
landscape, State of Yucatán, Mexico
David T. Longa,b,c,d,∗, Amber L. Pearsonc,e, Thomas C. Voicea,b,c,d, Angel G. Polanco-Rodríguezf,
E. Cuauhtemoc Sanchez-Rodríguezd,g, Irene Xagorarakib,d, Fanny G. Concha-Valdezf,
Miguel Puc-Francof, Rafael Lopez-Cetzf, Amanda T. Rzotkiewicze
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Environmental Science and Policy Program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Institute for Global Health, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Department of Social Medicine and Public Health and Laboratory of Microbiology of Regional Research Center, Faculty of Chemistry, Autonomous University of Yucatán,
Department of Hyperbaric Medicine, Hospital General Augustín O'Horan, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico


Keywords: To understand the impacts of dry and wet seasons and land use on water quality in a karst system, twenty-one
Karst deep municipal wells were sampled synoptically across the State of Yucatán. Surrounding land uses comprised
Water quality urban, crop, and livestock as defined by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico.
Seasonal effects Measurements included pH, temperature, specific conductance, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl−, SO42−, alkalinity,
Land use
NO3−, and fecal coliforms. Data were reduced using various geochemical, statistical, and spatial analytical
Flow paths
methods and compared to a similar study on cenotes (sinkhole). Results show that 1) groundwater is diluted
during the rainy season, but not for all parameters; 2) the geochemical structure of the water is obscured during
the wet season; 3) the change in values for most parameters differs from that in the cenotes, however for both,
fecal coliforms are higher in the wet season; 4) the relationship of land use to water quantity is unclear, however
some influence of agriculture and urban were observed, and 5) water quality is at risk in both dry (NO3−) and
wet (fecal coliforms) seasons. It is hypothesized that these results may be explained by changes in dominant flow
paths between dry (matrix, fracture flow) and wet (conduit flow) seasons. In addition, results suggest that rock-
water interactions, hydrology, and land cover maybe more important in understanding the influence on water
quality than land use. Clearly, understanding the impact of both land use and season on groundwater quality in
any karst environment is challenging. Further work should include using different methods for defining land use
need to be explored and a more diverse set of water quality measurements need to be made.

1. Introduction water quality influences in karst aquifers.

Most geologic and hydrogeologic research in karst environments
Karst terrains comprise limestone bedrock that has typically (e.g., Brahana, 2007a; b; Hollingsworth et al., 2008) has been aimed at
weathered to a state allowing for channelized flow of groundwater and understanding processes and rates of limestone dissolution (Butscher
a collapsing of the land surface, forming sinkholes (cenote in Spanish) et al., 2011), especially those related to global warming (Moore et al.,
(Cvijić, 1893; Schmitter-Soto et al., 2002). Karst aquifers occupy 2010; Ford and Williams, 2007; Guo et al., 2005) and optimization of
12–25% of the Earth's surface with an estimated 25% of the world's non-Darcian flow models (Rehrl et al., 2008). While there is a sig-
population relying on water from such formations now (Brahana, nificant body of knowledge on karst hydrogeology, a process-level un-
2007a; b), and the potential for significant increased use in the future derstanding of water quality influences that may be relevant to human
(Guo and Jiang, 2009). Regardless of uncertainty in these estimates, health, is severely lacking.
there is a compelling need to bolster the current dearth of knowledge on In karst settings, the presence of microbes from human waste has

Corresponding author. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.
E-mail address: (D.T. Long).
Received 28 March 2018; Received in revised form 25 September 2018; Accepted 27 September 2018
Available online 04 October 2018
0883-2927/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

been widely reported (e.g. Meusburger et al., 2006; Stambuk- southwest (water Table 5-10 m above sea level) and slopes downward
Giljanovic, 2006; Alcocer et al., 1998; Tranter et al., 1997). Chemical toward the coast (Bauer-Gottwein et al., 2011). This dominant flow
contaminants from human activities have also been found, including path is locally influenced by conduits formed by dissolution, especially
estrogen (Wicks et al., 2004), soap and bleach (Smith and Ley, 2009), along the Ring of Cenotes and the Ticul fault (Bauer-Gottwein et al.,
agricultural fertilizers (Guo and Jiang, 2009), mining (Hg-Deng et al., 2011; Perry et al., 2002) (Fig. 1). As a result, groundwater chemistry
2011 and Cr-Yolcubal and Alyol, 2007), pesticides (Polanco-Rodríguez does not appear to change or evolve along a particular flow path, but
et al., 2015) and petroleum products (Fels, 1999). Contaminant trans- instead appears to be largely controlled by water-rock reactions (Back
port in karst is fundamentally different from the traditional Darcian and Hanshaw, 1970; Perry et al., 2002) and influenced by local factors.
processes that occur in porous media. For example, particle transport is The thin soils of the State of Yucatán are terra rossa-like consisting of
significant (Schwarz et al., 2011), filtration is limited (Domenico and mainly Leptosols, Cambisols, Luvisols, and Vertisols (Bautista et al.,
Schwartz, 1990), and rapid flushing occurs following precipitation 2011, 2015; Krasilnikov et al., 2013). Thus, the aquifer can be easily
events, which has been believed to dilute contaminants. However, in- contaminated.
creased microbial levels have been observed after heavy rainfall and The State of Yucatán includes 106 municipalities, and the largest
flood events (Dura et al., 2010; Boyer and Kuczynska, 2003). Chemical urban area is the city of Mérida (greater metropolitan population ∼1
contaminants could also be introduced into the aquifers from such million). Landuse/landcover is characterized mainly the intermix of
events since filtration is limited. Furthermore, flow pathways and the agricultural activities and undeveloped areas (INFOFLR, 2016; Delgado
timing of sampling have been shown to both increase and decrease et al., 2010). Animal farming tends to be concentrated regionally, with
solutes during storm events (Huebsch et al., 2014). Due to the lack of pig farming in the center of the state and cattle farming in the north
knowledge and the complexity of karst systems, in this study, we ex- (INFOFLR, 2016; Delgado et al., 2010, 2011). A longitudinal study
amined potential influences on water quality by season and land uses in (1970–1991) showed that wells in Mérida were highly contaminated by
the karst aquifer of the State of Yucatán, Mexico. human waste (Graniel et al., 1999). Other research identified other
water quality issues related to pesticides, fertilizers, NO3−, fecal coli-
2. Background and hypotheses forms, metals and untreated wastewater (Rocha et al., 2015; Sanchez
et al., 2015; Arcega-Cabrera et al., 2014, 2017; Arcega-Cabrera and
The study area comprised sites proximate to Mérida in the State of Fargher, 2016; Gonzalez-Herrera et al., 2014; Pacheco et al., 2000;
Yucatán, Mexico (Fig. 1; area ∼40,000 km2), whose bedrock is mainly Escolero et al., 2002; Li et al., 2010). In Mérida, contamination from the
Eocene and Pliocene with coastal Holocene sediments (Gondwe et al., effects of urbanization such as untreated sewage, industrial effluent,
2011). Dolomite and evaporites occur locally as well as gypsum and and landfill leachate, have led to the upper 20 m of the aquifer being
anhydrite ejecta from the Chicxulub impact (Perry et al., 2009). The deemed unfit for human consumption (Graniel et al., 1999; Escolero
climate is tropical with a wet season (typically June–October) which is et al., 2002).
influenced by strong storms and hurricanes (Few et al., 2008; Farfán Several studies on the influence of the wet season on water quality
et al., 2014). The State of Yucatán contains a vast groundwater reserve, in the State of Yucatán help set the stage for this study. Pacheco et al.
which is subject to limestone and dolomite dissolution and salt-water (2001) focused on the role of agriculture on groundwater quality. They
intrusion (e.g., Back and Hanshaw, 1970; Back et al., 1986). Recent measured NO3−, K+, and Cl− concentrations monthly in 12 municipal
studies have also identified human-related contaminants in the wells over the period April 1992 to March 1993. Municipal wells are
groundwater, including NO3−, fecal coliforms and metals (Rocha et al., pumped to supply water to local villages and are typically deeper (e.g.,
2015; Sanchez et al., 2015; Arcega-Cabrera et al., 2014, 2017; Derrien 30 m) than cenotes and differ in that they are not directly open to the
et al., 2014; Arcega-Cabrera and Fargher, 2016). atmosphere. These authors concluded that the source for both elevated
The aquifer is an unconfined flat-lying karst landscape with abun- NO3− and K+ was from agricultural activities. Our study on municipal
dant cenotes, and little surface drainage (Escolero et al., 2000; Graniel wells includes five sampling sites of Pacheco et al. (2001). Castro et al.
et al., 1999; Lesser and Weidie, 1988). The topographic high is in the (2018) studied the influence of wet season on karst water quality in the

Fig. 1. Geologic map (Gondwe et al., 2011) of the state of Yucatan showing the sampling localities. See Table 1 for more information on the sampling sites.

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Table 1
Details of sampling sites including well depths, location, land use, and cluster number (see Results and Discussion).
Site Village Depth (m) Latitude Longitude Land use Cluster Number

May October

1 Peto 40 20.125347° −88.921867° crop 1 4

3 Tzucacab 32 20.079563° −89.051687° crop 1 4
5 Tzucacab 32 20.067570° −89.051890° crop 1 4
6 Tekax 35 20.208224° −89.286216° crop 2 5
7 Tekax 70 20.217270° −89.305041° crop 3 6
8 Oxkutzcab 60 20.315802° −89.433785° crop 2 5
9 Ticul 38 20.396766° −89.556712° crop 2 5
10 Telchac puerto 5 21.338606° −89.262872° live stock 2 6
11 Dzilam gonzalez 13 21.277303° −88.920699° live stock 3 5
12 Dzilam gonzalez 30 21.280980° −88.921355° live stock 2 5
13 Dzilam gonzalez 21 21.281533° −88.921431° live stock 3 6
14 Buctzotz 24 21.201310° −88.787991° live stock 3 6
15 Tizimin 40 21.135554° −88.161862° live stock 2 5
16 Tizimin 40 21.137610° −88.132960° live stock 3 6
17 Sucila 20 21.164269 −88.312693 live stock 2 6
18 Montes de ame 18 21.032084° −89.620230° urban 2 6
19 Konchem 12 21.103809° −89.661704° urban 3 5
20 Caucel 44 20.999829° −89.709787° urban 2 6
21 Uman 40 20.877301° −89.757645° urban 2 6
22 Dzununcan 18 20.858959° −89.654078° urban 2 6
23 Kanasin 35 20.926631° −89.553737° urban 3 6

Table 2 Delgado et al. (2010) sampled 113 municipal wells covering the
Climate data for Cancún and Mérida for 2016. Data are from https://www. state of the Yucatán to investigate groundwater quality for irrigation. Samples were collected during the wet season: July to October 2003.
Month Cancun (Aduana, Mexico) Merida (Lic Manuel Crecencio Spatial maps were created for the concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+,
Rejon) K+, HCO3−, SO42−, NO3−, Cl−, and specific conductance across the
state of the Yucatán. Results from the Delgado et al. (2010) study are
Total Average Total Average
used to help interpret the results from this study.
Precipitation temperature Precipitation temperature
(mm.) o
C (mm.) o
C Building on the foundational work of Edmonds and others (as
summarized in Edmunds, 2009), we designed a study to determine the
January 59.7 23 2.55 24 influence of wet season on groundwater quality in the state of the Yu-
February 33.0 22 6.35 24 catán. We also consider that human activities on the landscape (e.g.,
March 35.6 26 16.8 28
April 40.6 27 3.3 30
agriculture, urbanization) can influence subsurface water quality;
May 10.1 28 33.3 31 therefore, a second objective of this study was to determine if there is a
(sam- relationship between the groundwater geochemistry and land use.
pling) These overarching hypotheses guide this research and are based on the
June 127.0 28 138.0 30
previous work discussed above:
July 78.7 28 42.4 30
August 138.0 28 90.2 30
September 72.4 28 110.0 29 1. groundwater will be diluted in the rainy season,
October 72.4 26 105.0 27 2. not all water quality parameters will decrease during the rainy
(sam- season due to the influence of flushing off the land surface (e.g.,
NO3− and fecal coliform concentrations are expected to increase),
3. the chemistry of the shallower cenote water will be more affected by
northwest region of the Yucatán. The area encompassed the city of surface runoff than the deeper municipal wells during the wet
Mérida. They identified the influence of seawater intrusion, water-rock season, and
reactions, and human contamination on water quality. They also ob- 4. different land uses will impart unique biogeochemical fingerprints
served that one of the impacts of wet season was the dilution of the on groundwater chemistry.
Perez-Ceballos et al. (2012) and Arcega-Cabrera et al. (2014) took Hypothesis 4 originates from our work that shows that different
dry and wet season samples from sites within the Ring of Cenotes. land uses can impart unique biogeochemical fingerprints (relative
Perez-Ceballos et al. (2012) found, for the most part, NO3− con- abundances of dissolved solutes) on river water quality (Fitzpatrick
centrations increased in the wet season, Cl− was diluted or did not et al., 2007; Wayland et al., 2003).
change, Mg2+ and K+ were highly variable, Ca2+ mostly decreased,
and Na+ and specific conductance mostly remained the same or de- 3. Methods
creased. They interpret the differences in water quality amongst the
cenotes to be due to hydrology and sourcing, e.g., intrusion and che- Water samples were collected from twenty municipal wells and one
mical variability associated with groundwater flow. Arcega-Cabrera individual household well (Fig. 1) representing three broad land use
et al. (2014) obtained samples during the 2011 wet season (October) types. These are urban (in and around Mérida), crop agriculture in the
and 2012 dry season (May). They observed the flushing of fecal sterols south, and livestock farming in the north (Table 1) that are defined
into the Ring of Cenotes during high rainfall events. Here we compare based on previous studies (Delgado et al., 2010; Perez-Ceballos et al.,
our results on water quality changes in municipal wells as a function of 2012; and Pacheco et al., 2001). Five of the municipalities (Tekax,
wet and dry seasons to their results on water quality changes in cenotes. Tzucacab, Peto, Oxcutzab, Ticul) were sampled in the nitrate study

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Table 3
Percent change in water quality parameters between the dry (May) and wet (October) seasons.
Site pH SPC Temp Ca Mg Na K alkalinity Cl SO4 NO3 Fecals

Crop 1 10 −20 −2 −15 −26 −37 −18 −21 −19 13 −42 100
3 19 −13 −5 −34 2 −51 −2 −4 −1 320 −10 400
5 11 −14 −4 −37 -<1 −45 11 2 −8 420 −47 0
6 13 −19 1 −35 −8 −65 9 −4 −12 −94 −19 1400
7 11 −15 1 −28 −8 −53 0.00 −7 2 −66 −43 400
8 7 −24 <1 −26 −41 −9 0.00 −7 30 −37 −34 100
9 9 −24 −4 −23 −44 −32 50 2 0.00 −62 −13 100
Livestock 10 10 −13 3 −18 −20 −13 50 −7 −5 100 −29 600
11 7 30 −3 −23 5 2 180 −7 34 −62 −30 0
12 8 −12 −5 −28 12 −46 −11 −9 8 −89 −71 18000
13 5 −10 < -1 −23 86 −48 50 −4 1 −86 −32 300
14 12 −12 −4 −37 < -1 −33 −18 −9 14 −94 −24 0
15 10 −12 −2 −50 21 −44 50 2 −13 −91 −37 100
16 8 −11 −3 −21 −10 −36 200 −19 2 −85 −15 100
17 9 −14 −19 −30 −8 −16 −33 −23 −6 −66 −15 160000
Urban 18 8 −10 −3 −3 −53 −27 50 6 −3 −79 −13 250
19 8 −9 −4 −18 −26 −23 −14 −12 6 −38 11 400
20 9 −28 −9 −5 51 12 −25 −7 22 −93 −16 1600
21 8 −25 −4 3 −8 −23 −36 6 27 −89 −14 100
22 8 −10 −1 −3 −81 10 0.00 −9 −24 −58 −20 1000
23 6 −13 <1 −35 19 −39 −25 −7 −23 −20 −34 100
average 9 −13 −3 −23 −10 −29 22 −6 2 −17 −26 8900
median 9 −13 −3 −23 −8 −33 0.00 −7 0.00 −66 −24 250
decrease 20 15 20 16 18 7 17 9 17 20
no change 4 1 3
increase 21 1 6 1 7 3 10 4 11 4 1 19

Table 4
Mean values and one-way analysis of variance for selected solutes as a function of land use. Bold P values indicate significance at the 0.05 level.
Group May

Land Use Cl− Na+ K+ SO42- NO3− Cl/K Na/Cl

1 Crop 1 433 318 18.3 113 102 23.6 0.73

2 Crop 2 223 157 6.14 104 48.0 36.1 0.70
3 Livestock 234 125 3.02 37.9 42.0 77.0 0.53
4 Urban 183 102 3.84 37.9 35.1 47.8 0.56
P value Groups 1,2,3,4 < 0.001 0.619 < 0.001 0.004 0.017 0.366 0.004
P value Groups 2,3,4 0.35 0.445 0.26 < 0.001 0.636 0.354 0.099

Group October

Land Use Cl− Na+ K+ SO42- NO3− Cl/K Na/Cl

1 Crop 1 400 174 16.9 275 71.09 23.7 0.39

2 Crop 2 229 92.3 6.73 37.5 36.43 34.1 0.41
3 Livestock 241 87.8 3.71 11.9 27.9 64.9 0.38
4 Urban 185 84.9 3.32 13.5 30.6 55.7 0.46
P value Groups 1,2,3,4 0.01 0.01 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.04 0.21 0.43
P value Groups 2,3,4 0.43 0.954 0.17 0.06 0.69 0.39 0.32
seawater 49.9 0.65
halite 0.57
EPA 50

(Pacheco et al., 2001). Samples were collected 23–26 May and 18–21 collection, stored on ice in the field. Analyses were started immediately
October, 2016 representing dry and wet seasons respectively (Table 2). after samples were returned to the laboratory. All analyses were per-
Wells were pumped until a stable water temperature was obtained. Any formed using Standard Methods (
water treatment systems were bypassed. Temperature, specific con- store/).
ductance, pH, and GPS coordinates were measured on-site. Cation The solute and microbial data were reduced by solute-solute plots,
samples (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) were filtered through 0.45 μm mem- Piper plots, geochemical modelling, ratio analyses, and multivariate
brane filters (Millipore) filters, acidified to pH < 2 with high-grade statistical analysis (e.g., Sanchez et al., 2015), Pacheco et al., 2001;
nitric acid, and stored on ice for transport to the laboratory. Anion Perez-Ceballos et al., 2012; Mohammadi, 2009; Arcega-Cabrera et al.,
samples (Cl−, SO42−, alkalinity, NO3−) were only filtered and also 2014; Castro et al., 2018). PHREEQC (developed by the U.S. Geological
stored on ice for transport. Bottles for the solutes were rinsed three time Survey), using the WATEQ4F database was used for the geochemical
prior to collection. In the laboratory, the solute samples were re- modelling (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999; Ball and Nordstrom, 1991;
frigerated until analyzed, which was typically within two days. Mi- Long et al., 2012). Statistical analyses were performed using JMP5 (SAS
crobial samples for fecal coliforms determination were collected in Institute) and StatMost (Dataxiom Software) (e.g., Long et al., 1992;
sterilized glass bottles, which were rinsed three times prior to Wayland et al., 2003; McGuire et al., 2005; Fitzpatrick et al., 2007). For

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Table 5 NO3− concentrations in groundwater in all land use types (Table 4). In
Comparison of the changes in water quality parameters between cenotes and Table 4, crop land use was split into two groups. The first group (Crop
municipal well due to the wet season. Majority means > 70% of the samples 1) comprises those sites characterized by geochemical cluster 1 and the
for a parameter either had either an increase or decrease in concentration be- second group (Crop 2) the remainder of the sites considered to be crop
tween the dry and wet season.
land use in Table 1. The mean concentrations are above the U.S. En-
Parameter Cenotes (Perez-Ceballos Municipal wells (this study) vironmental Protection Agency drinking water maximum contaminant
et al., 2012) N = 21 level of 10 mg/L (as N). The higher values for the Crop 1 group samples
N = 22
were dominated by high values from Peto and Tzuacab, similar to the
pH About equal mix of increase All increase observations by Pacheco et al. (2001). The decrease in NO3− con-
& decrease centrations is consistent with the results of Pacheco et al. (2001) who
Temp Variable increase, decrease, Majority decrease found concentrations to be lowest in the wet seasons. Their samples
were taken from the agricultural area in the south where we also col-
SPC Mostly same, some decrease Decrease, except 1
Ca2+ All decrease All decrease
lected samples (Peto, Tzucacab, Tekax, Oxkutzcab, and Ticul; Table 1).
Mg2+ Mix of increase & decrease Mix of increase & decrease, but They attributed the NO3− concentrations to be from fertilizers and the
more decrease lower concentrations in the wet season to result from dilution. We see
Na1+ Mostly same, some decrease Majority decrease no reason for any different interpretation. Pacheco et al. (2001) col-
K1+ Mostly same, some increase Variable increase, decrease,
lected their samples over a year (1992 and 1993) and thus the similarity
& decrease same
Alkalinity About equal mix of increase Majority decrease in results between this study and theirs can be interpreted to indicate
& decrease that the landscape processes (e.g., sources, wet season) influencing
Cl− Majority decrease About equal mix of increase & NO3− have remained much the same for a considerable period of time.
SO42- Mostly same or decrease Mostly decrease, few increase
NO3− Mostly increase, few Decrease, except 1
4.1.2. Chloride, potassium, sodium, and sulfate
decrease Potassium concentrations of 2–4 mg/l are typical for groundwater
Fecal coliforma Majority increase Majority increase (Long et al., 2017) and we have found that they are often elevated
across the State of Yucatán (Table 4). Concentrations are most elevated
Arcega-Cabrera et al., 2014. in the crop land use (Table 4), but all land uses have some sites with
elevated K+ concentrations. Sea salts and seawater can be sources,
the geochemical modelling, we focused on the state of equilibrium of however Escolero et al. (2000) and Perez-Ceballos et al. (2012) con-
the groundwater with respect to calcite, which is the major mineral of cluded from a study of Cl/K ratios that elevated K+ most likely results
the aquifer. The state of equilibrium was calculated as the log10 ratio of from fertilizers and possibly wastes. This is consistent with our findings
the activity product of cation and anion divided by the equilibrium for sites associated with crop land use (Table 4), however, we also find
constant for the dissolution of the minerals of interest. The resulting sites that had Cl/K ratios below that of seawater in all land use types.
number represents the saturation index (SIm) for the mineral where Elevated SO42− concentrations in karst ground water have been
positive values reflect supersaturated conditions and negative values interpreted to be at least partially due to human activities (e.g., agri-
undersaturated. culture, waste) (Long et al., 2012). The mean values in both crop groups
Spatial land use determination was obtained from data provided by are significantly elevated above those in the livestock and urban groups
the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI, 2014) for for May (Table 4). In October, concentrations in Crop 1 are significantly
2013. Data were translated into English and processed in ArcGIS v10.5 higher than the others. Concentrations in Crop 2 are also higher than
(ESRI, Redlands, CA). We then generated Euclidean buffers around each Livestock and Urban, but not significantly. Except for Crop 1 and 2 in
site coordinate at 500 m intervals, in order to characterize the land uses May and Crop 1 in October, mean concentrations are not elevated.
at varying distances around each sampling location. For each buffer, we For both May and October, mean Cl− concentrations are sig-
then calculate the percentages of each buffer's area occupied by various nificantly higher in the Crop 1 group than the others are.
land uses using ArcMap v10.5. Concentrations in the Urban group are the lowest but not significantly
different from the Crop 2 and Livestock groups. Major sources for Cl−
4. Results and discussion (and Na+) in the State of Yucatán are halite (both rock and human-
sourced), sea salt spray, and seawater intrusion) (e.g., Escolero et al.,
4.1. What are the changes in water chemistry between dry and wet seasons? 2000). Sodium-chloride ratios are often used to understand the source
for elevated Cl− (Long et al., 2017). In May, there is a significant dif-
Except for one sample, the specific conductance decreased in the ference between the two Crop groups but both have ratios closer to
wet season and the responses of other water quality parameters were seawater than halite (Table 4). The Livestock and Urban ratios are
variable (Table 3). These results are consistent with the first two hy- consistent with halite sources. In October, all the land use ratios are
potheses. All sites had increases in pH, while calcium concentrations similar and fall below that for either halite or seawater.
decreased. Except for one sample, NO3− values decreased. The number Thus, sources for these solutes (e.g., halite, gypsum, salt-water in-
of sites in which Cl− and K+ concentrations increased was slightly trusion, fertilizers, wastes) and processes influence inputs (e.g., differ-
more than those where it decreased. Decreasing concentrations is ential recharge zones; hurricanes) would be quite variable in this
mainly observed for the other solutes (Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl−, alkalinity, system. We consider that it is this variability that leads to the compli-
SO42−) and temperature. In general, total coliforms and fecal coliforms cated responses of these solutes to the change from dry season to wet
concentrations increased, albeit total coliforms were more variable. In season (e.g. Graniel et al., 1999; Pacheco et al., 2001; Escolero et al.,
the sections below, we consider four trends that are associated with 2000; Escolero et al., 2005; Delgado et al., 2010; Long et al., 2012;
NO3−; Na+, K+, Cl−, and SO42−; fecal coliform, and pH, Mg2+, Ca2+. Arcega-Cabrera et al., 2014; Zhou et al., 2011; Knierim et al., 2015; He
et al., 2016).
4.1.1. Nitrate
Nitrate is also normally elevated in the groundwater of the Yucatán 4.1.3. Fecal coliforms
and the high concentrations have been linked to human activities, Various studies have observed increases in microbial pollution
particularly those associated with agricultural practices, especially during wet seasons and storm events (Reed et al., 2011; Arcega-Cabrera
fertilizer use (e.g., Perez-Ceballos et al., 2012). We found elevated et al., 2014; Sinreich et al., 2014; Knierim et al., 2015; He et al., 2016).

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Fig. 2. Solute plot showing the relationship between Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations. A. May samples and B. October samples.

The increase is attributed to the flushing of the microbial communities increased. It should be noted that these SIm values are not unusual for
from surfaces sources, typically human and animal wastes, as reported karst systems (Mohammadi, 2009). Sulfate concentrations did increase
in Arcega-Cabrera et al. (2014) for cenotes. We believe this same at Peto, and both Tzucacab sites (Table 3). Gypsum beds are found in
phenomenon to be responsible for the elevated bacterial concentrations this area of the Yucatán causing higher SO42− concentrations in the
(Table 3.) observed in wells in this study. As far as we know, this is the aquifer (Delgado et al., 2010). Thus, it is possible that this reaction is
first report of evidence for this process in the deeper municipal wells of responsible for the observed Mg2+ increases.
the state of the Yucatán. This contradicts a commonly held belief in the Another mechanism decoupling Mg2+ and Ca2+ is the enhanced
region that these wells draw from a deeper aquifer that is largely un- dissolution of magnesium-rich limestone due to an increase ionic
affected by pollution because it is isolated from a surface aquifer that strength of the groundwater (Long et al., 2012). Dissolution of this
supplies the cenotes. mineral increases the dissolved Mg2+ concentrations, while solution-
mineral equilibrium controls the concentration of Ca2+. However, for
4.1.4. Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, and pH this mechanism to occur, the interacting solution needs to become more
One difference between these parameters and the previous biogeo- concentrated to increase its ionic strength, for example, from the input
chemical parameters is that the geochemistry of Mg2+, Ca2+, and al- of anthropogenic chemicals or salty water. However, only one sample
kalinity will be more influenced by rock-water interactions than vari- (site 11. Dzilam Gonzalez) had a concentration increase, apparently
able anthropogenic inputs (Long et al., 2012). Typically, Mg2+ and from increases in Cl− concentrations (Table 3). Magnesium con-
Ca2+ and concentrations are correlated in carbonate systems because of centrations did increase in this sample and it is possible that this me-
common sourcing from calcite and dolomite minerals and this corre- chanism caused the increase.
lation was observed for the samples taken in May (Fig. 2a). However, in Finally, the decrease in Ca2+ concentration could be caused by
October, Mg2+ and Ca2+, were no longer correlated (Fig. 2b). Calcium calcite precipitation and the Mg2+ increase caused by the flushing of
concentrations at all sites decreased, except for one increase, while at the deeper water mass. The increase in the degree of calcite super-
sixteen sites, magnesium concentrations decreased and at seven, con- saturation in October (Fig. 3a) would work to facilitate the precipita-
centrations increased. Dilution might partially explain the decreases in tion of calcite and the removal of Ca2+. The increase in SIc is driven by
Mg2+ and Ca2+, but the percentage dilution for each is not the same the increase in pH, which occurred at all sites. Decreased temperatures
and Mg2+ concentrations increased at seven sites. Thus, we consider might be one cause of the pH increases, however not all temperatures
three other mechanisms that could account for these observations. decreased. This might suggest that interaction with another water mass.
One long-accepted mechanism for the decoupling of Mg2+ and Sanchez et al. (2015) reported dissolved Mg2+ increases in a karst
Ca 2+
concentrations in karst systems is dedolomitization (Bischoff aquifer during high flow. They attributed the increase to input of
et al., 1994). The process is driven by gypsum dissolution in a system in groundwater with greater water-rock (dolomite) interaction (e.g., dif-
which calcite and dolomite are near equilibrium and gypsum (or an- fuse flow system). They argue that a long residence time would allow
hydrite) is undersaturated. The dissolution of gypsum causes the dis- more time for the dolomite to come into equilibrium with the
solution of dolomite and subsequent precipitation of calcite through the groundwater.
following reaction: In sum, it is possible the dedolomitization and enhanced dissolution
might explain the decoupling of Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations in the
MgCa(CO3)2 + CaSO4·2H2O = 2CaCO3 + Mg2+ + SO42− + 2H2O wet season, albeit on a local scale. On a larger scale, the precipitation of
calcite and flushing of a Mg2+ rich water mass should be considered
Magnesium is a relatively conservative solute and will only pre-
along with dilution. We submit however, that more studies are neces-
cipitate out of solution at very high pH levels or when a high degree of
sary that includes a larger database (e.g., sample number, parameters
evaporation has occurred. Dolomite would not be expected to pre-
such as stable isotopes) are needed to fully understand the role of de-
cipitate under the conditions observed in these samples, even though
they are supersaturated (Land, 1985). Therefore, as this reaction pro-
ceeds, Mg2+ concentrations will increase and this could explain the
trend observed here. Calcite and dolomite were in near equilibrium in 4.2. What are the changes in water chemistry between cenotes and
the May samples but became supersaturated in October (Fig. 3a and b). municipal wells between dry and wet seasons?
Gypsum was undersaturated in May and became more undersaturated
in October (Fig. 3c), thus the potential for the dissolution of gypsum In comparing the changes in water chemistry between the cenotes

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Fig. 3. Frequency histograms showing the season changes in the saturation indices of A. calcite, B. dolomite and C. gypsum. Red bars are for the May samples and
black bars are for the October samples. The shaded box is the error envelope for considering equilibrium. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

(Perez-Ceballos et al., 2012) and municipal wells, one needs to consider less interaction with the near surface system, hence the presence of
the difference between the samples that could influence these changes. colder more dilute water. Fracture flow, which is more diffuse than
The municipal well samples are collected from the aquifer at a specific conduit flow and surface runoff would have more influence on the
depth interval defined by the well screen. The cenotes on the other shallower cenote water chemistry during the wet season (e.g., variable
hand are bodies of water much like lakes: water may originate from specific conductance, Cl− decrease, NO3− increase).
multiple depths and both be mixed and stratified. The result is that If the dual-flow system mechanism was influencing the transport of
water chemistry can be quite variable as a function of depth. In the the fecal coliforms, one might expect a behavior similar to NO3−, in
study by Perez-Ceballos et al. (2012), vertical samples were taken and which the wells would show no increase in concentrations. Since this is
the chemical results were integrated. not observed, we suggest that sourcing for the concentration changes in
Regardless of these differences, for six of the twelve parameters fecal coliforms is more important than transport pathway. The primary
compared, the change between dry and wet seasons were the same for sources for fecal coliforms are human and other animal wastes and this
both the municipal wells and the cenotes (Table 5). These parameters indicator of contamination is frequently found to degrade water quality
include Ca2+, whose concentrations decreased at all sample sites, ex- in karst formations in populated settings (e.g., Grimmeisen et al., 2016).
cept in one municipal well. Fecal coliforms concentrations increased at By their nature, municipal wells in the study area are in villages, ty-
a majority of sites; and Mg2+, K+, and SO42− whose concentration pically with no wastewater treatment plants (Escolero et al., 2000;
changes varied (i.e., both increased and decreased). For the solutes, we González and Rodríguez, 2006). Thus, the potential exists for localized
assume the explanation for the behaviors discussed above might also high concentrations of coliforms that can be flushed into the deeper
apply for their behaviors in the cenotes. The changes in fecal coliforms aquifer. This potential would also exist for cenotes located near villages.
are discussed below. The cenotes would also be susceptible to near surface flushing of other
The parameters that exhibited clear differences in responses be- animal wastes.
tween wells and cenotes were pH, temperature, specific conductance,
Na+, alkalinity, Cl− and NO3−. The pH values in all municipal well 4.3. What is the biogeochemical structure of the water?
samples increased from the dry to wet season. There was an approxi-
mately equal mix of increases and decreases in the cenote samples. Multivariate statistical techniques (R-mode factor and cluster ana-
Except for one well, the specific conductances decreased, but were lyses) and a graphical technique (Piper diagrams) were used to de-
mostly unchanged in the cenotes. The majority of the municipal well termine if there is a systematic pattern amongst the solutes or biogeo-
water temperatures and concentrations of Na+, and alkalinity de- chemical finger print (Fitzpatrick et al., 2007) and if and how this
creased. For the cenotes, the changes in temperature and alkalinity pattern differs from dry season to wet season. R-mode factor analysis
were variable with little change in Na+. In the cenotes, the majority of explores the relationship amongst water quality parameters. Calcula-
Cl− concentrations decreased while in the wells there was about an tions were done on a correlation matrix using JMP5 (SAS Institute) and
equal mix of increases and decreases. Finally, in the cenotes, NO3− employed principal components analysis retaining those factors with
concentrations mostly increased while in the wells, except for one, eigenvalues values greater that one for a varimax rotation (Wayland
decreased. et al., 2003). The microbial data did not correlate with any solute
The differences in temperature could be attributed to differences parameter in either the May or October data sets, which is consistent
resulting from sampling, i.e. variation in the vertical temperature gra- with the discussion on the changes in their concentrations between dry
dient in the cenotes, versus the fixed sampling depth in the wells. and wet season. Therefore, we only studied the relationships among the
However, the differences in the other parameters may not relate to solutes.
sampling, but are more likely related to the importance of surface Three factors were extracted (Table 6) based on eigenvalues greater
runoff and pathways of transport (e.g., Huebsch et al., 2014). than one. Factor 1 defines most of the variability in the data and Factor
For example, fecal coliforms were flushed into both the cenotes and 3, the least among the three factors. We consider parameter loadings
the municipal wells, but only NO3− was flushed into the cenotes. The above ± 0.7 to be the most significant in defining the characteristic of
municipal wells are clearly diluted (i.e. decreased specific conductance) the factor (Wayland et al., 2003). In May, Factor 1 is characterized by
while in the cenotes, the change in the specific conductance is variable. high loadings for Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and Cl−. Factor 2 is characterized
Chloride in the wells was diluted but its concentrations both increased by K+, SO42− and NO3− and Factor 3 is characterized by pH and al-
and decreased amongst the cenotes. kalinity that are off-loaded with one another. We interpret Factor 1 to
Most of these observations might be explained if one were to assume represent water-rock interactions (Ca2+, Mg2+) and influence of sea
that this karst system is characterized by a simple dual-flow system; salt and saltwater intrusion (Na+, Cl−) (Long et al., 2012) and Factor 2
water flow through conduits and through fractures and pores (e.g., Ford to the influence of human activities (crop agriculture.) Factor 3 is re-
and Williams, 2007). During the wet season, conduit flow would allow lated the relative behaviors of pH and alkalinity i.e., as pH decreases,
rapid transfer of the water into the deeper municipal well system with alkalinity can increase because of increased water-rock interaction.

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Table 6 (Fig. 4) that give further insight into the nature of the geochemical
Results of R-Mode factor analysis for the May and October samples. Bold changes between the dry and wet seasons. Here we use cluster analysis
numbers signify a high loading, which is considered a value of ± 0.7 (Wayland to group water samples in terms of their chemical parameters, i.e.,
et al., 2003). Values in bold italics are the highest for the variable but not at which samples have a similar geochemical structure. Hierarchical cal-
the ± 0.7 level.
culations in JMP5 (SAS Institute) were done using Wards method on
May October standardized data.
In both May and October, three clusters are recognized in both data
Factor F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3
sets that are summarized for each sample in Table 1. Except for Clusters
pH −0.462 0.129 0.702 0.075 0.896 −0.015 1 and 4, the other two clusters from the May data set cannot be directly
Ca 0.972 −0.070 −0.008 0.190 −0.25 0.791 compared to the October data set because they do not comprise exactly
Mg 0.902 −0.229 −0.076 −0.077 0.403 0.742 the same sample sites. Therefore, each cluster is given a unique number.
Na 0.882 −0.376 −0.132 0.056 −0.152 0.890
Since cluster analysis does not readily reveal the chemical associations
K 0.395 −0.787 −0.334 0.657 −0.233 0.595
Alkalinity −0.113 −0.115 −0.875 −0.786 −0.419 0.182
that define each cluster, spider diagrams are used to help reveal the
Cl 0.930 −0.226 −0.106 0.1375 0.1717 0.897 associations (Fig. 5). The diagram is constructed by taking the ratio of
SO4 0.033 −0.943 0.033 0.376 −0.099 0.811 the average concentration for a parameter in a cluster to the average of
NO3 0.379 −0.766 −0.200 0.583 −0.054 0.465 the whole data set. The values of pH and temperature and alkalinity
% explained 57 17 12 50 16 11
(ALK) concentrations are similar for all clusters in May and October.
Relative to the other clusters, Clusters 1and 4 are higher in the con-
Perez-Ceballos et al. (2012) also performed principle component centrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl−, SO42−, and NO3−. The
analysis on their cenote water chemistry data. They extracted two fac- sample sites for these clusters are in the southern portion of the State of
tors, with the first factor characterized by conductivity, Na+, Cl− and YucatánYucatán, which as previously mentioned, are influenced by
SO42− and the second by pH, Ca2+, and HCO3−. However, the loadings evaporite deposits (e.g., halite and gypsum) and agricultural activities
of the parameters were not strong, with values defining the factors (Pacheco et al., 2000; Delgado et al., 2010).
ranging from 0.371 to 0.518. The low loadings may be due to their use In May, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, alkalinity, and Cl− values are si-
of the combined seasonal averages for the calculations. Although they milar between Clusters 2 and 3 and SO42−, NO3−, and fecal coliform
did not make geochemical interpretations of the factors, two associa- (Fec) values differ between these clusters. We interpret the similarity
tions were similar to ours: Na+ and Cl− on Factor 1 and pH and HCO3− the chemical parameters of Clusters 2 and 3 to be the result of the si-
(alkalinity) were off-loaded on Factor 2. milarity in water-rock reactions (e.g., limestone) and influences of sea-
The factor loadings in our study changed in October (Table 6), with salts and seawater intrusion. The differences in SO42−, NO3−, and fecal
Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and Cl− defining Factor 3, the less important factor. coliform values can be attributed to the degree of anthropogenic
SO42− is also loaded on this factor. K+ and NO3− were equally loaded sourcing. In October, Mg2+, Na+, K+, and Cl− values differ between
on Factors 1 and 3. Alkalinity is the major parameter defining Factor 1 clusters 5 and 6 and SO42−, NO3−, and fecal coliform values between
and this was no longer correlated with pH, which was the sole para- these clusters are more similar both in values and in trend. Cluster
meter defining Factor 2. Providing a geochemical interpretation for analysis shows that the wet season specifically disrupts the water-rock
these factors is difficult. Considering the associations found in May, the signature, but homogenizes the anthropogenic parameters.
October associations are of mixed processes and weak (e.g., Factor 3) or A complimentary widely used tool to study changes in the geo-
not easily interpretable. For example, one might assume that the chemical structure of water groundwater as function of space and time
loading of K+ and NO3− on Factor 1 implies the influence of agri- (e.g., Herojeet et al., 2017) is the Piper Diagram (Piper, 1953). In ad-
culture. However, NO3− concentrations decreased and both are loaded dition to giving further insights in the biogeochemical signature of
on two factors. Therefore, we interpret the October results not in terms water (termed hydrochemical facies), patterns on Piper Diagrams can
of biogeochemical processes, but on the influence of the wet season. be used to identify water masses and processes such as the mixing of
The rainy season works to mix the water chemistry and lessen the water masses (Fig. 6a and b). For reference, rain chemistry from the
geochemical structure that developed during the dry season. area (Ceron et al., 2005), seawater chemistry (Langmuir, 1997), and
The influence of the wet season to lessen the geochemical structure karst water chemistry unaffected by sea salts (Long et al., 2012) are
of the system is also observed in the results of the cluster analysis shown.
As might be expected, the chemistry of rain in this area is dominated

Fig. 4. Cladograms for the water chemistry from the results of the cluster analyses. A. May, B. October.

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Fig. 5. Spider diagrams showing the chemical associations amongst the clusters. A. May, B. October. Clusters 1 and 4, are the red dots; 2 and 5, green dots; and 3 and
6 the blue dots. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

by sea salts. Because of water-rock interactions on this karst landscape, structure of the water is disrupted during the wet season and that fecal
the cation and anion chemistries are changed from having a sea salt coliform concentrations are not related to any geochemical parameter.
signature to one in which Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO3− become more Cluster analysis also showed the disruption in the geochemical sig-
dominant. In karst (triangles in Fig. 6) unaffected by seawater or dis- nature during the wet season and that this disruption was for the solutes
solution of halite, the hydrochemical facies of the waters is defined as influences by water-rock interactions and sea salts. For the anthro-
Ca-HCO3 because the water plots in the Ca and HCO3 dominate areas of pogenically sourced solutes, structure increased in the wet season. Piper
the cation and anion ternaries, respectively. Neither the May nor the diagram corroborate these results but also show evidence for mixing of
October data sets show a grouping of the water chemistry around the water influenced by the dissolution of limestone and sea-salts/seawater.
triangles. In addition, there is no dominant hydrochemical facies, rather If the results of this study are representative of the seasonal change
the data plot across diagrams. Trends in the scatter of the data can often in the groundwater chemistry of the State of the YucatánYucatán, then
be related to process such as mixing trends identified by scattering of it is reasonable to assume that the geochemical structure observed for
the data along a straight line. May will be reestablished during the next dry season. If this assumption
The trends in the cation and anion ternaries in May (Fig. 6a) in- is correct, then there must be a systematic processes causing these
dicate mixing between typical karst water and seawater. In the anion changes. Here we posit that the transitions are the result of a two-phase
ternary, there is more scatter due to some samples having higher SO42− (conduit or direct; matrix or diffuse) flow mechanism (e.g., Martin and
concentrations. As previously discussed, the source for higher SO42− Screaton, 2001; Huebsch et al., 2014). During the wet season, conduit
concentrations is most likely related to agricultural activities. The flow would be the dominant process causing the mixing and disruption
trends for Clusters 2 and 3 overlap in the ternaries and central diamond. of the geochemical structure. During the dry season, matrix/fracture
Cluster 1 occurs more towards the seawater endmember in the ternary flow dominates and work to reset the geochemical structure. More
diagrams and the central diamond shows its chemistry to be distinct detailed temporal sampling is necessary to better understand these
from the other two clusters. In October, the trends change. There is transitions and influence on drinking water quality.
more scatter of the data in the cation ternary and a mixing trend not
well defined. Clusters 5 and 6 become more dissimilar to each other,
4.4. What is the relationship of the water chemistry to land use?
but the geochemistry of Cluster 4 remains unique.
In sum, R-mode factor analysis showed that the geochemical
Regardless of season, the geochemical clusters do not clearly map to

Fig. 6. Piper plots for a. May and b. October. Areas in the cation and anion ternaries in which a solute comprises greater than 50% of the total equivalent parts per
million for ion are depicted by the inverted triangle. Black circles and ovals are rain from the region, open squares are seawater, open triangles are typical karst
uninfluenced by sea salts (Long et al., 2015), red dots are cluster 1, green dots are cluster 2, and blue dots are cluster 3 for May and red dots are cluster 4, green dots
are cluster 5, and blue dots are cluster 6 for October. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Table 7
Results of R-Mode factor analysis for the May and October samples including land-use type. Bold numbers signify a high loading, which is considered a value of ± 0.7
(Wayland et al., 2003). Values in bold italics are the highest for the variable but not at the ± 0.7 level.
Factor May October

F1 F2 F3 F4 F1 F2 F3

urban 0.312 0.795 0.425 −0.037 −0.222 0.777 0.378

crop −0.450 0.101 −0.796 −0.203 0.643 0.095 −0.636
livestock 0.147 −0.838 0.377 0.232 −0.418 −0.814 0.266
pH 0.513 −0.077 −0.002 −0.678 −0.112 −0.152 −0.703
Temp 0.030 0.737 −0.166 0.053 0.042 0.763 −0.542
Ca −0.969 0.017 −0.065 −0.017 0.853 0.093 0.224
Mg −0.887 −0.178 −0.300 0.034 0.513 −0.687 −0.124
Na −0.893 0.029 −0.345 0.146 0.861 −0.141 0.185
K −0.436 0.193 −0.645 0.467 0.820 0.042 −0.210
Alkalinity 0.105 −0.179 −0.088 0.830 −0.059 −0.148 0.742
Cl −0.932 −0.071 −0.170 0.128 0.801 −0.424 0.000
SO4 −0.041 0.093 −0.958 0.102 0.909 −0.015 −0.109
NO3 −0.408 0.069 −0.586 0.404 0.634 0.003 −0.162

the three land uses (crop, livestock, and urban) that were used to (crop), 13 (livestock), and 18 (urban) (Table 9). A Spider diagram was
characterize the area around each municipal wells (Table 1). R-mode then constructed for these sites for the two seasons (Fig. 7). Although
factor analysis (Table 7) that includes land use, also shows little cor- there are geochemical changes between seasons, the general pattern for
relation between land use and geochemistry. For example, in May, none each land use for is similar for both seasons (Fig. 7). Of the geochemical
of the land uses load on the most dominant factor, Factor 1. Of the parameters compared, pH, temperature, Ca2+, alkalinity do not appear
three, only crop (Factor 3) correlates with some solutes (K+, NO3−, to be useful in distinguishing differences amongst the land use types.
SO42−). Urban and livestock land uses (Factor 2) are off loaded with Compared to the other two types of land use, crop is characterized by
respect to each other and correlate with temperature. Similar to May, in intermediate conductivity, high Na+, K+, SO42−, SIc, values and low
October, urban and livestock land uses (Factor 2) are off loaded with fecal coliform values. The livestock land use has higher conductivity,
respect to each other and correlate with temperature and perhaps intermediate Na+, K+, and SIc values and low NO3− and fecal coliform
magnesium. In October, crop loaded positively on Factor 1 and nega- values. Urban has the lowest conductivity, low Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl−,
tively on Factor 3. The absolute values were similar but weaker than in and SIc values and high fecal coliform values. NO3− values for crop and
May. It has some degree of correlation to all the geochemical variables urban are similar. The spider diagram also shows that change in the
except temperature. values (magnitude and direction) of the geochemical parameters be-
The R-mode factor analysis involving land use (Table 7) assumes tween seasons differ. For example, for all three land uses, Mg2+ values
that one particular land use is dominant (i.e., 100%) for each sampling decrease from dry to wet season with livestock having the largest de-
site. The interpretation of the results of the cluster analysis assumes crease and urban the least amongst the three. However, changes be-
similarly. From our on-the-ground observations, we considered that this tween seasons for Na+ (increase), K+ (decrease), SO42− (increase),
classification scheme might be too broad and not accurately reflect fecal coliform (decrease) and SIc (decrease) values are similar for both
specific land uses that influence each municipal well. For example, in crop and livestock and opposite to urban. These results suggest that
regions where the land use is characterized as crop, the municipal wells urban land use may have a unique influence and biogeochemical sig-
are often located in small villages that could be described as urban or nature compared to crop and livestock. We recognize that this analysis
suburban. Therefore, we attempted to better define the types of land lacks robustness and needs more study.
use surrounding each municipal well through spatial modelling. Cal- The results from this study are inconclusive in terms of supporting
culations on the percentage of these three land uses were done for hypothesis 4, but may suggest that either 1) water-rock interactions
buffer radii of 500, 2,000, and 5000 m. Table 8 is an example of the may be more of an influence on geochemical patterns than land use or
results of this calculation for sites 6 and 7 that were initially char- 2) the land-use classification scheme did not adequately capture the
acterized as crop (Table 1). At the small radius (500 m), site 7 is land use characteristics surrounding a well. It is most likely a combi-
dominated by agriculture but for site 6, urban. As the radius increases, nation of both of these possibilities. To help understand the importance
the dominant land use changes with natural areas (e.g., not distinctly of processes during the wet season, other than water-rock, additional
urban, livestock, or crop) becoming important. Such changes were biogeochemical chemical measurements (e.g., Br−, I−, B, DOC, NH4+,
observed at all sites. In fact, only one site we initially classified as urban PO43−, E. coli, organic contaminants, heavy metals) are needed.
had urban as the dominant land use. Classifying the landscape as to a particular land use influencing water
Considering this complexity in attempting to characterize land use chemistry is more challenging. For example, it is not clear at what
for a site, we picked three sites for which one of the land uses (crop spatial scale this karst landscape influences municipal well chemistry or
urban and livestock) was dominant at all radii. These sites were 8 the relative importance of landscape processes to that of subsurface

Table 8
Percent land use for sites 6 and 7 as a function of radius.
Land use Site 1 Radius (m) Site 6 Radius (m) Site 7 Radius (m)

500 2000 5000 500 2000 5000 500 2000 5000

% Crop 0.0 43.4 20.6 0 11.7 26.6 92.4 21.3 34.5

% Urban 98.7 22.1 3.5 94.3 36.3 6.0 7.6 10.8 6.0
% Livestock 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
% Natural 0.0 13.2 72.2 0.0 42.5 65.9 0.0 61.9 57.4

D.T. Long et al. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 265–277

Table 9
Selected sites representing a dominant land use for all radii analyzed. Symbols are C (crop), L (Livestock), U (Urban), # (site number). Values in bold are highest
percentage landuse.
# 500 m 2000 m 5000 m

C Urban Livestock Natural C Urban Livestock Natural C Urban Livestock Natural

C 8 66.3 0.0 0.0 33.7 51.3 15.8 0.0 32.6 56.1 6.2 0.0 34.3
L 13 0.0 14.4 46.0 0.0 0.0 10.9 75.8 0.0 8.4 1.7 74.4 13.4
U 18 0.0 96.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 64.6 0.0 2.8 2.6 43.3 0.0 12.5

Fig. 7. Spider diagram for selected sites representing

Crop (red), Livestock (green), and Urban (blue) land
sues. Dashed line is for the May (dry) season and the
solid line is for the October (wet) season. Additional
variable include conductivity (cond) and calcite
disequilibrium index (SIc). (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)

lateral flow. Municipal wells, most of which are in villages are con- observations, other explanations cannot be eliminated as the system
sidered urban at smaller spatial scales but typically not a larger scales. and processes are complex.
The importance of other land uses is similarly variable at all scales. It is clear from these results and those of others that changing sea-
Considering these observations, it is possible that the intensities these sons influences water quality, and that the result cannot be explained
land uses in general are not sufficient to uniquely influence water simply as just dilution by wet season precipitation producing improved
chemistry. Rather than land use, land cover may be the landscape water quality. For example, microbial concentrations are higher in the
feature influencing water chemistry. wet season but NO3− concentrations are higher in the dry season. It is
also evident that different karst landscapes or different systems on the
5. Conclusions same karst landscape (e.g., shallow, deep) respond differently to sea-
sonal changes.
Water samples were collected from 21 municipal wells across the One influence on changes in water quality between the dry and wet
State of Yucatán to study the influence of the rainy season on water season, we feel arises from this work that deserves more study in karst,
chemistry. Four hypotheses were tested: is that of changes in flow path. More specifically, it is the change in the
relative importance of matrix flow and conduit flow between seasons.
1 groundwater will be diluted in the rainy season, We suggest that this change in flow path for the State of Yucatán system
2 not all water quality parameters will decrease during the rainy is related to our observations of the seasonal concentrations changes of
season due to the influence of flushing off the land surface (e.g., NO3− and fecal coliforms, for example. We further speculate that it is
NO3− and fecal coliform concentrations are expected to increase), the change from the more dominant conduit flow during the wet season
3 the chemistry of the shallower cenote water will be more affected by to more matrix dominated flow during the dry season that works to
surface runoff than the deeper municipal wells during the wet reset the biogeochemical structure of the groundwater that was re-
season, and moved during the wet season. Since our study shows that water quality
4 different land uses will impart unique biogeochemical fingerprints can be degraded in both the dry and wet seasons, a better under-
on groundwater chemistry. standing of changes and mechanisms for change from the wet to dry
seasons needs more study on this and other karst systems.
The results of this study support the first three hypotheses. Although We consider our results preliminary, but those that might guide
the results do not support hypothesis 4, there is some evidence that future studies. Needed are more spatial coverages, synoptic temporal
agricultural practices and urban land use uniquely influence water samplings, and more diverse chemical and microbial measurements.
chemistry. The results also show that understanding the influence of the These data need to be studied in light of detailed land use analyses to
rainy season on water quality is challenging. For example, the well help differentiate natural processes such as water-rock interactions and
water was diluted during the rainy season and temperatures decreased, human influences.
which would be expected. Nitrate concentrations in the cenotes in-
creased during the rainy season and, decreased in the wells, which is Acknowledgements
consistent with a more surface source influence on the water quality in
the cenotes than in the wells during this season. This work was funded by the Michigan State University Watercube
However, microbial concentrations increased in both the cenotes Program. We would like to sincerely acknowledge Centro de
and wells during the wet season. All Ca2+ concentrations were diluted Investigaciones Regionales Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, Autonomous
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