SHRT Story For Kids

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mia. She lived an ordinary
life like any other kid, although other children always make fun of her
because of her bad hygiene. During hot sunny afternoons, she loves to play
in the mud and makes cakes and pies out of them. Even though she has
been told a thousand times by her mother to clean herself up, she plays
dumb and ignores her completely. During meals, she wouldn’t wash her
hands either. Her mom would tell her “Look at you, you look like a pig in a
pig pen. You stink as horrible as a skunk!”. But once again, Mia ignored her.
Until one gloomy and rainy day, Mia got severely sick. Her temperature was
so hot, she could burn a house down. A health worker came with a doctor
who examined her. Upon the examination and interview with the mother, the
doctor learned of her improper hygiene which caused the illness. She was
as sick as a dog, so the doctor had to give her an injection to treat her illness.
To her surprise, she jumped like a horse. “Never in a million years would I
dare to be injected by a pen-sized needle!” she exclaimed. After what felt like
ages, she finally gave in.
The doctor explained to her the importance of proper hygiene and how to get
rid of the sickness. One of which, is by washing hands after doing outdoor
activities as well as before and after eating meals. He told her that these
germs can take over your body and ruin one’s health. “We must take good
care of our body by observing proper hygiene and a healthy diet so that we
can strengthen our immune system. By doing so, we can have a strong and
healthy body as well as a happier lifestyle!”, the doctor says. From that day
on, Mia learned her lesson. She remembered to maintain a healthy habit and
made a couple of friends too.

-------------------------------------------THE END------------------------------------------

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