Zaira Dalupang ABM12 B Week17

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Instructional Module in ABM9

Business Simulation
Week 17


A Creative Portfolio
Presented to
Mr. Reymajoe T. Miguel
La Patria Corpus College, Santiago City


In Partial Fulfillment to the

Requirements for the Subject ABM9
Business Simulation

Presented by

June 2021
Clothes are commodities. They are as important as food on the daily lives of
every individual. It is important that the clothes they are wearing are as comfortable as
possible for them to be able to move with ease and comfort. It is also important that the
clothes they are wearing are fit in the occasion they are attending to. It is not enough
that it looks decent enough, it matters now that the overall look of the person and the
clothes fit accordingly to the event being worn to.

Having that said, there are always development on the trend of the clothes for
every generation. There are those gothic styles. There are even formal types of clothing
that are mainly worn on daily lives of the past eras. These developments are geared
toward comfort of the wearer that is why the most common types of clothes that are
invented are comfortable and easier to wear and take off according to the person’s
preference. With the ever-evolving trend in fashion, the need to wear and buy clothes
never stopped. This gives the idea for different clothing business to invent types of
clothing that are new to the market that will surely be attractive to the people.

Also, due to the advancements in the technology and the emergence of different
social media platforms, the people tend to wear clothes that are as fashionable and
comfortable as possible. People tend to buy clothes that they can mix and match with
other clothes and still look as beautiful as possible. This gives trend to crop tops and
shorts that are just easy to wear and match with other possible outfits. This gives the
proponent the idea to come up with a proposal business that is inclined in selling
fashionable cotton shorts that can be worn by male and female, and fashionable female
tops. These clothes are on a daily outfit of the people that is why it can be sold as fast
as possible.
My deepest gratitude goes to God who has provided all that was needed to
complete this project and the program for which it was undertaken for. There was never
lack or want. Throughout this entire study, He took care of everything that would have
stopped me in my tracks and strengthened me even through my most difficult times. I
would also like to extend my deepest gratitude to my parents for an endearing support
and to all who helped me build up this business including my supplier and my future

I dedicate this project to God Almighty, my creator, strong pillar, source of

inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. He has been the source of my
strength throughout this program and on His wings only have I soared. I also dedicate
this work to my parents, who have encouraged me all the way and whose
encouragement has made sure that I give it all it takes to finish that which I have
started. To my friends, who have been affected in every way possible by this quest.
Thank you. My love for you all can never be quantified. God bless you.
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………... i
Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………... ii
Dedication…………………………………………………….………………………... iii
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………... iv
Business Description…………………………………………………………………. 1
Business Description
Logo Description
Target Markets………………………………………………………………………… 2
Marketing Mix……………………………………………………………………...…... 3
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Product…………………………………………6
Strengths of the Product
Weaknesses of the Product
Presentation of the Profit……………………………………………………………... 7
Reflection…………………………………………………………………………...…. 9
Career Choice
Application Letter
The business to be proposed is a buying and selling business that is mainly
selling clothesline. The initial main products of the business are shorts made in cotton
that are unisex – catering both male and female market. There are also tops that are
mainly for females at first. This gives the idea for the proponent because clothes are
necessities that are bought by the people on a daily basis.

The company name is an important aspect for every business. This creates an
initial expression from the customers by knowing the name of the business. The name
of the business is “Zai’s Clothing Line”. This was chosen by the proponent because it
gives clarity as to who is the seller of the products. The more people know who they are
transacting with, the more trust they give to the seller. This also gives clarity as to the
nature of the business by adding the words “Clothing Line”. This is as clear as a glass
that the products are of clothes in nature.

Logo of the Business

Description of the Logo

Logo is as much as important as the company name. This gives the idea of what
the business is selling by just looking at the design of the logo. For Zai’s Clothing Line,
the main color of the logo is brown. According to color psychology, the meaning of color
brown in a logo signifies supportiveness and reliability. This is also associated with
seriousness. For the proposed business, this is what it purports to showcase to the
people, that is why the color brown was added in the logo design.

Moreover, the main design of the logo is a line art of a guy wearing his clothes.
This is to give emphasis of what the main products of the proposed business are. It’s a
hint to the potential customers that the products are of in clothing nature. Lastly, the
main part of the logo also is the company name. It is written in big fonts to give
emphasis as to who is selling the items to the customers.


The proposed target market of the Zai’s Clothing Line are the young
professionals and the teenagers. They are those generations that are into wearing
fashionable clothes and are brave enough to wear things that are new to the fashion
industry. They are targeted by the proponent because they are also into wearing clothes
that are not just fashionable, but are also affordable.

According to a study conducted, young professionals are those age range that
are from 18 years old to the age of 34 years old. Accordingly, this age range is the one
with the capable to earn income that can easily afford the items being sold. It is
important that the business to determine the right people to target because they will be
the basis of the future decisions of the proposed business. And according to the
decision of the proponent, the young professionals and the teenagers are the target

On the other hand, the other target market of the Zai’s Clothing Line are the
teenagers. The teenage age bracket is the start of 13 years old up to the age of 19
years old. And they are those that are into wearing the items of the proposed business.
These trendy fashionable clothes are fit for them because they are into wearing clothes
that are comfortable for them without having to pay a high amount of price.

Product Mix

The main products of the Zai’s Clothing Line are trendy clothes that are also
affordable for the intended target market. These clothes are unisex cotton shorts and
fashionable tops for females. These products are not compromising the quality and the
comfort of the users. Accordingly, the proponent made sure that the users will have the
most comfort in wearing the intended end products.

Furthermore, the clothes to be sold by the proposed business are known as “one
size fits all”. These are stretchable to fir the common sizes of the customers. Since it will
be able to stretch to a maximum level, the proponent can target those customers that
are of different sizes without having to worry about the ability to fit the body size. The
proponent can also make sure that the quality of the cotton cannot be compromised
with the low price that the supplier provides. This is because the proponent will select
those sellers that are fitting the price budget of the proponent and still provide with the

Pricing Mix

Price is important to achieve the attractiveness of the product. A lower price can
be seen by the customers as low-quality items. A higher price can make the customers
aloof and stay away with the item. This is important to made sure that the products and
the price adhere to one another.

For Zai’s Clothing Line, the proposed pricing strategy is cost plus method.
Through this method, the proponent will be able to cover up all the expenses of buying
the raw materials and then reselling it to the intended users. It is important to
approximate such cost so that there will still be income left after covering all the

The proposed mark-up factor that the proponent assumed is 100%. This means
that after computing all the expenses of buying the items from the original seller, the
proponent will add up a 100% or double the cost to come up with the selling price of the
end products to the customers. This will cover all the indirect costs of selling the items
and still come up with the intended income.

Placing Mix

The placing strategy of the Zai’s Clothing Line is direct distribution method. This
marketing mix will determine how will the proposed business will have a reach to the
customers. Through the direct distribution method, the proposed business will be the
one to sell out the products to the market. They don’t need to get the help of the
intermediary. There will be no resellers at first to help sell out the products. The direct
distribution method is shown as follows:

Promotional Mix

The promotional mix will help create an attractive product for the proposed
business. By giving discounts and sales, the business will appear that they are valuing
the important of the customers. It helps them also to attract potential buyers of the end
products. Since there are discounts, people tend to buy more without realizing the total
of the bill they are incurring.

For Zai’s Clothing Line, there are two main promotional products of the proposed
business, they are as follows:

Strengths of the Product

 The products that are being sold are of quality materials. The proponent made
sure that the items of the proposed business adheres to the desired quality of the
proponent. This is important to make sure that the customers will get the right
item without wounding the price of the items.
 Since the products are bought in bulk by the seller, the cost will be lower
compared to the normal buying process of retailing. This gives the chance for the
seller to sell the items at a low price as possible.
 Low probability of product deterioration. Since the items sold are not of food in
nature, the items can’t be deteriorated or spoil. These can be preserved without
having to worry about the depreciation of the end product.

Weaknesses of the Product

 The market of the proposed business is limited to younger generations. Since the
items sold are of in the nature that is worn by the younger customers, there is a
high chance that it can’t be sold to older generations.
 There is low customer growth when it comes to clothing line business. Since the
customers are of expecting the same thing, it is slow for them to grow in the
market of the proposed business.
 New designs cannot be expected as fast as possible. Since the products are of
buying and selling, the seller can only be expected when the main supplier has
produced new product design.
Presentation of Profit


APRIL 10-15, UNISEX 18 PCS PHP 1350.00 PHP 1350.00
APRIL 16-20, FEMALE 22 PCS PHP 660 PHP 660
2021 TOPS
MAY 1-5, 2021 FEMALE 43 PCS PHP 1290 PHP 1290
MAY 5-10, UNISEX 31 PCS PHP 2325 PHP 2325
MAY 21-30, FEMALE 12 PCS PHP 360 PHP 360
2021 TOPS
UNISEX 16 PCS PHP 1200 PHP 1200

PHP 7185 PHP 7185

TOTAL 14,370

Selling products is exceptional and tiring work, yet it is fulfilling to the seller
because I know that I met my clients' tastes, especially the meticulous ones. To
determine the experience of being a seller, we need to experience it through this subject

In my weeks of selling, and it is still counting, I have learned many skills in order
to prosper a little business like this with patience and confidence and a few sales talk to
introduce the products that fit the client's needs. I may be able to use these skills in the
future when I become a professional and own an actual clothing line company and
embarks a lot knowledgeable strategy that would serve as my breaking grounds in
making a real-time earning someday. I also noticed that I am earning money that could
help my family in our daily expenses that were necessary for our everyday life; being a
liable person during a struggle gives remarks in my total being.

I am selling clothes that are second hand and also, there is still a brand new
RTW that was never out of fashion. To sell my products, we opened a tiny garage yard
sale in the first week of trading in front of our house and invited my or neighbors to
check any fashionable clothes that fitted their style and lastly promote our products
online using Facebook and Instagram.


Since my childhood days, I have always dreamt of becoming a flight attendant.

Sometimes, I would see planes passes by my area and starts to wonder, how is it like
working on a plane? What kind of job will I choose to be part of it. And as time passes
by, I saw myself in a bigger picture. I have many perspectives in life. One of these is to
travel around the world with my family. I chose this career not because of the salary that
I may earn but because of the new things I might experience. I prefer something that
makes me felicitous as I believe that if we choose items that make us happy, we begin
to become contented in life. Life is also temporary, that's why it's better to enjoy it

bit disappointing because I haven't got the chance to have an immersion in a

usual way. I think it would be happier and satisfying in the case where I would be
assigned in a company and be an intern there for weeks, getting the chance to meet the
employees, especially my supervisor, meeting my co-interns, making friends, and be
with them every lunchtime, and of course, working in my assigned department learning
jobs and exchanging knowledge with other employees.

Selling clothes online is very common nowadays, especially when the pandemic
has started. I know many people and thanks to them because I have gained my learning
skills about selling online. In my virtual immersion experience, I learned a lot about
myself, like self-growth and development, and the job that I experienced, which is a
clothing line. I admit that it was challenging to look for customers and persuade them to
buy online because I am just a student, and I'm not prepared and trained. One more
reason is that it is hard to catch the customers' attention because for all many online
sellers of clothing line, why would they even bother to watch me and buy. I thought and
my feelings, but that was only during the first days as an online seller.

Days passed, and I felt happy with what I was doing, it is like playing games with
the customers, and I felt more confident with myself, the way I persuade them to buy,
and the way I speak. Notwithstanding not having that many viewers and buyers, what
essential is that I completed my task successfully, and I am proud of what I've done.
Because of online immersion, I knew myself better, and I gained too much trust and
doubtlessness in myself.


When I was a kid, I have been dreaming of what it feels like to ride inside an airplane and how
high it might be if it is up there, and how satisfying the feeling when riding one of these planes. As I got
older, I stitch that dream and became a goal, the picture above is one of my career bucket list and still I
have high hopes to fulfill this dream. As I look into thus picture, I am determined to fulfill this dream into
a reality, it serves as an inspiration on how I am doing a great job in the future and the want to explore
other country’s culture and tradition that could change my total being through the rest of my life.

Experiences from an airline company is way different from the business industry, it gives an
accessible wealth and inspiring background from the attendant itself because of great exploration in its
greater way possible. The thought of its extraordinary impact on many lives as you love your work
passionately will allow it to interact with different persons with different nationality and personality. The
enjoyment of this kind of job I want to pursue and maintain is worthless. In order to achieve this
extraordinary experiences, a flight attendant like me should have courage, experience, confidence and
knowledge that would help me prosper in achieving or this goal.

Santiago city

March 15, 2020


Recruitment Supervisor

444 King William St.

Metro Manila

I’d like to apply for the position of Data Encoder at your company. As a Data Encoder with Specialty Services I
encode data prepare documents and take on added duties as needed.

I’m a detail oriented professional and always check my work carefully. I am proficient at ten key coding and
have a typing speed of 95 words per minute. I am driven by deadlines conscientious and outgoing. Going
above and beyond to ensure that projects are completed on time with accuracy is something I take great
pride in. I would love to bring my skills and positive attitude to work at your company as a Data Encoder.

I am confident you will find my skills and knowledge to be exemplary and welcome you to contact me at your
convenience to meet in person for an interview. I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you so much for
your time and consideration.



Mobile: 09263866289


 Organized and motivated individual looking

 Seeking a data encoder position with a fast-paced organization employing a degree in
information management and ability to meet standard data entry requirements, including
typing speed and accuracy.
 A highly trained data encoder with a track record of 80 WPM. Transcribing and inputting
alphanumeric data on computer systems.

Address: #08 Guzman St. Calao West Santiago City
School Year: 2019-2020


Santa Maria, Isabela


Tuguegarao City


 Certificate of Recognition (Elementary Graduate)

Tuguegarao Elementary School
Tuguegarao City
 Certificate of Recognition (Junior High School Graduate)
Santa Maria National High School
Santa Maria Isabela

 Leadership Award
 Honor Roll


 Good in Analyzation
 Highly organized
 Multitasker
 Excellent in Communication


 Angela Mae Alejo

Plaridel Santiago City
La Patria College
 Benjie Sisalvo
Instructor at Senior High School
La Patria College


Date of birth: December 18,2003

Place of birth: Southern General Hospital Santiago City
Civil status: Single
Sex: Female
Height: 5’1
Weight: 45
Religion: Catholic

I hereby certify the information mentioned above is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


Below are the pictures of the end product as taken by the proponent:

Below are the documentations taken when the products have reached the hands of the
Customer A Customer B

Items Bought: Items Bought:

2 Tops 1 Top, 1 Shorts

May 13, 2021 May 23,2021

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