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Summary of the Play:

After the Death of King Oedipus of Thebes (Ancient Greece), his two sons Eteocles and Polyneikes
have killed each other when they are fighting for becoming the King of the said kingdom. So, their
young sisters Antigone and Ismene have been living under the guardianship of their Uncle Creon
who is the present king of the said kingdom. When they are living in the royal house. AntIgone tells

her younger sister Ismene on a morning that evils of their enemies are marching against them and
their friends and relatives. On hearing it, her younger sister says that any good news about their
beloved friends doesn’t come to them since their elder brothers have killed each other and the
Argive alliance left their place. In the meantime, AntIgone tells her that she is angry with their uncle
Creon as he has ordered his men to bury the dead body of their elder brother Eteokles and to leave
the dead body of his younger brother unburied by accusing him of harming his kingdom. So she will
bury his dead body in honour of him although her younger sister doesn’t want her to do so as she is
afraid of their Uncle.

After AntIgone has gone beyond the city walls and her younger sister entered the royal house, Creon
and his Counsellers appear on the stage happily by singing about the dead brothers of Antigone and
Creon and his counsellors appear on the stage happily by singing about the dead brothers of
AntIgone and Creon’s good luck. At this time, Creon tells his men that the dead body of Eteokles.. In
the eantime, a Guard comes there and tells the King that someone has stolen the dead body of
Polyneikes. Since the King is very angry with him, he tells him that if he can’t find the dead body of
Polyneikes again, he would be punished seriously. As he is very afraid of the heavy punishment, he
has searched for the missing body. And he can find it a long run, so he brings AntIgone to the KING
as a prisoner after catching her while she is performing funeral rites (ceremonies) at the grave of her
brother. The moment Creon and AntIgone are talking about their deeds, Creon’s man bring out
Ismene from the royal house for asking her if she has been involved in the burial rites of their
brother. Then, the king orders his men to keep the two girls under strick observance. In the
meantime, Creon’s son Haimon with whom Antigone is engaged comes there. He tells his father that
guilty persons may be punished. But, Antigone can’t be given death punishment since she hasn’t
done any bad thing. Onn hearing it, the father tells him that she will be killed in front of him. In the
meantime, the son leaves the place after saying that he can’t see him again.

After the departure of Haimon, Creon commands his next to bury Antigone alive in a tomb dug into
the rock of the deserted place. So, his men take her to the said place. At this time, Teiresias, the
blind old man who can predict the future, comes to the royal house led by a boy. On seeing him, the
King asks him if any new is there. So, the old blind man tells him all the things which will happen in
the near future. But, the King doesn’t accept his prediction. So, the old blind man leaves the place
led by the boy. Since the King is afraid of the prediction, he asks his men what he will do. At this
time, his men suggest that Antigone should be set free from death punishment and the dead body of
her elder brother should be buried suddenly. So the King and his men rush to the said tomb to set
her free and to bury her elder brother’s dead body. However, their acts become fruitless as Haimon
and Antigone have already committed suicide. When Creon comes back home with the dead body of
his son very disgracefully, a messenger tells him unhappily that his wife Eurydike has also died by
stabbing herself with a knife below her liver. On hearing it, Creon becomes a deeply shocked man.
Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Who are the four children of Oedipus? Or, Give the names of any three children of Oedipus.

Ans. Truly speaking, Oedipus has four children. While two of them are boys, the other two are girls,
Their names are Eteokles, Polyneikes, Antigone and Ismene. The first mentionable name of the child
of Oedipus is Eteokles while the second mentionable name of his child is Polyneikes and the third
mentionable name of his child is Antigone.

2. How did Creon’s son and wife die?

Ans. It is true that Creon’s son died by committing suicide. On seeing his beloved lady Antigone die
by hanging herself In her prison tomb, the King’s son killed himself by leaning over his sword. And his
wife died by stabbing herself with a knife below her liver.

3. Who are Creon, Eurydike and Haimon?

Ans. Creon is the king of Thebes who starts ruling over the people of the said kingdom after the two
sons of Oedipus have killed each other while Euridyke is wife who becomes the Queen of the said
kingdom. And Haimon is their son who has been engaged with Antigone.

4. Why did the two sons of Oedipus kill each other?

Ans. Truly speaking the two sons of Oedipus killed each other since each of them wanted to become
the king of Thebes after the death of their father. As a general tradition, Eteokles, the elder son of
Oedipus, became King after his father’s death. But he refused to alternate the rule of Thebes with
his younger brother Polyneikes as he promised. So, Polyneikes attacked his elder brother with the
help of the Argive (Greek) army. In that battle, they killed each other as their father had put a curse
on them to kill each other.

5. How did Creon treat the dead bodies of Antigone’s two elder brothers Eteokles and
Ans. It is true that Creon treated the dead bodies Antigone’s two elder brothers Eteocles and
Polyneikes partially. He made his men bury the dead body of Eteokles in a grave by performing the
funeral rites in honour of him. But he let his men leave the dead body of Polyneikes unburried
without honouring him so that it might be eaten by the wild animals and birds as he did not love him
since he had attacked his elder brother by hurting the people of his kingdom for becoming the King
of Thebes instead of him after the death of their father.

6. What does Creon’s proclamation (declaration) say about the dead body of Poleneikes as told
by Antigone to her younger sister Ismene?
Ans. As told by Antigone to her younger sister Ismene, what Creon’s proclamation firstly says about
the dead body of Polyneikes is that no-one must hide it inside a grave while what his proclamation
says secondly about the said body is that nobody should wail over it. And what Creon’s proclamation
thirdly says about the said body is that the wild animals and birds should be allowed to eat it
pleasantly and satisfactorily.

7. How did King Oedipus and his wife die as expressed by Ismene?

Ans. As expressed by Ismene, King Oedipus died by doing a pathetic and fearful deed. At that time,
he beat out his eyes with his own, self striking hand and died a suicidal death. And his wife also died
by hanging herself with a twisted loop of a rope.
8. How did the parents and brothers of Ismene die?

Ans. Truly speaking, while the mother of Ismene died by hanging herself with a twisted loop of a
rope, the father of hers died by beating out his own eyes himself with his own self-striking hand. And
her brothers died by killing each other in a battle.

9. What are the three reasons why Ismene doesn’t want to join her elder sister Antigone to
bury the dead body of their elder brother Polyneikes secreatly?
Ans. The first reason why Ismene doesn’t want to join her elder sister Antigone to burry the dead
body of their elder brother Polyneikes secretly is that as they are born as women, they can’t war
with men while the second reason why she doesn’t want to join her to do the said deed is that they
are ruled by those, whose strength is greater than that of theirs. And the third reason why she
doesn’t want to join her to do the said deed is that their deed will express their disobedience to their
10. What has Creon has proclaimed to his men regarding the two sons of Oedipus?

Creo has proclaimed some different things to his men regarding the two sons of Oedipus. Firstly, he
says to them that they must perform all pure and proper rites and give offerings to god to enable his
souls to live honourably among the souls of the noblest dead persons. Thirdly, he says to them that
they must leave Polyneikes’ dead body unburied and unmourned as he has harmed his kingdom and
his people when he is fighting with
his elder brother for becoming the King of Thebes in place of him.

11. What does the Guard tell to Creon about the dead body of Polyneikes?

Truly speaking, the Gourd tells three things to Creon about the dead body of Polyneikes. The first
thing which he tells to him about the dead body of Polyneikes is that an unknown man has just
buried it and gone away while the second thing which he tells to him about the said body as that he
sprinkles it with thirsty dust. And the third thing which he tells to him about the said body is that the
said man performs the proper funeral rites.

12. “There was not a sign of beast

Or dog that might have dragged and torn the body”
Who says it, and to whom? Whose body is referred to in the given speech?
Ans. The Guard of Creon says it. And he says it to Creon. The dead body of Polyneiks, the younger
son of King Oedipus, is referred in to the given speech.

13. Why does the Guard of Creon say to him that he won’t be welcomed by him to tell him that
the dead body of Polyneikes is missing?
Ans. The reason why the Guard of Creon says to him that he won’t be welcomed by him to tell him
that the dead body of Polyneikes is missing is that no one loves a messenger who brings with him
bad news since people generally like to hear good news. So, they will be somewhat angry with a
messenger bringing a bad news even if they know that he is not guilty.

14. What does Creon say about money?

Truly speaking, Creon says four things about money. The first thing which he says about money is
that it ravages (damages something) cities while the second thing which he say about money is that
it forces men to leave their homes. While the third thing which he says about money is that it
teaches the humans with good thinking to turn to shameful deeds, the fourth thing which he says
about monet is that it shows men how to commit all crimes and know all kinds of irreverence
15. Express any three points which Creon has said about Polyneikes after his death.

Ans. The first expressible point which Creon has said about Polyneikes after his death is that he
came back from his exile to set fire to his fatherland, to gods of his own people by burning
everything down from high to low. The second expressible point which he has said about him at the
said time is that he tried to devour the blood of his relatives. And the third expressible point which
he has said about him at the said time is that he wanted to enslave the people of his society other
than his relatives
16. Why did Polyneiks come back to Thebes from his exile as expressed by Creon?

Ans. As expressed by Creon, Polyneikes came back to Thebes for three reasons. While the first
reason why he came back to the said place was to burn their country and temples with columns
around them and offerings inside them, the second reason why he came back to the said place was
to shatter their country’s laws and costums. And the third reason why he came back to the said
place was to devour the blood of his relatives and enslave the others.

17. What did Antigone say to Creon about his proclamation regarding the dead body of her
elder brother Polyneikes?

Ans. It is true that Antigone said some different things to Creon about his proclamation regarding
the dead body of her elder brother Polyneikes. The first thing which she said to him about his
proclamation regarding the said body was that it was so strong that he overruled the laws of the
gods. The second thing which she said to him about his proclamation regarding the said body was
that as it was not made to Zeus, it was not justice. The last thing which she said to him about his
proclamation regarding the said body was that as it was not reasonable, even gods could not give
her punishment when she broke the will of his.

18. What did Creon say to the Chorus Leader about Antigone when she broke his proclamation
about the dead body of Polyneikes?
Ans. Truly speaking, Creon said three main things to the Chorus Leader when Antigone broke his
proclamation about the dead body of Polyneikes. Firstly , he said to him at the same time that she
knew very well how to be insolent (rude) and break the laws that have been set. Secondly, he said to
him at the said time that she was gloried in what she did. Thirdly, he said to him at the said time that
she laughed at having done it.

19. Give any thre reasons why Creon left the dead body of Polyneikes unburied while he buried
the dead body of Eteokles?
The first reason why Creon left the dead body of Polyneikes unbried while he buried the dead body
of Eteokles was that Polyneiks attacked his country while Eteokles defended it from his attack. The
second reason why he left the first body unburied while he buried the second body was that the
former did bad things to his country while the later did good things to his country. And the third
reason why he left the first body unburried while he buried the second body was that the bad doer
had to be dishonoured while the good-doer had to be honoured.

20. Why do men pray to bring up dutiful offspring and to keep them at home as expressed by
Ans. As expressed by Creon, there are three reasons why men pray to bring up dutiful offspring and
to keep them at home. While the first reason is that they will pay back(revenge) a hated foe with
trouble, the second reason is that they will give honour to the friends of their fathers. And the third
reason is that they will show love for the friends of their fathers.
21. Write three sentences about Antigone.

Ans. The first variable sentence about Antigone is that she is the elder daughter of King Oedipus and
younger sister of Eteokles and Polyneikes while the second writable sentence about her is that she is
the betrothed (engage) lady of Haimon, son of Creon. And the third writablesentenceabout her is
that she is the lady who kills herself boldly after burying the dead body of her elder brother
22. Write any three points about Ismene.

Ans. The first writable point about Ismene is that she is the younger daughter of King Oedipus and
the younger Sister of Eteokles and Polyneikes while the second writable point about her is that she
is the girl who strongly persuades her elder sister Antigone from doing anything against her Uncle
Creon. And the third writable point about her is that she is a coward.

23. Write any three points about Haimon.

The first writable point about Haimom is that he is the young son of Creon while the second writable
point about him he is a man who wants to support a good, right person. And the third writable point
him is that he is a man who can boldly kill himself for the sake of his guiltless beloved lady Antigone.

24. State any three points about Creon.

Ans. The first statable point about Creon is that he is the Uncle of Antigone and Ismene while te
second statable point about him is that he is the King of Thebes who leaves the dead body of
Polyneikes, the elder brother of Antigone and Ismene, unburied. And the third statable point about
him is that he is the father of Haimom who killed himself with his betrothed lady of Antigone.

25. Express any three things which Kreon says to his son Haimom about Antigone.

Ans. The first expressible thing which Creon says to his son Haimom about Antegone is that she will
be an evil wife while the second expressible point which he says to him about her is that as she may
become his enemy, she may be allowed to marry someone else in the hades (hell) And the third
expressible thing which he says to him about her is that as she is a girl who has openly defied him,
she will be given death punishment.

26. What are the three bad effects caused bythe lack of rule as expressed by Creon?

As expressed by Creon, there are three had effects caused by the lack of rule. The first bad effect
caused by the lack of rule is that it brings the cities to ruin while the second bad effect caused by the
lack of rule is that it tears the household from its roots. And the third bad effect caused by the lack
of rule is that it tears the household from its roots. And the third bad effect caused by the lack of
rule is that it routs (defeats) the broken ranks of allied spears.

27. What did people say about Antigone as expressed by Haimon?

Ans. As expressed by Haimon, people say that Antigone should not be punished by King Creon as
she was not guilty. She was an honourable lady as she had buried the unburied dead body of her
elder brother Polyneikes. Because the King’s deed of leaving a dead body unburried was an evil
deed. In fact, it was an act of cruelty. So, they all said that to punish her for doing a good thing was a
bad thing.
28. “ If I am young, do not look at my age, but What I do”
Who is the ‘I’ referred to in the given statement? Who is the listener to the given statement?
What does the speaker mean by his statement?

Ans. The ‘I’ referred to in the given statement is Haimon. The listner to the given statement is
Creon, father of Haimon. What the speaker means by his statement is that although he is a young
boy, he can do a work to be done by a nature person.

29. Mention any three conflicts (fights) referred to in the play, “Antigone”.

The first mentionable conflict occurs between Antigone who is about eighteen years old and her
younger sister Ismene regarding Antigone’s act of burying the dead body of their brother Polyneikes
while the second mentionable conflict occurs between Antigone and her Uncle Creon about the
unburried body of Antigone’s elder brother Polyneikes. And the third mentionable conflict occurs
between Haimon and his father Creon about Antigone’s burial rites of her unburried brother

30. “You slave of woman- don’t you prate at me!”.

Who is the speaker of the given statement? To whom does the speaker say it? Who is the
woman referred to in the given speech?

Ans. Creon is the speaker of the given statement. He says it to his son Haimon. The woman referred
to in the given speech is Antigone, the betrothed lady of Haimon.

31. State any three points about Eurydike.

Ans. The first statable point about Eurydike is that she is the wife of Creon and the mother of
Haimon while the second statable point about her is that she is a wife who can’t defy her husband
when he is doing an evil deed. And the third statable point about her is that she is a loving mother,
so she can die by stabbing herself with a knife below the liver when she hears the news about the
death of her son Haimon with his beloved lady.

32. How will Creon kill Antigone?

Ans. Truly speaking, Creon will kill Antigone by sealing her up alive in a tomb. The tomb will be built
by digging into the rock at a deserted placed. If he does so, she can pray to Hades (hell).

33. Who are the three close relatives of Antigone with whom she will meet in the land of the
deed as expressed by her?

Ans. As expressed by Antigone, she will meet with her three close relatives in the land of the dead.
Her first close relative with whom she will meet at the said place is her beloved father while her
second close relative with whom she will meet at the said place is her dear elder brother Polyneikes.

34. Mention any three main things which Teiresias tells to Creon.

Ans. The first mentionable main thing which Teiresias tells to Creon is that the city is sick as their
altars and hearths are filled with food brought by the birds and dogs from the dead body of
Polyneikes. The second mentionable main thing which he tells to him as that the fire god Hephaistos
doesn’t flare up brightly as he is angry with him. And the third mentionable main thing which he tells
to him is that he should bury the dead body of Polyneikes so that he may become a good man.
35. What are the three things which Creon has to do after hearing the predictions of Teiresias?

Ans. The first thing which Creon has to do after hearing the predictions of Teiresias is to cut his evil-
minded plan while the second thing which he has to do at the said time is to set Antegone free from
her deep-dug home. And the third thing which he has to do at the said time is to bury the dead body
of her elder-brother Polyneikes.

36. What happened when Teiresias tried to sacrifice on an altar (offerings) blazing properly?

Ans. Three wonderful and bad things happened when Teiresias tried to sacrifice on an altar blazing
properly. First of all, the fire-god Hephaistos did not flare (flame) brightly up from the offerings.
Instead of doing so, the fatty thighbones oozed (moisturizing) slime onto the embers that smoked
and sputtered (spitting sound). Secondly, the gall (bile/ swelling) exploded at that time by spewing
(running) high in the air. Thirdly, the thighbones dripped (fell down) with grease and lay exposed.

37. How did Antigone and Haimon die?

Ans. Truly speaking, Antigone and Haimon died by committing suicide. While Antigone hanged
herself with a noose (loop rope) of fine-woven linen, Haimon killed himself by leaning over his

38. What did Creon say to his son Haimon on seeing him inside the tomb of Antigone?

Ans. It is true that Creon say to his son Haimon on seeing him inside the tomb of Antigone. Firstly, he
said to him that he had done a wonderfull thing. Secondly, he said to him that he must come out of
the said tomb. Thirdly, he said to him that he should accept his request like a supplicant (beggar).

39. What did Haimon do to his father Creon when he saw him from inside the tomb of
Ans. Truly speaking, Haimon did three things to his father Creon when he saw him from inside the
tomb of Antigone. While the first thing which he did to his father at the said time was to look at him
fiercely, the second thing which he did to him at the said time was to spit in his face. And the third
thing and the third thing which he did to him at the said time was to try to give him a blow with his
sharp, two- edgeds swords.

40. Give a picture of the scene in which Haimon died.

Ans. In a giving a picture of the scene in which Haimon died, it may be certainly said that the scene
is very pathetic. After Haimon’s father has rushed out of Antigone’s tomb, Haimon leans over his
sword by pushing it half its length into his side. Then, he wraps the dead body of his betrothed lady.
Antigone in the weak crook (elbow) of his betrothed (engage) lady Antigone in the weak crook
(elbow) of his arm to pull her close. At this time, some blood-red drops of tear fall on her white
cheek. Lastly, he lies on her cold and dead.

41. How did Eurydike, her son and her would be daughter-in-law die?

Ans. IT is a fact that Eurydike, her son and her would-be daughter-in-law died by committing suicide.
While Eurydike killed herself by stabbing in her belly with a knife, her son killed himself by leaning
over his sword. And her would-be daughter-in-law killed herself by hanging with a noose of fine-
woven linen.
1. Discuss “Antigone” by Sophoscles as a Greek Tragedy.

While discussing “Antigone” by Sophoscles as a Greek Tragedy, it may be rightly said that it has a
very pathetic ending. In a Greed tragedy,, the hero or the heroine will surely die a heroic death at
the last part of it. When one of the main protagonists dies at the said part, the play will surely have
an unhappy ending. At this time, the wrong-doers will also be very disgraceful since they have to
know their faults due to which one of the protagoniststs or both of then may die Sophoscles play,
“Antigone, has possessed all the qualifications which a Greek tragedy should have. This play has also
possessed catharsis (socking reaction to audience). Besides this, there is a scene of happiness also. In
such kind of a tragedy, then should be some happy events also. But, here in this play., there are
many unhappy events just from the beginning to the end. When the play opens,Creon, the king of
Thebes, just leaves the dead body of Polyneikes, one of the elders of Antigone, the heroine of the
play, while Eteokles, the other brother of hers is buried after they have killed each other.

Since Antigone doesn’t accept her Uncle’s deed, she arranges to bury her elder brother’s dead body
secretly. When she is performing the burial rites, her Uncle’s men capture her. When her Uncle
Creon, King of Thebes, asked, ask her why she has done so, she boldly replies that his act is an unjust
one. So, she has done it to honour her late brother. On hearing it, he is very angry with her as she
has openly defied him. That’s why, he orders his men to kill her by putting her alive in a tomb at the
deserted place. The moment Haimon, son of Creon and the betrothed man of Antigone, knows it, he
also kills himself by learning over his sword. In the meantime, Eurydike, mother of Haimon also kills
herself by hanging with a noose of a fine-woven linen. Thus, three protagonists of the play die at the
last part of the play . On knowing these things, the king becomes an unhappy man even if he
doesn’t become unconscious. In brief, the death of the protagonists of the play and the unhappy
mood of Creon will surely arouse (opinion/emotion to exist) the audience’s pity for the said
characters of the play.

2. Critically examine the basic conflict in the play, “Antigone”.

In examining the basic conflict in the play is the trial of King Creon of Thebes for punishing Antigone
with whom his song Haimon is engaged. This conflict brings a very tragic end to the play. After the
death of King Oedipus of Thebes, his two sons Eteokles and Polyneikes kill each other in a fight
when they are trying to become King of the said kingdom. So, there uncle Creon becomes King of the
said kingdom by bringing their young sisters Antigone and Ismene in the royal home. At this time,
Creon orders his men to bury the dead body of Eteokles as he has tried to defend his kingdom from
the attack of his younger brother Polyneikes and leave the dead body of Polyneikes and leave the
dead body of Polyneikes unburned as he has tried to harm the people of his country. On knowing
that her Uncle treats her elder brothers partially. Antigone secretly buries the dead body at her elder
brother Polyneikes. This deed of hers becomes the chief element of producing many mirror conflicts
in the play and making it a real Greek Tragedy.
The moment Antigoneis captured for buying the dead body of her elder brother Polyneikes by
defying, her Uncle’s proclamation regarding the said body, her Uncle orders his men to kill her by
imprisoning in a tomb alive. On hearing about the punishment of Antigone, Haimon, son of Creon,
and who has been engaged with her tells his father that as his deed is an unjust one, he will leave
him forever. In the meantime, he goes to the tomb of his betrothed lady Antigani so that he can dies
there with her. After Creon and his men have gone there. Antegone and Haimon die there by
committing suicide. And the news about the death of Haimon suddenly reaches his mother Euridike.
Then, she also commits suicide as she is deeply shocked at the news about the death of her son.
When Creon comes back to the royal house, with the dead body of his son, he hears the news about
the death of his wife. That’s why, he becomes a very disgraceful men at this time. After examining
these events, it might be rightly said that Creons trial of killing Antigone causes the tragic death of
his wife his son and his would be daughter-in-law.
3. Comment on the title of Sophoscles’ play, “Antigone”

The moment we give a comment on the title of Sophoscles’ play “Antegone”, we may certainly say
that the dramatist has given a suitable little to his play. Because the central theme of the play is
developed about Antigone who is the heroine of the play. Although Creon the King of thebes and the
Uncle of Antigone, is also a major character of the play, the play may be a themselves one in case
the character of Antigone is not there in the play. It is a fact that the story of the play is Creon’s
death punishment given to Antigone, the daughter of his late, elder sister, for burying the death
body of her elder brother Polyneikes by defying his proclamation about it openly. If this story is not
there in the play, the play may have been an empty one. Because there is no other story in the play
which may be regarded as the theme of the play which may be regarded as the theme of the play. In
fact, the play may be regarded as one which has an unsuitable title if the play wright has given
another title other than “Antigone” to it even if the story of the death punishment is still there.
Because neither Haimon’s love relationship with Antigone nor Creon is relationship with his wife
Eurydike is revealed throughout the whole play.

It is fake that Antigone’s act of burying the dead body of her elder brother becomes the starting
point of the story of the theme of the play. When her uncle Creon declares that she will be killed by
placing into a tomb alive his son Haimon becomes very angry with him as he tries to kill a guiltless
girl with whom he is also engaged. As a result of this, his wife, his son and his would-be daughter-in-
law have died by committing suicide. If he hasn’t given death-punishment to his would-be daughter-
in-law, the story of the play may have been a happy one. At this time, the play wright may give
another title to this play of his other than “Antigone” as the story may also differ from the present
story. And the play may have not been a Tragedy.

4. Describe, in brief, the Last Scene of the play, “Antigone”.

In describing the Last scene of the play. ‘Antigone’, it may be rightly said Scene is a pathetic one.
Because the hero, heroin and one other major character of the play commit suicide in this scene.
The moment Antigone, the heroine of the play, is performing the funeral rites of her elder brother
Polyneikes, the man of the King Creon captures her for her for being guilty. As a punishment of her
guilt, she is to be killed by by placing her alive inside a tomb at a deserted place. At this time, the
King’s son Haimon who has been engaged with the heroine leaves his father in the royal house by
telling him angrily that he will never come back there again since he has arranged to kill a guiltless
girl as he is more powerful than her. Then he suddenly goes to the tomb wherein his betrothed lady
has been imprisoned. When he arrives there, the heroine has already killed herself with a noose of
fine- woven linen. On seeing her, he becomes a deeply disappointed man. In the meantime, his
father and his followers also come there to set Antigone free from her punishment. On seeing his
son, the father, the father requests him very lovingly to come out of the said tomb. On hearing it,
the angry son tries to kill his father with his sword. But he can’t fulfil his desire as the father runs
away quickly.

Since the hero becomes a love-sick, he suddenly leans over his sharp two-edged sword very
forcefully so that he may die with his beloved lady. On seeing it, the father is very disgraceful. So he
comes back to his royal house, messenger tells him sadly that the Queen has also died as a pathetic
death by hanging herself with a noose of fine woven linen. On hearing, the news about the death of
his wife, the King becomes a very disgraceful man. In brief, his nature makes his men, guards and
messenger unhappy. These pathetic events/ deaths just arouse the audience’s pity for the innocent
dead person. In fact, the Last Scene of the play is a heart- breaking one.
5. Write an essay on the characters of Antigone and he Uncle Creon.

Ans. While writing an essay on the characters of Antigone and her Uncle Creon, it may be firstly said
that Antigone is a brave who can boldly perform a just thig although she is warned against doing so.
Secondly, it may be said that she is a kind of girl who has a deep love for her neglected elder brother
Polyneikes. Her bravery and love for her elder brother are reflected in her deed of burying the dead
body of her elder brother by defying the proclamation made by her Uncle regarding the said body
openly. When she is burying the said body. She knows that she will surely get a heavy punishment as
her act is against the order of the King of her country. But she can’t bear up the unjust thing done
done to her country. But, she can’t bear up the elder brother. In order to show her love and honour
for her brother, she has done it by sacrificing her own life. Thirdly, it may be said that she is a patient
lady. So, she can easily tolerate the pang of love caused by her separation from her betrothed man.
Haimon and sadness caused by her love for her younger sister Ismene.

Then, it may be said that her Uncle Creon is a man who can’t do good for the other people except for
himself. In order to fulfil his desire he can even quarrel with his dear son Haimon. So, he tells him
that he shouldn’t marry Antigone as she is a disobedient girl. Next it may be said that he is a hard-
hearted man. So he can leave the dead body of Polyneikes who is the beloved brother of Antigone.
Who has been engaged with his son, unburied. Besides this, he even breaks the love relationship
between his son and his would be daughter-in-law. Lastly, it may be said that he is a foolish proud
man, because of that he spends an unhappy, tasteless life after the death of his wife, son and would
be daughter-in-law.

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