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8th Grade United States History Block:

A Storm Over Taxes Study Guide

Key Terms:

Boycott Tories/Loyalist
Sales Tax Captain Thomas Preston
Sugar Tax Stamp Act
Repealed Townshend Acts
Income Tax Graduated Tax
Property Tax The Quartering Act
Patriots Committees of Correspondence
Sons of Liberty Writs of Assistance
Daughter of Liberty Paul Revere
Proclamation of 1763 Captain Thomas Preston
Non-importation Agreements
Flat Tax

How did the relationship between Britain and the Colonies compare to a
parent/ child relationship?

Why did the Colonists feel the taxes were unfair?

Where was the center of protest against taxation?

What are some truths about the Boston Massacre? Lies?

Historical Detective Skills:

Locate Sources Context
Gather Evidence Chronological Order
Corroborate Conclusion

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