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Mahesh Naresh Om
Old PSR 2: 3: 4

New PSR 1: 2: 3
Lets take

Mahesh Gain = 1/6 - 2/9 (3-4)/18 -1/18 i.e Sacrifice

NARESH Gain = 2/6 - 3/9 (6-6)/18 N

0 o gain no sacrifice

OM Gain = 3/6 - 4/9 (9-8)/18 1/18

Old PSR 4 3 1

New PSR 5 4 3


A's Gain = 5/12 - 4/8 =-2/24 Sacrifice

B's Gain = 4/12 - 3/8 =-1/24 Sacrifice

C's Gain = 3/12 - 1/8 = 3/24

Q2 ISC or Q 4 in CBSE Calculation of Good will

31.03.16 31.03.17 31.03.18 31.3.19
Yearly profits given in question 100000 -150000 150000 200000
Add: Loss of stock by fire (Abnormal Loss) 50000
Add: Compensation voluntry retirement (Abnormal Loss) 80000
Add: Loss due to destruction of mac (Abnormal) 60000
Add: Reversal of travelling exp - wrongly entered 80000 (40000*2= 80000)
Less: Depreciation on Rs 80000 @ 10% SLM -6000 -8000
(yearly dep 8000 ) (8000 * 9/12) Full Yr
Correct Regular profits for G.W calculation => 150000 -10000 224000 192000

Avg Profit (Simple) = 150000-10000+224000+192000 556000 => 139000

4 4
Good will = 100 % of Average profit
100% * 139000 == 139000

Q3 ISC or Q5 of CBSE
2013 130000
2014 120000
2015 150000
2016 110000
2017 200000
Average profit (Last 5 Years) = (130000+120000+150000+110000+200000) 710000 142000
5 5

Average profit (Last 4 Years) = (120000+150000+110000+200000) 580000 145000 higher

4 4

Good will = 3 nos * avg profit


Q4 ISC or Q6 CBSE Calculation of Good will

31.03.13 31.03.14 31.03.15 31.3.16 31.3.2017
Yearly profits given in question 60000 150000 -20000 200000 185000
Add: Reversal of Office exp - wrongly entered 40000
Less: Depreciation on Rs 40000 @ 25% -5000
(yearly dep 10000 ) 10000*6/12
Correct Regular profits for G.W calculation => 60000 150000 -20000 200000 220000

Avg Profit (Simple) = (60000 + 150000 -20000 +200000 +220000) 610000 => 122000
5 5
Goodwill => 3*122000 366000

Q6 ISC or Q 8 CBSE IST 2nd 3rd

Profits given to us in the question 40000 50000 60000
(-) Non Recurring Income Reversal -1000
(+) Loss by Fire Reversal 6000
(-) Insurance Exp for Future -400 -400 -400
(-) remuneration to proprietor -6000 -6000 -6000
(-) Non Business Income (On Investment) Reversal -5000
Yearly profits 39600 42600 48600

Year Profits Weights Product

Ist 39600 1 39600
2nd 42600 2 85200
3rd 48600 3 145800
6 270600

Avg Profit (Weighted) = Sum of Product / Sum of weights 270600/6 45100

G.W = Nos of Year Purchase * Avg Proft (weighted) 2*45100 90200

Q7 ISC or Q9 CBSE 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Yearly profits Given 80000 105000 -20000 180000 200000
+ Abnormal loss (Reversed) 41500
- Abnormal Gain (Reversed) -40000
- Overvaluation of closing stock 31.03.15 -40000 Credit of trading (income side ) Closing Stock Reduce =Profit will also reduce
+Overvaluation of opening st 01.04.2016 40000 Debit of Trading (Exp treat) Opening Stock Reduce =Profit will increase
- Repair expense - Now Recoreded -60000
+ Depreciation wrongly charge (Reversed)
For Yr ended 31.3.18- 60000*20%*9/12 Ist July to 31st march 9000
For Yr ended 31.3.19- Org Cost 60000 - Dep 9000= WDV 51000*20% 10200
Correct profit for G.W Calculation 40000 186500 -60000 129000 210200
Weights Product
2015 40000 1 40000
2016 186500 2 373000
2017 -60000 3 -180000
2018 129000 4 516000
2019 210200 5 1051000
15 1800000
Average Profit (Weighted ) = sum of product / sum of weights =1800000/15 120000
Goodwill = Nos of Yr Purchase * Avg Profit (weighted) = 3*120000 = 360000

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