The First Week of Class: Learnings and Outcomes: Foreman, 2003)

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The First Week of Class: Learnings and Outcomes

The first week of Marketing Management has been an exceptional learning experience so

far. The course started with an introductory session and landing into breakout rooms with

classmates to understand the assignment patterns and weightages it carries every week. We were

also provided with numerous didactic articles and also got an opportunity to understand and

recognize the professional experiences of our professor and teaching assistant. Here are some of

the outlined concepts learned as it given me a brief overview of the following salient topics:


Marketing is an action practiced by a company to allure an audience towards any

company's product or services through ship shaped promotion and high-quality messages. The

process of marketing also involves autonomous value for prospects and consumers by including

reliable and creative long term goals of exhibiting product value, reinforcing brand loyalty and

reputation, and eventually increasing sales (Foreman, 2003). Marketing holds a prime aspect in a

business with an aim to function in research, analysis, promotion, pricing and distribution.

Likewise, if a business intends to be competitive in the market and uplift its methods of

distribution by effectively reducing its cost and increasing profits, the idea of marketing

management is requisite.

Marketing Management:

Marketing management helps an organization to achieve its goals with a proper analysis,

planning, implementation, and controls of programmes that are basically delineated to bring out

expected results with target markets. The idea of marketing management is susceptible to

designing the organization with effective marketing strategies, pricing, communication,

distribution (Webster, 2005). Even during the global crisis the power of marketing belief led two
powerful companies, The Drum and Facebook to team up to launch the ‘Marketers Can

Change the World’ global initiative which aimed to unite and support the industries

especially small size businesses suffering across different areas of North America ( Mulcahy,

2020). Overall, marketing management holds a significance on escalationg and launching new

product in the market, escalationg the production of exciting products, developing various

strategies to reduce the cost of sales and distribution, and ultimately exporting into the market.

Triple Bottom Line:

The Triple Bottom Line theory was coined by John Elkington, who gave an emphasis on

an idea for any business to work beyond their traditional bottom line approaches which gives an

emphasis on profits rather than concentrating on business to make them socially,

environmentally, and economically viable (Elkington, 1997). Basically, the theory highlights the

obligation of a business to centralise their goals to run a business by balancing and improving the

entire planet and making people's lives better and sustainable. One of the companies getting a lot

of appreciation due to practicing triple bottom line sustainability is DHL, because of which it

focuses on environmental, economic, and social sustainability and aims to have Zero Emission

by 2050 (Storch, 2020). Here, the theory guides the business to reflect upon people, profits, and

the planet to stay committed and socially responsible. People include the need of organization to

shift their priorities also towards shareholders including employees, families, customers,

communities, and others (Norman & MacDonald). Profits represent creation of employment

opportunities, paying taxes, creation of wealth and a traditional measure of corporate profit.

Planet to measure how environmentally responsible a business acts in a market by reducing

carbon footprint, and other toxic materials.

Using Concept Learned to Enhance, Improve, and Advance My Professional Career

Working as a Human Resources Professional in a multinational company has given me a

plethora of opportunities and an exposure to function in an organization surrounded by so many

passionate and diverse people.

With the learning outcome of the first week of our course, I am sure it will help me apply

the knowledge and insight of the concepts in my professional career. As a routine task, I also

need to closely work and collaborate with the marketing team. So, here is my application and

relevance of the concepts learned from the course of marketing in order to enhance, improve, or

advance my professional career.

Application with Marketing Management:

Like I mentioned, my job description also includes closely working with the marketing

department in their offline and online marketing activities. The concepts learned from the idea of

the importance of marketing management in an organization are very significant. After

understanding each function of marketing management, the concept learned will be helpful for

me as I will make sure to develop a right alliance with the marketing department while they

communicate about the product, services, and brand of the company to the potential customers.

For instance, Alibaba’s winning HR strategy with collaboration with its marketing department

has been appreciated during the pandemic crisis, as it mainly focused on 3C’s strategy;

communication, connection, and commitment (Waren, 2020). Likewise, I can assist the

marketing department by communicating the brand of the company to employees and my other

HR contacts including various firms, colleges, recruitment agencies, travel companies and many

more. While the marketing department develops various strategies, policies to deliver a brand

message to employees, I can best find suitable people to promote and build the brand (Chimhanzi,

Application with Triple Bottom Line Theory:

The HR department in my company is also responsible for the Corporate Social

Responsibilities (CSR). In fact, I am actively engaged in conducting such CSR program at my

workplace. The triple bottom line theory gives an insight on the importance of a company to shift

their focus as much as on the social and environmental issues as they have been investing prior

on profits. With the idea of this theory, I happen to realise to have a balanced amalgamation of

people, profit, planet, product, customer, and productivity in my workforce. Also, concentrating

on sustainability can be steered with the right HR leadership. For instance, In India, many

organizational firms such as Wipro Technology, Suzlon Energy, Tata Consultancy Services

(TCS), and others have successfully adopted Green HRM practices which eventually leads to a

sustainable environment. To be precise, it is fascinating to know that Wipro Technology has

incorporated eco-friendly desktops and notebooks as an incentive to decrease the organization's

carbon footprint (Katarya & Kumar, 2019). This also gives me an idea to introduce Green HRM

practices of reducing the amount of energy waste, moreover increasing employee awareness at

work. In addition, I can also practice fair hiring and encouraging volunteerism, and also practise

employee engagement activities and briefing them on the idea of people, planet and profits for

making employees part of the bottom line.

Ergo, the first week classes of marketing management have helped me understand many

nuances of my professional experiences including the importance of marketing management and

incorporating ideas of bottom line theory to bring it to the table of my workforce. In addition,

every topic covered is equally relevant to my professional development and addition to my

career advancement.
Chimhanzi, J. (2004). The impact of integration mechanisms on marketing/HR dynamics. Journal of

Marketing Management, 20(7-8), 713-740.

Elkington, J. (1997). The triple bottom line. Environmental management: Readings and cases, 2.

Foreman, S. (2003). Marketing. Henley manager update, 15(1), 10-19.

Katarya & Kumar. (2019). Green human resource management: In India - Ignited minds journals. Ignited

Minds Journals.

Mulcahy, E. (2020, July 13). Marketing has the power to change the world. The Drum.

Norman, W., & MacDonald, C. (2004). Getting to the bottom of “triple bottom line”. Business ethics

quarterly, 14(2), 243-262.

Warin. (2020). Alibaba’s winning HR strategy during the crisis. LinkedIn.


Webster Jr, F. E. (2005). A perspective on the evolution of marketing management. Journal of Public

Policy & Marketing, 24(1), 121-126.

von Storch, H. (2020). Mission 2050-Deutsche Post DHL's path to carbon neutral logistics (No. DKT-12-

69). Copernicus Meetings.

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