Second Partial - Notebook

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Name: Karla Valdez
Course: 2nd - P2
Date: Monday 8th, June

Jobs with adventure

Do you want to travel the world an earn money?
Do you like to spend your winters in bail and your summers in Mauritius?
Does the idea of free meals and accommodation sound good?
Do you enjoy meeting people from different cultures?
Would you like to work on a cruise ship?

a) Scuba diving
b) Dance instructor
c) Fitness instructors

1T 2F 3F 4F 5F 6T

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: TUESDAY 9th, June

Have to
Don’t have
 Confident, friendly, independent, lively, serious….
 Good whit people/ children/ animals….
 Good at technology/ solving problems/ …..
 Fluent in Russian/ Spanish


 A lot of experience/ ideas…

 A degree in law/ physics
 A certificate in Zumba/ first aid…
 Experience of working in a team/ on your own….
 The ability to work long hours/ think quickly
To be an industrial engineering

You have to have a lot of experience

You have to have a degree in industrial engineering
You have to have the ability to think quickly
You are must solving problems

Traveling light

What kind of traveler are you?

I am light traveler, because I carry only necessary.

Do you travel with lots of stuff or do you travel light?

I travel light.

2) write verbs or nouns next to the words in exercise 1. Some words can be
more than one thing
Check-in, Check-out, Pack, Backpack, Money belt, Corkscrew, Guidebook,
iron Travel, Unpack Hair dryer, Journey, Luggage, Pocketknife, Size, Trip,
Voyage, Weight, Wheel

3) Think about these questions and talk to a partner

b) backpack, moneybelt, suitcase
c) Hairdryer, iron, pocketknife, scissors, wheel
d) Because if you carry-on a lot of weight or size you will be charged extra money

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: WEDNESDAY 10th, June
don´t have to have a first-aid certificate.

must that you have six month’s experience.

mustn’t to smoke or you can to smoke

don’t have to have a degree

must that you speak two languages

Do actors and pilots have to work well in a team? Yes, they do

Does an actor have to have good listening skills?

Does an actor have to understand technical information? Yes, he does

Does a pilot have to stay calm under pressure? Yes, he does

El MUST es muy raro encontrar en preguntas, lo más usual es usar HAVE TO.


Tips of clothing
Top, pair of shocks, underwear, short, pants, swimsuit, dresses.
1) check the weather forecast
6) don’t pack heaviest clothes

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: THURSDAY 11th, June

90%- Will probably

60%- may be
30%- might

will probably go

may rain

may be

will probably go out

might need

might not be
1.- I enjoy the flying. It’s really funny
2.- I like to know other places, cities, countries, etc.
I don’t like to take a long trip because I can’t sleep while I
am traveling
3.- Is the fatigue caused for a change time.

Drink plenty of water Drink too much coffee or alcohol
Do excer Eat heavy meals
Change your Get up and

Activity 1
1) Shower gel 5) Phone charger
2) Adaptor 6) Shampoo
3) Jewelry 7) Towel
4) Make up 8) Pillow
Activity 2
Bottle of water,
Activity 3
1) Do
Phone charger, call cell phone, guide book, laptop, passport
2) Don’t
Bottle of water, hairdryer, iron, knife, pocketknife, scissors, toothbrush
Activity 4
1) Cellphone 4) Soap
2) Cream 5) Sweter
3) Nail clipper 6) headphones

-im In- Un-

Imposible incorrect Unnecessary
Impatient inexpensive Unfriendly
impractical inefficient Unhappy
Impolite invisible Unlikely
Informal Unpopular
1) Becomes
2) Obtain
3) Catch
4) Buy (T)
5) Travel (F)
6) Receive (T)

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: MONDAY 15th, June


Necessary/essentia Must / have to I must learn to I don’t have learn
l /obligation drive to sing
I have to have
more patient
Advice should I should know I shouldn’t drink
China alcohol
Prohibition Mustn’t They must not
wait here
Ability can I can speak a little I can’t speak in
Russian English
Permission Can Question: Can I open the windows?
Possibility Will probably / - I will probably I will not
may be/Might go to the cinema probably go to
- It may rain this the cinema
evening - It may not rain
- They might need this evening
to learn English - they might not
need to learn

Review the links:

First video: Natural Disasters

1) Hurricane 5) Thunder
2) Heavy rains 6) Lightning
3) Strong winds 7) Floods
4) Thunderstorms

Second video: natural disasters part 2

1) wildfires 4) Hailstones
2) tornado 5) Earthquake
3) Hailstorm 6) Aftershocks
Third video: natural disasters part 3
Tornado Hailstorm Floods Rains

The region was hit by heavy….. Earlier today

Several roads were closed because of flash…..
Farmers say theirs clop

Complete :v

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: TUESDAY 16th, June

a) Boots
b) Umbrella
c) Bottle of water
d) First-aid-kit
e) Blanket
f) Glasses
g) Jacket
h) Flashlight
i) Battery
j) Cell phone
k) Phone charger
l) Gloves
m) Chocolate bar
Describir que tengo preparado para una emergencia :V

In my home I have a

1-F 2-T 3-T 4-F 5-T 6-T

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: WEDNESDAY 17th, June

Keep calm and don’t leave the car


The engine: turn on the engine to keep warm

Calling someone: is the good idea calling someone because tu le dices a alguien en
donde estas.

Clothes: put on warm clothes

Water: drink some water and eat some chocolate






if there be smoke you should get on and crawl along the ground

if the door is hot don’t open it

if open a door you open it slowly

if there is heavy smoke or fire you should close the door again

if can’t escape you tr and keep the smoke out of the room

If Do Don´t
If you’re out in a yes or stand under a tree No, don't that! thats really
thunderstorn, you should dangerous!
get inside as quickly as
If you’re in a earthquake, you should always stay you dont have to panic.
you should get out of the calm.
house very quickly.

If you get lost in the seeks refuge and shelter don't be in a hurry
mountains, you should
light some fire to signal

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: THURSDAY 18th, June
If it rains the plants can grow
If you drink a lot of alcohol you get sick
If you boil water, it evaporates
If you are out in an earthquake, you can’t swim in a pool
If you get lost in the mountains, you should light some fire to signal
If I training hard, I will win the competition
If I eat a lot of unhealthy food, I will get fat
If I pay attention to classes and do my homework, I can pass the semester
If I finish my career, my mother will give me a gift
If I sleep early, tomorrow I will go to exercise
Name: Karla Valdez
Course: 2nd - P2
Date: MONDAY 22th, June

Box of matches 2
Compass 7
GPS device 6
Hat 10
Lighter 11
Map 9
Mirror 13
Pocketknife 8
Rope 12
Sleeping bag 1
Sunscreen 4
Candy 3
Whistle 5
3 4 2 1

1-e 2-d 3-f 4-c 5-a 6-b
1) Away 4) Up
2) Out 5) On
3) On 6) In

Keep in touch That you are in contact

Keep away To keep one's distance/ stay away
Keep in Stay
Keep up catch up
Keep out
Keep on
1) Box of matches a) 7
2) Hat b) 10
3) Radio c) 4
4) Map d) 2
5) Rope e) 9
6) Pocketknife f) ¨ç´
7) Compass g) +ç`ç
8) Candy h) 3
9) Sleeping bag i) 6
10) Sunscreen j) 8

Keep still

Keep quiet
Keep calm

Keep calm
Keep calm
Did Keep quiet warm
Keep calm Keep calm Keep calm

Una oración con cada uno dew los verbos frasales

Competar el deber :V

1-K 2-H 3-B 4-E 5-D 6-L 7-G 8-M 9-C 10-F 11-A 12-I

Look at the pictures, answer the following questions. You use the following
verbs to help you.
 Which of the animals is dangerous? Why? What could they do to you?
Scorpion, snake, lion, crocodile, bee.
Those animals can hurt me.
 Which animals aren't dangerous? Why not?
Cow, deer, mosquito, elephant.
Those animals aren’t aggressive
 Which animal do you think is the most / least dangerous? 
Snake, because it is very fast and its bite is lethal
 Which of these animals have you seen in real life?
Scorpion, cow, mosquito, bee.
 Do you like or dislike any of them?
I like bees because those animals don’t hurt you while you don’t disturb

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: TUESDAY 23th, June

I think that the animal most dangerous is the snake because it is very fast and its
attack can kill you
Comparatives: er (better, worse)
Superlatives: est (best, worst)

Contrario de more es less:

Example; Mosquitoes are lees danger than scorpions
SHORT shorter Shortest
TALL Taller Tallest
FAST faster Fastest
SLOW slower Slowest
TALENTED More talented Most talented
GOOD Better Best
HANDSOME More handsome Most handsome
UGLY uglier Ugliest
1. Jhon is two years older than me.
2. New York is much bigger than Boston.
3. My brother is better player than me.
4. Your grade is worse than mine
5. My brother is taller than I am, but he is older too.
1. I can't find my most comfortable jeans.
2. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
3. Shirley is the smartest girl in our class.
4. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
5. I am the shortest person in my family.

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: WEDNESDAY 24th, June

My mother is a little stricter than my father
The tree is lot bigger than a plant
MODIFIERS WHIT COMPARATIVES: modifiers are used to help give you more emphasis
when you are describing a person, place or a thing
A lot, much, far: use that when adds more meaning to what you want to described

A lot: use that when adds more meaning to A little:

what you want to described
Much: Slightly
Far: A bit

A Little smaller than cows:

1) the donkey is a little smaller than cows
2) the horse is a little smaller than cows
3) the deer
A lot bigger than deer
1) the cow
2) The jellyfish
3) The buffalo
A little more intelligent than jellyfish
1) The elephant
2) The dog
3) The cat
A lot less dangerous than scorpions
1) The dog
2) The worm
3) The rabit
1) The dolphins is a lot more intelligent than whale
2) The mice are a little smaller than rats
3) The elephants are a little heavier than hippos
4) The bees are a little less dangerous than mosquitoes
5) The panthers are a lot bigger than deer
6) The crocodiles are a lot uglier than hippos
7) The brown bears are a lot slower than lions
8) The deer are a lot faster than horse


(preguntas whatsApp)

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: THURSDAY 25th, June
1) A little bigger
2) Slightly longer
3) Far more colours
4) Much cheaper
5) A much lighter
6) A lot prettier
1. My grandfather is by far the oldest person in our workplace.
2. She is definitely the most intelligent person for the HR manager.
3. This job advertisement is easily the best one.
4. This is possibly the most efficient laboratory I’ve ever been to.
1. Australia isn’t as big as Canada
2. I am as very tired as Kevin
3. This computer as expensive as that chair
4. Andrew isn’t as lazy as Wendy
5. Carol is as old as David

1) Active bears in area

2) Please use caution while walking
3) Carry a bell
4) Make noise
5) Be alert
6) No swimming

1-K 2-H 3-B 4-E 5-D 6-L 7-G 8-M 9-C 10-F 11-A 12-I
Look at the pictures, answer the following
questions. You use the following verbs to help
 Which of the animals is dangerous? Why? What could they do to you?

Scorpion, snake, lion, crocodile, bee.

Those animals can hurt me.
 Which animals aren't dangerous? Why not?

Cow, deer, mosquito, elephant.

Those animals aren’t aggressive
 Which animal do you think is the most / least dangerous? 

Snake, because it is very fast and its bite is lethal

 Which of these animals have you seen in real life?

Scorpion, cow, mosquito, bee.

 Do you like or dislike any of them?

I like bees because those animals don’t hurt you while you don’t disturb
car higway



fall high buildings

knife sharps

falls shaking

1-c 2-e 3-b 4-f 5-g 6-h 7-a 8-i 9-d

1) I am afraid of finding spider in the shower, or in my bed because it might
bite me.
2) I am afraid of singing karaoke in front of my friends because I will look
3) I am afraid of taking a test or exam because I’m going to fail or I’ll make lots
of mistakes.
4) I am afraid of going to the dentist because it’s going to hurt.
5) I am afraid of being in a thunderstorm because lightning might hit me.
6) I am afraid of swimming in a very deep water because something might
attack me
7) I am afraid of flying through bad weather in a plane because we might
8) I am afraid of giving a talk or presentation to a group of people because I’ll
make lots of mistakes or I’m going to forget what to say.
9) I am afraid of going into a dark cave or underground tunnel because
something might attack me.
10)I am afraid of speaking English in my English class because I’ll look stupid
or I’m going to forget what to say.

Name: Karla Valdez

Course: 2nd - P2
Date: MONDAY 29th, June
Listening 3
1) Heights- acrophobia
2) Flying- aerophobia
3) Water- aquophobia
4) Snakes

1) My brother is afraid of the dark because he thinks that something may hurt
2) My mom is afraid of the rats because when she was a child a rat bit her
3) My older sister is afraid of closed places because she thinks that someone or
something is going to hurt her

1-d 2-h 3-b 4-g 5-e 6-i 7-f 8-a 9-j 10-c
Write 10 sentences, choose 3 and describe
1) My sister is as blind as a bat
2) My mom is as busy as a bee
3) My teacher is as cool as a cucumber
4) It’s as cold as an ice
5) My phone is as dead as a dodo.
6) Usain Bolt is a as fast as a lightning
7) This food is as good as a gold
8) My sister get in at the house as quiet as a mouse
9) My father is as strong as ox
10) This bread is as white as snow.

Phrasal verbs
Keep out
Out of work Is unemployed
Out of order damaged
Run out of Get something empty
Out of reach When you can’t get
Out of date Out of time

1) Terrified- terrifying
2) Worried- worried
3) Fascinating- fascinated
4) Amazing- amazed
5) Annoying- annoyed

Write 10 sentences
1) I am terrified by the terrifying noise that I heard outside.
2) I am worried because this movie is worrying
3) This place is fascinating and I fascinated
4) I am amazed because this book is amazing
5) I am annoyed because this computer is very annoying
6) This play is amusing and I am amused
7) I am exhausted by the race exhausting
8) This lesson is confusing and I am confused
9) The party is thrilling and I am thrilled
10) I am tired because the lesson is tiring






Name: Karla Valdez
Course: 2nd - P2
Date: TUESDAY 30th, June

1) Anybody 3) Everybody
2) Nobody 4) Everywhere
5) Somebody 9) Nothing
6) Nobody 10)Anywhere
7) Anything 11)something
8) Something

1. We generally use “somebody”, “something”, “somewhere” in affirmative

sentences/ negative sentences/questions.
2. We use “”anybody”, “anything”, “anywhere” in affirmative sentences/
negative sentences/questions.
3. We use “nobody”, “nothing”, nowhere” in affirmative sentences/ negative
4. With “some”, “any”, “no” and “every”, we use a third person singular/ plural

1) Anything 1) Somewhere
2) Something 2) Everywhere
3) Anything 3) Anywhere
4) Everything 4) somewhere
5) Anything 5) Somewhere
Name: Karla Valdez
Course: 2nd - P2
Date: MONDAY 6th, June

Causative verbs









1-d 2-a 3-c 4-b

1) dwed
2) some physical exercise is good
3) Doing
4) When he take a shower he makes feel great

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