Morphology Essay Analysis Assignment: Lecturer: Dr. NOVITRI, M.App. Ling. Written by

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Lecturer : Dr. NOVITRI, M.App. Ling.

Written by :

Ovia Nabilla | 1805111039




The Disadvantages of E-Learning

by. Ovia Nabilla

Everything is moving online these days. From work to education, everything is

starting to take place over the internet. This is actually not surprising, especially with
the novel coronavirus is currently spreading all around the world. In fact, as WHO
declared this outbreak as a pandemic, numerous activities in public spaces have been
put to a halt. For this reason, a number of schools and universities across the world
announce that they're moving to online or electronic learning. Admittedly, E-Learning
has its advantages, such as flexibility, mobility, reduced cost, and so on. However, just
like everything else that has valuable goodness in it, this kind of
learning undoubtedly still has its negative impacts. There are several disadvantages of
E-Learning for students.

The first disadvantage of E-Learning is limited feedback and guidance. Obviously,

online learning offers much less interaction between teachers and students than
traditional learning. As a matter of fact, students are expected to learn almost all lessons
by themselves. Normally, this will be a challenge because the truth is not all students
are able to understand the lessons alone. Some probably need to have feedback and
direct guidance from teachers. Students may be able to ask teachers via email or
others, but there is no guarantee that they would immediately get a reply. In addition, e-
mails or comments can sometimes be lost or missed, so it's possible that some students
might not get answered at all. In brief, E-Learning may not be suitable for all
students due to the lack of feedback and guidance.

The second disadvantage of E-Learning is the large amount of work. In most cases,
many teachers choose to focus on developing theoretical knowledge, rather than
practical skills in E-Learning. The reason for this is simple: because theoretical lectures
are considerably easier to execute in an online learning environment than practical
ones. Owing to this, online learning typically requires a greater amount of reading and
assignments than traditional classes. Teachers give students more materials to study and
even more projects to finish to prove that they’ve mastered the lessons. As a
consequence, many students often complain about feeling overwhelmed with the large
amount of materials to read and tasks to complete. Thus, online education means a lot of
hard work for students.

Another disadvantage of E-Learning is technological issues. While E-Learning

might look like a learning tool available to anyone, in reality, it’s not. Undeniably, this
kind of learning requires some equipment, such as computer, notebook or
android. Also, since it depends a lot on the internet, network connection is a must for
students to take part in it. Due to this fact, technological issues with operating systems,
browsers or smartphones, can occur anytime, and when they do, it will be difficult for
teachers or students to complete courses on time. On top of that, not all students have
stable internet access. Students, who live in remote regions, have bigger chances to have
a problem with their internet system. If they have no internet connection, online
learning is impossible for them.

Everything can be done online these days, including education. Due to pandemic

Covid-19, almost every school and college across the world is moving to E-Learning.
This kind of learning may be a great alternative to the traditional one. However, no
matter how many benefits it has, traditional learning will always be the better one. This
is because online learning offers limited feedback and guidance for students. Also, it
gives students more work and depends a lot on technology. Therefore, as easy and
simple as it seems, E-Learning is clearly not as effective and efficient as traditional

NB. [ Content Words | Function Words ]

Everything is moving online these days. From work to education, everything is starting to
take place over the internet. This is actually not surprising, especially with the novel
coronavirus is currently spreading all around the world. In fact, as WHO declared this outbreak
as a pandemic, numerous activities in public spaces have been put to a halt. For this reason, a
number of schools and universities across the world announce that they're moving to online or
electronic learning. Admittedly, E-Learning has its advantages, such as flexibility, mobility,
reduced cost, and so on. However, just like everything else that has valuable goodness in it, this
kind of learning undoubtedly still has its negative impacts. There are several disadvantages of
E-Learning for students.



Everything Content Every (D) + thing (N) Noun

is moving Content The progressive form of Move Verb

These Function Plural form of This Determiner

Days Content Day (N) + s (BM) Noun

From, To, Over,

Function - Prepositions
With, In, For &

Education Content Educate (V) + ion (BM) Noun

is starting Content The progressive form of Start Verb

A & The Function - Articles

Internet Content Inter (BM) + Net (N) Noun

This Function - Determiner

Is, Are, Has, & Auxilary
Function -
Have Been Verbs

Actually Content Act (V) + ual (BM) + ly (BM) Adverb

Not Content - Adverb

The progressive form of
is surprising Content Verb

Especially Content Especial (Adj) + ly (BM) Adverb

Currently Content Current (Adj) + ly (BM) Adverb

is spreading Content The progressive form of Spread Verb

Around Content A (BM) + round (N) Adverb

And, That, As &
Function - Conjunctions

Declared Content Declare (V) + d (BM) Verb

Outbreak Content Out (BM) + Break (N) Noun

Numerous Content Number (N) + ous (BM) Adjective

Act (V) + ive (BM) + ity (BM) +
Activities Content Noun
ies (BM)

Spaces Content Space (N) + s (BM) Noun

Schools Content School (N) + s (BM) Noun

Universe (N) + ity (BM) + ies
Universities Content Noun

Across Content A (BM) + cross (N) Adverb

Function - Pronouns
They, It & Its
Electrum (N) + on (BM) + ic
Electronic Content Adjective

Admittedly Content Admit (V) + ed (BM) + ly (BM) Adverb

Advance (V) + age (BM) + s
Advantages Content Noun

Flexibility Content Flex (V) + ible (BM) + ity (BM) Noun

Mobility Content Move (V) + ble (BM) + ity (BM) Noun

Re (BM) + duce (to lead) + d

Reduced Content Adjective

Valuable Content Value (N) + able (BM) Adjective

Goodness Content Good (Adj) + ness (BM) Noun

Learning Content Learn (V) + ing (BM) Adjective

Un (BM) + Doubt (V) + ed
Undoubtedly Content Adverb
(BM) + ly (BM)

Negative Content Negate (V) + ive (BM) Adjective

There Function - Proform

Dis (BM) + Advance (V) + age
Disadvantages Content Noun
(BM) + s (BM)

All & Several Function - Determiners

NB. [ Content Words | Function Words ]

The first disadvantage of E-Learning is limited feedback and guidance. Obviously, online

learning offers much less interaction between teachers and students than traditional learning. As
a matter of fact, students are expected to learn almost all lessons by themselves. Normally, this
will be a challenge because the truth is not all students are able to understand the lessons alone.
Some probably need to have feedback and direct guidance from teachers. Students may be able
to ask teachers via email or others, but there is no guarantee that they would immediately get a
reply. In addition, e-mails or comments can sometimes be lost or missed, so it's possible that
some students might not get answered at all. In brief, E-Learning may not be suitable for all
students due to the lack of feedback and guidance.

First Function - Determiner

Limited Content Limit (V) + ed (BM) Adjective

Guidance Content Guide (V) + ance (BM) Noun

Obviously Content Obvious (Adj) + ly (BM) Adverb

Offers Content Offer (V) + s (BM) Verb

Much, Less, All, Function - Determiners

& Some

Interaction Content Inter (BM) + act (V) + ion (BM) Verb

Themselves Function - Pronoun

Normally Content Norm (N) + al (BM) + ly (BM) Adverb

Students Content Study (V) + ent (BM) + s (BM) Noun

Lessons Content Lesson (N) + s (BM) Noun

Com (BM) + Mentis (Mind) + s
Comments Content Noun
Between, Than,
Function - Prepositions
Than, Via & At

Truth Content True (Adj) + th (BM) Noun

Traditional Content Tradition (N) + al (BM) Adjective

Is & Are Function - Auxilary Verb

Expected Content Expect (V) + ed (BM) Verb

Almost Content - Adverb

Alone Content A (BM) + Lone (Adj) Adverb

Some Function - Pronoun

Because Function - Conjunction

Proba (to test) + ble (BM) + y
Probably Content Adverb
And, Or, So,
But, Because, & Function - Conjunction
Due to

Guarantee Content Guarant (warrant) Verb

Would, May,
Function - Auxilary Verb
Might, Can
Im (BM) + Mediate (V) + ly
Immediately Content Adverb

Addition Content Add (V) + ition (BM) Noun

They, It Function - Pronouns

Sometimes Content Some (D) + Time (N) + s (BM) Adverb

Others Content Other (N) + s (BM) Noun

Missed Content Miss (V) + ed (BM) Adjective

Possible Content Posse (to be able) + ible (BM) Adjective

Suitable Content Suit (V) + able (BM) Adjective

NB. [ Content Words | Function Words ]

The second disadvantage of E-Learning is the large amount of work. In most cases, many
teachers choose to focus on developing theoretical knowledge, rather than practical skills in E-
Learning. The reason for this is simple: because theoretical lectures are considerably easier to
execute in an online learning environment than practical ones. Owing to this, online learning
typically requires a greater amount of reading and assignments than traditional classes. Teachers
give students more materials to study and even more projects to finish to prove that they’ve
mastered the lessons. As a consequence, many students often complain about feeling
overwhelmed with the large amount of materials to read and tasks to complete. Thus, online
education means a lot of hard work for students.



Second Function - Determiner

Developing Content Develop (V) + ing (BM) Noun

Theoretical Content Theory (N) + ical (BM) Adjective

Rather than Function - Conjunction

Practical Content Practice (N) + ical (BM) Adjective

Most, Many, Function - Determiners

Consider (V) + able (BM) + y
Considerably Content Adverb

Easier Content Ease (V) + y (BM) + ier (BM) Adjective

An Function - Article

Environment Content Environ (V) + ment (BM) Noun

Owing Content Owe (V) + ing (BM) Noun

Typically Content Type (N) + ical (BM) + ly (BM) Adverb

Greater Content Great (Adj) + er (BM) Adjective

Reading Content Read (V) + ing (BM) Noun

As (BM) + Sign (N) + ment
Assignments Content Noun
(BM) + s (BM)

Classes Content Class (N) + es (BM) Noun

Materials Function Matter (V) + ial (BM) Noun

Projects Content Pro (BM) + ject (to throw) + s Noun
Con (BM) + Sequent (Adj) +
Consequence Content Noun
ence (BM)

Feeling Content Feel (V) + ing (BM) Noun

Over (BM) + Whelm (V) + ed
Overwhelmed Content Adjective

A lot of Function - Determiner

Thus & As Function - Conjunctions

NB. [ Content Words | Function Words ]

Another disadvantage of E-Learning is technological issues. While E-Learning might look

like a learning tool available to anyone, in reality, it’s not. Undeniably, this kind of learning
requires some equipment, such as computer, notebook or android. Also, since it depends a lot on
the internet, network connection is a must for students to take part in it. Due to this fact,
technological issues with operating systems, browsers or smartphones, can occur anytime,
and when they do, it will be difficult for teachers or students to complete courses on time. On
top of that, not all students have stable internet access. Students, who live in remote regions,
have bigger chances to have a problem with their internet system. If they have no internet
connection, online learning is impossible for them.



Another Content An (BM) + Other (N) Noun

Techno (art) + logy (BM) + ical
Technological Content Adjective

Issues Content Issue (N) + s (BM) Noun

While, Also, If
Function - Conjunctions
& Since
Available Content Avail (V) + able (BM) Adjective

Courses Content Course (N) + s (BM) Noun

Chances Content Chance (N) + s (BM) Noun

Regions Content Region (N) + s (BM) Noun

Will & Might Function -

Reality Content Real (Adj) + ity (BM) Noun

Un (BM) + Deny (V) + able
Undeniably Content Adverb
(BM) + y (BM)

Equipment Content Equip (V) + ment (BM) Noun

Requires Content Require (V) + s (BM) Verb

Com (BM) + Putare (to think) +
Computer Content Noun
r (BM)

Depends Content Depend (V) + s (BM) Verb

Connection Content Connect (V) + ion (BM) Noun

Network Content Net (N) + work (N) Noun

Notebook Content Note (N) + book (N) Noun

Operating Content Operate (V) + ing (BM) Adjective

This, It, They,
Function - Pronouns
Their & Them

Systems Content System (N) + s (BM) Noun

Browsers Content Browse (V) + r (BM) + s (BM) Noun

Smart (Adj) + phone (N) + s
Smartphones Content Noun
Bigger Content Big (Adj) + er (BM) Adjective
Im (BM) + Posse (to be able) +
Impossible Content Adjective
ible (BM)
When & Who Content -

NB. [ Content Words | Function Words ]

Everything can be done online these days, including education. Due to pandemic Covid-19,
almost every school and college across the world is moving to E-Learning. This kind of learning
may be a great alternative to the traditional one. However, no matter how many benefits it has,
traditional learning will always be the better one. This is because online learning offers limited
feedback and guidance for students. Also, it gives students more work and depends a lot on
technology. Therefore, as easy and simple as it seems, E-Learning is clearly not as effective and
efficient as traditional learning.



Be Function - To be
In (BM) + Clude (to shut) + ing
Including Content Preposition

Every Function - Determiner

Due to Function - Conjunction

Altern (Adj) + ate (BM) + ive
Alternative Content Adjective
May & Can Function -
One Function - Pronoun

Benefits Content Bene (well) + fit + s (BM) Noun

Clearly Content Clear (Adj) + ly (BM) Adverb

Effective Content Effect (V) + ive (BM) Adjective

Efficient Content Effic (to make) + ent (BM) Adjective


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