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2021, VOL. 15, NO. 1, 490–502

Coupled heat transfer model for the combustion and steam characteristics of
coal-fired boilers
Yan Xiea,b , Xin Liuc , Chaoqun Zhangc , Jun Zhaoa,b and Heyang Wanga,b
a School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China; b Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Efficient
Utilization of Low and Medium Grade Energy (Tianjin University), Tianjin, People’s Republic of China; c Yantai Longyuan Power Technology
Co. Ltd., Yantai, People’s Republic of China


This paper presents a coupled heat transfer model for coal-fired boilers that integrates boiler’s fire Received 9 October 2020
side computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution with the boiler’s steam cycle, and thus, can pre- Accepted 8 February 2021
dict the boiler steam temperatures subject to different boiler design and operation conditions. In KEYWORDS
this coupled model, the heat transfer submodels describing the gas-steam heat exchange for each Pulverized coal boiler; coal
part of boiler heating surfaces are integrated by exchanging the steam temperatures iteratively. This combustion; coupled
coupled heat transfer model is self-consistent since it ensures the fire side heat transfer solution to simulation; heat transfer;
always coincide with the steam temperature changes across each boiler heating surface. This model steam temperature
is specifically designed to provide efficient computational solutions to engineering boiler problems
in which the changes of boiler steam temperatures subject to different boiler design and operation
conditions are of the major concerns. This model is applied to a 320 MW subcritical boiler to evaluate
the impacts of coal switching and boiler operation adjustment on boiler’s heat transfer distributions
and steam temperatures. The simulation results demonstrate that this model can effectively capture
the complex coupled heat transfer behavior between the fire and steam sides of boiler and serve as
an efficient predictive tool for engineering boiler problems.

1. Introduction
A boiler is, first of all, a steam generator. Steam param-
Coal-fired power plants contributed approximately 38% eters, such as superheat (SH) and reheat (RH) steam
of world power generation in 2018 (BP Statistical Review temperatures, always play a central role in the operation
of World Energy,, 2019). of boilers. Potential impacts on steam temperatures are of
This stimulated the development of computational fluid major concern in many boiler design and operation opti-
dynamics (CFD) boiler models as predictive tools to eval- mization applications. For example, during recent years,
uate various boiler design and operation optimization many of the coal power plants in the US have switched
options to improve thermal efficiency and reduce pollu- from eastern bituminous coals to Powder River Basin
tant emissions of coal-fired boilers. Boiler CFD has been (PRB) coals in order to reduce SO2 and NOx emissions.
employed to study a wide range of boiler problems, such However, since eastern bituminous coals usually have
as low NOx combustion optimization (Adamczyk et al., much higher heating values ( ∼ 30 MJ/kg) than those of
2014; Backreedy et al., 2005; Diez et al., 2008; Tan et al., PRB coals ( ∼ 20 MJ/kg), the heat transfer distribution in
2017; Zhang et al., 2015), tube surface erosion (Gandhi boilers has changed dramatically. This has led to signif-
et al., 2012), high-temperature corrosion (Yang et al., icant changes in steam temperatures and many boilers
2017), coal switching (Spitz et al., 2008), gas tempera- have thus suffered from over-heated steam or even having
ture deviation (Tan et al., 2018; Yin et al., 2002), slagging to de-rate unless costly modifications to the boiler heat-
and fouling (Lee & Lockwood, 1999; Weber et al., 2013), ing surfaces had also been implemented. Moreover, most
and the development of advanced heat exchangers (Abadi modern boilers have installed overfire air (OFA) systems
et al., 2020; Ramezanizadeh et al., 2019). Nevertheless, to allow for staging combustion to reduce NOx emissions.
CFD boiler models are still highly deficient in predicting Staging combustion, however, delays fuel combustion,
boiler steam parameters subject to different boiler design and thus may significantly affect boiler heat transfer dis-
and operation conditions. tribution and steam temperatures. All these problems

CONTACT Heyang Wang

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

encountered in boiler applications necessitate CFD boiler superheater of a 1000 MW supercritical boiler. Text
models developing the capability of predicting steam files were used to exchange the heat flux and tem-
temperatures when subjected to different boiler design perature data between the two softwares. Rather than
and operation conditions. using text files to communicate the data, Park et al.
CFD models, in which the gas phase conservation (2010) combined ANSYS CFX (CFD software program
equations are solved in the boiler fire side domain, solutions—
generally do not include the steam cycle of the boiler. s-cfx) with a 1D process model, PROATES Off-Line, and
Recently, a few studies have coupled three-dimensional the boiler heat flux and steam temperature data from
(3D) CFD models with one-dimensional (1D) process the two models were exchanged through a graphical user
models that describe boiler steam cycles. Specifically, interface (GUI).
Laubscher and Rousseau (Laubscher & Rousseau, 2019a, It is seen that these integrated CFD-process models
2020; Rousseau & Laubscher, 2020) integrated the CFD (Chen et al., 2019; Edge et al., 2011, 2012, 2013; Laub-
model developed under ANSYS R
Fluent R
(fluid simula- scher & Rousseau, 2019a, 2020; Liu et al., 2019, 2020; Park
tion software— et al., 2010; Rousseau & Laubscher, 2020; Schuhbauer
ansys-fluent) with the 1D process model Flownex R
(sim- et al., 2014) coupled the boiler’s fire side and steam side
ulation environment— The cou- solutions, and thus were able to provide steam properties
pling interface between the two models is the exter- in the boiler’s heating surfaces. However, since the fire
nal surface of the heat exchanger. Flownex receives and steam sides of the boilers were modeled by two dif-
heat flux solutions from Fluent and calculates the inter- ferent software packages, the results from the two models
nal heat transfer coefficients and steam temperatures had to be taken as boundary conditions for each other
in the tubes, which will then be sent back to Flu- and an interface needed to be developed to exchange the
ent as the thermal boundary conditions. Both mod- data between the 3D CFD and 1D process models. This
els run intermittently until converged solutions are dramatically increased the complexity of the problem
obtained. This coupled model was used to investigate and inhibited the models from being readily applied to
the heat transfer of a subcritical boiler burning high- engineering boiler problems. As a result, these integrated
ash coal at varying loads and satisfactory results were models were limited only to the study of steam proper-
obtained. Similarly, Edge et al. (2011, 2012, 2013) devel- ties in part of a boiler’s steam cycle and were unable to
oped a coupled model by integrating ANSYS Fluent predict the steam temperatures along the entire steam
with a process simulator, gRPOMS (process engineer- cycle under different boiler design and operation con-
ing software— ditions. For many boilers that are experiencing major
gproms). The data exchange between the two models design or operation modifications, such as coal switching
was conducted in a way similar to that of Laubscher & and combustion system retrofit, one of the major con-
Rousseau (Laubscher & Rousseau, 2019a, 2020; Rousseau cerns is usually whether the boilers can still maintain
& Laubscher, 2020). Liu et al. (2019, 2020) combined their designated steam temperatures, since these directly
ANSYS Fluent with an in-house code. The heat flux dis- impact the thermal performance of a boiler. For these
tributions from Fluent were used to derive a thermal boiler applications, the overall heat transfer to each part
deflection curve along the furnace height. This curve was of a boiler’s heating surfaces is sufficient to predict the
then used by the in-house code to calculate the steam and change of steam temperatures, and detailed steam prop-
wall temperatures. Schuhbauer et al. (2014) presented a erties along the steam cycle are generally not required.
detailed coupled model in which ANSYS Fluent was inte- For this reason, an alternative method is proposed in the
grated with the commercial software APROS (advanced present study in which a boiler’s fire side CFD solution
process simulation software— and the steam temperatures are coupled all within the
products-and-services). In this model, Fluent exports a framework of 3D CFD model without resort to a process
boiler’s fire side heat flux data in text files. These text files model for the boiler’s steam cycle. Since the heat transfer
are processed by MATLAB R
(The MathWorks—https:// to any part of boiler’s heating surfaces affects the steam and then temperatures at all the downstream heating surfaces of
exported to APROS. APROS uses this heat flow data the steam cycle that may locate upstream of the gas flow
to calculate the inner tube temperatures of boiler heat- path, the boiler steam temperatures are determined by
ing surfaces, which will then be used by Fluent as the coupled heat transfer behavior between the entire fire
wall thermal boundary conditions. Chen et al. (2019) side and steam cycle of the boiler. For this reason, in the
integrated ANSYS Fluent with COMSOL-Multiphysics coupled model presented in this study, the heat transfer
(software for multiphase simulation— submodels for the furnace water wall and all the con-
and simulated the coupled heat transfer of the pendant vective heat exchangers are integrated by exchanging the
492 Y. XIE ET AL.

steam temperatures iteratively. This coupled heat trans- located at the upper furnace, around which part of the
fer model is complementary to integrated CFD–process furnace wall is used as the wall reheater (WRH). The
models (Chen et al., 2019; Edge et al., 2011, 2012, 2013; CFD model in this paper needs to consider the coupled
Laubscher & Rousseau, 2019a, 2020; Liu et al., 2019, 2020; heat transfer of the entire steam cycle. Thus, the furnace
Park et al., 2010; Rousseau & Laubscher, 2020; Schuh- geometry includes the entire convection pass of boiler in
bauer et al., 2014). CFD–process models provide more which the reheaters (CRH, HRH), the superheaters (SSH,
detail on the steam properties in a single boiler heat- PSHs) and the economizer (ECON) are placed sequen-
ing surface, but approximations are generally made in tially. The computational mesh is composed of 3.54 mil-
the 3D CFD solutions to adapt the 3D results to the 1D lion hexahedral cells with the near-burner region further
model, while in the present model the 3D CFD results refined, as seen in Figure 2.
remain intact and approximations are made on the steam
side in that each boiler heating surface is represented 2.2. Boiler steam cycle
with an averaged steam temperature. Chen et al. (2019)
compared different coupling schemes and found that the The boiler steam cycle is shown schematically in Figure 3.
overall heat transfer results using averaged steam tem- Feedwater enters the unit through the economizer and is
peratures were in very close agreement with the fully then discharged to the drum. The water separated in the
coupled method that considers detailed steam proper- drum is recirculated to the furnace water wall (WALL)
ties along the steam flow. Laubscher and Rousseau (2020) and the separated steam goes to the superheater. The
also used averaged steam temperature in the coupled superheater is composed of five basic components: the
simulation and the heat transfer results agreed very well steam cooled roof (ROOF); the primary superheaters
with the experiment data. This is the rationale behind (PSH1–PSH5); the DPSH; the PLSH; and the secondary
the coupled model presented in this paper. In this way, (final) superheater (SSH). The ROOF section includes
the coupled calculation procedure is dramatically sim- the furnace roof and the enclosure wall of the boiler’s ver-
plified and, in particular, can be realized within single tical convection pass. As seen in Figure 3, the steam from
CFD software without compromising much on the pre- the drum enters the superheater first through the ROOF
diction accuracy. Moreover, as a result of the simplified and then passes the superheaters in the sequence PSH1,
procedure, the present model is able to couple the CFD PSH2, PSH3, PSH4, PSH5, DPSH, PLSH and SSH. Two
solution with the entire steam cycle including the furnace stages of spray attemperators are located before the DPSH
water wall, superheaters, reheaters and economizers. This and the SSH, respectively. Superheated steam from the
makes it possible for the present model to conduct effi- final superheater (SSH) is then discharged to the high-
cient engineering evaluations of the potential effects of pressure turbine (HPT). After passing the HPT, the steam
various boiler operation and retrofit options (such as coal flow is returned to the reheaters with part of it extracted
switching, OFA system installation and heating surface to heat the feedwater. The reheat steam passes through
modification) on the steam temperatures. the reheaters in the sequence wall reheater (WRH),
In the following, a 320 MW tangentially-fired (T-fired) cold reheater (CRH) and hot reheater (HRH). Then the
subcritical boiler is first described along with its detailed reheated steam goes to the intermediate-pressure turbine
operating parameters. Then the mathematical models (IPT).
employed in the present study are briefly introduced,
after which the coupled heat transfer model is described
2.3. Coal property data and boiler operating data
in detail. This coupled model is first validated by the
operating parameters of the 320 MW boiler and then Tables 1 and 2 give the coal property data and boiler
employed to investigate some problems of wide practical operating data, respectively, for the model cases of the
interest, such as coal switching and burner setting adjust- present study. The steam parameters of Case 1 are given
ments, to demonstrate its capability as a powerful and in Table 3. All the operating data of Case 1 were taken
efficient predictive tool for engineering boiler problems. from the plant control system. These data can be used to
validate the heat transfer prediction results of the CFD
model. Cases 2–4 are coal switching cases in which a coal
2. Boiler specification (coal B) with reduced heating value is used. The boiler
heat input, however, is kept the same for all cases. Thus, as
2.1. Furnace geometry
seen in Table 2, the coal flow rates of Cases 2–4 are higher
The furnace is approximately 14 m deep and wide and than those of Case 1. It will be seen that coal switching
56 m high. As seen in Figure 1, the platen superheater may result in a considerable increase of the final super-
(PLSH) and division panel superheater (DPSH) are heat (SH) and reheat (RH) steam temperatures. Case 3

Figure 1. Schematic of the 320 MW T-fired boiler (DPSH: division panel superheater; PLSH: platen superheater; WRH: wall reheater; CRH:
cold reheater, HRH: hot reheater; SSH: secondary superheater; PSH: primary superheater; ECON: economizer; SOFA: separated overfire air;
Aux: auxiliary air).

Table 1. Summary of coal property data (as received).

Coal A Coal B
Moisture, % 7.50 19.30
Ash, % 15.16 11.41
Volatile, % 28.63 25.64
Fixed carbon, % 48.71 43.65
C, % 63.24 52.47
H, % 4.08 2.84
O, % 8.46 13.23
N, % 0.75 0.34
S, % 0.81 0.41
Lower heating value, MJ/kg 24.58 19.00

Table 2. Summary of main operating data for model cases.

Model case 1 2 3 4
Coal flow rate, kg/s 34.3 44.4
Figure 2. Side and top views of the furnace mesh distribution. Spray flow rate, kg/s – – 6.67 –
Burner tilt angle, degrees – – – −15.0

studies the influence of spray attemperation on the steam

temperatures in order to examine if spray can recover the
steam temperatures to their original values. In Case 4, the
injection direction of the coal and air streams are biased
downwards by 15° by tilting the burners. This is another
attempt to recover the steam temperatures of the boiler
after coal switching. The total air flow rate (355 kg/s) and
air partition between the primary air, secondary air and
Figure 3. Schematic of the boiler’s steam cycle. overfire air (23.6/61.4/15.0%) are kept the same for all
494 Y. XIE ET AL.

Table 3. Summary of boiler feedwater and steam parameters reaction rate of char
(Case 1).
Superheat/reheat steam flow rates, kg/s 295.8/268.1 Cchar + O2 → CO (3)
Feedwater/drum/superheat pressures, MPa·g 20.30/19.91/18.54 2
Reheat steam inlet/outlet pressures, MPa·g 4.53/4.30
Feedwater/ECON outlet temperatures, °C 261.0/281.0 is modeled using the Baum and Street model (Baum &
PSH/DPSH/PLSH/SSH outlet steam 410.0/450.0/509.0/543.0 Street, 1971). The rate parameters for the char reaction
temperatures, °C
Reheater inlet steam temperature, °C 345.8 model are Ac = 0.001 kg/(m2 s atm) and Ec = 79.0 kJ/
WRH/CRH/HRH outlet steam temperatures, °C 396.0/488.0/543.0 mole. The value of Ec is obtained from the averaged mea-
surement values for high-volatile bituminous coals made
in an entrained reactor (Mitchell et al., 1992). The value
3. Mathematical models of Ac is obtained based on the calibration calculation with
the plant flyash unburned carbon data. The above models
The CFD model described in the present study is imple-
have been introduced in many research articles (Laub-
mented within the framework of ANSYS R
Fluent R
scher & Rousseau, 2019b; Lockwood et al., 1980; Park
sion 13). The realizable k– model is used to model
et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2020) and will not be described
the turbulence. Lagrangian stochastic model is used to
in much detail here.
track the trajectories of 129,700 coal particles of aver-
age diameter 59 μm. The PSIC method is used to account
for the mass, energy and momentum exchange between 4. Coupled heat transfer model
the coal particles and the gas phase flow (Boyd & Kent,
4.1. Heat transfer models
1988; Lockwood et al., 1980; Truelove, 1984). The radi-
ation heat transfer is simulated by the discrete ordinate The heat transfer models for the furnace wall and con-
method. The single reaction rate model (Badzioch & vective heat exchangers of coal-fired boilers have been
Hawksley, 1970) is used to model the coal devolatiliza- introduced in detail in Wang et al. (2020). Here, we give
tion with the rate parameters determined by PC Coal only a brief introduction to these models and place the
Lab R
software as a pre-processor (Niksa, 1995; Park et al., emphasis on the coupled calculation procedure. The heat
2013). Note that V 0 in Table 4 is the total coal volatile flux q of furnace wall coated with ash deposit layer is
yield under high heating rate, which is higher than the calculated by
volatile content of coal proximate analysis data in Table 1.
q = Hext (Tw − Ts ), (4)
The volatile matter is represented by a fictitious species
Ca Hb Oc Sd Ne with each of its components determined where Hext is the wall heat transfer coefficient, Tw the
from the coal data shown in Tables 1 and 4 (Boyd & Kent, surface temperature of the wall ash layer, and Ts the tem-
1988). The combustion reaction of the volatile is modeled perature of water/steam. Equation (4) defines the thermal
by a two-step global mechanism (Backreedy et al., 1999; boundary conditions of the wall with Hext and Ts given
Hu et al., 2014): as the input parameters (Laubscher & Rousseau, 2019b;
Wang et al., 2020). For subcritical boilers, the value of Ts
  takes the value of saturated steam temperature ( ∼ 366°C)
a b c
Ca Hb Oc Sd Ne + + − + d O2 at drum pressure. As discussed in detail in Wang et al.
2 4 2
(2020), the value of Hext depends on the actual wall slag-
b e
→ aCO + H2 O + dSO2 + N2 (1) ging status of the boiler. It can be determined based on
2 2 the plant data through a validation calculation. In the val-
1 idation process, the specific enthalpies of saturated steam
CO + O2 → CO2 . (2)
2 and water out of the economizer, hsat,v and houtecon , can be
determined according to the steam operating data of the
The turbulent reaction rates of the combustion boiler. They, along with the feedwater flow rate ṁfeed , are
reactions are calculated by the eddy dissipation model then used to estimate the heat absorption of the furnace
(Magnussen & Hjertager, 1977). The heterogeneous wall QDCS
wall :

QDCS out
wall = ṁfeed (hsat,v − hecon ). (5)
Table 4. Coal devolatilization rate parameters.
Coal A Coal B The heat absorption of the furnace wall from the CFD
V0, % 43.70 36.03 solution can be calculated by integrating the predicted
Av , s−1 9,203 3,447 wall
 heat fluxes over the entire wall surface, Qwall =
E v , J/mole
wall dA. Then the value of Hext can be fine-tuned until
27,670 16,960

the CFD solution Qwall matches the value of QDCS wall from
the superheaters in the sequence ROOF, PSH1–PSH5,
Equation (5). In this way, the boiler’s actual wall slagging DPSH, PLSH and SSH. In the steady state, the steam flow
condition can be considered accurately in the definition entering the ROOF superheater is equal to the feedwa-
of Hext . ter flow, ṁsh = ṁfeed . Two stages of spray attemperators
The convective heat exchangers of the boiler are rep- are located before the DPSH and the SSH, respectively. If
resented by porous volumes in the geometry (Diez et al., an attemperating spray flow of ṁspray is applied to reduce
2008; Laubscher & Rousseau, 2019b; Schuhbauer et al., the SH steam temperature, the steam flow downstream
2014; Tan et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2020; Yin et al., 2002). of the attemperators (the DPSH, the PLSH and the SSH)
Their heat absorption is calculated by will increase correspondingly,

qconv = Sconv ψ Hf (Tf − Ts ), (6) ṁsh = ṁfeed + ṁspray . (8)

where qconv and Sconv are the amount of heat transfer The steam entering the ROOF superheater is assumed
and tube outer area of the heat exchanger per unit vol- to be at the saturated temperature, Tsat,v ( ∼ 366°C). The
ume, respectively, Hf denotes the fire side heat transfer heat absorption of the ROOF superheater, Qroof , from
coefficient of the heat exchanger, ψ is the thermal effec- the CFD solution is then used to calculate the specific
tiveness factor, and Tf is the flue gas temperature (Che, enthalpy at its outlet, hout
roof , according to
2008; Wang et al., 2020). The values of ψ depend on
the actual fouling condition of the heat exchangers and, Qroof = ṁsh (hout
roof − hsat,v ). (9)
hence, can only be determined accurately by a validation
calculation with the boiler operating data. The outlet enthalpy of the ROOF superheater is then
used by its downstream heat exchanger, PSH1, as its inlet
enthalpy to calculate its outlet specific enthalpy based on
4.2. Coupled heat transfer model
its heat absorption, Qpsh1 . This process repeats sequen-
It is noted that the heat exchange between the fire and tially for the heat exchangers along the steam cycle until
steam sides of a boiler at any part of boiler heating the specific enthalpy out of the final superheater (SSH),
surfaces does not occur independently. For example, if hout
ssh , is obtained.
the heat transfer of PSH1 is changed, it will affect the The SH steam out of the SSH is discharged to drive the
steam temperatures in all the downstream heating sur- HP turbine. The specific enthalpy of steam out of the HP
faces along the steam cycle (e.g. the DPSH, the PLSH turbine, houthp , can be obtained according to
and the SSH), and thereby will affect the heat transfer
ssh − hhp
hout out
to these heating surfaces as well. Consequently, the fur-
nace gas temperature distribution is changed, which in ηhp = out,s , (10)
ssh − hhp
turn may affect the heat transfer distribution of the entire
boiler. Thus, the steam temperatures of the boiler are where ηhp is the isentropic efficiency of the HP turbine
determined by the complex coupled heat transfer behav-
and hout,s
hp is the specific enthalpy out of the HP turbine for
ior between the entire gas flow and steam cycle of the
the isentropic process. The isentropic efficiency of the HP
boiler. For this reason, in this study the heat transfer sub-
turbine, ηhp ≈ 81.6%, can be determined based on the
models of furnace wall and convective heat exchangers
SH and RH steam parameters from the plant operating
are integrated by exchanging the steam temperatures iter-
data as listed in Table 3. The specific enthalpy of steam out
atively. The coupled algorithm is shown schematically in
of the HP turbine, hout
hp , is then used as the inlet enthalpy
Figure 4. The first step of the calculation is to conduct the
of the reheaters, hwrh . Using the steam extraction rate
CFD simulation and calculate the heat transfer to each
part of the boiler heating surfaces using assumed steam estimated based on the SH and RH steam flow rates of
temperatures. The heat absorption by furnace water the plant data, the reheat steam flow, ṁrh , can be deter-
wall Qwall evaporates the feedwater to saturated steam. mined as ṁrh ≈ 0.906ṁsh . The first stage of the reheaters
Then the feedwater flow rate, ṁfeed , can be calculated is the wall reheater (WRH). Then the specific enthalpy
according to of RH steam out of the WRH, hin wrh , can be obtained
according to
Qwall = ṁfeed (hsat,v − hout
econ ). (7)
Qwrh = ṁrh (hout in
wrh − hwrh ), (11)
The value of ṁfeed is then used by the heat transfer
submodels for all the downstream heating surfaces in the where Qwrh is the heat absorption of WRH. Then, follow-
steam cycle. The steam leaving the drum passes through ing the same procedure as that for the superheaters, the
496 Y. XIE ET AL.

Figure 4. Schematic of the coupled heat transfer calculation algorithm.

specific enthalpies of the RH steam at the outlets of the convection pass (e.g. PSHs) are rather small (as will be
CRH and the HRH can be solved sequentially. seen in Table 7). Thus, very little inaccuracy would be
With the specific enthalpies at the inlets and out- induced by using an averaged steam temperature to rep-
lets of each heating surface solved, the inlet and outlet resent the entire heat exchanger. The steam temperature
steam temperatures, Tiin and Tiout (i = ECON, PSH1, changes across the heat exchangers located upstream of
CRH, etc.), can easily be obtained. In this way, the cou- the convection pass (e.g. SSH and HRH) are relatively
pled model is self-consistent since it ensures that the larger. However, the temperature differences between
gas side heat transfer results always coincide with the the flue gas and steam, Tf − Ts , are also much larger.
corresponding steam temperature changes across each Thus, the relative inaccuracy induced by using average
boiler heating surface. Then the average steam temper- steam temperatures would remain small. Moreover, since
ature Ts = (Tiin + Tiout )/2 can be updated for the next the primary interest is in the overall heat absorption of
iteration of the calculation. The iteration repeats until the heat exchangers, most of the inaccuracies induced
the changes in the final SH and RH steam temperatures by using an averaged Ts would be canceled out when
between two adjacent iterations drop below a criterion integrating the heat transfer results over all the cells of the
out | < 1o C and |T out | < 1◦ C. Usually,
value, e.g. |Tssh heat exchanger volume. For the furnace wall and other
with reasonable assumed initial values for the steam tem- radiative heating surfaces, since radiation is relatively
peratures, two or three iterations are enough to obtain the insensitive to temperature change at lower tempera-
converged solution. tures, the flame–surface radiation heat exchange is largely
In this coupled model, the local gas flow field from determined by the much higher flame temperature. Thus,
the 3D CFD solution is used to calculate the heat trans- using an average steam temperature would incur little
fer and an approximation is made on the steam side in inaccuracy in the calculation results. This is the reason
that each heating surface is represented with an aver- that the heat transfer results of Chen et al. (2019) using
aged steam temperature. Usually, the steam temperature averaged steam temperatures agreed closely with those
changes across the heat exchangers located at the vertical considering detailed steam properties. Furthermore, it

is to be emphasized that the largest uncertainties in the

calculation for practical boilers actually come from the
slagging/fouling status of boiler heating surfaces, which
may vary constantly. In the present model, the boiler’s
slagging/fouling status are represented by Hext for the
radiative heating surfaces and by the thermal effective-
ness factor ψ for the convective heat exchangers, and
their values are validated with the boiler’s operating data
so that they can accurately represent the boiler’s actual
slagging/fouling status. In this way, the overall calcula-
tion procedure can be simplified dramatically, and the
effects of boiler slagging/fouling conditions can be incor-
porated in the calculation accurately. Since the purpose
(ºC) Case 1 Case 2 Case 4
of the present study is to develop an efficient heat trans-
fer model for practical boiler problems in which the bulk Figure 5. Furnace temperature distributions at the cross-corner
heat transfer and the steam temperature changes are of section.
major concern, this approach can be deemed to be rather
accurate in providing efficient computational solutions to
such problems. on the steam temperatures, such as coal switching and
burner setting adjustment. One of the major concerns for
coal switching is if the boiler can still maintain its steam
5. Results and discussion
parameters without losing capacity. The ash fusion tem-
5.1. Baseline case peratures of both coals are very close. Thus, it can be
assumed that boiler operation (e.g. sootblowing) can still
The major purpose of the baseline simulation (Case 1) is
maintain the boiler’s slagging/fouling status at a similar
to incorporate the boiler’s current slagging/fouling sta-
level. For this reason, the same set values of Hext and ψ
tus into the calculation. The influence of slagging/fouling
are used in the heat transfer models. As will be seen, the
on heat transfer is considered in the model through Hext
reduced heating value of coal results in increased SH and
for radiative heating surfaces and ψ for convective heat
RH steam temperatures. Thus, two additional cases are
exchangers. Following the validation procedure intro-
considered in the study, attempting to recover the steam
duced in Section 4.1, the value of Hext is found to be
temperatures to their original values. In Case 3, 3.33 kg/s
440 W/(m2 ·K) for the furnace wall and the values of ψ
sprays are applied to each of the spray attemperators to
range from 0.65 to 1.0 for different heat exchangers. The
reduce the steam temperature. In Case 4, all the burners
predicted heat absorption and those estimated based on
are tilted down by 15° in order to enhance the furnace
the plant operating data (in Table 3) are listed in Table 5.
wall heat absorption by lowering the flame center.
It is shown that the predicted values agree very well with
Figure 5 shows the furnace temperature distributions
the operating data.
for Cases 1, 2 and 4. Case 3 has almost identical gas tem-
perature distribution to that of Case 2 and so will not be
5.2. Coal switching cases shown here. The temperature distribution in the furnace
is affected by both the combustion heat release and the
Next, the coupled heat transfer model is applied to evalu-
wall heat absorption. Compared to Case 1, it is seen that
ate the potential influences of boiler operation conditions
the furnace temperatures of Cases 2 and 4 are lower. This
is because coal B has higher moisture content. The latent
Table 5. Validation of boiler heat transfer calculation results. heat and sensible enthalpy absorbed by the moisture con-
Heating surfaces Operating data, MW CFD results, MW
tent in the combustion product reduces the overall flame
HRH 34.21 34.17
temperature. Case 4 shows that tilting the burner down
CRH 58.49 58.44 changes the injection direction of the air and coal streams
WRH 34.01 33.95 and, as a result, the high-temperature flame extends
SSH 30.71 30.68
PLSH 59.80 59.77 deeper into the furnace space. Since radiation contributes
DPSH 51.73 51.70 most of the wall heat absorption, the differences in tem-
PSHs 127.05 126.90
ROOF 20.48 20.47 perature distributions shown in Figure 5 are going to
WALL 347.70 347.61 make considerable differences to the furnace wall heat
ECON 28.85 28.84
transfer distribution.
498 Y. XIE ET AL.

Figure 7. Predicted heat transfer distributions for different cases.

Table 6. Heat absorption of each boiler heating surface.

Heat absorption, MW
surfaces Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
ECON 28.84 30.08 29.69 29.64
Figure 6. Heat flux distributions on the furnace right wall. WALL 347.61 337.67 337.46 346.13
ROOF 20.47 21.69 20.93 19.84
PSH1 8.84 9.52 9.16 9.24
PSH2 16.83 17.98 17.40 17.33
PSH3 24.94 26.38 25.63 25.53
Figure 6 presents the heat flux distributions of the fur- PSH4 36.59 38.25 37.09 37.39
nace wall for Cases 1, 2 and 4. It is shown that, because PSH5 39.70 40.88 39.76 40.16
of the reduced flame temperature, the wall heat flux in DPSH 51.70 53.12 53.44 50.28
PLSH 59.77 59.57 60.22 59.19
the coal switching cases (Cases 2 and 4) is considerably SSH 30.68 30.03 31.52 30.69
lower than that of Case 1. In Case 4, because tilting the WRH 33.95 35.37 35.92 33.24
CRH 58.44 57.16 58.75 58.38
burner down extends the high-temperature flame deeper HRH 34.17 33.12 34.49 34.24
into the furnace space, its wall heat flux appears higher
than that of Case 2.
Figure 7 shows the calculated heat transfer results for through the interaction of gas and steam temperatures.
the different cases with the corresponding data summa- The results here clearly demonstrate that the coupled heat
rized in Table 6. It can be seen that the total heat absorp- transfer model can effectively capture this coupled behav-
tion of the furnace wall is reduced from 347.6 MW for ior. Case 4 is the burner tilt case. As seen in Figure 7 and
Case 1 to 337.7 MW for Case 2. Consequently, in Case Table 6, the wall heat absorption of Case 4 is increased
2 the heat absorption by the downstream superheaters is and, consequently, the heat transfer distributions of Cases
increased. In Case 3, 3.33 kg/s cooling sprays are applied 1 and 4 are similar. The economizer is located at the out-
to each of the two spray attemperators. The spray flows let of the boiler. Any changes occurring in the boiler will
reduce the steam temperatures in the DPSH, the PLSH be compensated by the heat exchangers upstream of the
and the SSH and, hence, the temperature differences economizer. Thus, the heat absorption of the economizer
between the gas and steam flows in these superheaters varies very little for different cases.
are increased. Thus, the heat transfer to the DPSH, the Figure 8 shows the steam temperature variations
PLSH and the SSH increase slightly compared to Case along the steam cycle. Table 7 summarizes the predicted
2. Since the DPSH, the PLSH and the SSH are located water/steam flow rates and steam temperatures at the out-
downstream of the furnace exit, the heat transfer in the lets of each boiler heating surface and HP turbine for
main furnace is affected little. Thus, Cases 2 and 3 have the four cases. It is seen that the feedwater flow rates
very close furnace wall heat absorption. However, the of Cases 2 and 3 are lower than that of Case 1 due to
increased heat transfer to the DPSH, the PLSH and the the reduced evaporative heat absorption of the furnace
SSH reduces the overall gas temperature downstream of wall. The reduced steam flow along with the increased
these superheaters in the convection pass. As a result, SH heat absorption leads to the considerable increase
the heat absorption of the heat exchangers in the con- of the final SH steam temperature of Case 2 by 17.3°C.
vection pass (e.g. the PSHs and the ECON) are reduced As seen in Figure 8, the increased SH steam tempera-
compared to Case 2. As discussed before, the heat trans- ture leads to increased RH steam temperature at the inlet
fer calculations of all boiler heating surfaces are coupled of reheaters, which subsequently leads to the increase

and the SSH, respectively. As shown in Figure 8, the cool-

ing spray reduces the steam temperatures at the inlets
of the DPSH and the SSH and, consequently, brings the
final SH and RH steam temperatures back to ∼ 540°C.
Since 3.33 kg/s spray is well within the maximum capac-
ity of the spray attemperators ( ∼ 16.7 kg/s), the pre-
dicted results indicate that the boiler can still maintain
its original steam temperatures after coal switching. Case
4 is another boiler operational adjustment attempting
to recover the final SH and RH steam temperatures by
adjusting the injection direction of coal and air streams.
Figure 8. Predicted steam temperature variations along the
As seen in Figures 7 and 8, the boiler heat transfer dis-
steam cycle.
tribution and the SH and RH steam temperatures along
Table 7. The water/steam flow rates and steam temperatures at the steam cycle of Case 4 are very close to those of Case 1.
the outlets of heating surfaces. Since the maximum allowable burner tilt angles are ±30°,
Flow rate, t/h
the predicted results indicate that burner setting adjust-
ment is another effective way to maintain the boiler steam
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
temperatures after coal switching. The major reasons for
Feedwater 1065.0 1040.1 1038.4 1062.8
Spray 0.0 0.0 24.0 0.0
this boiler to be able to maintain its steam temperatures
SH steam 1065.0 1040.1 1062.4 1062.8 after coal switching is that the baseline case (Case 1) did
RH steam 965.0 942.4 962.6 962.9 not experience overheated steam and no spray attem-
Outlet Steam temperature, °C peration was applied to control the steam temperatures.
ECON 281.0 282.3 282.1 281.6 This is, however, not the case if the boiler has already
WALL 365.8 365.8 365.8 365.8
ROOF 367.1 367.4 367.3 367.0 maximized its spray attemperation.
PSH1 367.5 367.9 367.8 367.5
PSH2 369.5 370.4 370.0 369.5
PSH3 375.0 377.0 376.2 375.2 6. Conclusions
PSH4 388.3 392.7 390.9 389.1
PSH5 410.0 417.5 414.2 411.5 A coupled boiler heat transfer model that integrates the
DPSH 450.0 462.4 451.8 450.8
PLSH 509.0 525.3 512.6 509.4 boiler’s fire side CFD solution with the boiler’s steam
SSH 543.0 560.3 538.7 543.5 temperatures has been developed in this study. This
HPT 345.8 360.8 342.2 346.3
WRH 396.0 415.5 395.1 395.4 model is capable of predicting the steam temperature
CRH 488.0 508.4 487.7 487.4 variations along the entire steam cycle without resort to
HRH 540.0 563.0 543.3 542.6
a second process model. It is designed to provide effi-
Note: Bold values: The outlet steam temperatures of SSH and HRH mean the
final SH and RH steam temperatures generated by the boiler,respectively.
cient computational solutions to practical boiler prob-
They are the most essential operating prameters of a boiler. lems wherein the change of boiler steam temperatures
subject to different boiler design and operation condi-
of the final RH temperature by 23.0°C. The increases of tions are of major concern.
the final SH and RH steam temperatures by ∼ 20.0°C This coupled heat transfer model was applied to a
are rather remarkable. Maintaining the steam tempera- 320 MW subcritical boiler to evaluate the impacts of coal
tures stable at the boiler’s designated values ∼ 540°C is switching and boiler operation conditions on the boiler’s
the most crucial part of boiler operation. Lower steam heat transfer distribution and steam temperatures. The
temperatures directly reduce the boiler’s thermal effi- results show that the evaporation heat absorption of
ciency. Higher steam temperatures are generally strictly the furnace water wall is reduced and, consequently,
prohibited by the plant operators since this would cause the heat absorption by the downstream superheaters
thermal fatigue of the steam turbines and piping system. and reheaters is increased after switching to a coal
If the steam temperatures cannot be reduced effectively with reduced heating value. This results in a signifi-
through operational adjustments, the boilers have to de- cant increase of the final SH and RH steam tempera-
rate to protect the steam turbines and piping. Either case tures. The increase of steam temperatures, however, can
will severely hurt the thermal performance of the boiler be recovered through boiler operational adjustments,
and cause significant economic losses of the power plants. such as attemperation spray and burner tilt. The sim-
In order to examine if the increased steam temperatures ulation results illustrate that the coupled model can
can be recovered, in Case 3, 3.33 kg/s of cooling sprays capture the complex coupled heat transfer behavior
are applied through the attemperators before the DPSH between the fire and steam sides of boiler effectively, and
500 Y. XIE ET AL.

serve as an efficient predictive tool for practical boiler T sat,v Saturation temperature of steam, °C
applications. Tw Furnace wall ash layer surface temperature, °C

Nomenclature Greek characters

Ac Pre-exponential factor for the char surface reac- ψ Thermal effective factor of convective heat
tion model, kg/(m2 ·s·atm) exchangers
Av Pre-exponential factor for the coal devolatiliza- ηhp Isentropic efficiency of a high-pressure turbine
tion model, s−1
Ec Activation energy for the char surface reaction
model, J/mole Disclosure statement
Ev Activation energy for the coal devolatilization No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
model, J/mole
econ Specific enthalpy of water out of the economizer,
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