CS 111 - Assignment #2: Chapter 2: Binary Values and Number Systems Total Points: 52

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CS 111 - Assignment #2

Chapter 2: Binary Values and Number Systems - Read and study pp. 32-51
Hand in the following work (Important: Turn in word processor output for the exercises) - Exercise #s
1..17 (1 pt each), 20 (6), 21 (5), 22 (5), 23 (10), 26 (5), and 28 (4) - pts in parentheses - Total points: 52

(5) For Exercises 1–5, match the following numbers with their definition.
A. Number B. Natural number C. Integer number
D. Negative number E. Rational number
1. A unit of an abstract mathematical system subject to the laws of arithmetic. A
2. A natural number, a negative of a natural number, or zero. E
3. The number zero and any number obtained by repeatedly adding one to it. B
4. An integer or the quotient of two integers (division by zero excluded). C
5. A value less than zero, with a sign opposite to its positive counterpart. D

(6) For Exercises 6–11, match the solution with the problem.
A. 10001100 B. 10011110 C. 1101010
D. 1100000 E. 1010001 F. 1111000
6. 1110011 + 11001 (binary addition) A
7. 1010101 + 10101 (binary addition) C
8. 1111111 + 11111 (binary addition) B
9. 1111111 – 111 (binary subtraction) F
10. 1100111 – 111 (binary subtraction) D
11. 1010110 – 101 (binary subtraction) E

(6) For Exercises 12–17, mark the answers true and false as follows: A. True B. False
12. Binary numbers are important in computing because a binary number can be converted into every
other base. T

13. Binary numbers can be read off in hexadecimal but not in octal. F
14. Starting from left to right, every grouping of four binary digits can be read as one hexadecimal digit.
15. A byte is made up of six binary digits. F

16. Two hexadecimal digits cannot be stored in one byte. F

17. Reading octal digits off as binary produces the same result whether read from right to left or left to
right. F

(6) 20. Label these numbers natural, negative, or rational.

a. 1.333333 Rational
b. – 1/3 Negative
c. 1066 Natural
d. 2/5 Rational
e. 6.2 Rational
f. (pi) Rational

(5) 21. If 891 is a number in each of these bases, how many 1s are there?
a. base 10 891
b. base 8 1573
c. base 12 623
d. base 13 537
e. base 16 37B
(5) 22. Express 891 as a polynomial in each of the bases in Exercise 21.
a. base 10
b. base 8
c. base 12
d. base 13
e. base 16

(10) 23. Convert these numbers from the base shown to base 10:
a. 111 (base 2) 7
b. 777 (base 8) 511
c. FEC (base 16) 4076
d. 777 (base 16) 1911
e. 111 (base 8) 73

(5) 26. Expand the table on page 40 to include the numbers from 11 through 16

(4) 28. Convert these binary numbers to octal:

a. 111110110 766
b. 1000001 201
c. 10000010 402
d. 1100010 142

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