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Quickly scan the poster. What particular features stick out or what did you notice first?
The noticeable part of the caricature are those people that hauling the American. I can
say that the person who is riding in chariot is American because he is wearing the
National costume of the American.
Observe its parts:
Does it have a message printed on it? List the List the people, objects, places and activities
word/s written on it in the poster
 Uncle Sam who is a common national
There is no message printed on the personification of the U.S federal
caricature. government that is supposedly
named for Samuel Wilson.
 Filipino Boys that is students of Liceo
de Manila
 The objects included are baseball
bats, whiskey, and boxing gloves.
 It was an event in Manila Pier.
Are there questions or instructions? What are the main colors used?
Black and white are the main color used.
There are no questions and instructions Caricature artist often use brush markers and
written on it. charcoal to draw.

Does it say who created it? Are there any symbols?

The creator is not placed in the caricature. Uncle Sam has been popular symbol of the
US government in American culture and a
manifestation of patriotic emotion.

Write a summary about this poster

Uncle Sam was riding a chariot pulled by the Filipino students. The Filipino boys were
carrying American objects like baseball bats, whiskey, and boxing gloves. It was an event on
1907 when William Howard Taft was brought in Manila Pier riding a chariot that is pulled by the
students of Liceo de Manila and this event was condemned by nationalist that time.
Try to make sense of it

1. When is this from?

It was mainly published in the independent 1915 and it is from the Philippines.
2. What was happening at the time in history when this poster was created?
The Americans was controlling the Filipinos by changing the perceptions of them.
Through the harmless mentality of colonization, the Americans are pleasing the Filipinos
behind the dark motives of them.
3. What do you think is the intended audience?
The intended audience are the Filipinos that gives knowledge about the events in the
4. Why was it created? List the evidence from the poster that tells you this.
It was created to give hints for the Filipino about the manipulations and black
propagandas of the Americans. And it was supported by the Filipinos pulling a chariot
and the objects that is carrying of them. Those objects like baseball bats, whiskey and
boxing gloves are influenced by the American culture.
Use it as Historical Evidence

1. What did you find out from the document that you might not learn anywhere else?
I found out that Uncle Sam is used as the symbolism of US government. Also, the
Filipinos students of Liceo de Manila was actually pulling William Howard Taft to an event in
2. What other documents or historical evidence are you going to use to help you understand
the event or topic?
Physical evidence which is landscapes and streets that can be used as historical record
to help to tell the story of Uncle Sam riding a chariot.

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