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Host: Good day and welcome, everyone! Thank you for joining and finding time for this 3 rd and last day Disrict Skills
Echo Webinar in Organic Agriculture for elementary EPP teachers.

My name is Hazel Ann Datuin, from Nilasin 1st Elementary School.

Now let’s begin this program with a prayer this will be followed by the singing of the national anthem through video

For our checking of attendance in our today’s webinar, let me call on Mrs. RIA MARIE REYES

Thank you madam ria for the _______ roll call.

To give us the main points and some details in our topic yesterday may I call on DR. HANNA LEE T. TOQUERO

For the recap.

My thanks and appreciation mam for the comprehensible recap.

Are you all excited or our topics this morning?

Hindi ko na po patatagalin pa, May I call on Mr. Jomar G. Gandola to finally introduce to us the speakers for today.

Mga Speakers

Geofrey V. Domingo

Feliciano D. Gabriel

Terry Cortes

Lets give it up for sir Geoffrey V. Domingo. Thank you Sir Geoffrey V. Domingo for your informative discussion. I am sure
our audiences learned a lot from you.

Let us call Sir JOmar to introduce our next speaker

once again may I call in Sir jomar To introduce our last speaker


To finally conclude our program let us have Mr. Julius Gabuya to wrap-up for our 3day webinar.

To give us our wrap-up for our 3day webinar, let’s all have Sir Leasen E. Onanad, _____________.

Let us proceed now to the awarding of certificates


Thanks Miss Gole. Just a little housekeeping before we get started. If you have any questions during the presentation,
please type them into the question box in your [Zoom, GoToWebinar, WebEx] control panel. I'll bring them up during the
presentation and we will also have time for questions at the end.

Now without further ado, we will turn the time over to speaker. Our presenter today is our very own, Math Coordinator
in our beloved institution. Again, she will be presenting about Distance Learning Approaches. Let us all welcome,
Miss Maria Katherine C. Friginal.


Host: Wow. Thank you Miss Friginal. That’s so informative. I am sure our audiences learned a lot from you.

At this juncture, we will go ahead and take some time for questions now. Just a reminder, please be sure to type your
questions into the question box in your control panel.

It looks like we have a few questions. Teacher __________ asks... _____________


Host: Uhm Okay. It looks like we've covered all of our questions. Miss Friginal is there anything else you wanted to cover
before our recapitulation?

(Presenter: No, I think we're good for now! Thank you, everyone. It was a pleasure being with you today.)

Host: Again, let’s give a hand to Miss Friginal for our topic today. (Clap) To give us our wrap-up for today’s webinar, let’s
all have Sir Leasen E. Onanad, _____________.


Host: Thanks Sir Onanad! That’s it for today, everyone! We appreciate you being here. We would like to acknowledge
again the presence of ___________________. We would also like to thank everyone who made this webinar
series possible. Thanks again for joining us today. I am Miss Datuin and see you next time. God bless us all.


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