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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of Taguig and Pateros
Taguig National High School
New Lower Bicutan, Taguig City

The Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students of Taguig
National High School

A research presented to:

Mrs. Diana Jane Alfaro

In Culminating

of Taguig National High School

Submitted by:

Narayan, Joshua Vignesh

Eltagon, Hezel Mae

Dakingking, Ella Mitch

Ilao, Lea

Marato, Bai-Nissan

Galindo, Samir

Sobrevinas, Justine Lloyd


JUNE 06, 2021




Every year, a lot of students enroll at Taguig National High School. Once the school year begins,
the scholars of Taguig National High School are addicted to social media, like taking part in
laptop games, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Tumbler, Tiktok, and even looking at
online videos in school. Students should perceive the facility of social media to satisfy their
impulses. Nowadays, technology is changing more and more. And it's recuperating by the day
for the nation to use at our enjoyment.

This technological evolution affects all folks; however, the "Millennials" are the foremost
influenced. We'll concentrate our analysis on Grade 12 Students from Taguig National ages High
School starting from 17-19 years old., for the research to get a lot of specific and correct answers
from our analysis. Social media is outlined as “the relationships that exist between networks of
individuals.” Students, on the opposite hand, pay the bulk of their time on social media platforms
like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and so on, instead of doing their schoolwork.

People use social media to connect with those who live distantly owing to the evolution of social
media, it's currently a lot easier and a lot more convenient to use than it had been antecedently.
Social media may also be accustomed categorically however you're feeling regarding somebody
or one thing. Folks are fascinated by however they use social media to specific themselves,
whether or not it's for politics, education, or perhaps diversion. And social media has the best
impact on students as a result of those agencies using it the foremost.

The increasing generality of social media access, convenience, practicality, and suppleness of
social technologies are driving factors for adoption (Brown, 2010; Schroeder, Minorca, and
Schneider, 2010). These factors have created social media adoption straightforwardly and have
immensely improved mankind's life by exposing them to new ways of making and sharing data.
Another advantage of internet-based social technologies is that they're often free or need solely a
little investment, removing a possible barrier to adoption (Brown, 2010).
As we tend to all recognize, nothing attention-grabbing is ever utterly one-sided, and also the
same is true for social media, which has positive and negative effects. There's a link between
social media use and educational performance among students. There are numerous points of
reading and opinions that acknowledge four major edges of the exploitation of social media in
teaching. These embrace strengthening relationships, increasing learning motivation, providing
customized course material, and developing cooperative skills (Wheeler, Yeomans, and Wheeler,
2008; Rifkin, Long lover, Leach, and Ortiz, 2009). Moreover, Ricardo et al. (2007) argued that
students are connected and therefore share their daily learning experiences and interact in oral
communication on numerous topics through social media, whereas Kuppuswamy and Shankar
(2010) reviewed that social network websites capture students' attention so divert it to non-
educational and inappropriate activities like useless chatting.

According to analysis, students use social media extensively. As per Wiley and Sisson (2006),
previous studies have found that quite ninetieth of tertiary faculty students use social networks.
It's additionally been discovered that students use social networking sites (SNSs) for roughly
thirty (30) minutes per day as a part of their daily routine (Nicole, Charles, and Cliff, 2007). This
demonstrates the extent to which students use these sites, which can have positive and negative
consequences for students' educational performance.

Rachel Heike claims that several elders are involved, however, toddlers' exposure to technology
can affect their development. We all know that our preschoolers are chop-chops developing new
social and psychological feature skills and that we don't need hours spent to associate iPad to
hinder that. However, adolescence is associated with an equally necessary amount of speedy
development, and too few folks are listening to our teenagers' use of technology — much more
intense and intimate than a 3-year-old fiddling with dad's iPhone — affects them. Specialists are
concerned that the physical media and text messages that became so current in adolescent life are
increasing anxiety and lowering vanity.


This study aims to investigate the effects of social media on academic performance of grade 12

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents according to:

1.1. Age

1.2 Gender

2. What are the effects of social media in grade 12 students of Taguig National High School in
terms of the following aspects:

2.1 Social

2.2 Academic performance

3. Is there a significant effect of social media on academic performance of grade 12 students of

Taguig National High School.

4. What ways is needed to avoid the negative effect of social media on academic performance of
grade 12 students of Taguig National High School.



Social cognitive theory, which is utilized in psychology, education, and communication,

proposes that some of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly tied to seeing others
in the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences. In other words,
humans do not learn new behaviors only by attempting them and either succeeding or failing;
rather, humanity's existence is based on replicating the acts of others. That behavior may be
imitated depending on whether people are rewarded or penalized for their conduct and the
consequence of the activity. Furthermore, media serve as role models for a diverse range of
people in a variety of environments.
In social psychology, the idea of cognitive dissonance states that people have a motivational
desire to eliminate dissonance by adjusting current cognitions, adding new ones to establish a
coherent belief system, or alternatively by diminishing the relevance of any one of the

Dissonances are a type of dissonance. When people experience cognitive dissonance, they
experience an uncomfortable mental state "find themselves doing things that contradict what
they are supposed to be doing now, or having beliefs that differ from those they hold." People
want their expectations to match reality, producing a sense of stability, which is a critical

Another assumption is that a person would avoid circumstances or information sources that
cause unease or discord. Cognitive dissonance theory analyzes human behavior by claiming that
people have a tendency to seek consistency between their expectations and reality. People,
according to Festinger, participate in a process he calls "dissonance reduction," which may be
accomplished in one of three ways: decreasing the prominence of one of the discordant
components, adding harmonious aspects, or modifying one of the dissonant ones. This bias
illuminates otherwise perplexing, illogical, and even destructive conduct.


Teachers. This study will assist the school's teachers in understanding the impact that social
media has on their students, allowing them to enlighten and create awareness among the students
about the potential impact it has on them.

Parents. The study is significant to parents in the sense that they will be aware of the potential
effects of social media usage on their children, allowing them to act as a watchdog over their
children's use of social networking sites.

Students. The study will educate senior high school students so that they are aware that, aside
from the social benefits of these social networking sites, using them more than necessary may
pose health risks. It will be useful in assisting students in comprehending the breadth of social
media. It will be useful material for students and other researchers conducting similar research.
Future Researchers. The study will provide researchers with additional information on the
effects of social media on students' academic performance.


The primary goal of this study is to look into the effects of social media on the academic
performance of Grade 12 students from Taguig National High School. The data gathered and
presented in the study are limited from those obtained from fifty grade 12 students.


Because words can have different meanings in different contexts, the following definitions are
provided for the words used as they are intended to be understood for the purposes of this study.

Social Media are forms of electronic communication that allow for interactive interaction based
on specific interests. Web and mobile technology are included in social media.

Social Networking sites is a website where people can put information about themselves and
share it with others.

Social Networking is the use of the internet to make information about yourself available to
others, particularly people with whom you have a common interest, in order to send messages to

Media refers to all media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience through mass
communication. "They are messages communicated to a large number of people through a mass

Academic is concerned with learning from books rather than doing practical work.

Students who is enrolled in a university or high school. Someone who is extremely interested in
a specific subject

Computers is a machine that quickly receives, stores, or processes data in accordance with a
stored program.
Tweets a brief message sent via Twitter (a micro blog).

ICT stands for information and communication technology.




The Concept of Social Media

As a result, it is difficult to assign a fixed definition to social media, as Jack and Scott (2011)
argued that “There is no single recognized definition for social media". However, over the years,
various scholars have defined it from various perspectives.

Social media, according to Kaplan and Heinlein (2010), is a group of internet-based applications
that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and enable the creation
and exchange of user-generated content. According to the Oxford Dictionary (2011), social
media are "websites and applications used for social networking." Another definition of social
media is a “communication channel that is very popular, extremely fast, and broad, and has
proven to be highly effective, as well as trusted by billions of people, to share and discover
content concerning individuals, brands, information, entertainment, and know-how" (Dearborn,
2014). All of these definitions have one thing in common: social media involves some form of
communication between individuals via the internet.

In the late 1990s, the first recognized social media network called "Six Degrees" was launched in
1997, and this technology allowed people to upload a profile and make friends. Between 1997
and 2001, a number of community tools, including Asian Avenue, blackplanet, and MiGente,
began to support various combinations of profile and publicly articulated friends (Boyd, Danah,
Ellison, and Nicole, 2007). Since this time, there has been tremendous progress, and today there
are countless social networking sites designed for local, specific, or international use. Kaplan and
Heinlein (2010) classified social media into six (6) categories, which are as follows:
1. Collaborative project (Wikipedia)

2. Blogs and micro blogs (Twitter)

3. Content communities (YouTube)

4. Social networking sites (FB, 2go, BB chat)

5. Virtual game World (World of War Craft)

6. Virtual second world ( Second Life)

This classification of social media into classes has been useful to scholars and individuals for
easy identification and study of a specific social media type; however, due to the high
proliferation of social media, one may wonder which group a newly developed social media type
fits into. Social media is the fastest growing web application in the twenty-first century, and this
rapid growth is being fueled by technological advancement (Heyam, 2014). Mankind has greatly
benefited and continues to benefit from it, and as such, its importance in terms of communication
cannot be overstated.

Today, social media has taken on a new dimension, with the introduction of mobile phones that
support social network applications encouraging greater participation. Mobile social networking
refers to the use of mobile phones powered by Android applications to socialize. According to
Humphreys (2007) in his study titled "Mobile Social Networks and Social Practices," social
network applications have now been migrated from the computer to the mobile phone, network
information and communication can be integrated into the public space, and these new services
developed for mobile phones allow users to create, develop, and strengthen their social ties.

Positive effects of social media on students’ academic life

Since the introduction of these social media networks, students' academic lives have taken on a
new dimension, and several studies have confirmed that social media plays an important role on
students in higher education, including the study conducted by Wheeler, Yeomans, and Wheeler,
(2008); Rifkin, Longnecker, Leach, and Ortia (2009). They identified four (4) major benefits of
social media usage by students in higher education in their study, which included improving
relationships, improving learning motivation, offering personalized course material, and
developing collaborative abilities. Indeed, social media has greatly aided in the facilitation of
learning in the twenty-first century. It has been demonstrated that a higher percentage of
students, including those at the PhD level, frequently use social media to improve their studies
(Khan, 2010).

The answers to the causes of flexible studies today may not be far-fetched from the significant
contribution that social media platforms provide when used wisely. Despite the fact that there
have been other schools of thought that claim social media is a hindrance to students' academic
lives, such as Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), who argued in their study that social networks
divert students' attention and concentration away from learning and redirect it toward non-
educational activities such as useless and unnecessary chatting, there have been several studies
that claim social media is a hindrance to students' academic lives. For example, a study titled
"the impact of social networking in promoting education" conducted by Jain, Verma, Verma, and
Tiwari (2012) revealed that students benefit from chatting with other students, teachers, and
external sources to acquire knowledge. Yunus and Salehi (2012) also argued in the same vein,
claiming that students gained more vocabulary, improved their writing skills, and reduced
spelling errors as a result of their use of social media.

Indeed, as an educational tool, social media enriches learning by allowing students and teachers
to connect in novel and exciting ways, thereby encouraging a flexible mode of learning. It is
claimed that flexible learning broadens people's options for what, when, and how they learn. It
supports a variety of learning styles, including E-learning, which is widely used around the world
(Pappas, 2013). Other researchers, such as O'keeffe and Clake-pearson (2011), discovered that
social media benefits students by connecting them to one another on assignments and class

It is further supported by the findings of Arquero and Esteban, (2013) and Selwyn, (2007), who
concluded that social media unquestionably create new opportunities to engage students in
higher education because they are remarkably effective at connecting people and facilitating the
exchange of information. These studies demonstrate unequivocally and unequivocally that social
media usage in the educational sector has not been underestimated since its inception.
Negative effects of social media on students’ academic life

Some of the risks associated with social media, according to Davies and Cranston (2008),
include criminal activities such as identity theft and fake contacts, which are common today,
sexual abuse or harassment, and inappropriate advertising. O'keeffe and Clarke Pearson (2011)
identified cyberbullying, online harassment, sexting, Facebook depression, and privacy concerns
as some of the challenges associated with social networking.

Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that takes place in the digital realm or
through the medium of electronic text. ‘‘It is any behavior performed by 9 individuals or groups
through electronic or digital media that repeatedly communicates hostile or aggressive messages
intended to inflict harm or discomfort on others." Tokunaga (2010) defines formalized
Cyberbullying as a serious threat in the social media environment, necessitating a number of
studies to determine its root causes. According to Calvete, Orue, Estevez, Villardon, and Padilla
(2010), the causes of cyberbullying were significantly related to the use of proactive aggression,
justification of violence, exposure to violence, and less perceived social support.

Privacy Concerns: This is yet another issue that everyone involved in social networking faces.
The rate at which people post or share false information is concerning, and it is difficult to
determine whether or not what people say and post is truly representative of who they are.
Individuals' private information is publicly displayed on some of these social networks, and
malicious people use it to harass them in various ways. It is also argued that the privacy options
provided by most social networking sites (SNSs) do not give users the flexibility needed to deal
with conflicts with people who have different views on privacy (Preibusch, Hoser, Gurses and
Berendt, 2007).

Aside from these effects, other studies conducted by scholars have shown that social media can
be detrimental to students' academic lives if they are not used with caution. For example, Obi,
Bulus, Adamu, and Sala'at (2012) discovered that social media affects students' use of English in
their study titled “The Need for Safety Consciousness among Youths on Social Networking
Sites.” They use short-handwriting when chatting with friends and unconsciously become
accustomed to it, repeating the same errors during exams. Even if one may argue that these are
minor issues, it is critical to recognize the increasing rate at which these errors are replicated in
the education sector, and if caution is not exercised, future generations may see it as the norm.
Indeed, a number of studies, including but not limited to those of Kuppuswamy and Shankar
(2010), Osharive (2015), and Maya (2015), among others, have found unequivocally that social
media can be detrimental to students' academic lives if they are not used with caution.

Social media and education

According to a Pew Research Center survey, the largest social networking company, Facebook,
for example, has 1.49 billion active users as of 2015, and the number of users is growing every
year. According to the survey, 72 percent of high school students and 78 percent of college
students spend time on social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube,
Viber, E-mail, and so on. These figures clearly show how involved the student community is in
this virtual world of networking. Because everything is packaged.


According to Rejie D. Astudillo (2016) urban center town, Kalinga - individuals everywhere the
worlds have been enjoying the advantages of victimization technology today. Within the past,
human activity and free sharing of thought between individuals are restricted by long distance,
race, and even faith. however currently these barriers will no longer stop the flow information}
and knowledge as a result of currently the new world of social networking permits free sharing
of thoughts through on-line social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and also
the like. Since students are extremely driven to victimization social media sites the bulk of them
use these to satisfy their social desires over their tutorial desires. they need the liberty to try and
do no matter they require they can upload or transfer information, they'll create new friends and
discuss alternative people’s lives, and that they will even create alternative on-line identities the
$64000 world doesn't enable. It's been ascertained too that the bulk of the students today, notably
those within the secondary level, spend most of their time chatting with their acquaintances,
enjoying on-line games, and observance videos rather than reading their lessons, creating their
assignments, and alternative tutorial needs. The main reason is that once they work or search
their materials online they get drawn to social networking sites to kill ennui throughout study
time, and fun their attention from their work. The darker facet of this that has gained the eye of
the many folks is that some students are getting lazier and are no longer curious about college.

This is often most likely thanks to being extensively indulged to induce world access and so
leading them to perform less academically. I have ascertained from my Grades 7 and 8 students
at the urban center town National high school identical positive and negative impact of
victimization social media within and out of doors. I found these social sites helpful once just the
once I was required to speak with my students, reminding them of their assignments and urgent
needs. Additionally, l used these social sites to refer my students to useful resources that could
fetch them higher grades in lecturers. I attempted to encourage the scholars, notably the
teenagers with gadgets having web facilities, to use it to supplement their researches within the
library instead of the usual chatting with friends all the time. As a result, 95% of them were in a
position deal with their tutorial difficulties and a minimum of 65 to75% of the category obtained
the common level of performance. However, students ought to be inspired to limit the time they
pay on social media sites and be suggested to rather substitute those hours with reading some
learning materials short stories, novels, etc. to enhance their vocabulary. Since the utilization of
social media sites has affected the educational performance of scholars negatively, there's a
necessity to introduce the student's other information resources or materials that may inspire and
facilitate them perform well in their lectures.

We can’t deny the fact that as the years move, the demand for web usage keeps increasing as a
result of it is already a necessity among finished users, notably students. Developers have created
on-line social media sites where individuals will have a lot of advanced, a lot of reliability, and a
lot of artistic ways of human activity. This shows humans are social animals. We tend to
continually wish to belong in a very cluster wherever we tend to additionally like what the
cluster will. According to a survey conducted by bench center, as of 2015 the biggest social
networking company, Facebook for example, has 1.49 billion active users and also the variety of
users is increasing each year. As a part of the same survey, 72 % of high school students and 80
% school students pay time on these social networking sites Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
YouTube, Viber, E-mail, etc.
These numbers evidently indicate what quantity the coed community is concerned about during
this virtual world of networking. Students like social media sites as reliable sources of data as a
result of everything may be a package. A research conducted by Gagne sometime in 2003
defined media generally as some quiet elements in a very students’ environment which will
stimulate them to check higher. Researchers additionally found that the utilization of some styles
of social media has useful effects to students, not solely on their tutorial desires however
additionally to assist them establish a sense of identity and build and enhance networking skills

Possible benefits:

-Allows for more open communication, which leads to better information discovery and delivery.

-Employees may exchange ideas, publish news, ask questions, and exchange links.

-Allows for the expansion of business relations.

-It reaches a large number of people, making it a handy and successful recruitment tool.

-Improves business reputation and customer base while utilizing less advertising.

-Expands market research, develops marketing initiatives, communicates with customers, and
leads them to certain websites.

Possible Disadvantages

-Allows hackers to perpetrate fraud as well as conduct spam and malware assaults.

-Increases the likelihood of consumers falling victim to internet frauds that appear legitimate,
resulting in data or identity theft.

-Employees may make unfavorable remarks about the firm or face legal ramifications if they use
these sites to see undesirable, illegal, or offensive information.

-This might result in lost productivity, particularly if staff are busy updating profiles, etc.

It is not difficult to collect related literature for social networking sites. The research has a wealth
of prevalence and outcome data, however there is a deficiency of linked research and associated
literature. The researchers are eager to gather data for local studies and publications. However,
an investigation and evaluation of relevant material had been conducted and compiled in order to
give some facts and insights to aid in the study. The Collected Related Literature and Studies
serve as an essential source of knowledge, prompting the researcher to perform a large study on
high school students' perceptions about social media.

The relevant literature and research provide students with knowledge and ideas on the
consequences of social networking sites. An examination of contemporary periodicals and books
that may address the same topic, both local and foreign, reveals the same perspective.




The descriptive design will be used in this investigation. This study design is appropriate for the
researcher's goals, which are to examine the effects of social media on grade 12 students'
academic achievement.


The random sampling methodology will be employed in this research project. The researcher
will approach those students who are willing and accessible to respond to the pre-designed
survey questions. This method will be repeated indefinitely until the sample reaches the
appropriate size.

This study will be carried out in the Taguig National High School site, A. Reyes St., New Lower
Bicutan, Taguig City.


The study's participants will be 50 grade 12 students from Taguig National High School Campus.


The researcher will create a 14-item survey questionnaire in order to assess the effects of social
media on students, spanning from the characteristics that are regarded to be influenced elements
of an individual, which are as follows: social aspects, as well as school performance.


In order to collect data, the researcher will use a pre-designed survey questionnaire. In
accordance with this, the researcher will follow the steps outlined below.

1.The researcher will get permission from the instructor in charge to conduct a survey related to
the study title.

2.The developed survey questionnaire will be sent by the researcher using Google Forms.


The data that will be obtained from the questionnaires which is going to be distributed by the
researcher was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted with the use of the following sampling

1. Percentage

Percentage was used to define the demographic profile of the respondents.

Formula: % = f ÷ n * 100

Where: f = Frequency

% = Percentage

2.Weighted Mean

Weighted mean was used to determine the effect of social media on social aspects and
academic performances of the students.

Formula: X́ =
∑ wi x i
∑ wi

where: X́ = Weighted Mean

w i = Weight of the ith x

x i= observed values

Scoring guide for getting the descriptive rating is shown below.

Score Description

3 Agree

2 Neutral

1 Disagree

3. One Sample T-test to determine is the data mean is significantly different from the value.


This chapter summarizes the research's findings, analysis, and interpretation of data obtained
from research participants. The specific issues presented in this study were addressed in order.
Following the survey, the research data examined the responses of respondents. The respondents'
demographic profile includes their age and gender. And the Average of Total Weighted Score
(TWS), Average Weighted Mean (WM) and Descriptive Response (DR). The information is
given in tabular form, with accompanying narrative presentation and explanation.

1. Demographic Profile of Respondents

1. 1 Age. The age of senior high school students of Taguig National High School is presented
in Table 1.1

Age Frequency Percentage

17 6 12%

18 29 58%

19 8 16%

20 4 8%

21 3 6%

Table 1.1: Presentation of Personal Information in Terms of Age

It is revealed that most of the participants are 18 years old. These students comprised 29
(58%) of the total sample, 8 representing (16%) of the sample are 19 years old, 6
representing (12%) of the sample are 17 years old, 4 representing (8%) of the sample are
20 years old and 3 representing (6%) of the sample are 21 years old.

1.2 Gender. The Sex of the senior high school students of Taguig National High School
presented in Table 1.2

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 19 38%

Female 31 62%

Total 50 100%

Table 1.2: Presentation of Personal information in terms of Gender

It is shown that most of the participants are female. These students comprised 31 (62%) of the
total sample while the male participants only comprised 19 (38%) of the total sample. This states
the fact that frequent social media sites users in Taguig National High School in the Grade 12
level are females.

2. Effects of social networking sites to the Grade 12 Students of Taguig National High

2.1 Effects of social networking sites to the Grade 12 Students of Taguig National High
School in terms of Social Aspect

Indicators TWS WM DR

1. It's my routine 137 2.74 Agree

habit to use social
media in my daily
2 Does usage of social 105 2.1 Neutral
media sites in my
routine affect my time

3. I prefer to express 94 1.88 Neutral

my ideas and feelings
on social media?

4. My membership 106 2.12 Neutral

on social media
websites are

5.Social networking 131 2.62 Agree

sites are affecting the
way of speaking or
writing in students'

6. Social networking 128 2.56 Agree

sites are more
effective in
communicating with
our friends.

7.Do social 88 1.76 Neutral

networking sites
differentiate students
on the bases of their
demography? to
remain in contact with

Average 112.71 2.25 Neutral

Table 2.1: Effects of social media to the grade 12 students of Taguig National High School
in terms of Social Aspect answers the problem number two (2) sub-problem 2.1 as stated in
chapter I. the table shows that the Total Weighted Score (TWS) has an average of 112.71 and
Weighted Mean (WM) has an average of 2.25, that fall under the average Descriptive Response
(DR) as Neutral. As shown in the Table 2.1, Effects of social media to the grade 12 students of
Taguig National High School on social aspect scored highest in Total Weighted Score (TWS) is
137 which falls under the indicator 1, while the lowest has the Total Weighted Score (TWS) of
88 in indicator 7.

This reveals that respondents are neutral on the contribution of social aspects of social media on
students. Furthermore, Jennifer Walsh, lead author of the study (Research: Social media has
negative impact on academic performance), which was published in the journal Emerging
Adulthood, wrote that students who spent the most time using social media had “fewer academic
behaviors, such as completing homework and attending class, lower academic confidence and
more problems affecting their school work.

2.2 Effects of social media to the grade 12 students of Taguig National High School in
terms of Academic performance

Indicators TWS WM DR

1. Facebook 110 2.2 Neutral

positively affects my
study timings in

127 2.54 Agree

2.I timely submit my
assignments whether
spending time on

3.Groups and pages 131 2.62 Agree

related to studies are
created by scholars on
Facebook to help
students in their

4. Is social media 117 2.34 Neutral

having a positive
impact on students'

5. I find it flexible to 130 2.6 Agree

focus on work by
logging into Social
Media as it helps me
to remain in contact
with classmates

6.Students share 136 2.72 Agree

study material on
social media that
helps other students
which are weak in
studies performance

7.Social networking 136 2.72 Agree

sites an effective tool
for E-learning for

Average 126.71 2.53 Agree

Table 2.2: Effects of social media to the grade 12 students of Taguig National High
School on Academic Performance answers the problem number two (2) sub-problem 2.2 as
stated in chapter I. the table shows that the Total Weighted Score (TWS) has an average of
126.71 and Weighted Mean (WM) has an average of 2.53, that falls under the average
Descriptive Response (DR) as Agree. As shown in the Table 2.2, Effects of social networking
sites to the Grade 12 Students of Taguig National High School on Academic Performance scored
highest in Total Weighted Score (TWS) is 136 which falls under the indicator 6 and 7, while the
lowest has the Total Weighted Score (TWS) of 110 in indicator 1.

This reveals that respondents agree on the contribution of social media on academic performance
of students. Furthermore, according to the study (The relationship between social networking
addiction and academic performance in Iranian students of medical sciences: a cross-sectional
study) Reduced academic performance is one of the most important consequences of social
networking overuse for students. The results of a study on medical students showed that students
who used social networks and the internet more than average had a poor academic achievement
and low level of concentration in the classroom.

2.3 Summary of Effects of Social Media to the grade 12 students of Taguig National High


Social Aspects 112.71 2.25 Neutral 2

Academic 126.71 2.53 Agree 3


Average 119.71 2.39 Neutral 2

Table 2.3 Summary Effects of social media on academic performance of grade 12

students of Taguig National High School answers the problem number one (2) and its sub-
problems as stated in chapter I. the table 2.3 Summary of Effects of social media on academic
performance of grade 12 students, shows that the Total Weighted Score (TWS) has an average
of 119.71 and Weighted Mean (WM) has an average of 2.39 that falls under the average
Descriptive Response (DR) as Neutral, and the average Rank as 2.

This reveals that respondents are neutral on the contribution of social aspects of social media and
its effects on academic performance of students. Furthermore, The profile and the use of social
media in some aspects influence the contribute to the development of the ethical perception of
students on social media utilization and multitasking, social networking sites having a neutral or
mixed feeling according to de Guzman Jr.

3. Social Media on Academic Performance of Grade 12 students of Taguig National High

School Mean Score

Mean Standard T Critical d.o.f Sig

Deviation Value
( One tailed)

2.39 O.31 -0.025 1.761 14 <0.05




1. Students should be informed about how social media affects their academic achievement.
2 Teachers and parents should keep an eye on how students utilize these sites.

3. Teachers should make use of social media as a tool to help students enhance their academic
performance in school.

4. There should be a decrease in the number of time students spend surfing the internet.

5. To improve academic activities and avoid setbacks in students' academic performance, social
networking sites should be expanded and new pages should be created.

6. Students should maintain a healthy balance of chit-chat and academic activities.

7.Students should focus on the academic relevance of social media networks rather than using
them for negative purposes.

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