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Ethics and Moral Obligations: Hiring Illegal Immigrants

Summary of the Management

The subject I have chosen to investigate is the recruitment of illicit aliens and the attendant
ethical and moral difficulties. I have investigated why managers tend to recruit illegal
personnel although they do not know that is a law practise. The investigation will focus on: is
recruiting an illegal immigrant ethical?

Before we go deep into the subject, it is vital to grasp the social environment around this
issue. If people from other countries migrate to a new country, they bring their culture and
customs with them. When we talk about 12 million people, they inevitably have an impact on
society, transforming communities in which they finally live. In addition, knowing why
people are compelled to leave everything in another nation to hunt for a job clarifies our
thinking and it will be simpler to find a solution to this ethical challenge. I also concentrated
on the point of view of society and the influence on demographics and lifestyle of the surge
of unauthorised workers and immigrants.

My sources have been available through my college library site, two books on the website of
Pennsylvania State University and Notre Dame University, as well as many more credible
online websites containing statistics and articles showing people's views. In order to hear
their opinion about this ethical dilemma, I have also conducted few anonymous interviews to
illegal immigrants.

The fact that individuals concern themselves and that the employment of illegal immigrants is
obviously not lawful is understood as wrong, and fines are applied to both the employer and
the employee. But law penalises these people in many respects of their everyday life, if they
have the rights and membership of the same human family, like any other human being.
Unethical per definition is also criminal. In my opinion, nevertheless, the government should
find a solution to legalise foreign workers and provide them with the opportunity to sustain
themselves and their families without jeopardising their liberty each day.


With roughly 12 million illegal immigrants residing around, the United States has been a
nation of immigrants since the foundation of the United States. Its presence creates certain
questions among the population and social, political and economic problems in particular.
There is, nevertheless, a strong moral obligation towards illegal immigrants, which in the
discussion about this matter has been disregarded.

Everyone in our country has a right to work to provide for themselves and their family as in
any other country. This country is recognised for being the country of opportunity, and that is
why all these people from various countries come here in order to look forward to a better
future. As an immigrant, I know what it means and how hard it is to leave your own customs
and comforts behind. I realise also how fortunate I am to be a citizen of the United States and
benefit from all of my privileges. But what of all the others who came here because I'm the
same? They're not worth an opportunity too?

The Americans are concerned about illegal migrants, but accept low-skilled employment and
working conditions, which no other U.S. citizen seems ready to take on. The Bureau of
Labour Statistics reports that men and women simply do not wish to be the greatest part of
persons that are currently not in our workforce.

Views Differing

One of the major misconceptions in thinking of illegal aliens who come into a country
looking for a job is that they take jobs away from Americans who are legally living in their
own country. Many think they don't pay any taxes and don't want to merge into society. But
research conducted by the Pew Research Centre indicate that these beliefs have been
maintained and reproduced by the political climate as a result of an anti-immigration context.
The punishment of persons for deciding to move to another nation without valid documents is
immoral and socially unacceptable.

There are opposites to views that advocate or oppose the practise of recruiting illegal
immigrants. Currently 49 percent of immigrants think "today, the country is strengthened by
their hard work and capabilities." Earlier (41%) agree that "immigrants are a burden today for
our country because they take our employment, housing, and health care." Over the years,
however, sentiments on these issues have shifted, since politics have also a big impact on
public views.

The perceptions on the effects of arrivals from other nations on traditional values have barely
changed in recent years. Around half (52%) feel the increasing number of newcomers to the
USA benefit US society, while 43% feel they endanger traditional U.S. customs and values.

Impact Economic

Migration without documents has very serious economic and fiscal implications.

There is also a split perspective on the effects of illegal immigrants on our country's economy.
People feel that the reduction of salaries caused by undocumented migration while the hiring of
illegal immigrants is crucial to the functioning and health of the economy of the United States. Many
elements affect people's attitude about which side to go, for example, the numbers of people who
have undocumented access to the United States, how long they are to stay unlawfully in the country
before they are able to gain any documents, if they want to, and what kind of services they have.

Immigrants arrive in the US for two principal reasons: finding jobs and being with their families. Two
thirds of documented migrants are admitted not due to the skills they need, but due to family links.
Most illegal people are looking for job, instead, and they won't come if they can't find it. As they
enter the United States, they fulfil the requirement for poorly qualified labour, which has a reduced
labour supply. This benefits the economy, fills demand and provides a service to undocumented

Immigration also has a significant tax effect: The Administration of Social Security reported that
around 75% of undocumented workers pay wage taxes without any social security advantages. In
addition, businesses cannot deduct the payment of undocumented workers at the same time.

Why Hire Illegal Workers Manager

While managers and proprietors realise that it is an illegal practise, illegal foreigners are nonetheless
hired. There must be a reason if you believe it's worth taking the risk. Or they are harsh employees
because of their talent, or because they are cheaper than workers in the United States.
Unauthorized labourers were used by managers for cheap supplies of labour. Usually, for the same
position in the sector a non-prescribed worker receives a wage that is around 20% to 30% lower
than a regular wage, called the "tax free" wage, which enables businesses to generate an extra
profit. (The Holy Father, 2015)

Managers also use these people often, subjecting them to physical or verbal abuse and unsafe
working circumstances, with the most common abuse being wage theft when the employer refuses
compensation for labour done. Managers and employers' practises are extremely immoral. You
realise that you can benefit those illegal employees because there is not much they can do to fight
for their rights without any paperwork and being in an unlawful situation. (French only) (Turnover,

These are some of the reason’s managers consider while recruiting undocumented workers knowing
they are in danger of getting fined. The law specifies, however, that they need to know that they use
unauthorised workers to be held accountable. The Associated Press said to an official at the Institute
for Migration Policy, "I'm sorry, this 'wisely' term has been an enormous defence for employers.
They were unauthorised, I didn't know." During 2018, just 49 corporate managers were convicted of
breaching the law in hiring illegal immigrants during financial year 2018. (Smith & Andersen, 2019)

Industries affected

Unauthorized immigrants are more likely to be employed in industries with poor skills, due to their
low education level and their legal status. While many people associate unlawful farm labourers,
Pew Research Centre estimated that the US is focused on 7.5 million unlawful farmers, construction
workers and the hospitality industry. Approximately 1,1 million restaurant workers, or 10%, were
unauthorised in 2014. (Switzerland, 2015)

In a town somewhere in Missouri, Journalist John Burnett interviewed the owner of the Lynn eatery.
Lynn added, when he inquired how many eateries in her Midwest town hire undocumented people,
"100%. A 100%. You can't employ the Americans to work here. You're not going to engage in your
work. "Restaurant labour is not a serious occupation in America," she explains." I personally agree as
a restaurant manager with what Lynn has said and worked in my family business for 5 years. The
legal professionals willing to take a low level of skills become truly difficult to find.


The solution to the ethical dilemma is straightforward when it comes to recruiting undocumented
immigrants: breaking law is not right. However, the answer to this question no longer seems to be
cut-and-dry when dealing with the same illegal individuals I had the opportunity to interview for my
research. They are people with the same rights and obligations as all others. They had no chance of
being born in a country that offers chances.

I agree, it is not ethical to go outside the law, but then it is up to our Government to devise a plan to
legalise and offer these employees an opportunity to support their families since, if not, they would
automatically be a burden on society.

As the philosopher Michael Dimmitt stated, "no state could claim that its duties are limited to its
own citizens; any head of a family could claim that it has no duties other than that of its family
members: it has a particular duty to them, but it has duties to all those who can be affected by its
actions because it belongs to the worldwide human family. In the same way, the citizens of any
country share the civility of human beings' universal society with others, and the state that
represents them has thus moral duties towards other governments and their residents."

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