Assessment Class Free Talking (10 Minutes) : Questions/topics

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Assessment Class

Free Talking (10 minutes)

Hello, can you hear me? Can you see me clearly/ well?

Im teacher Bev and Im gonna be your teacher for this class. Alright?

Can you tell me your name- Oh you have a great name. Hi there ___! How are you? Can you tell
me your age?

Did you eat today? What did you eat? What is your favorite?

Are you happy today? What are the things that make you smile/laugh/happy?

Do you like to make others happy? What do you do to make them happy?

What bout food? Does food make you happy? Tell me your favorite food. When did you eat it?

Do you know how to make it? How? Why is __ your favorite food? What’s not your

What about phones, do you have one? Does it make you happy? Well phones make me happy
too. And do you use it a lot? But sometimes we get addicted right? What can you say about
smartphone addiction? Why do you think so? Do you consider yourself a smartphone addict?

Did you have fun today? What did you do? Who did you? That's great

Ask more open ended questions

Do you have a role model? Why?

Can you tell me what you like doing in your free time? Or what did you do earlier?

Okay, for our first day, let’s introduce each other okay?

Just tell me your name, age, what you like, what you don’t like, what are you feeling right now,
and why?

Should I start first? Or you?

My name is Beverly, I am 20 years old, and I like dogs, pizza, and the color yellow. I don’t like bad
(mean/rude) people, and I am feeling excited and happy because I am teaching a cute kid named
___ // you are the first student Im teaching

. and Im excited for him/her to learn English

**And then listen to what she likes,, and search google esl free talking (topic)**

I see that you’ve mentioned you like, _____.


Pronunciation & Accent 3
Vocabulary 2
Grammar 2
Fluency 2
Content 2
Volume/Tone/Expression 4
Rate from 1-5 (5 highest)

Inform the student will be doing… (Passage- view in Excel then find it in Raz Plus)

Okay… So today, I will show you a story, and you will read it for me, alright? After, Im going to
ask some questions. Are you ready?

Give teacher a minute to show screen. *SHARE SCREEN THE PDF*. Can you see my screen? Read
the title and then continue reading the rest.

reading (5minutes)- do not interrupt, give corrections after

Thank you for reading you did a great job. But I want you to say these things again correctly,
okay. Just follow teacher.

Retelling (5minutes) - give them 2 minutes to rethink

Great job!! Remember the words, okay? **enumerate the words and let the student repeat**
Now, let’s talk about the story.

okay since we are done reading part, ill give u 2 minutes, to think about the story again and try
to understand it more, and i will be using my phone for the timer. and then you will tell me the
story using your own words. (0 – not included, 1 – fragmented, 2 – partial, 3 - complete)

Sequence 0
Setting 0
Characters 0
Problem 0
Resolution 0
Level of 1

Okay well done. Did you understand the story? Yes You did Understand Teacher knows that. And
because of that I will give you a short quiz.. Just simple questions. Are you ready?

For now, teacher is going to give you a quiz to see how well you remember.

quiz (3 minutes)– Show pdf

Well ____ You did a good job today! Teacher is very proud! Let’s clap for a job well done! Thank you for
being so participative!

tomorrow we will be reading another story again. So, for now remember the word:
I really enjoyed our class.

That’s all for today. See you tomorrow! Bye.

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