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M.Engg. (Civil) by Course Work Evening Programme (Schedule of Classes f or Spring Semester 2021)
Ef f ective f rom 12 June - 2021 ( Class Timing 6 p.m to 9 p.m) (10-06-2021)-Revision-2
Code # Course Title Course Instructor Monday Tue sday We dne sday Thursday Friday
Structural Engineering
CE-503 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Prof. Dr. S. F. A. Rafeeqi 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
CE-504 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Prof. Dr. Mirza Mahmood Baig 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
CE-511 Structural Dy namics Prof. S. H. Lodi 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
CE-510 Structual Stability Mr. Aftab Ahmad Farooqi 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
CE-514 Design of Tall Structures Dr. Aslam Faqeer Mohammad 7:30-9:00 6:00-7:30
CE-515 Design of Steel Structures Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Sangi 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
Transportation Engineering
CE-563 Advance Trafic Engineering Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
CE-566 Highway Materials & Construction Prof. Dr. Adnan Qadir 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
Geo-Technical Engineering
CE-540 Earth Retaining Structures Dr. Sadaf Qasim 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
CE-537 Rock Mechanics Prof. Dr. Amanullah Marri 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
Coastal and Water Resources Engineering
CE-578 Groundwater Resource Management Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shafqat Ejaz 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
CE-579 Water Quality Management Prof. Dr. Sy ed Imran Ahmed 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
Construction Engineering Law
CE-5012 Intellectual Property (IP) Protection and Professional Ethics Ms. Soray a Rahim 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
CE-5018 Construction Law Case Studies Dr. Farrukh Arif 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
Construction Management
EM-501 Organizational Sy stems Dr. Muhammad Aslam Bhutto 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
EM-502 Accounting and Financial Management Prof. Dr. Raza Ali Khan 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
EM-503 Strategic Planning and Decision Making Sy ed Iqbal Hashmi 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
Prof. Rizwan Ul Haque Farooqui / Mr.
EM-504 Project Management Framework and Tools
Muhammad Saqib 6:00-9:00
EM-511 Total Quality Management Dr. Muhammad Asim 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30
CE-588 Leadership in Construction Management Sy ed Iqbal Hashmi 7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
CE-5023 Boilding Information Modelling (BIM) for Construction Industry Mr. Muhammad Umer 6:00-7:30 6:00-7:30

Reviewed B y: Prof . Dr. Abdul Jabbar Sangi Approved B y: Prof . Rizwan Ul Haque Farooqui
Co-Chairman Chairman
Date: Date:

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