Assignment 1: June 2020

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Assignment 1

June 2020

1. In the 2-D incompressible flow field the velocity components are expressed
3 3
as: u = 2x − x2 y + y3 and v = xy 2 − 2y − x3
(i) Determine the velocity and acceleration at point L(x = 1m, y = 3m).
(ii) Is the flow possible? If so obtain an expression for the stream func-
(iii) What is the discharge between streamlines passing through (1,3) and
(iv) Is the flow irrotational? If so determine the corresponding velocity
(v) Show that each of the stream and potential functions satisfy Laplace
2. In a two-dimensional flow, the stream function is given by Ψ = 2xy.
Show that the flow is irrotational and it also determines the corresponding
velocity potential.
3. A cylindrical steel vessel closed at both ends is 0.6 m in radius and 2.4 m
deep is completely filled with water. The vessel consists of 0.5 cm thick
steel plates which can withstand an allowable stress of 3.25 × 105 kPa.
Determine the speed of rotation of the vessel at which the water pressure
bursts its sides under hoop tension.
4. In the ideal flow around a half-body, the free stream velocity is 0.5 m/s
and the stregnth of the source is 2.0 m/s. Determine the fluid velocity
and its direction at a point, r = 1.0m and θ = 1200
5. A 40 mm diameter cylinder is immersed in a stream having a velocity
of 1.0 m/s, determine the radial and normal components of velocity at a
point on a streamline where r = 50mm and θ = 1350 , measured from the
positive x axis. Assume flow to be ideal.
6. Consider the lifting flow over a circular cylinder with a diameter of 0.5
m. The free stream velocity is 25 m/s, and the maximum velocity on the
surface of the cylinder is 75 m/s. The free stream conditions are those at
standard sea level conditions (ρ∞ = 1.22kg/m3 ). Calculate lift per unit
span on the cylinder.

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