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An Analysis Multilingualism In

Bumi Manusia Film
Universitas Islam Lamongan
Universitas Islam Lamongan


Language has an important role in human life. Through language, humans can interact,
communicate, and develop themselves. Through language a person is able to express ideas,
thoughts, ideas, and experiences to others. Therefore, the position of language is very important
in human life, there is no human activity that is not accompanied by language. With the existence
of community relations, it will lead to language contact. Actions that refer to using two or more
languages by individuals or communities are called multilingualism (Carson 2016). The meaning
of multilingualism a person or group uses more that three language.

Film is a sophisticated medium of mass communication, not only for entertainment, but
also for information and education (Effendy in Octavian, 2015: 3). The use of languages in the
film Bumi manusia by Hanung Bramantyo and Salman Aristo can be classified in various ways.
various forms of language, the film has the integrity of the meaning of the language in every
dialogue spoken by each player so that the language that used can be analyzed linguistically. One
of the things that can analyzed from the content of speech by the actors of the film Bumi
manusia, namely language sentences that refer to multilingualism.

Multilingualism refers more to the description of a speaker who speaks more than two
languages, can be three languages, or four, even five languages at once. Its use is almost the same
as bilingualism, which means knowing when and where a language will be used. For example,
Javanese people, besides being able to speak Javanese (as their mother tongue), are also able to
speak Indonesian and English, some even speak Dutch, and so on. In this case, the author
analyzes multilingualism in the film Bumi Manusia.

BUMI MANUSIA film is one of the films in which there are three languages to
communicate. The language used by the characters is Malay, Javanese, and Dutch. The author
focuses his study on multilingualism. Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing
multilingualism in the film Bumi Manusia.


This study uses qualitative research methods. Qualitative research is a type of research
whose findings are not obtained through statistical procedures or other forms of calculation
according to Strauss and Corbin (2007:1). The difference between qualitative research and
quantitative research is in the data and using explanatory material theory and ends with the form
of theory. Qualitative methods pay attention to data in the aspect of in-depth understanding of a
problem (Husaini and Purnomo, 2004: 4). Qualitative research is a form of research that has the
aim of understanding a phenomenon about what is experienced by research subjects such as
behavior, perception, motivation, action, etc.

This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. This study aims to describe
multilingualism in the film BUMI MANUSIA by Hanung Bramantyo and Salman Aristo.
According to Sugiono, qualitative research is research where researchers are placed as key
instruments, data collection techniques are carried out in combination and data analysis is
inductive (Sugiono. 2010: 9)


ManusiaThis research was conducted to obtain data in the form ofin the film Bumi
Manusia by Hanung Bramantyo and Salman Haris, in which this research can explain the
research data. Film is an electronic media that presents in the form of audio-visual, images, and
words. Bumi Manusia is a 2019 Indonesian historical biographical drama film directed by
Hanung Bramantyo and written by Salman Aristo. This film is adapted from the novel of the
same name by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This film stars Iqbaal Ramadhan, Mawar Eva de Jongh,
and Sha Ine Febriyanti. This film tells of Minke's indecision between the progress of Europe and
the struggle to defend his homeland and his relationship with Annelies.

The production process for Bumi Manusia began when Falcon Pictures obtained the
rights to the novel Bumi Manusia dan Perburuan in 2014. The work began when Anggy
Umbara was appointed as director in 2015, but it never materialized. The cast of the film began
to be revealed when Sha was chosen to play Ontosoroh in May 2018, which he called his first
involvement in the commercial industry. Iqbaal, Mawar, Ayu Laksmi, and Donny Damara were
chosen to play Minke, Annelies, Minke's mother, and Minke's father.

Bumi Manusia premiered on August 15, 2019 at the same time as The Hunt, following
its premiere on August 9, 2019 in Surabaya, East Java. This film had mastered the acquisition of
the highest number of viewers for two consecutive weeks. The film garnered 1,316,583 viewers
with an estimated gross income of around IDR 52.7 billion. The results of this study obtained
data showing multilingualism in the film BUMI MANUSIA. Multilingualism in the film BUMI
MANUSIA is obtained from the dialogues of Minke, Nyai Ontosoroh, Robert and Annelies.

1 Minke Minke lived in the 20th century on colonial lands, with Dutch
and Indo environment, the natives were considered inferior.
Minke is an indigenous son of the regent of Surabaya, his
mother tongue is Javanese. Minke studies at
Hogereburgerschool (HBS), a special school for Indonesian
and Dutch descent, where the language used is Dutch. Then
he met Nyai Ontosoroh and her son Annelies. In the dialogue,
Nyai and Annelies often use Javanese, Indonesian and Dutch
2 Sanikem Sanikem is a native and a Dutch concubine who has no legal
(Nyai marriage. When he lived with Mr. Mellema he was called Nyai
Ontosoroh) Ontosoroh. At that time Nyai Ontosoroh could not speak
Dutch yet, Mr. Mallema taught sanikem (Nyai Ontosoroh)
Dutch and taught how to manage field produce. After that, the
Indo offspring Robert and Annelise were born.

3 Robert Robert is the first child of Nyai Ontosoroh and Tuan Mallema.
He often boasts of Europe and forgets that in his blood there
are indigenous descendants, with an old-fashioned character
he hates natives. Her daily language is Dutch but she often
hears her mother talking to the maids and her people using
Javanese. Robert can use Dutch, Indonesian and Javanese.

4 Annalize Annelies is of indigenous and Dutch descent, people call her

with Indo descent. His mother is a native, and his father is
Dutch. From a young age, Annalise was taught Dutch and
Indonesian, but the language she used every day was Dutch,
because she wanted to be a native like her mother, when she
spoke with her mother, the languages she used were
Indonesian, Javanese Dutch languages.

The objects in this study are 4 characters who often use multilingualism, a factor of the 3
characters being able to use various languages because the language used at school, in the
environment and at home according to caste is different. The results of the analysis above, the
language used by the 4 figures include:

a. Dutch
b. Javanese (Kromo)
c. Javanese (ngoko)
d. Indonesia
Of the four languages they use, there is a slight problem found in their use. The Javanese
language consists of three, namely smooth Javanese (kromo), Madya language and Javanese
(ngoko). Researchers took data on the dialogue of the film Earth of Mankind. The object of
research is Multilingualism contained in the dialogue, Minke, Annelies, Robert and Sanikem
(Nyai Ontosoroh). “This data is in the form of dialogues in Indonesian, Dutch and Javanese”.
Minke walked into the room, and Robert sat in Minke's room kissing Minke's bag. Robert :
Kamar ini sudah bau binatang, demen kowe karo adek ku? Dasar mental pribumi. Inlandres
koyo kowe selalu mendekati gadis-gadis Eropa biar derajatmu naik kelas. Monyet !

Annelies : Robert! Wat doe je hier?

Robert : Cuma mau istirahat. Mau leyeh-leyeh.

Annelies : Uitgang! Of ik bel Darsam. Darsam….

Robert : Wacht, wacht…. Baik saya akan pergi. Tapi kowe inget, aku seng palinng tua di
rumah ini (sambil nunjuk minke).

In the data above, it is found that the use of multilingualism is found in Dutch, Indonesian
and rough Javanese.

Nyai Ontosoroh ran to call Robert in a hurry.

Nyai Ontosoroh : Robert..Robert! pergi ke Surabaya sekarang cari tahu tentang mike.

Robert : Neits. . .

Nyai Ontosoroh : Ga nu naar Suroboyo!

Robert : Neits. . .

Nyai Ontosoroh : kamu yang kemarin mengadukan minke ke kantor polosi?

Robert : Ik heb niets met inladres.

Nyai Ontosoroh : kowe ki yo, kowe ki separuh e darahe pribumi. Kamu tidak pantas
menghina pribumi.

In the dialogue above, it can be seen that Nyai Ontosoroh and Robert Mallema are fighting
using Indonesian, Dutch and Javanese. 3 languages can be called multilingualism. Those are
some dialogues which contain three languages, in some dialogues in the film they use Dutch
and Indonesian. Therefore, the researcher can only find some dialogues.


The results of this study are very interesting for researchers because the discussion is quite
challenging, namely about the use of multilingualism in the film BUMI MANUSIA. Thus, the
results of this study can be concluded as follows:

1. The languages mastered by the research object are various, namely Dutch, Indonesian, and

2. The Javanese language in question turns out to be divided into three namely smooth language
(kromo), rough Javanese language (ngoko) and Middle Javanese.

3. The film mostly uses Dutch and Indonesian dialogues.

4. In the film, the use of Javanese language mostly uses javanese (ngoko) and intermediate


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Universitas Carnegie Mellon.

The importance of multilingualism". Diakses 16 September 2010.

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